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  1. Life

    Country Mafia Sign-ups

    :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: No. Where did you even come UP with that idea? Rage Mafia was going to need everyone insulting everyone in every post. If I didn't see an insult, godkill. The idea was to have fun by just saying random shit and insulting people while they did it back. But then I realized that it wouldn't work.
  2. I wasn't. I was referring to JB since she is, you know, a girl. You know that mythical being that doesn't usually frequent the internet?
  3. Arid Scorch means that you should tailor the party to help out Tyrell on the PP side of things. I don't usually like doing that but Arid Scorch will do DOUBLE anything you have right now (I believe that it has a Dam of 150) so I believe that it is worth it. That means that Tyrell gets first pick of Jupiter Djinni. Mars and Earth will go to Crown and Harmony while Matthew and Karis have Mercury. Mind you, neither of them actually mind Mercury, what with Karis getting Wish as a Savant and Matthew having Cutting Edge at this point. EDIT: If Matthew is level 14 at this point, he wants Mercury. Look at my above point about Briar vs. Mother Gaia for proof.
  4. Life

    Country Mafia Sign-ups

    If you're Mafia, you might want to get everyone killed. 5 more spots remain. Which means I have to finish role PMs tomorrow if I want to get this game going ASAP. Only just saw this now. And if you think that the UNSC is a good name, wait till you see everything else.
  5. Yes, we know. Lightning has a crush on Bizz. Forgot about Bizz, to be honest but my vote still stays on JB. She's run Mafia games in the past, has a good head on her shoulders and managed to convince me to keep a spreadsheet in PTG going.
  6. Life

    The Assassins Guild

    Maybe that answers your question.
  7. I think the real question here is: Why wouldn't you sell RD?
  8. From GS2: Thorn: 6 PP, 35 Dam, learned at level 4 for Defender (I think that's the new name for 1 Mercury on Earth) Gaia: 7 PP, 40 Dam, learned at level 6/7 for Apprentice Briar: 11 PP, 70 Dam, learned at level 14 for Defender Mother Gaia: 17 PP, 100 Dam, learned at level 24 for Apprentice So yeah. Losing Thorn right now isn't a loss but remember not to hold onto Gaia longer than you need to.
  9. It doesn't mean anything if you live to the end of the game and don't do any good for your team. Case in point: PTG.
  10. Three people have already nominated me so... Sure, I'll take it if everyone wants me to. EDIT: Even though some people have already nominated me, I'm going to toss in my own nomination... JB25. I want to comment on this. Tables, most (if not all minus myself) people here are actually younger than you and have a lot of respect for you. As for me, even though I am your elder, I also have quite a lot of respect for you. Even after we (community) decided to get to get this place organized, nobody has complained about it being an oligarchy. Because it's not. You've just been keeping the place running smoothly without attempting to exert power over anyone. Which is what is supposed to happen. Here's to hoping that the next person (possibly me) doesn't fuck up the good job you've been doing so far.
  11. Carver's Corner. Again, I missed this exact guy too. As long as you end the game with at least 7 for every person, you're fine.
  12. Diadora says hi. Best: Tiamat. But I'm a Golden Sun junkie so eh... Worst: Tomth I nominate Best/Worst Reference To Plant-Life (whatever that is).
  13. I've argued insta-promoted Rath before. And I call bullshit on account that he still needs, you know, 3 levels to promotion. And I'm not fielding him in 23. Not when you have 6 deployment spots before Hector and Hawkeye. Bullshit. Ninian. It's like you said with Tethys. Even if she's not around for half of the game, there's no reason to not field her when she is. She's just that good.
  14. Who's using it? If we went to Lyn Mode, Rath starts with C Bows, not B. Rebecca and Wil both start at D and require 90 WEx (Rath's Short Bow is the first one that appears).
  15. I love your avatar. That line always has me saying it out loud in a coarse whisper. Anyway, I think we might have to only way a year or two for a sequel. You have to remember that this game basically started from the beginning (30 years pass, world's a lot different). GS2 did hint at this game having Eoleo by making him an adept but at the same time, the only thing that developers were starting with were the older character. They had to create an entirely new political scene and entire new world too. GS1 had most of Angara in the boondocks. Kolima and Bilibin talked to each other but not really. Xian traded with Kalay and Tolbi. Lalivero hated Tolbi but was too pussy to do anything about it... You see what I'm getting at? Now you have Morgal and Sana at each other's throats, Volechek is going to boil the prince of Champa alive, Kaocho is in a full out war with Ayuthay... There's now proper grounds for a sequel. I just hope Camelot is smart enough to realize their mistakes. There's other things they can do too. 1) Create new hybrid classes for Eoleo and Harmony, similar to Stella and Himi. 2) Make Haunt and Curse actually useful FOR you (don't hold your breath on this one). If Curse worked like Edgar's Air Anchor with 100% accuracy on anything that isn't immune to it, I'd use it (situationally). 3) Have the story take its time and let the player dick around as much as GS2 let us (once you get the ship, you are given the goal of getting to Lemuria with no nudging anywhere, allows for a lot of dicking around in the Eastern Sea). 4) Stop the backtracking. I actually have serious issues with this one since this is Golden Sun, not a Tales game. Flying doesn't exist. GS1 managed to require almost no backtracking (Lunpa aside but come on, you know you wanted to bash Dodonpa's head in). Camelot is smart, though. I wouldn't be surprised if #3 happens since it really should. Same thing with #4 but it's another one that I wouldn't hold my breath for. Once again, I'll say this. Thank you for not messing with the battle mechanics. Golden Sun has almost no luck involved since if you give me certain stats, I can actually figure out around how much damage attack X will do. Which is nice because if you can't beat someone, it's not luck that killed you. It's smarts.
  16. You're going to love this. All weapons (even normal ones) have unleashes. But the rarer the weapon, the more unleashes it has and the better they are. Take the Masamune (lategame weapon but it's a staple in every RPG so I'm not giving anything away). The Masamune has the Double Attack unleash, Rising Dragon unleash and Combat Dance unleash. Any one of these three can be unleashed when you hit Attack. Basically, Camelot boosted the Attack button. Thank god for that. Sorry to say but you missed the first Mercury Djinni and it's permanently miss-able. I did the same thing too so don't feel bad. Also, Apprentice/Page actually got a downgrade in this game. Big time. Page is workable but Matthew's Gaia no longer destroys face like how his father did (Goma Cave up to the end of Tret Tree simply bowed down to Gaia).
  17. Thanks. Also, I think I figured out why this game seemed a bit... lacking compared to its predecessors. I think we can all agree that both of the GS were incredibly epic without trying to be. You sail both seas and scour all the lands, looking for clues and answers to the numerous riddles and puzzles that block your path. And yet, you start with half the saga already done (Isaac's story). That's the problem. The developers tried to create an epic saga to pan to the fans (I'm not really complaining, mind you). The problem was that they tried to go from nothing to all 72 Djinn in a single game, along with picking up 8 Adepts. It's just too crowded. In my opinion, they should have taken the Final Fantasy route of releasing it on 2 disks/cartridges. Even if they had to sell them differently, that would have been a better idea even though people would have been pissed off. Don't get me wrong. From a technical mechanical standpoint, this is probably the best game Camelot's come out with. Real balance between Adepts and classes actually exist (for one, your Earth Adept is the worst in the party for some time while the Water are the best) and Stella's Beastform was a brilliant idea (especially how it works with regards to the number of Djinn on her). But Golden Sun was also known for its story and here, it's kinda lacking. Eoleo really lets me down as a character after considering that I scoured Northern Angara for ways to save the bastard. Himi fades into non-existance after Izumo (can't remember the name of the city so I'm calling it by its old name). There's too many unanswered questions with regards to who Harmony's dad is (until Camelot says otherwise, I will argue for Piers over Alex) and why Jenna was never living with Isaac. How is Obaba still alive? Why hype up Bilibin only to say that we can't get there? These kind of things bother me for the most part. GS1 at least tied stuff up with a nice bow and anything it didn't, it specifically left for the sequel.
  18. Found out some interesting stuff. Like about the summons. Take a gander at the last 2. 1) Zagan (1 Venus + 1 Mars) [PM] (ML-emokhGuk) Located in the logging area west of Konpa Ruins. You need to "Whirlwind" flowers, climb some trees and move one log to access this summon tablet. 2) Megaera (1 Mars + 1 Jupiter) (I4rXsoVqzxw) Located in a cavern south of Konpa Ruins, almost immediately after Reif joins your team. You need to use Reif's "Douse" to douse out the flames then "Grip" across the ledge to access this summon tablet. 3) Flora (1 Venus + 2 Jupiter) (Ym7jr_QNJuc) Located near the end of the Passaj Mountain Climb. Accessible after getting the Frost/Cold Snap Jewel. 4) Moloch (2 Mercury + 1 Jupiter) [PM] (IOHXxekqYMQ) Located in a cave northwest of Craggy Peak (the area with the 12 Zodiac rooms). Cast "Fireball", "Grip" and "Cold Snap" to access this summon tablet. 5) Ulysses (2 Mars + 2 Mercury) [PM] (6QEO7n2PGCM) Located inside an abandoned mine northwest of Border Town. Manipulate the tracks for the mine wagon. Light the bomb using Tyrell's "Fireball". 6) Haures (3 Venus + 2 Mars) [PM] (cK-7OV8PLvI) Buy some "Dream Leaf" at Kolima then return to Border Town. Sleep in the inn at Border Town and you should wake up to find the other half of the town open. Walk clockwise around the town until you reach a vine. Cast "Growth" on the vine then head inside to find the summon tablet. 7) Eclipse (2 Mercury + 3 Jupiter) [PM] (IZDrx2haPhk) Found in the second floor of the Tower at Belinsk after you defeat Chalis and Blados. 8) Crystal Dragon (3 Venus + 2 Mercury) [PM] (FUIZLpPUcA0) Found in the opera house of Belinsk after defeating the monsters. 9) Coatlicue (3 Mercury + 3 Jupiter) (SBGx16_ZIv0) Found in a room in the Harun underground passage (the cave east of Harun) accessible after clearing Warrior's Hill (the towers north of Harun). 10) Daedalus (3 Venus + 4 Mars) Use the Sol Blade to unlock the room in Volcano/Burning Island Cave. Defeat the team of five Ogre Titans to get this summon tablet. 11) Azul (3 Venus + 4 Mercury) Defeat the Star Magician on board the Ghost Ship. The Ghost Ship is located in a purple fog-covered area on the north end of the world map. 12) Catastrophe (3 Mars + 5 Jupiter) Defeat the Ancient Devil at the cave of the Otka Sea Island. This island is reachable by riding a tornado on the sea. The navagation for the maze to reach the summon tablet is the following: up, left, up, up, up, up, left, up, up, left, up, left, up, right, up, up, right, up, right, right, right, right, right, up, right, right, down, right, up, right, down, down, right, down, right, down down, down, down, left, up, left, left, left, up, up. 13) Charon (8 Venus + 2 Jupiter) Located on the last floor of Crossbone Isle on the left side of the room. 14) Iris (9 Mars + 4 Mercury) Located on the last floor of Crossbone Isle on the right side of the room. It is the same room as where you find the Charon summon tablet. However, Dullahan guards the Iris summon tablet (just like in GS:TLA) and you must defeat him to get it. Good luck. Where the fuck is Crossbone Isle?!
  19. I have to pipe in here. I do not find video game characters sexy for the most part with one exception. And she's bait. OH PRINCESS GARNETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!
  20. Cthulhu is DONE his. Anyway, if you're switching Djinni and people around, use some judgment about it. If you have 2x of the same Adept and 1 of the others, it's OK to have those 2 of the same element in your party if they're in good classes. GS2 and GS3 don't penalize you for using 2 Earth Adepts and 0 Jupiter, for example. The name always existed. Angara is the northern country, Gondowan is south of it, Indra and Osenia are in the south-eastern part of the world while Hesperia and Atteka are to the west. If Angara isn't mentioned in GS1 (it probably is because Gondowan is), it is in GS2 (when Kraden explains where Champa is).
  21. I finished the game in my early 40's. Like 38-42. No Pure Wish for anyone, Samurai!Tyrell wouldn't have had Quick Strike, Chaos Upheaval was doing 400+ to everyone... You see a trend here? I was getting 580 from Impacted Samurai!Matthew's Quick Strike, though. And Wild Beast!Stella was doing just under 500 without Impacts. So I got by. It just took a lot of smart decisions (Himi, Karis, Harmony and Crown were healers while Tyrell chipped in a couple times with Revive) for the most part. Honestly, Doom Dragon (I think that's what you're referring to) and Deadbeard are jokes compared to this guy. Fusion Dragon is even funnier since while he's got Outer Space, he ain't gonna use it twice in a turn. I have seen Chaos Chimera use Vicious Embrace, Darksol Gasp and Chaos Upheaval in a single turn. That ain't fun to fight against.
  22. Really? That ugly motherfucker? Boy, you must be smoking something nice and good right now. And I want some.
  23. YAY! Join my game too! I'll explain how it works to you sometime. Like in a couple of days or something.
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