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Everything posted by Life

  1. I think it pretty much shows where I stand in a political debate.

  2. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Guys, deal with me here. I'm in GMT +2. This means that when you guys start bitching at around 9 PM that I'm not update, it's around 3 in the morning here in Tel Aviv. At this time, I'm either asleep, drunk (unlikely) or passed out (most likely). So please give me a small break. Also, you could send in your orders more quickly. It is now Spring 1903. Deadline is basically 48 hours from now. Which is 2 in the morning, but that gives you all night to do your shit.
  3. One of my favourites by a mile. Shamelessly taken from 4chan along with every other one.
  4. Life

    As soon as you're on, post in the Diplomacy thread the unit that you want to disband. You have units in Swe, SKA, ENG and Edi.

  5. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    So we're just waiting on England, in that case.
  6. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Yes but I'm missing the disband orders. England and Austria, choose a unit to disband.
  7. Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game). Glass (7), Selena (8), Gel (6), Harold (4) and Schaeffer (9). Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran. Sain & Kent. Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head. Canas, Hector, Cuan & Ethlin, Sigurd, Greil. Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable? Wire (7). Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative. To FE heaven where all the souls of dead warriors roam. Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name. Amelia.
  8. Life

    The Assassins Guild

    1. 72 hours instead of 48. And that's because he has a life outside of Mafia. 2. Day 0 in a No Outside Contact game is useless. There is nothing you can gain from anyone that is even REMOTELY tangible. Psych said it best earlier. Now Night 0 (a night without kills) in a game with IRC is VERY important. You're looking for shit that doesn't exist, Raymond. Oh and 2 hours left. Tables will do the update.
  9. So many to pick from... Best: Probably... Miurgre. FE6 had great legendary weapon names but Miurgre makes me want to do Sacae instead of Ilia just because of the name. Honourable mention to Apocalypse and Holsety. Worst: Bronze Sword/Axe/Lance/Bow. It's always been Iron/Steel/Silver. I see no reason to add a weaker weapon than Iron. And I'd like to back "Best/Worst Crack Pairing".
  10. Anything with high caps. General is the first that comes to mind but both Great Lords would work. I'd also go with Hero too.
  11. Hmm... Squall - Mercenary Selphie - Mage (don't really use her for anything else, to be honest) Quistis - She's got a whip but I'd actually classify her as a Myrmidon Zell - Fighter Rinoa - Cleric maybe? Irvine - A FUCKING SNIPER, GOD DAMN IT Zidane - Thief Vivi - Mage Dagger - Cleric Steiner - Armour Knight Freya - Soldier Amarant - Fighter or Pirate Eiko - Cleric also? Quina - Mascot
  12. Life

    The Assassins Guild

    I'll field this one. Once the deadline has passed, the person that has accumulated the most amount of votes will then be lynched. If roles such as Mayor or Secret Voter exist (not saying that they do or don't), then those will be taken into consideration when we tabulate the vote totals. However, we may cut a day short if there are a majority of votes on a single person. For example, if Psych (just a random name, mate) has 15/23 votes on him, we will give a 4 or so hour grace period where he may defend himself and attempt to persuade people that he is innocent or beneficial for the town (the two are not necessarily the same thing). If votes change during the grace period, we will revert back to the original deadline for the day.
  13. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Before I go to bed (it's 1 in the morning right now, you fuckers), update time! Austria: Removes 1 unit England: Removes 1 unit France: Builds 2 units Germany: Builds 1 unit Italy: Builds 1 unit Russia: Builds 2 units So yeah. Orders due to Psych ASAP.
  14. Suddenly, I wish I was playing in AG just because the shit that is going on there is epic.

  15. Life

    Mafia HQ

    There's nothing really to spoil aside from a pretty epic MA that the 22nd boss has (WELCOME TO THE HORNET'S NESTTTTTTTTTTTTT!). Also, Flynn v. Yuri is really simple. If you're worried about Flynn getting off his Mystic Arte (which is weak anyways), just use Burst Artes as Divine Wolf is possibly the best BA in the game.
  16. You should hang out on MSN more.

  17. Lemme think... 3 units to the Middle East. Attack Southern Europe from Middle East. Attack Scandinavia from Iceland. Attack China from Mongolia. Reinforce Iceland from Greenland.
  18. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Let me put this here rather in PM since it's better if everyone sees the logic. I can't believe that I actually have to explain tactics to people when I have a fucking link on the first page about it. Lightning. There is NOTHING you can gain from an alliance with Russia. If you count up all of the SC that Russia needs to win (18 for anyone), you'll quickly realize that he needs some of your territory. Namely stuff like Munich and Berlin. Here, let's count them up together. StP Mos War Sev (4 Russian) Swe Nor (2 Scandinavian) Smy Ank Con (3 Turkish) Bul Gre Rum Ser (4 Balkans) Tri Vie Bud (3 Austrian) That's 16. He needs two more. Italy is impossible to crack in way of defense (as long as I have the ION, EAS, ADR and AEG, Russia has no chance of doing it) so he will go for Munich and Berlin as his final 2. So don't you dare start an alliance with Russia since he'll just end up stealing any possible win from under your nose. Now I've heard through the grapevine in Western Europe that you're going to attack me. I hope you realize that a land war in SOUTHERN Europe will be akin to committing suicide since Russia is literally at your doorstep while England and France are starting to close in on you. Why would you ever even THINK of attacking me? And I'm just going to leave this here for you. It's proof of how I'm pretty sure that you've fucked up Austria. Read it. Also, Russia needs to do the retreat. Post it here. The options are under the update.
  19. Life

    Mafia HQ

    Oooh, big spoiler, considering that we learn in fucking Caer Bocram, still in the first third of the game. There better be a mention of the Traitor to Heaven or I will be very upset.
  20. Life

    The Assassins Guild

    Best post ever by Psych. Right now, he's smarter than all of you.
  21. Life

    Mafia HQ

    You should play it since only one person should check and I will not be playing for a fact. And my fanboyism for Vesperia transcends yours so don't even try.
  22. Life

    The Assassins Guild

    You won't be called an idiot. I promise. Slayer's just infuriating me with the fact that he thinks that he's being smart when he completely misreads the obvious clue in red and then tries to pass it off as fact. I can't say anymore since I'll end up giving away shit. But after the game, I'll explain fully why I think he's an idiot since he still hasn't corrected the point that I went after (which was me being ambiguous, sorry). Day has 27 hours left and we have 6 votes for No Lynch and 1 for MLS (from WoMC). 12 votes is a majority.
  23. Life

    The Assassins Guild

    This is my last post but... no. This comment is wrong. It's not that you're not expressing your point of view clearly. It's that you have no fucking grasp of the meaning of reading comprehension.
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