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  1. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Yeah. Sorry about that. If you can get a bunch more people, I can create a second game for you, though.
  2. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Why would you need to invite Psych? This isn't Mafia where most of your moves remain secret. If you get attacked by someone, you will KNOW that you got attacked since you'll see it. And you'll see who you should ally with. Also, I'm just going to list the free centers. These should probably be targeted first. Scandinavia: Denmark Norway Sweden Northwestern Europe: Belgium Holland Western Europe: Spain Portugal Africa: Tunis (guaranteed mine from the start) Balkans: Bulgaria Serbia Rumania Greece Get cracking. This man speaks the truth. This isn't mafia and not using PMs will only hurt you when others can.
  3. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Good luck guys and Austria, attack me and die.
  4. Current status: This is the map that we are using. The 7 players are: 1. I Eat Tables - Russia 2. Iced - England 3. WoMC - Turkey 4. Life Admiral - Italy 5. Anouleth - France 6. Lightning - Germany 7. Ninji - Austria I suggest you go here for strategies on how to play properly. Also, if you look closely at the map, an "army" will have a person on the side of the block while a "fleet" will have a ship at the bottom. It is now Spring 1901. All orders must be into Psych by 7:00 EST on Saturday.
  5. Aren't you playing? I'm just trying to eliminate the chance for me to cheat since I'd really like to play.
  6. Psych, you wanna be judge?
  7. Since we have 6 people, nobody else is posting and I want to play, I propose this. We find a person who is willing to be a "judge". Everyone will send their orders to him including me. Once he has everyone's orders, he will send them to me and I will input them into DipTool. If the orders that I've sent to the judge differ from what I put in on the map, I will allow myself to be ejected for the first offense. Is everyone OK with that?
  8. Ok, let's get serious. Shinon is probably the better one. He's got fantastic use in the first couple of chapters, killing almost anything he attacks and tanking some shit too since the only other real tanks you have are Titania and Gatrie. I've never fielded him after rerecruiting him in Chapter 18 but I can't help but think that dumping 3 or so levels worth of BExp might begin to dig him out of a hole (he should be ??/2 when he leaves if you've been using him). Rolf... is a pain. If he came a chapter early, I would have been able to give him some nice Exp by sniping Myrmidons on the left side but he arrives in Chapter 9 with 2 other units who are much better than him and use BExp better (Marcia and Mist). And that gives me a headache, to be honest. If you can get him to level 10 by Chapter 12, he might start getting some real use (field against Ravens in 12 and 13, snipe birds in 15) but most of that is coming out of BExp and there's a myriad of units who want a share of that Exp (Marcia, Mist, Soren, Zihark for a bit, Mia, Ilyana... list just goes on and on).
  9. Well, I've started incorporating summons into my strategies but they're calculated summons. Toadonpa, for example, requires me to use Kite, Granite, Smog, Sleet and Hail before summoning on Turn 4. When going as fast as possible with bosses, a mix of Djinn, Psynergy and Summons is probably your best bet for how painless it can be (I don't like having Wind Seer!Ivan with no Jupiter open for an attack). Calculations will come in a bit, just gotta do some other stuff and think up a strategy. Here's a bit of the summons. No math, just info. Catastrophe A 400 24 |||||6||||| Reduce Target's PP by 10% of Max PP Charon E 500 30 |||||6||||| Inflict 'Downed' Eclipse A 300 15 |||||6||||| -25% Attack : 50% Max Basically for Charon, we're tacking on an extra 30% of Dullahan's HP. Ouch.
  10. Life

    No 2012

    Pretty sure the world is going to end as soon as the Bloc Quebecois win the Federal election up here in Canada.
  11. You want to post all the relevant stats? Maybe I can figure out a hypothetical 3 turn depending on how much damage you've done to Tret.
  12. To be honest, I've never tried Dragoon or Barbarian in Colosso. Or Ninja but all Isaac did was keep abusing Death Plunge. Couple other changes that need to be made: What the hell was I thinking with Medium > Ranger? Ranger is probably better than anything else in the GYS tier. Moving it to bottom of Joe Schmo. Ninja gets Shuriken at level 23. Which is right when you get your 24th Djinni. That easily cements Ninja > Page/Apprentice. Seer is too high since I'm overrating his earlygame. Dropping to the bottom of Batman.
  13. I guess Himi is probably Feizhi's kid. And Harmony... No clue. NO! I TAKE THAT BACK! Himi's from Izumo or whatever that place is called. You know, where Gaia Rock was. This game is going to be an Epic of Epic Epicness. Anything less will disappoint me.
  14. As Psych said, I'm just modding. It wouldn't be fair if I played since I've got DipTool on my computer and I would know all of your orders since you're sending them to me. And I keep pulling Turkey or Austria in games. Turkey requires me to turtle out of the southeast corner (it's fun but gimme some variety) while Austria is a shitstorm for the first 3 years. Some people like watching a film called 1904 and Austria ain't one of the stars.
  15. Toadonpa is the first boss where I had dying troubles in trying to get a 4 turn done. Both Mia and Ivan need to start with 2 Djinni on standby and need to be use a certain number of Djinni in order summon Thor and Boreas on Turn 4. The problem is that to make sure they survive, Granite has to be one of these used Djinni and he's Earth, not Wind or Water. I can 2 turn it in a Summon Rush but that's bullshit in my opinion. EDIT: Other changes to the list: Cavalier (Mia) is going way up along with Ascetic (Garet and he's moving slightly) while Shaman (Isaac) is going down. Cavalier (Mia) with 6 Venus is probably the best class you can stick her in before moving to the exotic classes since she has quite decent attacking psynergy like Briar and Cutting Edge. Ply and Wish along with her balanced stats (1.4 HP, 1.1 PP, 1.3 Atk, 1.3 Def, 1.1 Agl, 1.2 Luk) put her in her best attacking class possible. You should have 6 Venus walking into Altmiller Cave with only 5 of the others and Mia is your best choice for holding onto them. Ascetic (Garet) is actually not as shitty as he looks. For Water, Toadonpa needs to die but if he's above level 20 (he should be), he suddenly gets access to the powerful Hail Prism (90 Dam). Wind comes significantly earlier (end of Altmiller Cave) but it sucks since his strongest move is the pathetic Wind Slash (50 Dam) until Eruption (90 Dam) comes. Stats are decent and certainly help his weakness (1.4 PP, 1.4 Agl) but everything else is a bit of a downgrade. But once he gains Hail Prism, things start dying. Oh and he's got Wish too. Shaman (Isaac) is just plain terrible. Froth Sphere is way too costly (65 Dam and 12 PP), Mad Growth stopped doing decent damage on the ship to Tolbi and the Bolt series is horrible (Blue Bolt is decent since it comes at a lowly level 22 with 90 Dam). Isaac was not meant to be a mage at all. Enchanter (Ivan) is the hard one to figure out. He's got Astral Blast which works off of his inherent 104 Wind Power, Impact and absolutely shitty Psynergy. I'm in Suhalla right now (just got Flash) and Enchanter!Ivan's best Earth move is Gaia. We got that at level 7. Before fucking Kolima. Eruption is a godsend when it appears but it takes too long to do that. He's got fantastic stats (PP is still 1.4 but stuff like Def, Att and HP get a nice boost) and shitty magical Psynergy. So I don't know what to do.
  16. Suddenly, I'm not too sure of Apprentice/Page's midgame... I mean, all it has are good stats and Astral Blast but it takes a while for Eruption or Mother Gaia to kick in. I'm starting to think that Ninja might be better since you'll have one for Colosso and it can easily dispose of all three fights. Oh and Toadonpa can be 4 turned now. But Ivan and Mia needs to be at level 21 (had to do a wee bit of grinding with the Lure Cap on to get it) for High Impact.
  17. I just want to say that if Austria can survive past 1903 with 2 builds, they can possibly solo the map.
  18. NO! Fuck that music, Cordelia and the Holoholo Bird. Gimme more Mira.
  19. Phases are 48 hours long. So Spring is 48 hours, Autumn is 48 hours and Winter is 48 hours. RNG does the choosing for you. Oh yeah, this isn't like Mafia. In Mafia, you can scumhunt and hope for the best. If you don't use PMs in Diplomacy and speak to your neighbours privately, there's a good chance that you will enjoy some nice old fashioned gangrape.
  20. Actually... he kinda does. Honestly, what is it that he wants?
  21. Diplomacy - The art and practice of conducting international relations by negotiating alliances, treaties, agreements etc. That is until one can freely strike.. Or in other words... About The Game From Wikipedia: "Diplomacy is a strategic board game created by Allan B. Calhamer in 1954. Its main distinctions from most board wargames are its negotiation phases (players spend much of their time forming and betraying alliances with other players) and complete absence of luck. Set in Europe just before the beginning of World War I , Diplomacy is played by seven players, each controlling the armed forces of a major European power. Each player aims to move his or her units - and defeat those of others - to win possession of a majority of strategic cities and provinces marked as "supply centers" on the map; these supply centers allow players who control them to produce more units." A player is eliminated from the game when they no longer control any supply centers. Alternatively, a player can choose to forfeit. This will leave his/her pieces on the board where they will hold or idle during every turn. Victory is achieved by a single player controlling 18 of the 34 supply centers OR if all of the remaining players agree to a tie. Diplomacy has 3 phases. Since this is online, you can talk to other nations any time you wish. The game begins in Spring of the year 1901 where you issue your first orders. After that turn is Fall 1901 and you issue your second round of orders. And finally the year ends in Winter 1901 where you either add or subtract to your total number of supply centers and in turn your army depending on how many you captured or lost in Fall. Then the year begins anew with Spring 1902. Even though this is a game of Diplomacy, you are never required to honor any promises you made to any nation. You are always out for yourself. Pretty self explanatory. Now for the rules and such. Read this for the rules. It's actually easy to understand but I'm going to highlight a couple things. a. All units have the same strength. b. An army unit may be on any land area in the game. c. A fleet may be on any water area or coastal area in the game. d. No two units may be in the same area. e. You may only build in your home supply centers. f. Winter is only for building, dislodged units or disbanding units. This is a copy of the map. It is not the actual map I am using but this one is here for aesthetic value (mine ain't pretty). As you can see, there are 7 nations (England, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Russia and Turkey). Do not bitch about the balance of the map, this game has been played for over 50 years and can be won by any nation (Diplomacy is the key). Each power has 3 home centers (Russia has 4). There are 4 types of actions that any army can do and a fifth that only fleets can do. 1. Move. Any army or fleet may move to an adjacent area. Fleets can only be in coastal areas or open water while armies can only be on land. For example, Constantinople (Con) may move an army to Bulgaria (Bul) or a fleet to the Black Sea (BLA) or Aegean Sea (AEG). Moscow (Mos) may only move an army to a surrounding area but not a fleet since it is landlocked. 2. Hold. A unit will hold their ground in that area. Holding is sometimes a very good strategic and/or diplomatic move. 3. Support move. A support move is basically an attempt to take an area (land or sea) in case another person has a unit there. The combined strength of the moving unit and the supporting unit can knock another unit off from the targeted area, which is called dislodging. However, the supporting unit must be beside the targeted area to move to. More than one unit may support a moving unit but all supporting units must share a border with the area that you want to move to. If Portugal (Por) wants to move to Spain (Spa), it can get support from Marseilles (Mar), Gascony (Gas), the Mid Atlantic Ocean (MAO), the Western Mediterranean (WES) or the Gulf of Lyon (LYO). 4. Support hold. This is more of a defensive maneuver in order to hold a line of defense. A unit cannot dislodge another unit unless it has more armies supporting the move than supporting the hold. For example, if an army in the North Sea (NOR) tries to move to London (Lon) with support from the English Channel (ENG), that move can be repelled if an army in Wales (Wal) is supporting the unit in London. 5. Convoy. A fleet may convoy an army from one land area to another. For example, a fleet in the Ionion Sea (ION) may convoy an army in Naples (Nap) to Tunis (Tun). This can only work if that fleet is not moving that turn and the moving area is free to move to. The army that is moving must also put in the order to move to that spot. Here is a standard order which would show orders in action. In this example move, an Army in Par moves to Bur, the Army in Pic supports the movement from Par to Bur, the Army in Lon moves to Bre, the Fleet in Eng convoys the Army in Lon to Bre, and the Fleet in NTH holds. Also remember that it is allowed for you to support move, support hold or convoy an army/fleet of another army if you want as long as the rules above still apply. And it's not a bad idea Diplomatically to do so. Questions and Answers: I'll answer them here. Sign-ups: Iced I Eat Tables Anouleth Ninji Lightning WoMC Life Admiral
  22. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Duke Nukem Forever needs to come out. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos. Baten Kaitos.
  23. The size of your dick never matters. Only the tightness of the pussy that it belongs inside. And mine's bigger than average, thank you for asking.
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