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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life

    OTP HnH

    Tangerine x Red Fox of Fire 80 6669 x Pilot 2 Nightmare x Narga 40 Lux x Sara 50 Proto x Rhythm 50 Pahn x Karina 50 Integrity x Kiryn 40
  2. Life

    OTP HnH

    Tangerine x Red Fox of Fire 63 6669 x Pilot 26 Nightmare x Narga 45 Lux x Sara 50 Proto x Rhythm 50 Pahn x Karina 50 Integrity x Kiryn 50
  3. I'm dropping out. He hasn't written them. He hasn't FUCKING WRITTEN them and his sign-up have been up for WEEKS. He has NO idea what he's doing. Lightning, you are officially done with hosting Mafia games. Don't do it. Again. EDIT: Note to anyone else who plays a Mafia game. Read this carefully now. I'm going to get Tables to put it in his Mafia game listing. If you can't do the steps that apply to any Mafia game here, forget about ever hosting.
  4. Are you trying to tell me that you haven't WRITTEN them yet?
  5. OK, I'm fed up with this. Lightning, what the fuck? You started the game early on the 14th. It's now the 16th and most of the players haven't received their roles. This really isn't funny anymore as my respect for you hosting Mafia games (remember your last try?) is dropping down to Psych levels. And if everyone hasn't received their roles PMs by 4 PM EST, I recommend that everyone quit this game. Since if Lightning can't do something as simple as create Role PMs BEFORE the game starts and just quickly send them out (here's a hint: save them as a draft without a recipient), stuff like updates are going to suck since he will definitely make mistakes.
  6. Life

    OTP HnH

    Tangerine x Red Fox of Fire 50 6669 x Pilot 50 Nightmare x Narga 50 Lux x Sara 50 Fia x Musashi 6 Dio x Fia 8 NoNameAtAll x Fia 12 Pahn x Karina 38 Proto x Rhythm 41 Integrity x Amelia 30 Integrity x Kiryn 27 Rei Rei x Bad Lobotomy 13 NoNameAtAll x Sara 6 Fia x BLS 20 Fia x Richter 17 Balcerzak x Kiryn 19 Zeph x Wist 17
  7. Before. Should take about 2 hours of gametime. Write down all of the info about the battle (Djinn setup, level, attack) and aim for the fastest kill possible. I might try the Manticore later tonight. EDIT: I've just tried the Manticore. Got it with a 5 turn clear but I don't think I had my Djinni set up correctly for Ivan and Mia. I might be able to drop it to a 4-turn. 2nd EDIT: After 4 turns, I had my party just attack. Turns out that I had him within 42 damage of dying. What the hell am I doing wrong? 3rd EDIT: Got it. I'll post another summary of the battle with the calculations to see how close I really came. Isaac: Level 17 Swordsman (Flint, Granite, Quartz, Fizz) with 173 Att, 83 Water Power and 195 HP. Garet: Level 17 Swordsman (Mist, Fever, Corona) with 165 Att, 82 Water Power and 199 HP. Ivan: Level 17 Hermit (Spritz, Gust, Smog) with 106 Att, 114 Wind Power and 144 HP (137 HP when it matters). Mia: Level 17 Elder (Sleet, Forge, Breeze, Zephyr) with 124 Att, 109 Water Power and 179 HP (170 HP when it matters). If you haven't figured it out yet, this is one of those random stupid setups which brings absolute joy when you pull off the quick kill. [spoiler=4 Turning of Manticore (thanks to Narga for part of the strategy)]Manticore: 1700 HP, 48 Def, 25 Water Resist, 100 Wind Resist Turn 1: Ivan casts Impact (+43 Att) on Isaac, giving Isaac 216 Att. Mia unleashes Forge, giving Isaac (+44 Att) 260 Att, Garet (+41 Att) 206 Att, Ivan (+26 Att) 132 Att and Mia (+31 Att) 155 Att. Isaac casts Cutting Edge. Relative Attack = 260 Att - 48 Def = 212 RA Relative Power = 83 Water Power - 25 Water Resist = 58 RP Base Damage = 212 RA / 2 = 106 Damage Modified Base Damage = 106 Damage * 1 + 32 = 138 Damage Power Multiplier = 1 + 58 RP / 400 = 1.145 Theoretical Damage = 138 Damage * 1.145 + 0-3 Damage = 158-161 Damage Actual Damage: Isaac casts Cutting Edge! Manticore takes 158 damage!!! Manticore HP = 1542 Garet casts Cutting Edge. Relative Attack = 206 Att - 48 Def = 158 RA Relative Power = 82 Water Power - 25 Water Resist = 57 RP Base Damage = 158 RA / 2 = 79 Damage Modified Base Damage = 79 Damage * 1 + 32 = 111 Damage Power Multiplier = 1 + 57 RP / 400 = 1.1425 Theoretical Damage = 111 Damage * 1.1425 + 0-3 Damage = 127-130 Damage Actual Damage: Garet casts Cutting Edge! Manticore takes 127 damage!!! Manticore HP = 1415 Turn 2: Ivan unleashes Smog. Relative Attack = 132 Att - 48 Def = 84 RA Relative Power = 114 Wind Power - 100 Wind Resist = 14 RP Base Damage = 84 RA / 2 = 42 Damage Modified Base Damage = 42 Damage * 1 + 60 = 102 Damage Power Multiplier = 1 + 14 RP / 400 = 1.035 Theoretical Damage = 102 Damage * 1.035 + 0-3 Damage = 106-109 Damage Actual Damage: Ivan unleashes Smog! Manticore takes 106 damage! Manticore HP = 1309 Mia casts Impact (+41 Att) on Garet, giving Garet 247 Att. Isaac casts Cutting Edge (158-161 damage)! Manticore takes 158 damage!!! Manticore HP = 1151 Garet casts Cutting Edge. Relative Attack = 247 Att - 48 Def = 199 RA Relative Power = 82 Water Power - 25 Water Resist = 57 RP Base Damage = 199 RA / 2 = 99 Damage Modified Base Damage = 99 Damage * 1 + 32 = 131 Damage Power Multiplier = 1 + 57 RP / 400 = 1.1425 Theoretical Damage = 131 Damage * 1.1425 + 0-3 Damage = 150-153 Damage Actual Damage: Garet casts Cutting Edge! Manticore takes 151 damage!!! Manticore HP = 1000 Turn 3: Ivan unleashes Spritz. Isaac heals 60 HP. Garet heals 60 HP. Ivan heals 41 HP. Mia heals 51 HP. Mia unleashes Sleet. Relative Attack = 155 Att - 48 Def = 107 RA Relative Power = 109 Water Power - 25 Water Resist = 84 RP Base Damage = 107 RA / 2 = 54 Damage Modified Base Damage = 54 Damage * 1 + 30 = 84 Damage Power Multiplier = 1 + 84 RP / 400 = 1.21 Theoretical Damage = 84 Damage * 1.21 + 0-3 Damage = 101-104 Damage Actual Damage: Mia unleashes Sleet! Manticore takes 101 damage!!! Manticore HP = 899 Isaac casts Cutting Edge (158-161 damage)! Manticore takes 159 damage!!! Manticore HP = 740 Garet casts Cutting Edge (150-153 damage)! Manticore takes 152 damage!!! Manticore HP = 588 Turn 4: Ivan summons Jupiter. Relative Power = 109 Wind Power - 100 Wind Resist = 9 RP Base Damage = 30 + (1700 HP * 0.03) = 81 Damage Power Multiplier = 1 + 9 RP / 200 = 1.045 Theoretical Damage = 81 Damage * 1.045 + 0-3 Damage = 85-88 Damage Actual Damage: Ivan summons Jupiter! Manticore takes 86 damage! Manticore HP = 502 Mia summons Nereid. Relative Power = 104 Water Power - 25 Water Resist = 79 RP Base Damage = 60 + (1700 HP * 0.06) = 162 Damage Power Multiplier = 1 + 79 RP / 200 = 1.395 Theoretical Damage = 162 Damage * 1.395 + 0-3 Damage = 226-229 Damage Actual Damage: Mia summons Nereid! Manticore takes 227 damage!!! Manticore HP = 275 Isaac casts Cutting Edge (158-161 damage)! Manticore takes 158 damage!!! Manticore HP = 117 Garet casts Cutting Edge (150-153 damage)! Manticore takes 151 damage!!! Manticore HP = -34 You felled Manticore! This strategy is RNG proof since I mostly got RNG screwed and still killed him in 4 turns. Spritz will keep your party from dying and still allow Mia to summon Nereid on Turn 4. Brute's been moved to Batman tier. Baseline for Kraken has now been established at 5 turns (it was nuts) meaning that Brute absolute murders the Killer Ape, Hydros Statue and Kraken along with a bunch of midgame dungeons.
  8. I love how we all rag on Piers as useless and yet all know deep down in our hearts that without Piers, we'd probably be having problems with stuff like Moapa or the Earth Serpent. Myself included even though Piers is my favourite character.
  9. Well, my 6 turn strategy on the Kraken also involves Mia using 3 Djinn (2 attacking for about 200 damage total) on Turns 3-5 and then having Ivan summon Procne for 450+ damage.
  10. Eh... BORING. And admit it, I'm one of your faves.
  11. I'm really bored...

    By the way, you should be writing on someone else's profile to respond to them, not your own. Just a little tip ;-).

  12. Time to quickly reflect on GS1. Brute has now been raised to the top of Joe Schmo Tier. I've found it unparalleled when trying to quickly clear midgame bosses such as the Killer Ape, Hydros Statue and Kraken, since I've now engineered a 6 turn clear of the Kraken (2400 HP and 60 Def along with Ply makes this thing a pretty formidable opponent). Samurai has also been moved to the top of Batman tier since I don't have enough proof that Samurai spanks everything and sends monsters home crying to Mommy. So the baseline speed for bosses is as follows: Tret - Missing Data Saturos - 6 Turns Killer Ape - 3 Turns Hydros Statue - 4 Turns Manticore - 4 Turns Kraken - 6 Turns That's what I've faced so far. Anyone want to do a really quick run of the earlygame and find out how fast you can beat Tret? Garet should be level 8 for Volcano. EDIT: The 6 turn clear on the Kraken might be a bit flawed since I am actually missing two djinni (the one in Vale and the one in Vault). Could be 5 turns except that my only save is on the Tolbi Bound Ship right before the Kraken and I have a savestate from before the Lamarkan Desert that I really don't feel like playing.
  13. Well, FE5-wise, I saw 3 references (4 if you want to get technical). Robert Galzus (losing out to Gharnef in Ga which I feel is unacceptable when you could the stupidly high number of FE3 Book 1 & 2 references) Pugi Axe Thracia (and you can make a valid argument that this is suited more towards FE4 since you actually fight in both Northern and Southern Thracia) 4 references. Max. Stuff like Yurius and Manfloy don't count and Brigid is obviously going to be taken over Eyvel.
  14. Lightning, add this to the first post. Click here to get to IRC and go to channel #trailmix. If that doesn't work, I'll get Spoon to set up an IRC channel for me.
  15. 5 bucks says that she's either related to either Maha or the kid in Garoh. That would be a fucking disgrace to how the first two games treated GaretxJenna. The only reason why IsaacxJenna should ever be considered is because Sheba teases Jenna about Isaac. But Garet clearly has the hots for Jenna. In all seriousness, I honestly believe that Tyrell is Garet and Jenna's kid.
  16. Mine's on a 10 second cycle but this is one of my personal favourites. And yes, I do keep my 4chan folder on my desktop. It's only desktops, though.
  17. Guillo is literally a man and a woman inside of a robot. You can figure that out from early scenes in the game and listening to Guillo talk. Anything more and I'll ruin the story.
  18. Guillo from Baten Kaitos Origins says hi. Most androgynous character that exists that I know of (literally having a male and female personality in the same body). It's Silvercrow's avatar, by the way.
  19. Actually, that's a good point. Except that I felt bad for Shanath when I realized that Savyna was his kid. Like I'm the reason that she's so fucked up.
  20. Hey GJ, too bad matey. Zihark's already got dibs on her.
  21. Like who? Valara/Nasca/Heughes all deserve good beatings thanks to their stupid Machina Arma but once you destroy the MA, they're all weaklings. Wiseman is amazing but I consider him more of a God that needs a pummeling than an antagonist. Verus pisses me off a ton and doesn't deserve the spot (even though he calls Gena a whore). So who would you put up there as "your favourite antagonist" from BKO?
  22. Or you can catch a Lotad/Seedot/Wingull/Shroomish and destroy Roxanne without having to powerlevel Torchic. Minimum effort, maximum gain. EDIT: I realize that you said it right afterwards but your argument then makes no sense. Are you actually suggesting that we penalize Treecko or reward Torchic because it's harder to find a poke in the game that hits Wattson's weaknesses *cough**Geodude**cough* but not so for Roxanne?
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