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Everything posted by Life

  1. I never said "claim Vig" or "claim Drunk" or whatever. I'm simply saying that it's better for us to split the village into power roles and non-power roles so that we can have a general idea of where the mafia is hiding. We got a bit unlucky last night with the Cop dying but we still have the Drunk and the Oracle alive (I think that there's one other role left alive that's pro town but I can't remember). So yeah, I get your skepticism. But don't put on idiotic votes because Tables is still alive past night 1. It doesn't make him auto-mafia and you know that. Vig either was blocked or didn't want to cause a possible MYLO (7v3 with 2 town deaths makes the game MYLO if the Mafia isn't shot or blocked).
  2. You forgot me and eclipse. She wanted to marry me after showing the beauty of EncyclopediaDramatica.
  3. Narga_Rocks 15 Dio 16 Tangerine 72
  4. Apparently some people don't like Communism...
  5. *pout* Tang > Narga. She's got some real tang, that girl.
  7. Narga_Rocks 48 Dio 26 Tangerine 71
  8. Yes, I am quite awesome. Thank you very much. Seriously, I'm at 2 HP.
  9. You think that's hard?! I'm passing a kidney stone right now, that's hard!

    1. Midnight Nightmare
    2. Ansem


      I remember that =D

  10. You actually took me off of the list with hurting me, to be exact.
  11. Narga_Rocks 58 Dio 44 Tangerine 77 4chan 2 Yeah. Seriously. I actually never died. Here's the last post with me being hurt. After that, I simply disappeared off of the list without being hurt. Proof. NOW WORK WITH ME! LET THE UNDERDOG COME UP AND FIGHT! PLEASE!
  12. Shit... Ok, time to play the claim game. First the townies should claim. Then everyone else. Max number of townies is 6 if all three mafia members are lying.
  13. WAIT A SECOND, I NEVER OFFICIALLY DIED! I demand that we start over!
  14. Narga_Rocks 53 Dio 62 Tangerine 86 Can't let my Survivor buddy lose.
  15. But it doesn't matter. We have 3 liars. If 4 townies claim, then one of them is a liar. Which means that 2 of the other group are lying. If 6 townies claim, all we have to do is aim into that group. If only 3 townies claim, we aim into the group that didn't claim. The point of Townies claiming is so that we don't give away exactly who is what special role.
  16. I think anyone who is a regular townie should claim right now. What this does is that it narrows down the town for both us and the mafia. Mafia gets a better chance at hitting a vital role (Drunk, Cop) while the town gets a better chance of A) figuring out who the mafia is and B) blocking or checking the right person. Again, screw or save the town. You guys in?
  17. Fatigue, fatigue, fatigue. This is what makes FE5 so challenging. Rather than just field your best units every chapter (read as Catria in FE12 from Chapter 2 onwards), it makes you rotate your units constantly. Why not do that? EDIT: Actually, half of the stuff present in FE5 should probably make a return. Like PCC or Movement stars on shittier units to give me reasons to actually use them (Ronan, I'm looking at you).
  18. EDIT: I'm working on Chapter 8 but I think I messed something up. As in I've forgotten about the 10 million Dragon Knights from Thracia and I can't remember which village has the Thief Ring.
  19. Life


    I've got so many pictures to show why I don't like Twilight but I think this one will do in the whole "vampire" debate.
  20. I don't like this answer simply because I can see a real life application where it's actually wrong. Just saying.
  21. FE4: Probably Aless since he's the first good Social/Free Knight you get aside from Oifey. FE5: Brighton. Hands down. I like Felgus and Fin, though. FE6: Hmm, probably Percival. FE7: Kent by a mile. FE8: Forde. FE9: Oscar FE10: Once again, Oscar. FE11: Probably Cain.
  22. As soon as this game comes out, I'm doing a blind playthrough of it here. And I'm going to finish it too (it looks like I'll at least finish my FE4 playthrough so that's a good sign). I bet I'll find all of the Djinn possible since I'll be looking everywhere. Along with most of the items.
  23. Only just got Patty and Nanna so they can get a break. But yeah, Lakche does need some more levels (she's still key with her amazing stats though). As for Fee and Rana, Fee's been using the Brave Lance for the past two chapters while Rana spammed Warp and Libro. Aideen was underleveled until she got her mitts on both Libro and Warp but she was still the first to hit 30.
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