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Everything posted by Life

  1. Oh yeah, Y is Yurius without a doubt.
  2. I'm going down the list and seeing what I can fill in. Rf - Riff W - Wolf Np - Nephenee Cm - Camus Cu - Cuan Ti - Tiltyu Rb - Robert (FE5) Ga - Galzus Au - August
  3. I'm sorry, Cu is not Kuja. Whoever made that tables is stupid as fuck. Anyway, where were we? Xe(54) - Xane Os(76) - Oswin Te(52) - Tellius Bk(97) - Black Knight
  4. Life

    Mafia HQ

    Both of these arguments are bullshit and you know it. 1. You KNOW that that's not true. You're just making shit up to try and say that follow the leader is terrible. If I'm the leader and you disagree with me about something, I'll try to figure out why you disagree with me. If you make a valid point, I will probably change my lynch. If you don't and it just seems like you're covering for someone, I'll lynch that person and then you if that person turns out to be Mafia. Lightning, just because you're terrible at Mafia doesn't mean that this style of game isn't fun or efficient. In fact, it's both but you're either too lazy or stupid to do a little detecting on your own and inform the leader of what you found out. I'm going to go with stupid on this one, though. 2. Having a power role isn't "more fun" than not having one. You get what you put into the game. If you expect your role to do everything for you, then you deserve to not have fun. If you actually try to help your team win (clearly nobody listens to me EVERY single time I stress this point), you don't need a power role to have fun. Let me find that post I made a while back on this subject. Once again, don't use the fact that you're terrible at social games like Mafia as a way to slander a style of trying to win at them. EDIT: When I say "use their brains to try to win a game", I mean it. Look at that mini Mafia game which where I fake-claimed Tracker when Psych was the real one. I tried to help the town win the game by attempting to confuse the Mafia during the next night phase. And there's two reasons why I bring that example up. 1. It didn't work. That doesn't mean that I won't keep trying to help my team win. But I'm not always right and that's a very good example of it. 2. I was a regular townie. This is probably the point that you can't seem to get through your limited brain. You don't need a special role to do shit. You just need a brain, something you clearly don't have based on your responses.
  5. Best: Rebecca. If you can train her to level 12ish by Genesis, the girl becomes a goddess for the next bunch of chapters. Worst: This is a hard one. Gordin's pretty bad, Rolf has his good and terrible moments but I'm going to have to vote for Wolt. When Bors is a better 2 Range person than you, you've got a problem.
  6. Life

    Mafia HQ

    Reminds me of another argument which had people bitching. You know, the "I don't have a power role so I don't feel special" one... Oh wait, weren't you one of the people bitching about that too? Did it ever occur to you that you can try doing your own shit to figure out who the mafia is? Clearly not since I'm apparently the ONLY one who ever tries to help the town if I'm a townie (if I'm not, I fuck it up badly BECAUSE people refuse to do their own work and force others to win the game for them... like YOU). Follow The Leader isn't glorified guessing. You're making logical assumptions about certain roles and testing them to see if you're right. Scumhunting is since every single example I see of it involves the accuser being an absolute hypocrite.
  7. Life

    Mafia HQ

    Serious question: Do you play games to lose and have fun or to win and not have fun? Obviously neither of these answers are good but it's possible to put yourself in a position to win AND enjoy the game too. But to switch from a way that you can actually win to "glorified guessing" (that's scumhunting in my opinion since I usually see people say hypocritical things in the name of scumhunting) just so you can "have fun" is really dumb.
  8. All the more power to him for pulling that off. I see no reason to disqualify the idea.
  9. More like I'm still a bit sore about TM2.
  10. Bizz, I don't like calling you dumb (because you aren't) but... Really? C'mon, now there's no point in even TRYING to claim these roles. It probably would have been better to not mention it at all.
  11. Can we stop all this posturing and just agree on one thing? Without me, Team Rocket wouldn't have won at all.
  12. Night 0. And no. In fact, I actually got the Day 1 lynch off of your back with the PM you sent to Bizz (she showed it to me). I also used it as a way for Tables to sort of trust me.
  13. My turn to say my feelings about the game. Honestly, I knew my role long before the game started since Spoon told me that he wanted to challenge me. And once it started, I had flashbacks to my one Mafia game try on Smogon (got lynched after stupidly being proven guilty without any of it being my fault or a cop's fault). So I had no clue about how to win this game. And then every night, my plans kept on working. Anouleth decided to check me out on Night 1 and ended up dying as a result. Cipher got screwed since I planned the backstab a lot earlier than they expected me to (they expected me to be lynched first). Tables and MLS were too liberal with giving out info while Furet ignored what was sitting right under his nose. And somehow, it just worked. Special mention to Obviam: You are brilliant for figuring out what was going on. It was probably a bad idea for me to try to become village leader that early since you managed to get into everyone's heads that I was a lying bastard (which I was). But you have some killer intuition there and I can't wait to have you, Tables and Lux on my Mafia team. Call that the dream team.
  14. Life

    Mafia HQ

    Oh that. Honestly, I wasn't being stupid there. I was assuming that Mafia was claiming Tracker since Night 1's kill was janned. The problem came with you guys trying to lynch me instead of either Raymond or Slayer.
  15. Life

    Mafia HQ

    When was that? Also, worst would either be me getting lynched back in Spoon's third game when trying to out Hikarusa on no more than a hunch (and turning out to be correct) or failing in Setup 9323 as the Fool.
  16. Life

    Mafia HQ

    You're just mad that my team won Spoon's game of Follow-The-Leader thanks to outsmarting the village and other mafia.
  17. I died epically too (taking out 40% of Cipher)! Why do I get a full paragraph about the shit that I did but Bizz gets like 2 lines?
  18. I made everyone believe that I had been hooked that night which made sense. Not to mention that MLS had other people pegged as Mafia than to do a bit of digging himself on me.
  19. MLS, I love your quote in your sig. Where's it from, though?
  20. Couple of other bones I'd like to pick with this list. FE5 Elite: Brighton/Felgus can get a 15/1 promotion by the end of Chapter 6. If you do that, you can basically curbstomp most of the earlygame with the exception of Chapter 8 (but you get Othin and Halvan back so this chapter is easy anyways). The only tricky thing is recruiting Shiva (fuck having to fly Karin across half the map and then back) but aside from that, the first 10 or so chapters are pretty easy (Brighton has a lot of HP too so it takes a while for him to go into Fatigue Mode). I say drop it to the bottom of Hard. FE4 First Gen: I find I have more problems with this than FE10 NM. While the enemy AI is pretty dumb, you get a lot tossed at you at one time (like Voltz's Free Knights or Eltshan's Cross Knights) and most of your army isn't amazing (Sigurd and Levin w/ Pursuit Ring can 1RKO reliably but that's about it). I also find the general enemies scarier in FE4 First Gen than FE10 NM.
  21. Probably. I made a couple of pretty big mistakes though but I managed to get them swept under the rug for the most part so we were pretty much golden. We also had help from Furet.
  22. Not really your fault. JB told Furet that he pulled a guilty on you, causing Furet to run out and lynch you ASAP.
  23. This was a fun game. Thanks guys!
  24. Already done that. Truthfully, it's not harder, it just takes longer to complete since you can no longer jump up the gaps (to put into perspective, Zihark has like ~25 Hit against anything when he's using a Wind Edge upwards). However, enemies still die on the staircase.
  25. Black Knight is a god to go up the gaps and stuff since he OHKOs stuff with ~75 Hit from the bottom. Use Nailah to carry him up and have Volug carry Rafiel on Turn 2. Once you get past the first big section, the Black Knight kills everything in sight. It's not as hard as it looks.
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