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  1. Maybe so but we have to compare classes fairly. It's like comparing Nephenee to someone like Janaff in FE10. The argument "but we won't field Nephenee" doesn't work there. Neither does "Isaac always goes Ninja and is entitled to those Djinni" since it doesn't accurately compare the classes. We're not talking about 10 PP over the course of 5 rounds. We're talking about ~30 or so. Costing less PP in the lategame is significantly less important than costing less in the earlygame. You do know WHY I was talking about Enchanter!Isaac and not Conjurer!Isaac, right? This is Venus Lighthouse Part 1 that I've mentioned. Otherwise, I would have just pulled out Conjurer!Isaac and show a giant shitstomping. But Samurai!Isaac shouldn't be anywhere near dying. Hell, not even Enchanter!Isaac should be close to dying and there's a 50% difference between the two HP totals. Narga ninja'd me. Sorry. Point still stands though. But those classes AREN'T worth using against regular mooks. Both suffer from low PP, especially Brute. In boss battles, they make sense. In actual dungeons, they don't. Apprentice/Page allows you to actually use PP without sacrificing other stats and finish off your opponents easily. Neither Brute nor Swordsman can say the same.
  2. I don't think I'm allowed to link you to where I get my ROMs from, unfortunately. Add me on AIM and I'll give you the link that I use.
  3. You can't treat the list like this. This is like saying that someone like... Nephenee in FE10 won't be fielded because there are always better units than her. With that logic, Nephenee should be in useless tier after 2-E is over. That's the exact same logic you're using here. We are talking about hypothetical situations here. Just because you usually use Ninja!Isaac the second it is available and he shitstomps everything in front of him does not guarantee that those Jupiter Djinni are locked to him. If we are comparing Samurai to Apprentice/Page, don't start talking about Ninja being better than Apprentice/Page and immediately ruling out that option. Otherwise the list would be split up into a "use" tier and a "don't use" tier. And most of the classes in the "don't use" will simply be there because "Isaac is taking 3 Mars and 3 Jupiter Djinni, going Ninja, and never looking back". Apparently in your mind, if a class isn't as good as Ninja, it automatically sucks. And I'm saying that 1) this is wrong since Ninja might not necessarily be the best class depending on the situation and 2) that Ninja's existence shouldn't be affecting how good another class is. Clearly you think differently but it's incorrect logic in this case. So they cost 2 PP less at this late in the game. Not that big of a deal now. As for Samurai covering both Fire and Earth weak enemies, please give me an exact name for which enemies that a Samurai's Magical Psynergy is better than Apprentice/Page. I will then do the math and see who's right. And don't forget about Astral Blast for Apprentice/Page. Ok, let's try it out. So no, the 20% Att boost that Samurai has over Enchanter doesn't really matter. Partly because Enchanter!Isaac is now at a part of the game where he's destroying enemies left and right thanks to that Wind EPA of his and partly because of Samurai's lowered Elemental Power. Then we come to HP. Now, I'm of the opinion that 190% boost to HP for the two people who have the highest HP totals is overkill. Just like Sain from FE7 has overkill Str, Samurai is overkill HP. I wouldn't have a problem if it were 180% or even 170% (even though I'd then point out that Conjurer!Isaac also has 170% HP). I'm just saying that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Samurai should have had a little of its HP bonus knocked off and put back in as better Psynergy at lower levels but eh. Please go back and play this game. Are you honestly telling me that your party is at level 13 (that's when they get Planet Diver) in Tret Tree? The earliest they get Planet Diver is right before the Killer Ape (I was spamming Planet Diver). And that major PP downgrade that Brute gets is quite a killer. And even so, Apprentice/Page is constantly being a great class. It's got Impact, an early EPA, great all around stats especially PP and it hits the late game Wind weaknesses. It's very clutch throughout dungeons.
  4. He doesn't. He said that he lives around Toronto (Canada). Like me.
  5. I'm not always right, I'm just saying that the Hydros Statue's Psynergy moves are weaker than they seem. Pretty sure I 4 turned him too.
  6. Ok, here's the full analysis. Apprentice/Page is incredibly useful throughout the entire game. We get it as early as Bilibin and it starts rocking from that second on. Kolima Forest/Tret Tree is a joke thanks to earlygame Gaia (40 Dam) for Apprentice!Isaac or Volcano (45 Dam) for Page!Garet. Now Garet could switch to Ruffian and use Blast (40 Dam) instead but his problem is PP usage. Ruffian has a 80% PP class bonus while Page has 120%. Once you get the 2nd Jupiter Djinni, Illusionist boosts that up to 130%. That's a giant advantage for Illusionist!Garet especially when you look at the math. Lv. 1 Garet has 20 PP as a base. He gains about 2.9 PP per level meaning that he has about a 40 PP base at level 8 (7 levels * 2.9 PP per level). Ruffian knocks that down to 36 PP (40 Base * 0.8 + 4 PP from Flint) while Illusionist has 57 (40 Base * 1.3 + 5 PP from Breeze). Blast (Nova) costs 7 PP for 40 Dam which means that Garet gets 5 of these in a single battle. Volcano is 8 PP for 45 Dam. That's 7 rounds of doing more damage (about 8~10 more after all the calculations). Sure Blast hits more guys but it doesn't really matter since Isaac and Ivan only have multiple target Psynergy attacks. This is just right away. I could go into specific examples farther into the game but I'm busy watching football. So I'm just going to skip to when we get Samurai. We get our 25th Djinni in Suhalla Gate, making that the earliest time possible that Samurai is available. That's about level 26 or so. So we're comparing Enchanter!Isaac to Samurai!Isaac. Enchanter!Isaac has some pretty good class bonuses at this time. 140% HP, PP and Agi, 130% Att and 120% Def. It's nothing on the stupidly high bonuses that Samurai!Isaac has (190% HP, 150% Att, 140% Def and Agi and 130% PP) but what it lacks in non endgame bonuses, Enchanter!Isaac makes up in Psynergy and Elemental Levels. Enchanter!Isaac has about 102 Wind Power and 114 Earth Power. He's got Mother Gaia (100 Dam), Astral Blast (an EPA with a 32 Add Mod) and useful stuff like Sleep (situational but can be useful), Impact series, Ward series and Weaken series. The only thing he's missing is healing since he's got a very balanced spread of Psynergy and stats. Samurai!Isaac is significantly weaker when it comes to Psynergy. He's got 104 Earth Power, 96 Fire Power and 92 Wind Power. He's got Rockslide (90 Dam) to do Magical damage with but the problem is that it has 10 less Dam than Mother Gaia AND he's got 10 less Earth Power. He can use Angel Spear... but so can Enchanter!Isaac with High Impact. There's also Protector but enemies around Venus Lighthouse and Babi Lighthouse use magic instead of physical attacks. He can use Magic Shield at level 27 but once again, so can Enchanter!Isaac with Resist. Other damage moves include Dragon Cloud and Demon Night but neither of these moves are EPAs. Enchanter!Garet is a very similar story. In fact, he's almost exactly the same as Samurai!Garet in the psynergy department. Enchanter!Garet gets the Impact, Ward, Weaken... AND Protect series. Eruption is 90 Dam but he's still got an elemental level lead and possible Dam lead too since Samurai!Garet probably does better damage with the 70 Dam Molten Bath (Fire based) rather than Rockslide. I'm not seeing it. What can Samurai do at this point that Apprentice/Page can't do? Unleashes aren't consistent enough to rely on. EPAs don't exist yet for Samurai. Apprentice/Page has been helping out for the entire game and matches some key stats with Samurai without even being in its final class (PP and Agi are key in this game with the others being good but not make-or-break). So why does Samurai deserve Chuck Norris class?
  7. I'm on the fence about Samurai being in Chuck Norris. The problem is that Samurai wouldn't have access to EPAs when it's available. That means that we're relying on Unleashes (I can do the math to figure out the average damage but it's inconsistant) and Magical Psynergy (I really hope that I don't have to explain why this isn't great for Samurai).
  8. What? Where? Gimme an address now and we can go for a couple of beers if you're 19 or over. Since I'm 19 in 2 weeks. I don't know why I torture myself by watching the Bills and trying to stay optimistic. I don't understand why Chan Gailey doesn't dump the entire offensive line right now and sign 5 new guys. Every Buffalo fan knows that the offensive line is the cause of most of our offensive problems.
  9. How about my Blue Jays? Best offense in the AL and they won't get to the playoffs. But baseball is a horrible sport anyway. And 6 turnovers by the Titans. God, they suck today. Same with Arizona. And my Bills. My season is over.
  10. Don't talk to me about hard divisions. I support a 7-9 team that was last in their division for the past couple of years. EDIT: Michael Vick - 18/27, 251 Yards, 2 TDs, 40 Rushing Yards and Philly is beating Detroit 28-17 with 6 minutes left in the 3rd quarter. And he's the back-up behind Kevin Kolb. Ever since he got out of jail, Vick's been training with Tony Dungy. I'd start Vick on half of the teams in the NFL because he's turned himself around 180% since he keeps claiming that he's just filling in until Kolb is healthy.
  11. Last season, Indy was a dominating team. They were also dominating in this game, but the Texans pulled off a pretty impressive win since Manning had tied up the game at about 14 all in the 2nd quarter. Don't discredit the Texans. They played great in this game. They are probably going to be the team to watch in the AFC this season. EDIT: That tripping call on Ray Lewis was bullshit. That being said, I've got TO so it keeps the Bengals drive alive.
  12. I would be. I'm pretty sure the Colts have gone to the playoffs 8 times in the last 9 years. And Houston winning is huge since before that game, they were 1-15 against the Colts. This is the best Texans team I've seen to date. Oh and Peyton Manning had a hell of a game last week. 3 TDs, no INTs, 400+ yards and he still lost. That says something.
  13. I LOVE Cait's Limit Break. Yeah Dice can be shit if you roll two 1's but the average is about 700 damage to a single person, more than anyone else can do (Cloud's got Diffuse Blade so he's in a different category). It also builds up stupidly fast in comparison to the rest of the team (or that's what it seems like). As for stats, he's actually kinda average at level 19. He's got 772 HP but Barret's got 800 at level 20, not to mention that he's losing about 10% thanks to Magic against Barret's 11% loss. He's got 72 Defense which is beating Cloud and Barret pretty badly but again, he's got the Protect Vest and Silver Armlet. He's all around decent when it comes to stats with higher than normal HP.
  14. 6 minutes in and Green Bay is already up on the Bills 6-0. I'll start watching the game in a bit but it's going to be a long day. As for fantasy football, I have Ronnie Brown, Brandon Marshall, TO, Tony Moeki (Chiefs rookie TE) and Robbie Gould playing right now. Another long day is ahead. Thank god for Peyton Manning and Pierre Thomas.
  15. Heading Westward: After fighting a bunch of battles to gain money, I manage to buy a Revive Materia for Aeris. Good thing too, since it knocks her Magic up by 2 and Max MP by 5% rather than the 1 and 2% that most other Magic Materia give out. Summons are similar but they don't take away from Strength, only Max HP. Other bonuses from Materia are a +1 Vitality from Cover and a +2 from Steal, both on Barret along with the Long Range (he's got the Atomic Scissors equiped which isn't a gun). Grangalans are interesting. They can spit out a Grangalan Jr. (a mini Grangalan with less health) who in turn spits out 3 Grangalan Jr. Jr.s. Fun stuff. Killing the Grangalan automatically kills the offspring making it the prime target for... well, everything. Aeris using Fire2 works wonders on it, knocking off more than half his HP. Same goes for any Limits you have (aside from Evil Seal). As the party goes east, I eventually find a mountain path. Now that's cool since this path is on the world map and not an actual dungeon. The enemies change too. Cokatolis have a lot of HP and Petrify Smog and should probably die ASAP. You can also steal Softs from them in case they hit Petrify Smog. Needle Kisses are a bit annoying with their invulnerability to Lightning but Elemental + Mog/Choco hits their Wind weakness pretty hard. Corel? I hardly know her! Upon arriving at Mt. Corel, a traveller tells the party that a black cloaked man passed by. And I'm officially sure that Cloud is stalking Sephiroth to either get an autograph or to rape him up the ass. Probably the second since Cloud wants him something bad. Bagnadranas can poison the party with Poison Breath and do quite a lot of damage with that attack. However, Search Crowns are pretty forgettable. Bloatfloats can do 200 damage with Spiky Hell and will activate if you attack them with magic. If you do and more than one is still living, you might find yourself using Life or a Phoenix Down. Bombs will grow after hitting them a couple times and can deal major damage when they blow up from using Bomb Blast. Going up the only path leads to a railway. On the top of the railway, there's a W Machine Gun for Barret... only my party is now Cloud/Tifa/Red. A little further on and I grab the Turbo Ether and Transform Materia which teaches Mini and Toad after it matures. After trying out Mini in the first battle possible, I come to the conclusion that it will be very useful in the future. Turns out that Barret and Aeris are stuck at a bridge. Looks like Cloud has to find a way to lower it. The northern path leads to a shack that lowers the bridge so that's all good. Another big bridge later and... did he just punch Barret? Fucker, I'll kill him! North Corel is a town that was apparently destroyed by Barret. Nobody's talking about it though. I grab a Force Stealer for Cloud and even though it now keep Cloud from using Restore + All, it's got Double growth which will be good for some Materia. I'm trying to grow Materia now for the future since the MP cost for higher level skills (Fire2 specifically) is kinda high. I load Restore, Transform and Ifrit into the Force Stealer while moving Ice, Lightning, Poison and Revive into the Four Slots that Cloud is using. I then head for Gold Saucer, the casino. How about a Silver Teacup? Turns out that Barret used to live in Corel. The whole town including Barret minus one person (some guy named Dyne) wanted to move from mining coal to mining Mako. The entire town thought that the Mako Reactor would bring them happiness and money but Shinra doublecrossed the town by burning it down a couple days later while Dyne and Barret were out of town. It explains why Barret is mad at Shinra, especially since he lost his wife in Corel too. Barret also mentions that Dyne was his best friend. My my, what a place. I haven't seen a nicer place in a Final Fantasy game since Nautilus in FFXIII (I've played 13 before 7, shut up). But the save point costs 5 GP... FUCK YOU. I don't have GP and I've got no clue what it is so I head inside. 3000 Gil is pretty hefty right now but I'll suck it up since I can just train outside of a town to make some cash. GP is the Gold Saucer's form of money. It apparently can only be redeemed at the games in Wonder Square and at the Chocobo Races. I've got bookie blood in me so I figure that I can make some quick and easy money at the races. The party splits up inside of the casino and I can only grab one person to bring with Cloud other than Barret. I make a gut decision and bring Tifa along, knowing that I'll probably regret not taking Aeris instead. Whatever. According to Dio (owner of the place), Seph has been here. But I need GP so I head to the Wonder Square. And run into... a cat on a stuffed... and I thought that Red was weird. But I can name him so... Cait Sith it is. Apparently, he's a fortune telling machine but he can also find missing people or things. Cloud asks Cait for Seph's whereabouts and... let's just say that Cait messes up. More than once. The last fortune is of note since it's a bit creepy (like Kingdom Hearts stole it creepy). It reads that to find something of importance, I'll have to lose something else. Too bad Cloud won't lose his memories and try to make a deal with Hades to destroy Sora in the Olympic Colliseum... I hope. Cait decides to join the party since he's a bit creeped out by that last fortune that he gave Cloud and he thinks that he'll figure out why it popped up if he works with Cloud for right now. Guess that explains why I could only choose one other person. Cait also comes with a Silve Armlet which is amazing. He also makes for a better magic caster than Cloud so he gets most of the Magic Materia. And I get another Transform but this one is only 1000 AP way from Toad along with a Manipulate Materia. Awesome. I love you, Cait Sith. Heading to the Battle Square has us finding a dead Shinra soldier. Seph's here somewhere. Inside the building, it's even worse. I count 4 dead soldiers and a couple other people. But... they've been shot? Looks like it's not Seph. A lone survivor says that a man with a gun on his arm did this... Wait, Barret wouldn't shoot up a room full of people! Dio comes in and Cait gets the bright idea to run. Tifa and Cloud follow him but the trio get surrounded by Dio's robots. A gun for a hand: After getting tossed in Corel Prison, we find Barret standing on top of a dead person. Barret runs away with Cloud/Tifa/Cait chasing after him. The group finds him in a house, Barret shoots another person and Aeris and Red run in. How the hell did those two end up here? Red asks Barret if he shot everyone in the casino and Barret shakes his head. Apparently, another man got a gun implanted into his arm 4 years ago... which was around the same time that Shinra torched Corel. Both Barret's and Dyne's arms were shot up, forcing Barret to start using an artificial arm. Eventually he tossed that away and grafted in instead. Apparently Dyne also had the same operation as Barret but for his left hand. Since we're going after Dyne, I'm forced to use both Cloud and Barret. I grab Cait to use as my third person in order to test him out properly. I mean, come on. It's a fucking cat on a giant white thing. Also, the W Machine Gun has the same properties as Cloud's Force Stealer, meaning double Materia growth, not to mention that I can finally stick Barret back in the back row. Cloud - Level 20 Force Stealer: Transform Lv. 1 (7020), Heal Lv. 1 (1623), Ifrit Lv. 1 (1331) Four Slots: Long Range Lv. 1 (1105), Cover Lv. 1 (1267), Sense Lv. 1 (1675), Enemy Skill (1) Barret - Level 18 W Machine Gun: Shiva Lv. 1 (1154), Poison Lv. 1 (1654), Revive Lv. 1 (501) Platinum Bangle: Steal Lv. 1 (2491), Restore Lv. 1 (1995) Cait Sith - Level 18 Yellow M-phone: Elemental Lv. 1 (1697) + Choco/Mog Lv. 1 (1455), Manipulate Lv. 1 (10), Fire Lv. 1 (1533) Silver Armlet: All Lv. 1 (528) + Restore Lv. 1 (1954), Lightning Lv. 1 (1693), Ice Lv. 1 (1906) Red XII - Level 18 Aeris - Level 19 Tifa - Level 18 Extra Materia: Transform Lv. 1 (229) Lightning Lv. 1 (1307) Ice Lv. 1 (1144) Fire Lv. 2 (2399) All Lv. 2 (2622) All Lv. 2 (1919) All Lv. 1 (0) Enemy Skill (0)
  16. The whole of North and South America? No. We Canadians aren't that retarded with newspapers... unless you're talking about the Toronto Sun which deserves a medal in how stupid the front story can be.
  17. Best: Brenya Worst: Can I vote Blume's neices? Vampa, Fetra and Eliu.
  18. AND... We're back. I did do a couple things differently including selling my 2nd Lightning Materia by accident... But oh well. All aboard Rufus' private vessel (Part 2): Aeris wants to make sure that Barret isn't doing anything stupid. But if standing behind a bit of glass and staring at Rufus Shinra and Heidegger ain't stupid, I don't know what is. Suddenly, an alarm goes off and Cloud runs to find the others. Turns out that we haven't been made. But what if it's Sephy? Cloud grabs Red XIII and Tifa to search the ship. Red XIII has Choco/Mog and a bunch of Magic Materia on him, making him my caster. Tifa's sitting in the back row with Long Range and Cover, along with Steal. As a result, Cloud is my Jack-of-all-trades with Elemental+Shiva, Sense, Enemy Skill and Poison. And... shit. We run into Seph in the Engine Room and he sics his pet Jenova-BIRTH on us. Boss: Jenova-BIRTH This is one ugly mofo. Jenova-BIRTH also has Stop and a lot of HP (4000). That being said, he's pretty easy. He might use Tail Laser twice in a row but he's really slow so you'll get in about 2 full rounds before he goes. Cloud and Red XIII both used their summons on JBIRTH to do some quick heavy damage. After that, it became a bit of a battle of attrition since JBIRTH hit Cloud with Stop first and then Red XIII a little after Cloud started moving again. The trio hit JBIRTH with a couple of Limits though, including a YEAH x2 from Tifa. Ultimately, Red XIII got the kill with his Sled Fang after JBIRTH got worn down. Turns out that Jenova-BIRTH was the arm of Jenova. Cloud then summarizes what we know to date and the ship decides to get ready to dock at Costa del Sol. I also receive the Ifrit Materia and a Wind Slash (some sort of long range weapon that nobody can equip). Time for some fun on the beach: Apparently, Costa del Sol is a hot place. Cloud and co. leave the screen and a helicopter lands with Heidegger and Rufus waiting for it. Rufus then chews up Heidegger for letting both Sephiroth and Cloud/Barret/Tifa/Aeris/Red XIII on board. Rufus then leaves in the helicopter while Heidegger punches everyone off the dock. The party then finds Hojo down at the beach. He mumbles something about "go west" and I decide to oblige. After stocking up in town and grabbing a Platinum Bangle (Hi double growth), I leave Costa del Sol and do a bit of training outside. Cloud - Level 17 Hardedge: Elemental Lv. 1 (878) + Shiva Lv. 1 (96), Sense Lv. 1 (856), Restore Lv. 1 (1030) Mythril Armlet: Lightning Lv. 1 (96) + Enemy Skill (1) Aeris - Level 15 Full Metal Staff: All Lv. 2 (1803) + Restore Lv. 1 (1176), Choco/Mog Lv. 1 (636) Four Slots: Heal Lv. 1 (691), Poison Lv. 1 (825), Fire Lv. 1 (1819), Ice Lv. 1 (1087) Barret - Level 15 Atomic Scissors: All Lv. 1 (1134) + Lightning Lv. 1 (1171), Cover Lv. 1 (482), Long Range Lv. 1 (320) Platinum Bangle: Steal Lv. 1 (921), Ifrit Lv. 1 (0) Tifa - Level 16 Red XIII - Level 16 Extra Materia: Enemy Skill (0) Ice Lv. 1 (881) All Lv. 1 (0) All Lv. 1 (528) Fire Lv. 1 (929)
  19. First name - It's Hebrew for "Healer of Hashem (God)". Pretty freaking cool too since it's actually mentioned in the Torah. Middle name - Same meaning as Moses from the Torah. Last name - It's actually Afrikaans for "Brother". EDIT: WRONG. Someone needs a crash course in Hebrew.
  20. This is getting annoying. You guys want to give me a medal or what?
  21. Last thing I say before I shut up. There is no joint winning. There is no ranking. You either win or lose. And this is all according to Spoon.
  22. Thank you very much. Credit should be given where it is due.
  23. I call it the Twin Dragon. And the Lure Cap is great for boosting your level. I'll address everything else after shul (Yom Kippur right now). I like the arguments for Samurai, though.
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