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Everything posted by Life

  1. I want to see what the general public thinks first. I do have a back-up planned in case I have to change it ASAP and it's *slightly* better than this one.

    What's your opinion, though?

  2. So, have I finally gone too far with my avatars?

  3. I've been trying to see just how far I can go with avatars for the username 4chan. I think I may have finally hit the wall but I'd like the community's opinions. None of these actually go against the rules set down by posting picture (suggestive does not mean explict). Basically, rate all of the avatars below out of 10 and give me your thoughts on them. I'll try and have a new one up each day so you can tell me what you think. [spoiler=First Avatar] "Have you felt violated today?" [spoiler=Second Avatar] "Screw Pikachu, I'm sending out Elephant Gun!" [spoiler=Third Avatar] "You know it's true." [spoiler=Fourth Avatar] "Turning heterosexual girls into lesbians since 1867." [spoiler=Fifth Avatar] "CRIKEY!" [spoiler=Current Avatar] "/b/ at its finest."
  4. Seriously, remove it or is it legal?

  5. How far can I go with my avatar? Just checking.

  6. I'm trying to see how far I can go with my avatars.

  7. I like FE4 so I don't like having them unranked. 3/10.
  8. Life

    Picture Battle!

    Aww Lightning, that shit ain't funny. But even Chuck Norris still has no chance vs. Toto the Injun!
  9. A big 'ole family... Can you put your arm down please? Finding Dyne took a while. There's a new path that opens up where you go through a fence and find yourself in a junkyard. At the end of the junkyard is the "boss", AKA Dyne. He's a pretty scrawny guy... but he's got a gun for an arm so better safe than sorry. Barret tries to talk some sense into Dyne but it turns out that the man's pretty bitter about life and everything. Barret tries to tell Dyne that Marlene is still alive but Dyne decides to force the fight. Boss: Dyne Looks like a one-on-one brawl between two cyborgs. Dyne has Needle Gun, S-Mine and Molotov Cocktail which all do pretty shitty damage. First thing to do is summon Shiva right away. Afterwards, I stick a Bio on Dyne and turn the rest into a battle of attrition. It's an easy fight, to be honest. After the fight, Dyne gives up. He tosses Barret his wife's old pendent and asks Barret to give it to his goddaughter. And then he takes a head first dive off a cliff... Ouch. The next thing to do is get out of this slum. Which means that we need to win the Chocobo Race that's held in the Gold Saucer... YAY, RACING! FUN! Barret decides that Cloud is the guy who should deal with Dio. We then get a manager by the name of Ester who teaches me how to ride a Chocobo. There's a Ramuh Materia in the jockey room. Soon after, the bell signals that it's time to race. It takes a couple of tries before I snag first place but when I do, I win it pretty easily. Dio then sends me a letter claiming that the party is free to go. What's the catch? Best yet, Dio also writes that Sephiroth is heading towards Gongaga... I'm going to catch that motherfucker. And now I have a buggy too! This is great news! I change out Barret and Cait for Red and Tifa and quickly redo the Materia settings. Cloud becomes my fulltime mage with no less than an extra 15% MP and 7 Magic. Tifa sits in the back row with Long Range and Cover on along with Steal and Manipulate while Red XIII is the jack-of-all-trades (healing, attacking, magical damage). Zoom, zoom, zoom! After fighting a few battles, I realize that Tank Tifa is not to be, making me switch Tifa's and Cloud's roles. The next thing to do is to drive south to Gongaga. Red XIII learns Lunatic High on the way too which will definitely nifty. And I never knew just how annoying Touch Me's could be but fuck, they should all die. And... great. I manage to run into the Turks... AGAIN. This time, we're facing Reno and Rude. Boss: Reno & Rude of The Turks The boys really aren't that hard. Yeah, they can hit hard. That's about it since Rude can use Fire for a measly 0 damage. Or something like that. A quick summon rush should knock off most of their combined HP. Oh and Cloud gained Climhazzard which is quite nice. After the fight, Cloud, Cait Sith and Aeris (switched the party) wonder how the Turks knew where the party was going to be. The only possible explanation would be a spy but nobody seems to check out. I mean, it's clearly not Cloud (I'm not expecting Cloud to pull a Kalas if you get the reference), Tifa and Barret are part of AVALANCHE, Aeris is being chased after by the Turks, Red XIII was captured by Shinra but clearly hated it and Cait Sith is from Gold Saucer. Anyway, Gongaga is a pretty rundown place with not much going on. But I meet the parents of a boy named Zack who apparently was also in SOLDIER, just like Cloud. Cloud doesn't know him but Aeris might. She did claim to have a boyfriend in SOLDIER and the name sounds familiar to her. She walks out of the house while Cloud and Cait chase after her. Well, apparently she was going out with Zack. Both him and Cloud were SOLDIER First Class but Cloud's never heard of him. I check out the shops afterwards and buy some stuff. And then I notice a weapon called Fairy Tale in my inventory that gives Aeris 7 Materia slots along with 15 Attack over the Full Metal Staff. What the fuck?! I buy the Mystify and Time Materia and then pick up the White M-phone for Cait. Just so you know, Aeris is a pure mage right now. She's got 2 Summons (Shiva and Ifrit) along with 9 Magic Materias including Time and Revive. That's +28% MaxMP, +13 Magic and +2 Magic Def. On the flipside, that also means -28% MaxHP, -11 Strength and -2 Vitality. Geez. Cloud - Level 23 Force Stealer: Manipulate Lv. 1 (1732), Steal Lv. 1 (4825), Long Range Lv. 1 (2917) Platinum Bangle: Cover Lv. 2 (2989), Ramuh Lv. 1 (1220) Aeris - Level 21 Fairy Tale: Lightning Lv. 2 (2103), Restore Lv. 2 (3719), Heal Lv. 1 (3649), Poison Lv. 1 (2924), Ice Lv. 2 (2016), Time Lv. 1 (0), Fire Lv. 2 (2399) Silver Armlet: Ifrit Lv. 1 (3011) + Shiva Lv. 1 (2978), Transform Lv. 2 (8634), Revive lv. 1 (2481) Cait Sith - Level 21 Yellow M-phone: Elemental Lv. 1 (2809) + Choco/Mog Lv. 2 (2723), Enemy Skill (3), Sense Lv. 1 (2787) Silver Armlet: All Lv. 1 (1324) + Restore Lv. 2 (3066), Mystify Lv. 1 (0), Ice Lv. 2 (2146) Red XII - Level 21 Aeris - Level 21 Tifa - Level 21 Extra Materia: Lightning Lv. 2 (2009) Fire Lv. 2 (2035) All Lv. 2 (3232) All Lv. 2 (2235) All Lv. 1 (0) Enemy Skill (0)
  10. Life

    Picture Battle!

    Who needs TP when you can have a cow?
  11. Life

    Picture Battle!

    Prissy can't do jack shit if this is her horse. Adding something to the rules.
  12. Air's Rock is hilarious for the most part. The enemies are easy but the battle rate is quite high. But the game tosses you at least 2 Psynergy Stones in that dungeon, including the room with the reusable one. It's long but it's great for leveling up. On the flipside, you have Yampi Desert with a boss that's actually a lot harder (my opinion) than other earlygame RPG bosses (the only exceptions are Gattuso in Tales of Vesperia and the Lord of the Lava Caves in Baten Kaitos Origins but BKO's bosses are stupidly hard at points and laughable at others). King Scorpion would also easily kill the team if I didn't use Air's Rock to level up (pretty sure you don't need to beat Air's Rock first).
  13. Life

    Picture Battle!

    Too bad it's only a puny little drawing...
  14. Holy fuck, Douse actually moves! Shit, they're going to make some puzzles really hard with that shit.
  15. In this game, you try to defeat the above picture with a picture of your own. Couple of quick, simple rules. 1) Keep Superman to a minimum. Lots of shit can beat Batman, Spiderman or any other superhero you can think of but Superman is boring since the next pic is the obligatory Krytonite. 2) Don't quote the above picture. It'll make your post bigger than it really should be. 3) You're trying to defeat the last picture posted. Putting up a random picture of anything "because you can" defies the purpose of the game. So don't do that. And it's OK to explain in words (preferable a humourous sentence) why your pic beats the previous one. 4) Every post must have a picture in it. No exceptions. I'll start off with... this! Fear my panda!
  16. Not funny anymore, Lightning. Lightning's not the best character in FFXIII, Sazh is. 6/10 for the pretty decent start and quite nice endgame, though. As for your sig, Spike's quote is priceless. I'll give that an 8.5/10.
  17. Life

    Mafia HQ

    Pretty sure I'd be the Wolf. Or Rogue. Or something to that nature.
  18. Throwing in my own two cents. Everyone here probably knows how much I like to beat the "I hate no PM games" drum but there's something that irks me a bit more than that. I dislike story driven mafia games... a lot. I'm OK with Bizz since I like her writing style but what it does is give an unfair hidden advantage to the town. Looking over Choral Mafia 1, I can see at least 2 instances where people could have (and almost did I think) get lynched over flavour alone.
  19. If this game ever starts, there's a good chance I'll be using IRC a lot. I'll give out channels if needed but here's the link to the basic thing. http://cgiirc.synirc.net/ No downloading needed.
  20. I think it's official. That SOWD kid is an idiot.

  21. Life

    Mafia HQ

    Tables, it's Mafia in the BOOKS, not Brooks. It's gonna be book themed (pretty much).
  22. US is 21 to drink. But you can join the army at 18 or 19. In America at the age of 20, you can die for your country but you can't give it a toast.
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