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Everything posted by Life

  1. I'd like to back out of this game. I'm bored by it.
  2. 8/10 Cecil's pretty cool but cooler as a Dark Knight. Guys, when you rate signatures that are just words, read them, don't just look. If they're funny, they deserve a good rating.
  3. 7/10 and 6/10. Mia's ok and the fact that I can't read the text annoys me... Note to the next rater. The member title is PART of the avatar, otherwise it doesn't make sense. And Peyton Manning is only my Fantasy QB, not my favourite one.
  4. Ok guys, I'm trying to sound arrogant or anything but this list was made before TM2. I think I actually should move above Bal and possibly Spoon solely for my play in that game. Let me put it this way. As a town member, I knew 4/8 of the mafia members by the end of Day 1 and I managed to get 3 of them lynched (I refused to give away Bizz's name simply because I have some morals). Personally, I think this trumps anything that Bal's done. That being said, Tables actually won that game so he's still better than me.
  5. She doesn't get credit for her own mode. Only for what goes on in HHM. Lyn's got paper thin durability. She is the physical glass cannon in this game. Even if she comes in at Level 9, she's toting 4 Def and 2 Res. This is the kind of defense that someone like Erk has. Canas' durability is even better than this. And yet Lyn is locked to 1 range, forcing her to eat counters. Her offense is great, don't get me wrong. It's that fucking defense that makes her aggravating.
  6. Brighton actually make a wonderful wall if you give him the Shield Ring. At level 8 with the Shield Ring, Brighton's got a defense of 30 HP and 9 Def while the armours aren't doing much damage (I think I saw 11 Atk on them). Much better than anything that Felgus or Leaf can do plus he has Wrath for the enemy phase.
  7. Thank you, oh wonderful Fayt Zelpher (now named Cocytus), for such a wonderful line.
  8. I had this going and then I let my sister borrow my computer. She goes and closes the window WHICH had all of my notes from Evans to Anphony. Good work... I'll see if I can remember stuff. Evans -> Heirhein (10) - Recruiting Lachesis on Turn 4 and having her get some key heals in where they were needed, including one of the Cross Knights. - Cuan getting the kill on Eliot and grabbing the Silver Lance. - Mounts going through Philip's defensive line like it was made of butter. - Lex and Cuan helping Sigurd with killing Boldo and taking Heirhein on Turn 10. Heirhein -> Anphony (6) - Realizing that I can abuse Prayer and then making the Duke Knight knock Fin's HP down to 2 for a 90 Evd bonus. - Levin and Sylvia forgetting to move on their first turn and end up saving the Bargain village on the last turn possible. - Burning through more than 20 uses of Fin's Steel Lance on a single enemy phase thanks to Prayer and Voltz's Free Knights. - Using Fin's Hero Lance to snag the Elite Ring off of Voltz. - Cuan, Lex and Fin killing Macbeth with Sigurd capturing Anphony on Turn 16. Anphony -> Mackily (8) - Fin and Levin destroying the arena back in Evans without even trying. - Dew and Sylvia teaming up to save the villages as fast as possible. - Deirdre silencing Clement like usual with the rest of the army raping Mackily. - 2 of Fury's Peg Knights parking right in front of Levin so that he can't talk to her. - Beowulf and Cuan destroying Clement for Sigurd to seize on Turn 24. Mackily -> Agusty (7) - Levin recruiting Fury before she takes Evans. - Cuan hopping back into the arena for a spell and clearing it with ease thanks to the Silver Lance. - Fury clearing the arena with ease until the Forrest and then waiting for a good RNG streak to beat him. - Watching those stupid Cross Knights charge into battle BEFORE my own troops and swearing violently about it. - Aideen constantly using Warp to send Ardan back a couple of spaces to Mackily. - Parking Sigurd in front of Agusty and taking out Shagall on Turn 31. - Finally getting the Knight Ring for keeping all of the Cross Knights alive. Person Level HP Str Mgc Skl Spd Lck Def Res Gold Main Weapon Rings Sigurd *17.85 47 20 1 17 14 11 13 4 43755 Silver Sword (25) Noish 11.75 39 14 0 10 10 4 10 0 17175 Steel Sword (17) Alec 12.67 40 14 1 13 14 8 8 2 17090 Steel Sword (14) Ardan 8.57 41 15 0 6 5 3 14 0 44110 Slim Sword (5) Fin 19.90 45 15 0 15 17 15 14 2 35005 Hero Lance (10) Speed, Shield, Elite Cuan *16.40 46 24 0 13 18 6 14 4 50000 Silver Lance (8) Midir 9.52 34 10 1 8 11 3 8 0 14660 Steel Bow (2) Levin 10.09 38 2 14 14 20 8 5 9 27200 Elwind (5) Holyn 14.94 42 14 0 19 17 1 12 1 23720 Iron Blade (4) Azel 7.84 33 0 12 8 11 3 3 6 10880 Thunder (5) Magic Jamka 11.93 41 13 0 14 14 5 11 0 21900 Killer Bow (8) Beowulf 11.65 39 15 0 13 11 4 12 0 19540 Steel Sword (8) Lex 18.00 43 17 0 11 12 11 16 0 13280 Hero Axe (4) Barrier Dew 3.48 30 4 0 6 15 13 1 0 35000 Slim Sword (0) Bargain Deirdre 8.43 29 1 19 11 12 7 4 19 15000 Aura (3) Ethlin 13.07 35 10 8 16 19 9 6 8 18880 Light Sword (1) Lachesis 5.93 27 8 8 11 14 5 9 9 14000 Prayer Sword (2) Knight Ayra 12.07 37 15 0 20 21 5 11 2 16480 Steel Blade (7) Skill Fury 9.12 34 12 1 12 19 7 10 10 26980 Slim Lance (0) Sylvia 2.50 28 3 1 4 12 6 1 5 21500 Slim Sword (1) Aideen 12.40 35 1 14 10 11 15 5 10 21800 Love: Noish - Ayra is on your mind. Midir - You're fond of Aideen. Aideen - You're fond of Midir. Azel - Aideen is on your mind. Ayra - Noish is on your mind. Jamka - You're fond of Aideen. Dew - Aideen is on your mind. Beowulf - Lachesis is on your mind. Lachesis - Fin is on your mind. Fin - Lachesis is on your mind. Sylvia - Levin is on your mind. Levin - Sylvia is on your mind. Fury - Levin is on your mind. EDIT: I created another save file on the 31st turn and then had Fin and Lachesis sit around until turn 51. However, Shagall was defeated on turn 31 by Sigurd, just like the first try. I also had no other lovers gaining points at this time aside from the natural growths.
  9. Wait, I thought the love growth was replaced by +5 if they were standing beside each other, not tallied on. I'm still not going to be able to make it while doing a partly efficient run.
  10. I just realized something crucial. From 0 love points, it take 100 turns of standing beside someone to get to 500 (5x100). Lachesis joins early in Chapter 2 while Fin leaves right after Chapter 3. They have a 50+2 relationship. Yeah, that pairing ain't happening efficiency-wise. LevinxTiltyu and ClaudexFury are a different story since those pairings can happen (potentially) but FinxLachesis isn't. Now here's my question. Should I count the number of turns taken for the chapter for how many it takes for Sigurd to be able to seize while I burn x amount of turns in order to pair Fin and Lachesis or would that be cheating in the sense of being efficient? Keep in mind that I'm still rushing to beat chapters and the clock stops once Sigurd can seize the final castle (Agusty and Orgahill).
  11. Fuck, there goes all of my fun... Life Admiral
  12. *ducks and hides* Lemme eat my cookies first!
  13. Foxxy, don't make the TC feel bad.
  14. Just so you know, I'm going Johan too. Get Johalva, he's better. No. Overkill units are fun!
  15. Read MY opening post again, it clearly says that I'm going BrigidxHolyn.
  16. Chapter 2: Preparations: - Azel buys the Thunder from the shop and then is faced with a conundrum. 24 Atk and 3 AS or 19 Atk and 8 AS? Save first, try out a Magic Ring Azel until he falls, followed by a Speed Ring Azel. Turns out that it doesn't matter since he's stymied at the Swordfighter (4) either way. Magic Ring it is. - Ayra buys Sigard's Skill Ring (nothing like overkill Skl), runs the arena without trying and recruits Holyn. All this with only an Iron Blade. - Holyn makes it to the Forrest (7) and gives up even with the Steel Blade. Yeah, I'm not dealing with that shit. - Lex makes it past the first 3 rounds with ease and then can't touch the Swordfighter. So much for the slaughter. - Ardan... is Lex with a sword in the arena. Stumped at the Swordfighter. - Noish actually makes it to the Armour (5) before quitting, which is quite a surprise for me. - Alec takes Cuan's Iron Lance since Cuan buys the Steel in the shop, destroys the first three guys and also can't beat the Swordfighter. - Dew beats up on the first two guys but I don't even send him in against the Lance Knight (3). - Ethlin also beats the first two rounds but fails on the Lance Knight even with Ardan's Slim Sword. - Deirdre is fucking useless at fighting but even she makes it to the Swordfighter before calling it quits. - Cuan does a little cleaning up of the arena until his unfortunate run-in with the Thunder Mage (6). - Midir does well in the first three rounds but the Bowfighter (4) doubles him easily. - Jamka hangs 7 bodies filled with arrows above his fireplace mantle. - Screams of terror are heard as Sigurd destroys 6 out of the 7 rounds of the arena. I nominate the man as the BEST Lord in an FE game, even better than Ike w/ Ragnell and 20/20 Roy w/ Sword of Seals (which is beastly). - Fin doesn't touch the arena since he's waiting for the Elite Ring. - Ethlin and Aideen switch Live and Relive.
  17. Wait, you paired Levin and Tiltyu? At least you have Holsety next generation, starting from CHAPTER FUCKING 6. EDIT: So no husband for Fury and Sylvia. Femina and Hawk: Well, I've never not paired Fury but I've never finished FE4 anyways so I can't tell you how bad Femina is. She looks like trash, though. Thank god that Altenna exists in Gen 2. Hawk isn't bad, Sety's just better. Laylea and Sharlow: Some claim that unpaired Sylvia is better even though Laylea looks like a ho. Laylea gets Charisma, a skill you will enjoy abusing if you can. Sharlow has Elite, that same skill that made Lex promote light-years ahead of everyone else. He's going to be a staffbot though since you had Lachesis also as a staffbot.
  18. 8/10. That Fripside is really good for J-pop (I've heard another one of their songs) even though I don't listen to much of that style (or any aside from Suga Shikao). Not my usual style of music but the guitar in this song is so good.
  19. Corple is Sylvia's son. WHAT CHU TALKING ABOUT, FOOL?!
  20. I guess I'm a Conservative learned Jew. I can go more in depth if anyone wants me to.
  21. Aww man, you missed the insta-lover conversation that Levin and Fury have in Chapter 4. Levin: I love you, Fury... Fury: Well, that settles it, looks like I'm going to have a Sety who puts Sigurd to shame in the RAPE RAPE RAPE department.
  22. Fuck the Meteo's, they're not important. Ok, if Phinora's been captured (good job, it's not an easy one to do with Wyverns charging), then get Levin, Jamka, Brigid and Midir (wake his ass up with the Restore) to the front like and watch them KO any Wyvern they attack. Wing Clipper Beowulf/Sigard will also be nice.
  23. The Silver Sword is an extra 4 Mt (14) with the same Wt (3) and costs 5000 instead of 3000 for the Steel. Trust me, it is a great item for Sigurd and even better for Celice. Also, when I say that Sigurd ORKO'd Sandima, I mean he barely did it. 33 Atk vs. 8 Def and 50 HP x 2 Hits = Dead in a single turn. That's how key that sword can be. Truth be told, I didn't need it since I did have Cuan available to weaken Sandy first but I decided to give Cuan some Exp by killing a mook nearby so... yeah.
  24. Very dangerous situation indeed. A word to the wise. Try to capture Phinora before the Wyvern Knights get to your army. I know that sounds quite hard but there's a couple of things you should remember. 1) The Wyvern Knights won't abuse their whole move (you must have seen this before with the Peg Knights in Silesia). 2) Fury is amazing for taking out Meteo Mages nearby. 3) Sylvia is your best friend. I sincerly hope that she is near Daccar (or whatever Langbart's fort is).
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