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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    I know I promised this a while ago but... After a long day of discussion votes, you finally decide to lynch WoMC. You then turn to Mr. Van Winkle with your decision. "Rip, we're going to kill this man." "Zzz... Zzz..." "For the love of god..." You throw your hands up into the air and then shout to the crowd. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we're going to leave WoMC alive since Mr. Van Winkle is in charge of lynching people. I suggest that we all get a good night's sleep and hope for the best." With that, you storm off back to your room, quite angry that nobody was killed today. As you get to your suite, a Mysterious Voice rings out. Quite creepy. Night 3 is now on.
  2. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Phase over! I'll post the flavour tomorrow. But nobody got lynched today, just so you know.
  3. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Day phase ends after I come back from work. I think you might like it too.
  4. Just putting the topic up.
  5. This one could go either way... You want to open or me? If I open, it'll either be up on Friday or Saturday.
  6. I'd also like the Cop/Investigator to investigate me tonight and then contact me in the morning. Please and thank you. Remember that PMs are allowed in this game.
  7. Well, let's start. I want to see who wants to come to me because I have some really important info that you might want to hear.
  8. What's majority vote? 9? ##Vote: Lightning While Lightning may be Lightning, he looked like he was looking for a stupid reason to lynch someone else. And that don't sit right with me.
  9. Big Update! Well, I'm at the familiar part at the end of the game. Going to Tarqaron is the next step and I'm kinda lazy right now to do that dungeon. So stat, arte and skill time! Repede - Level 50 Ultimate Dog Warrior (Overdrive Researcher) 4381 HP, 541 TP 952 Physical Attack 727 Physical Defense 275 Magic Attack 379 Magic Defense 429 Agility 90 Luck Equipment: Main - Vagabond +2Beta Sub - Eternal Ring Head - Ninja Dog Mask Body - Aer Fragment Acc - Miracle Bangle Artes: Sonic Dog - Base - 167 Crescent Fang - Base - 266 Punishing Fang - Base - 56 Thievery - Base - 77 Falling Leaf - Base - 49 Shadow Fang - Base - 382 Demon Dog - Base - 77 Gale Dog - Base - 74 Shining Dog - Base - 108 Sonic Return - Arcane - 121 Light Spear - Arcane - 332 Shadow Fang Punishment - Arcane - 397 Phantom Fang - Arcane - 2 Hell Hound - Arcane - 212 Demon Spear - Arcane - 93 Cyclone Shot - Arcane - 115 Lightning Dog - Altered - 113 Demon Dog Rush - Altered - 102 Sonic Fang - Altered - 207 Phantom Glacier - Altered - 49 (Learning) Divine Dog - Burst - 0 Divine Dog Blaze - Burst - 16 Divine Dog Savage - Burst - 7 Divine Dog Whirlpool - Burst 15 Slash!!! - Mystic Skills: Combo Plus (10) Lucky Limit (6) Special (5) Chain (4) Magic Guard (4) Guard Reflect (4) Roll (2) Void Attack (E) Void Magic (E) Item Pro (3) Backstep (3) Recover (3) Dash (3) Super Chain 4 (8) Alembic (4) Gale (4) Vitality 2 (4) Vitality 3 (6) Spirits 3 (E) Item Pro 2 (E) Scanning (3) Great Deluge (4) Mental Up (E)
  10. This is my kind of mindfuck game. I'm in.
  11. I prefer using Hawkeye on the Peak. Math looks like this. Vaida has 39 Atk and 125 Hit regularly with the Uber Spear after the bonuses. Lv. 6 Hawkeye has 36 Avo, 51 HP and 14 Def. A Peak gives Hawkeye 40 Avo and 2 Def. 39 Atk - 1 Atk - 16 Def = 22 Damage (3HKO) 125 Hit - 15 Hit - 76 Avo = 34 Hit 34 Displayed Hit = 23.46 Real Hit Vaida kills Hawkeye in 3 straight hits 1.29% of the time. Now, Vaida also has 23 AS vs. Hawkeye's 11 AS. So she doubles him. So obviously Hawkeye's chances of dying goes up. But he's still incredibly durable against Vaida.
  12. The actual name of the role is Doctor. Obviously it will come in handy later, it comes in handy right now too because I doubt that the Mafia is going to want to hope that they get lucky by targetting me. I'd love them to target me and fail because it's one less night kill and one extra day for all of us.
  13. Watched it with my girlfriend and it was Okay.
  14. Hi there, authority on Draft Tourneys speaking here. The point is that it ISN'T a Draft Tourney we're speaking about. Did you run her into Eubans the second that you could? Because that would explain why she was dying. Well, mostly because she can USE them while other units can't. At Unfulfilled Heart, Louise is your best Bow user with an A. Geitz is still at B and there's a very good chance that Rebecca, Wil and Rath all are unpromoted, meaning C Bows at highest. If a unit goes from a 2RKO to a 1RKO, that's a good thing. Why are you taking me literally? I mentioned two RANDOM special weapons. Not two specific ones. The point is that your playstyle is inefficient because you want to stick Iron Weapons on all of your units. Note that inefficient =/= wrong. @ Bold: Like who? Geitz is still at B Bows. Rebecca, Wil and Rath usually aren't promoted even though I've promoted them in S Rank runs. Who else is going to use that Silver Bow? The convoy? Dondon's already said it but you're purposely gimping your guys to and then trying to say that she sucks. @ Bold: An efficient run shouldn't have him supporting ANYONE aside from Louise. @ Italic: And his affinity matters because...? Supports? He comes with an auto A, for god sakes. When I'm doing a ranked run, it's almost impossible for me to get another A support with other units.
  15. I laughed at that. Honestly, I really don't know. There's something about Drunk Goth Girl's posts that doesn't sit right but she's also hilarious so I kinda want to let that slide. Aside from that, nothing really comes to mind.
  16. I want to argue FE7. Anyone up for an idea of what they want?
  17. Don't worry, I've already done this for ENM and HNM. While the Funds Ranking is the hardest to keep control of in those 2 modes, I spent like 80k on promotions anyway and still had about 10k to spend on pretty expensive weapons. Stuff like the Killer Bow in Dragon's Gate is great for the middle part of the game and you're not killing your Funds ranking. This doesn't really back up your argument of "most prepromotes are garbage". And last I checked, you don't have 2 units on a map at all time. Except for the fact that Paladins and Fliers > most non-horsey units when you're trying to get somewhere quick. If you look at my S Rank runs, you'll see that I field a lot of horses and fliers (1 promoted flier per run at the very least) than other units unless there's no point of fielding them (when high movement doesn't make a huge difference, like Genesis or Unfulfilled Heart). Here's the thing. You've completely forgotten about the Mt of these weapons. An Iron Bow has 6 Mt. A Silver Bow has 13 Mt. With 25 Atk before supports along with her 17 AS, Louise will ORKO most of the shit that attacks her. With 18 Atk, she probably won't. So I'd say that your numbers are quite off since Louise only need 2 uses of that awesome bow to make up for 3-4 of the crappy one. Not to mention that she's not exactly your only unit on the field. I can't even go through that many Silver Swords on 3 people and I used to play like that (still do to an extent). Oh and about that critical stuff, Louise has 14 Crit without a Killer Bow when Pent is around. At base. With a Killer, she's rocking 44 Crit and gets 1 Crit every 5 levels. She's basically getting a critical hit every other shot. Oh and her Atk is sitting at 21. Yeah, it's as effective as a Silver Bow, maybe even more if she gets the critical on the first hit. It's nice to see you so money conscience but you're overdoing it, even with a snail style strategy. Sometimes, more expensive weapons are better for a reason. Or does stuff like Hammers and Horseslayers not get used either because it's more expensive than an Iron Axe or Lance? I'm sorry... What enemies in FE7 have 20 Def? If you're going to bring up numbers, try getting them right for a change. Why wouldn't you use Pent? Pent is that good from the moment he arrives. Why can't you field both of them together?
  18. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Bump. You guys planning to lynch anyone?
  19. I've been busy for the past day. Someone want to explain what Fayt's been softclaiming?
  20. Yes but I'm apparently not invincible.
  21. What the fuck is this shit? Why am I always considered Mafia when I'm not? I didn't tell a single lie in Lightning's game and I still had a shitload of votes on me that day by people who refused to convince themselves otherwise. Why is the possibility of me trying to win the game for the town not allowed here?
  22. I think so too except that I think my chances of living are 50/50. Which means that I might get lucky or unlucky (based on what happened at work today, I like my chances).
  23. I think so too except that I think my chances of living are 50/50. Which means that I might get lucky or unlucky (based on what happened at work today, I like my chances).
  24. I'm actually going to do something that I don't usually do. Do something that my brain is completely against since the logic is horrible. I'm the doctor. However, the reason why I'm claiming is that my role has two parts to it. I can protect anyone I want and myself. However, if I protect myself any night, it's "possible that my protection might fail", according to WoMC. Anyway, I'd like the cop to investigate me tonight, report their findings tomorrow (to show that I'm telling the truth) and I'll then protect him for the rest of the game while he finds the Mafia.
  25. Not that I want to pretend that I know anything about FE10 (because I don't) but I did want to add something in since I was THE person who brought Draft playthroughs over to SF from GameFAQs. The original draft was actually based on FE10. The way it worked was that a Lord character was only to be used as a fighter in the case that there was no person from your drafted team available for fighting. It worked like this: Micaiah for Part 1 Ellincia for 2-P Brom/Nephenee for 2-1 (I think it was Brom even though I know that the chapter ends if either die) Lucia for 2-2 Geoffrey for 2-3 Ellincia for 2-E Ike/Micaiah/Geoffrey for Part 3 (Geoffrey for 3-7 only) Part 4 should have at least 1 drafted person per team. You see what I'm getting at? The reason that I bring this up is because someone on the first page said that you always have Ike which is actually false in this case. I'm not trying to raise or drop anyone's positions (though it's possible that Sothe might just be better than Ike because of the above clause).
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