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Everything posted by Life

  1. AWDS is too easy. AW2 is much harder, even on the normal campaign. I'm in, though.
  2. Life

    Mini Mafia Round 7

    Unbalanced as fuck. Tables, you can't do that shit to us, man. No mislynches allowed? Even though a no lynch on Day 1 is preferred, it's still not great. Also, I was quite surprised that the Mafia didn't fakeclaim Tracker. Then again, they won so who's complaining? And Ulki, don't think you deserved the win. Because with the way that you defended yourself, you didn't. That was quite pathetic of a defense.
  3. Life

    Mini Mafia Round 7

    I'm about to go to work (if I don't leave in 10 minutes, I'm late) but I'll say this quickly. You lynch me, game over. Congrats Psych and Raymond, you actually swayed the town brilliantly with faulty logic. I'm a pure townie and Tables will reveal that on my death but it's not like I care anymore. Why? Because Sync and BK voting for me is the dumbest thing they will do. I faked my Tracker so that the real Tracker could feel safe to claim, even if the BG didn't claim. Besides, nobody's said anything yet about Psych not voting for his "official guilty report" of Ulki. Peace guys. Working 4-Closing in 35+ weather is not fun but the money's decent.
  4. Hi, I'm Lifeadmiral. Remember me Jaffar? Yeah, we missed your ass (me and Mori). Inui thinks that you can promote either one of your thieves with the Fell Contract (since Funds is apparently piss easy according to him) and then just let that guy loose with a Killing Edge in 32x. However, my problems with that is that it seems too contrived. The Funds Rank isn't as easy as Inui claims it is since you still need to use some promoted units (the ones that are better than prepromotes) to rack up that ~41700 Exp over the course of the game. One Assassin will amount to about to either 2800 or ~3300 Exp max (Legault and Matthew respectively since Jaffar will probably get most of his Exp in NoF and Battle Preparations and only need 6 levels to hit ?/20 anyways) but there's still a shitload of Exp left to get in the game, along with the fact that said Assassin isn't even guaranteed to hit 20/20.
  5. Bump for the sake of it.
  6. Life

    Mini Mafia Round 7

    Last thing. Why the hell would Psych ever change his lynch target if he was the true Tracker? He has a guilty on a person. But he's trying to lynch someone that he THINKS is Mafia (myself) rather than someone that he KNOWS is Mafia (Ulki). He's clearly not stupid, he's just looking for an avenue to fuck over the town. And that just happens to involve the death of the town's smartest ally. Think about these points. What's Psych going to say in return? Hurr durr, no I'm really Tracker but I want you lynched even though I don't have a report on you? Because if he doesn't change his lynch target back to Ulki in his next post, we have to lynch that motherfucking Janitor. Oh and the bodyguard should probably protect me tonight anyways. Since the Mafia is obviously going to target me. Which means that a WIFOM game is about to start. EDIT: ##Unvote ##Vote: psychout50 making it 3 votes for him and 3 votes for me
  7. Life

    Mini Mafia Round 7

    If you guys want my real opinion, I think the Mafia is Ulki, Psych (Janitor) and Raymond since I've done some thinking. There's a bunch of reasons for why. 1. Ulki is probably Mafia just because he's an idiot at defending himself (admitting to a "lucky tracking" is a horrible defense). He's probably sacrificing himself to make our resident Janitor look like a good guy. 2. There were only 2 Tracker claims instead of 3. One by Psych and one by myself. However, my tracker claim is false because I left a hint in this paragraph. No matter what happened during the day phase, I was planning on CCing Tracker regardless. I'm a Townie with no powers but I wanted to see how Psych would respond or if the real Tracker actually came out of their shell (Mafia then has a 50/50 chance of hitting the real Tracker that night since they might try to aim at me instead). But since there were only two claims, I believe that the real Tracker (WoMC) was janned last night. Leaving me to believe that Psych is the Janitor (since he claimed Tracker). So why was Psych trying to lynch Ulki but changed his vote to me even after Ulki "admitted" to being Mafia? Simple. He wants to look believable. I don't give a shit about looking believable since I already deduced that Psych must be the Janitor. If Ulki was lynched and found guilty, all of you are going to be waiting on his hand and foot. Clever, huh? If I can think up an idea, someone else can too. 3. Raymond must be the last Mafia member. Look at him falling in step with Psych's ideas. Anything Psych says, Raymond follows. But obviously Raymond must be innocent because Psych must be, correct? ./sarcasm So there you go. A true analysis on what's been going on in the game. Lynch me and you lynch a Townie who thought out the game for you. Lynch either Raymond or Psych and we will win this game. For a fact. Lynching Ulki won't really help since he's almost worse than useless (yeah Ulki, you truly suck that badly at Mafia).
  8. Life

    Mini Mafia Round 7

    OH HI, I'M SORRY THAT I HAVE A JOB AND I'M WORKING 35-40 HOURS A WEEK. Lynch Ulki for all I care. Don't lynch me because the logic in your brains is faulty. If I was Mafia, wouldn't I claim to have a guilty on Psych rather than Raymond? Psych claimed Tracker while Raymond claimed... OH, NOTHING! Pretty sure the Mafia would love to lynch the tracker. Also, if I was truly Mafia, why would I put myself out there with an "obvious fake claim"? Don't you guys think that I'm a bit smarter than that? Or are you forgetting the game where I personally got 3/8+ Mafiosos to claim to me on Night 1?
  9. Life

    Mini Mafia Round 7

    1. So... because you say I'm lying, I'm lying? Yep, that holds a lot of water in court. Pointing fingers is all well and nice but it's not proof. 2. One other guy or two guys? Is there 1 Vanilla and 1 Janitor or 2 Vanillas and 1 Janitor. If it's the second one, you better fucking lynch Raymond right now since he claims that today is MYLO when I don't even know HOW many people are in the Mafia. Besides, makes no sense for the Mafia to be 3 people. Tables isn't an idiot and wouldn't balance a game that badly. Town can't afford a mislynch? I call bull on that shit. 3. This is for the bolded part. Let's assume that WoMC was the bodyguard. If he died last night, then a Tracker has no protection at night. But going back to the second part (about how many people are in the mafia), a MYLO mislynch is a horrible idea and sets up a LYLO very soon. So he needs to out his claim on Day 1. But wait, he has no protection so the mafia can night kill him. So what's the best move for the town to protect? A FAKE TRACKER OUT IN THE OPEN. I'm going to HOPE to God that you aren't the Janitor and are just a townie. Because if you're Mafia, the town just lost us the game by following you blindly (Ulki's usual idiocy of "I don't really care so I won't try to help my team win" didn't exactly help). And if WoMC wasn't the bodyguard, I need that person to protect me tonight.
  10. Life

    Mini Mafia Round 7

    Why am I automatically Mafia? Your logic makes no sense. Is it because you claimed tracker before me (WELL PARDON ME FOR WORKING FOR 8 HOURS, I SHOULD DEVOTE MORE TIME TO MAFIA)? Is it because I didn't investigate Ulki and he just happened to be the person that you picked? Please, tell me why. I'm interested to know your reasoning.
  11. Life

    Mini Mafia Round 7

    Just reread the game thread. And wow, I can't believe that you guys followed a "fake" (didn't matter if Psych was telling the truth about being the tracker at all, following behind him was just plain stupidity) tracking report just like that. I had higher hopes, guys. ##Raymond since that's the report I got. Ulki, stop shooting yourself in the foot. I'm pulling your best quote. Ok, Tracker might have been janned (he wasn't 'cause I'm still alive). Big fucking deal. Does that convince me that you might be innocent? Honestly, if you really don't have the heart to play Mafia, don't. I'm getting sick of telling you to be more assertive and do something to help you win. It's almost as if you really don't care (starting to sound like GR now). So stop being a donkey and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! OTHERWISE, GET THE FUCK OUT AND GIVE ME YOUR FUCKING JACKET!
  12. Life

    Mini Mafia Round 7

    Wow, fuck you guys. I was working last night and I missed all the drama? Anyways, I call bullshit on Psychout's tracker claim since he's not the tracker. I am. And I saw Raymond visit WoMC last night.
  13. Update: I'm playing on and off but I'm currently near the Weasand of Cados. Love the collesium fights as Yuri solo but I wish I could have entered Repede into them.
  14. Fantastic scum hunting on Tables part. I put the Mafia in a position to win and then Tables almost singlehandedly snatched it away. If only the rest of the town had listened to him...
  15. Missing. Ramsey is so good that he doesn't even need to be on the list. Being on it would just trivialize everyone else. I thought Louise cooked... She and Athos talk about dinner, I think.
  16. I'm looking for a debate, preferably with someone who will respond back since Lightning apparently concedes Rebecca>Louise and Sahz>Lightning (c'mon, he should of at least argued that one). FE7 prefered but I'm good for FE8 and FE9.
  17. I think Astrid, Lyre and Fiona just got more useless... Is that even possible?
  18. Baten Kaitos. 'nuff said.
  19. He's absolutely hilarious. Not to mention how awesome he is in the kitchen yelling at everyone.

  20. Big problem. Turns out that my computer has stopped working. Don't know why. As a result, I'm stealing my sister's Mac for the rest of the summer and... yeah, lost all of my data on the run. I'll restart it ASAP and get back to the place where I was... if I can use ePSXe on a Mac. If not, run is suspended until I get a new computer.
  21. I didn't buy the Quake Materia simply because I felt that I didn't need to. I wanted the Heal so that I could level it up to Esuna (might take a LONG time but hey, it'll be worth it). Also, I'm rotating team members simply because I don't know if this game is going to pull shit like FF6 (split the entire cast up into a couple of teams by the end of the game) and if it does, I want everyone at a decent level. If it doesn't, DON'T TELL ME. Junon Harbor, the perfect getaway spot: To be honest, this place looks like a piece of shit. Anyways, visited the Weapon Store to buy another Mythril Armlet to get the Four Slots off of Aeris so that I can equip it on anyone. Which is hella useful, mind you. After that, the team went south and Cloud, Barret and Tifa had to save a little girl from a huge flying snake thing. Boss: Bottomswell Best way to describe this boss is "what the fuck is that shit?". He's got a move similar to Reno's Pyramid but it doesn't fucking go away. Which annoys the hell out of me especially when you consider that it also drains your HP. Aside from that, he does really good damage to the team with Big Wave which can suck when you're handicapped. First move was to hit Bottomswell with Cross Slash and Beat Rush/Somersault. I then tried to poison Bottomswell with Barret but that failed. He then stuck Barret with the bubble attack and I had Cloud and Tifa pound damage onto Bottomswell and Barret (so that I could revive him to be free of the bubble and to hit Bio). Once Barret was revived, he stuck both Tifa and Cloud but Barret managed to fully poison the fish. After that, all it took were a couple more shots of Bio, a Deathblow from Choco/Mog and a Tifa resurrection. Dead fish! Afterwards, Cloud does CPR on Prissy (the kid) and saves her life. The trio get invited back to Prissy's house and stay the night. That night, Cloud has another weird dream that mentions the accident in Nibelheim 5 years ago. He wakes up and tries talking to Tifa about it but she tells him to go outside since something weird is going on. Yeah, I know what it is! THE MUSIC'S FUCKING CHANGED, THAT'S IT! Turns out the team is gathered outside of the steps leading up to a house. Prissy walks out of it, right as rain. She then gives me a Shiva Materia in return. Cool! Turns out that Rufus Shinra is in town. And if you go in the water, some sort of high voltage tower shocks the life out of you. Not to mention that Sephy ain't here right now. Something is definitely up. Cloud is sent to talk to Prissy about the dolphin that she was playing with earlier since apparently he can help me do... something. And... wow, that's high. The dolphin boosts Cloud onto a pole and he climbs to the top of the tower to see a giant flying ship. Cloud then investigates the tower and manages to slip inside a building. He's then mistaken as a Shinra soldier who isn't dressed in his uniform and is told to change. Wow, talk about stupid soldiers, can't even recognize a defector. And now he looks like your average Shinra soldier. Yippie. And Cloud now has to fit in during the march and song. Give me a second while I fail to do this correctly. Got past it. Looks like Rufus is chatting to Heidegger about the airship. Heidegger claims that the long range airship will be ready in about three days. And apparently Seph's been here to Junon, killing some Shinra soldiers too. Good, less for me to deal with. And... SHIT. Formation. Another thing for me to fuck up. Made Rufus really upset too. I mean fuck, it's hard to do it on an emulator! Got Silver Glasses from it though. And then Rufus happens to mention Cloud. Which is all nice and dandy when Cloud's standing right behind him in costume. Heidegger plans to crush Cloud and his buddies but Cloud obviously has other plans. Instead of just leaving, Cloud then boards Rufus' ship. Problem is, THE REST OF THE FUCKING PARTY IS MISSING! All aboard Rufus' private vessel: After quickly messing with Cloud's Materia (he's got all the best possible shit on him now), I explore the ship. There's an Ether in the chest nearby along with another All Materia, if I didn't have enough already (this is my 4th I think). Yeah, that's getting sold. And then I find Aeris in a Shirna uniform on the ship. Wow. Where the fuck did she come from? Then Cloud runs into Tifa on the deck after going up the right staircase. And I can't wait to see Barret hiding out in a Shinra uniform. And then a little further, Red XIII is hiding out in another uniform. My god, HE'S A FUCKING RED TIGER! HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU IDIOTS NOT REALIZE THAT YOU'VE GOT A SPY IN YOUR MIDST?! ESPECIALLY WHEN HE HAS A TAIL AND CAN BARELY STAND! I'm sorry, but this beats Exdeath in stupidity. And... Now I'm stuck. Like, physically stuck. I'll finish the post once I figure out how to continue on.
  22. Snowy, I'd like to direct your attention to this. It's not FE9 but the idea is the same. And I suggest that you read the entire topic and watch the first 5 chapters before responding. dondon151's FE8 0% Growths Playthrough Let's look at Seth's performance in the first... 5 chapters or so. Seth is a god that mows through everything. In return, dondon gets much lower turn counts than someone who neglects Seth completely. And since his units get no stat upgrades, he's basically showing why Seth is so good when every single person is stat-screwed. Now let's transpose this to FE9. Titania is Seth for all intents and purposes in this game. Oscar is... let's call him Franz for the sake of convenience. Are a few level ups on Oscar (let's call it 2 for the amount of kills that Titania gets that would go to Oscar specifically) going to make such a difference in the end of the game (efficiency-wise) ESPECIALLY when we have a shitload of bonus Exp to toss around? Not really. For every turn that Titania saves in the beginning of the game, does she lose the same exact amount of turns since she denied the entire team of maybe 4 levels (among the entire team, not each) a chapter? If you play efficiently, the answer is no.
  23. Ah, Eaton Center. What a place...
  24. Who? The only Georg in a video game that I know of is in Baten Kaitos.
  25. 1. I was the one who suggested the No Lynch on Day 2. Not you. Go through the thread if you don't believe me. 2. Pulling a NL is actually better for a Mafia who can plan their votes to look absolutely innocent. Which means that you need logic in fucking spades to do that. And what am I known for? Yeah, that's right. 3. Don't think that just because I'm arguing with you publicly about what's better for the mafia automatically clears you. If you get lynched and turn out to be the person that I yakked last night (oi, that would actually suck), you would have no idea that you were guilty until you were dead.
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