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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life

    Fayt's Mafia

    People have to learn that Mafia isn't just about the roles. It's getting people to do what you want through manipulation of the mind. I can fuck up a town better a regular mafia goon than if I'm some crazy mafia role. But sure. Sorry I didn't sign up earlier.
  2. Life

    Mini Mafia Round 6A

    I did. That's why I voted for him. Spoon never joins bandwagons.
  3. Time to revive this thing. If my S Rank runs have taught me anything, it's that Pent deserves to be in High Tier, maybe even above Erk. He's absolutely usable the second you get him and his stats are unbelievable. He also has immediate access to Physic and other goodies like Silence, Sleep and Rescue (Warp is 2500G a pop so it's probably going to Merlinus) when Erk/Lucius/Canas all need a promotion and then need a shitload of staff training. And while Prissy and Serra do exist, Pent actually tops them until they promote since he can actually defend himself really well. I know his availability isn't fantastic but consider what you're getting in return for waiting a bit. So yeah, Pent for High Tier. Any takers?
  4. Well, most of that list was because of me. I had a bunch of misconceptions too from the first time that I S-Ranked HHM. Playing all of the modes really opened my eyes up. Actually, that's the point. However, I actually had a pretty good idea of my set team for the first 3 modes even though some stuff changed in the middle (didn't know that Rath would get so good that he'd warrant a promotion, for example). I wanted to test out these characters and decide for myself how accurate the list really was. Yeah, Exp is a bitch in EHM. And Funds really had me tighten my belt on E/HNM since I didn't want to mess up Tactics or Exp at the same time. Also, I'm still working on the run, just so you know. I've fielded Dorcas, Bartre, Lowen and Kent and I'm desperately trying to get enough Exp so that I don't have to do stupid things in the final chapter.
  5. Hell, I'm loving my team right now. Hector, Marcus, Lowen and Dorcas starting in Chapter 12. EDIT: NILS! Want him instead.
  6. TiltyuxLevin makes Arthur good. FuryxLevin makes Sety the most broken thing to ever walk this planet.
  7. How the fuck was Dart not taken? Dart.
  8. Life

    Mini Mafia Round 6A

    Vote: General Spoon While Fayt was quick to point the finger, Spoon did something that he never does. AKA continue a bandwagon on someone. That's fishy to me.
  9. It's not Sigurd talking to Eltoshan. He can't make it (Eltoshan appears the turn after you capture Genoa). Might as well tell you since you already finished Chapter 1. You can find the Hero Axe for Lex after you capture Marpha on the way to Verdane. You know that little peninsula to the right after the forest? He's got to be at the absolute end of it to get it. The Hero Axe takes away all of Lex's doubling problems since he'll kill his man before the guy gets a shot it. Plus, he's the only person who can use axes.
  10. 01: Fergus vs. Denning 02: Shannan vs. Azel 03: Jamka vs. Gheb 04: Alvis vs. Vika 05: Altina vs. Briggid 06: Ray vs. Eirika 07: Mia vs. Leaf 08: Sonya vs. Lyn 09: Shinon vs. Tinny 10: Rolf vs. Mareeta 11: Sirius vs. Volke 12: Ephraim vs. Galzus 13: Pelleas vs. Bastian 14: Gerik vs. Syrene 15: Aless vs. Natasha 16: Cyas vs. Naesala 17: Jaffar vs. Sigurd 18: Tailto vs. Patty 19: Katua vs. Marth 20: Haar vs. Caineghis 21: Lilina vs. Celice 22: Lloyd vs. Nephenee 23: Levin vs. Tana 24: Trabant vs. Eltshan 25: Ayra vs. Fa 26: Glass vs. Fury 27: Ilyana vs. Sheeda 28: Athena vs. Canas 29: Lara vs. Cuan 30: The Black Knight vs. Joshua 31: Paola vs. Atlas 32: Marcia vs. Hector
  11. I've never done it but I do have a tactic that I want to use. I'm gonna put the game on Unknown and spam Rainsong when I'm in Overlimit with Raven. The second that he opens up his heart, I'm switching to Rain. Should work since Rainsong actually explodes upon using Taunt. I'm also going to make sure that nobody else attacks at that time. Here's a couple other ways you can do it. Taken from GameFAQs directly. There's a reason why I'm saving this run for last.
  12. Wow, couldn't see that one coming from a mile away... Congrats to the both of you anyway. Good on you!
  13. Fixed. Worst person on the field since Green saved what I thought was an absolute goal late in the second half. Yeah he made a mistake, but he didn't make constant stupid ones like Hensky.
  14. Life

    Mini Mafia Round 6

    Life. I'm awesome at these.
  15. I love the English. I just watched that game and all I could think is "why the hell do you keep shooting yourself in the foot?". Hensky was absolutely awful, especially on that breakaway in the 54th minute. And the number of stupid mistakes that the entire team made was staggering. It's a shame, really. They're a good team but they just have no discipline on the field.
  16. Just commenting on what I know. FF1: Should be OK. I personally like Monk over Thief, though. FF6: No. Cyan is absolute shit thanks to his Bushidos taking forever to charge up. Celes, Edgar and Terra are all great though. Your last guy can be Sabin, Mog, Gau or even Shadow, Setzer or Locke. Gau is probably your best bet if you've been going to the Veldt periodically and picking up rages. Same idea for Mog and Dances. Locke can be fantastic if you set him up correct, so just keep that in mind. FF7: I personally like Cloud, Aeris (while she's around) and Red XIII even though Red XIII is pretty much shit later in the game. I can't be assed to time Tifa's Limit Breaks and Barret being generally slow pisses me off. FF13: Umm, not really. I've found that there are 3 basic ideas when looking for a Chapter 10 party and onwards. Sazh, Vanille, Lightning: Sazh is the only one with Haste and he's had it for a long time. Lightning's a decent Medic and Vanille is your best Saboteur. Get Haste and Vigilence on your party ASAP with Sazh while Vanille sticks the enemies with Deprotect, Deshell and Poison right away. Lightning should be healing. Then, just alternate between Relentless Assault (Rav/Rav/Com) and Tri-Disaster (Rav x3) for the staggers. Only problem with this party is the lack of Sens but giving Sazh enough CP to get to Steelguard (level 2 in the Sen tree for him) should be good. Lightning, Hope, Fang: This party is very balanced since you hit all of the jobs. Problem comes with trying to end battles quickly (both buffing and set-up is more defensive based). Hope starts out with the defensive buffs (Protect, Shell) which are great but they're not Haste and Vigilance. Also, Tri-Disaster is out of the question since Fang doesn't have easy access to the Rav tree. It's pretty much Relentless Assault for your attacking needs. Snow, Sazh, Vanille: On paper, this team looks great but I've yet to try it out. Snow's a wonderful Sen but what makes him better than Fang in my books is his access to Rav. Sazh and Vanille already work great together and Snow makes this team much deadlier. The only problem that I see is a lack of Medics but Snow does get Curasa so if you can knock his Medic CP high enough, this is probably the ultimate party. That's just my take on your stuff. I know a lot more about FF13 than the other games but my forte is probably FF5.
  17. Reasons why everyone above me should move below me: They're not me.
  18. Thanks for the support, matey...
  19. I'm not trying to hide anything. You're just tossing up strawmen and twisting my argument into some sick little fantasy where I love the concept of mass genocide. Let's go to the actual writing for a second. Can you find me the place where it says that Hashem commanded the people of Israel to kill every human being in Jericho? Because I can't. My entry post did describe the casaulties as being a faucet of war but I thought that people would be smart enough to realize that this was normal in those time periods. Are the Greeks evil for putting Troy to the torch? What about the Huns for their treatment of their own people? What about every other nation that lived back then? If I'm defending the idea of total genocide, then most historians who claim that empires were doing what they could to rule apparently do the same.
  20. Part 1 done! Barbos hit the ground quickly but that being said, I did switch to Raven half-way through pummeling the fat man just to try and hit him with Blast Heart. Failed but I did connect with a Fury Blast right at the end of the battle. Gave Repede the kill, though. Repede - Level 24 Ultimate Dog Warrior 1564 HP, 211 TP 507 Physical Attack 582 Physical Defense 283 Magic Attack 269 Magic Defense 198 Agility 32 Luck Equipment: Main - Takemikazuchi Sub - Eternal Ring Head - Ninja Dog Mask Body - Aer Fragment Acc - Thief's Tattoo Artes: Sonic Dog (Base) Crescent Fang (Base) Punishing Fang (Base) Thievery (Base) Falling Leaf (Base) Sonic Return (Arcane) Divine Dog (Burst)
  21. Back then, that's how it did. You steamrolled over the people in conquered places. Me saying "get over it because that's how people did shit back in the day" is me essentially saying "look at this realistically and in the context of the times". By not doing that, you're putting a label on these people that they don't exactly deserve (the "fanatic followers of some God that will commit genocide as a means to an end"). If you really want to do that, then we better start rewriting history books by mentioning how evil all conquering nations were back then. Your idealism is nice but once you start vilifying people because the world doesn't work now the same way that it did back then, your points sound a bit... absurd.
  22. Because it's a story. I have no proof that it actually happened. There's no proof whatsoever. It up to you if you want to believe it or not. That's why I'm handwaving it. Because I have no idea if the story is true or not. I do have a question though. If these stories are true, then what? What do you want me to say and what should happen? It's one thing to argue about it but what do you get out of it? Does it mean that all Jews (and Christians and Muslims too, to be honest) should die in return?
  23. What a choice to make... Dart or Harken? Fuck this. Harken. Probably will regret it though.
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