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Everything posted by Life

  1. Man, I don't give two fucks about Luna. I wanted Canas for that shiny Staff rank after promotion. Whatever. I'm probably going to beat you by a mile with my team since I start early and I pick up the first flier available. At least I don't need to keep Serra alive now.
  2. Life

    Nice "location". Mind you, I can actually read that. ;-)

  3. Not to mention that you stole my pick (I can 4 turn Port of Badon so it wouldn't have killed me to grab Canas). Remind me to fuck you up with my next pick.
  4. Shit, I hate ALL of you. I don't have a healer now and I wanted Lucius. Thinking... Dorcas. If I can't have a healer, I'm going to have a 4 man army starting in chapter 12 and bump it up to 6 by 16.
  5. I find it quite hilarious that you're spinning my beliefs into something else. I'm just going over the chain of events here. I say "this is written and this is what I think about it". You say "so murder and genocide is OK in your religion's eyes?". What I've been pointing out is what is written. If you want to argue the morality of it, go ahead. But the way that you're going, it looks like you're trying to paint those who follow my religion as some sort of psychotic murdering bastards when we're not. If you were to read the Torah, you'd see that there is only one law that refers to other nations and war and all that jazz. That law is to wipe out the nation of Amalek completely, every last person. But that's the only one out of 613 of these laws. None of the rest of them preach violence in any way, shape or form. Just because some things are stories doesn't mean that we follow them to the T. They are just that, stories. Only the case of Amalek is different and we can't even follow that law because we don't know who is from Amalek anymore and who isn't. EDIT: In my second last paragraph, I slightly lied. We don't preach violence towards other nations (again, Amalek is the exception). But laws that involve the punishment of death are learned. However, there are a shitload of safeguards before we go to execution. In fact, the Gemarah in Masechet Makkot says that "a court that hands out a death sentence in seventy years is considered a violent court".
  6. BAFANA BAFANAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Hopefully, we make it to the second round. Tying with Mexico isn't so bad.
  7. Kent. That makes 3 horse and a flier by the time NLoC starts. Plus Hector.
  8. And yet we should only hold one group of people accountable for doing this? I believe that's called hypocrisy. You can either vilify everyone for the same action or none of them. Don't pick and choose. But it WAS that specific little strip of land. Here are some quotes about it. I'm not even fucking trying here when looking for these quotes. These are all from the same portion of the Torah (this one is called Lech Lecha) that we read weekly. I still have another 11 portions in this specific book and then four other books to go through after that. If you want to argue about whether it was right for Hashem to promise land and make people kill for it, go ahead. But don't insult me by saying that it's like any other strip of land. Because it's not. To us Jews, this area is special and holy. It was given to us by Hashem and it is mentioned multiple times within the same basic passage at the very least. Maybe, maybe not. I don't have any clue what Big Guns Upstairs is thinking and what his plans are. If you think it's unfair, too bad. Life's unfair. Especially when you're Jewish but you learn to deal with it and make the most out of it, not bitch to high heavens. Once again, I don't have any idea what he's thinking. If he wanted it this specific way, then fine. We can question it all we want or we can try to justify it but the point is that it really doesn't matter what we say because that's what happened. And there's a good chance that maybe Hashem wanted it that way.
  9. We have rules for this NOW but back when the winners wrote history? Be serious. So we should be condemning them for doing what everyone else did (you know, the Crusades kinda stick in my mind) while everyone else did it? Back in the olden days before we had partially useless organizations before the UN (hell, why don't we say at least 500 years ago), conquering armies would slaughter all civilians in a town as an example of what everyone else should not do. Attila the Hun was notorious for such acts. He'd walk in to a village, kill everyone and then tell the next town to pay up so that their town wouldn't be destroyed like the first one. I can't tell if your comment is a joke since you haven't looked at the context of the times. This shit was NORMAL back then. I already provided reasons for why adding more land wouldn't have made a difference. Try reading next time. It wasn't just any land. The Children of Israel were promised that specific land. It's the same reason why Israel isn't in Uganda right now. Not really. I was actually referring to all the devil and hell and Lucy shit that was mentioned earlier. It seems to go against a fundamental rule that you have (and that we actually share).
  10. Florina. EDIT: Why are Karla, Farina and Renault missing from the list?
  11. What's Death Note? Serious question. The only non-dubbed anime I've ever watched is Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles and that's because I absolutely love CLAMP.
  12. Holy fucking shit, is this really Christianity? Man, you guys are way more fucked up than us Jews. Couple things that I do want to comment on just because I know the Torah ("Old Testament" to you guys) a hell of a lot better than probably all of you. Mostly because I've studied it for about 12 years while you guys tend to worry about JC. For the most part, yes to Kintembo. War is war and people die. Esau, get over it. Whatever the reasons are, people die in war. I'm sorry if you don't like it but the world isn't full of unicorns and rainbows. And yeah, I'm not going to sugarcoat this next line. Hashem (God) told Joshua to eliminate all the tribes living in Cana'an at the time. Call it mass genocide if you will. Guilty as charged. Mind you, we fucked it up like we always do and paid a real hefty price (just read Judges if you don't believe me). However, I'm just going to add to the last little bit of Kin's response. Murder and execution are two different things. There are multiple laws in the Torah that carry a punishment of death. My personal favourite example is "makeh ish vamet mot yumat" which translates into "if you hit a man so that he dies, you shall die too". We have another law against killing ("lo tir'tzach - Do not kill"). You could infer some sort of contradiction here but the idea is that when death is punishment for a suitable crime, it's not murder. Not really. See, you're forgetting the importance of that specific little strip of land. It was where Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya'akov (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) lived. Avraham made a deal with Hashem there. All three met with angels in that land and Ya'akov had his name changed to Yisrael (Israel, hence where the name Children of Israel came from) there. Yitzchak and Ya'akov were both born there. It really didn't matter if Hashem "poofed more land" into existence because he promised us that specific place. Aside from that, screw the JC stuff since I personally don't really care for it. It's interesting to read since this is where Christianity and Judaism split away from each other in a huge way but I also find points of it absurd just because I've grown up Jewish and some ideas just sound... yeah.
  13. * Fergus vs Alm * Shannan vs Sigrun * Innes vs Jamka * Alvis vs Marisa * Briggid vs Karel * Eirika vs Doma * Robin vs Leaf * Calill vs Lyn * Neimi vs Rolf * Sirius vs Sety * Ephraim vs Ninian * Pelleas vs Serra * Tomas vs Syrene * Natasha vs Lifis * Arthur vs Naesala * Sigurd vs Midia * Katua vs Jill * Haar vs Mist * Wallace vs Lilina * Cellica vs Lloyd * Tana vs Soren * Tauroneo vs Eltshan * Pahn vs Fa * Fury vs Faval * Athena vs Lugh * Colm vs Lara * The Black Knight vs Ronan * Ike vs Paola
  14. Are you kidding? Bors is useful up to Chapter 4. Then it's over. He's in a game where movement means everything and he's got none. Gilliam > Bors at the very least. Gilliam also starts out early but he's actually useful for walling during the early and middle sections of FE8 if you're trying to train those useless bastards named Ross, Amelia and Ewan.
  15. South Africa are peaking in the friendlies at the right time. They've won something like 5 out of their last 6 including a 1-0 win over Denmark who are actually in the world cup this year. They might just make it past the first round. If they do, the country will go nuts (so will I as I'm cheering on Bafana Bafana since my dad was born there). I discounted Germany the moment I found out that Michael Ballack was injured and not playing. Am I still a fool?
  16. Life


    Russell Hantz will finally win Survivor! Life's just filling in for him.
  17. I lol'd. Quite literally too. You are also stating an opinion which, incidentially, also has no merit based on the fact that I can easily determine that you are an MGS fanboy. So obviously, "MGS 4 [will] beat ANYTHING that Xbox will ever offer".
  18. Life

    Quantum Mafia

    Which might be right... If I wasn't confirmed as 100% innocent.
  19. Black Soldier listed these games: Super Smash Bros. Melee, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, FE:PoR, Wind Waker, Sonic Mega Collection I'm going to add to this list. Baten Kaitos 1 & 2 Tales of Symphonia (these three games are pretty much the reason of why I still try to use my Gamecube) Animal Crossing Mario Kart Double Dash Resident 1-4 (especially 4) Skies of Arcadia Legends These are just some of the games that made the Gamecube pretty much the best console system for a time.
  20. Life

    Quantum Mafia

    I'd say Lightning.
  21. My bad. Thought they came out on both PS3 and Xbox 360.
  22. Life

    Quantum Mafia

    Bizz. Rather than follow suit after checking the rules, she didn't want to give her number away. My money is on the fact that she's one of the two choices.
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