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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life

    Mafia HQ

    My link is still wrong. Change it please.
  2. Oscar doesn't have enough Move to get to Astrid and guard her from the archer who 1RKO's base Astrid even if he's promoted.
  3. We're at 13/14 right now. I'd love a couple more people but I'm ready to start in 48 hours if more people don't join. Just need to nerf a couple things though, in that case.
  4. I'd like 15+ people for this game so sign up. There's gonna be some epic mind fucking going down.
  5. Hello wall of 3 people to sit in FRONT of Mist? Please stop using the whole "player is stupid" argument, Snowy. Just because enemies like to go for Unit X over Unit Y doesn't mean we're going to LET them go after Unit X instead of Unit Y. Besides, a support activates from 3 spaces away. Pretty sure that Mist can sit a little behind Titania and Jill for the supports to activate without being attacked. No comment here since ruling out a MistxBoyd support doesn't make sense to me when Physic Staves exist. Read necessary as needed for efficiency. Are you actually trying to equate an efficiency run with a solo run? Level 16/1 Rhys has ~20 Mag and 6 Move. Level 10/1 Mist has ~13 Mag and 8 Move. So while Rhys has about 4 extra range on Mist, he also falls behind rather quickly, meaning that the extra range means squat-diddly-doo by Turn 3. So I really doubt that Rhys is better at Mist at healing when she can actually heal people while he's out of range a couple of turns into a chapter. I really don't care about the Sonic Sword argument. I'd rather correct the fundamental problems with Snowy's argument. Carry on.
  6. Let me put it this way. There is a LOT of shit that will go down in this game. A lot. Enjoy. EDIT: I just created a role right now which is fantastic. It actually is. And surprisingly, not overpowered.
  7. Life

    Mafia HQ

    Remove Urban Rivalz and replace it with Screw The Rules Mafia. I'm recycling parts from UR for this game.
  8. Thanks to Urban Rivalz not getting enough people, I've decided to postpone it (not bump it and try it again in about a month) and instead run this game. Anyways, everyone here should know that recently, I've been bitching about balance in Mafia games for good reason. Serial Killer in Spoon's game was overpowered, Town is screwed without PMs in Table's game, other games have had too many power roles just for everyone to have a role... Yada, yada, yada. So I'm creating a game to end all of that. Enter Screw The Rules Mafia. Here are the rules (the ones that you can't screw with): Rules: Be active: This is a pretty important rule for fun games. Ideally, everyone is making 5-10+ posts per day, although that's impossible for a some people and others want to play, and not be completely inundated by the game, so really I'd ask everyone to aim to be making at least 1 post with useful content per day, preferably ~3. If you don't post for over 72 hours without giving me prior notice you'll be away, you'll likely be replaced. I'll remind people if they seem inactive after about 36 hours. PMs are encouraged: Probably every side is fucked without trying to make an alliance with another team. Simple as that. You may talk to dead players: There's a reason why I've called this game Screw The Rules Mafia. Because sometimes, dead players aren't dead players and living players aren't living players. Replacement players: Anyone who is not in the game can PM me to ask to be a substitute. If anyone drops out or is kicked out for any reason, then a substitute will fill in. Anyone in the game who has died, and has no outstanding additional information, may also fill in for someone (by this, I mean things like, a mafioso couldn't fill in until the mafia was dead, or a cop couldn't ever etc. This probably means only townies and a few other roles will be able to fill in.) You may talk at night: Do I need to add anything to this? Expect the unexpected: Cliche, right? There are roles here that none of you have ever heard of. Trust me. Go wild with anything you say: You guys ever wonder why the shit that I pull is so cool? It's because I don't let little things like "what if it backfires" get in my way. Try it sometime. And those are rules that you can't fuck with. So, who wants in? Players: SlayerX Kleine Lightning Ninji I Eat Tables Raymond Core Psychout50 (possibly) Snike Yossarian JB25 Levity Weapons Dracohon
  9. It's been a week and there's been no discussion. Thanks guys...
  10. Life

    Advance Wars Mafia

    I am still absolutely sure that it is impossible for the town to win WITHOUT PMs. Add in PMs and the game gets fair from the Town's point of view. Look at what we have to do to properly lynch bad guys. Cop has to publically claim which means that if a Mafia Hooker exists, all that person has to do is continuously hook the Cop to keep investigations from happening. We can try to scumhunt... but a Fool might be present in the game not to mention that the Lyncher and Warlock want specific people lynched which fucks us completely over... Honestly, how the hell is this game balanced from the Town's point of view without PMs? Luck? Fuck that shit. Tables, my Mafia respect for you just dropped by a mile.
  11. Life

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Reason why I voted for myself and I want to die is that I want to prove to Tables WHY his game is so badly balanced. It has nothing to do with me being Fool and wanting to die (because I have a very different strategy for getting lynched without looking so obvious) or trying to hide as a Mafia member. Tables has personally asked me if I want to be replaced. I don't. I want to die to show him how badly balanced this game is in respect to the town.
  12. Life

    Advance Wars Mafia

    ##Vote: Life Admiral I don't like how lopsided the town is without PMs. So I want out of this game ASAP.
  13. Life

    Advance Wars Mafia

    I'm going to work now and I won't read anything you guys post for a good 10 hours or so but when I do, I expect to see the PM rule changed. If it isn't, I want to be lynched on Day 1 (a mislynch so you guys know) in order for this game to be over ASAP. Why? Because it's a terribly balanced game.
  14. Lucius likes the Guiding Ring for a slightly different reason than Canas, aside from promotion. Lucius wants C Staves (Barrier spamming to B for Physic is very possible) while Canas wants to gain 1+ Con and 3+ Spd that promotion gives him. Canas doesn't necessarily want the Guiding Ring more than Lucius.
  15. Life

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Town has no chance. Here's a quick analysis of the game based on the info we have from the beginning. 17 players in this game. 4 people in Mafia (estimation) and 1 Cult leader. 1 Serial Killer. 4 people who really don't give a shit about lynching a bad guy since it doesn't affect them. 11 Town vs. 4 Mafia vs. 1 SK vs. 1 Cult - Day 1 Mislynch on Day 1 due to lack of information = 10v4v1v1 After Night 2's actions assuming no crossfire = 7v4v1v2 Mislynch on Day 2 = 6v4v1v2 After Night 3's actions = 3v4v1v3 = Mafia win before Neutral wins are considered. That's game over on Night 3. Night fucking 3 after 2 mislynches which is perfectly acceptable to assume since we can't collaborate in silence to figure out the liars. And scumhunting is pointless since there's a Fool active. Tables, this game is based only on luck. It is horribly balanced and gives the Town no chance without PMs. I personally vote that everyone abandons this game because the Town cannot possibly win.
  16. Bumping for the sake of... well, no clue. If nobody responds soon, I'll make the changes even though I don't want to before there's discussion.
  17. Life

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Just realized that PMs aren't allowed. That being said... WHAT THE FUCK, TABLES?! DO YOU WANT THE TOWN TO LOSE?! Honestly, denying PMs in a game where 5 factions exist and the Town has to lynch 3 of them to win means that the Town has 0 chance. And this game comes down to pure luck. Please change that rule right now or I declare this game as a forfit on the town's behalf since there is NO way the Town can win. None. Zip. Zero.
  18. Life

    Mini Mafia - Dethy

    I had a feeling that I was either Sane or Insane because there were 3 Guilties pulled on Day 1. So I claimed Innocent hoping that the Mafia guy would pick a random target instead of hitting Sane/Insane Cops since they're your best allies. False claiming works when 1) you know how to do it properly (ahem!) and 2) Lady Luck doesn't immediately fuck you over. #2 hit me in this game but had it not, I would have posted first as soon as Day 2 started with my real results. Yeah I know I fucked the town over but I was playing the odds and tried to even them out for myself.
  19. Life

    Advance Wars Mafia

    I'm going to take a new approach to this game. I'd like to be cleared tonight as a Townie so that people can start claiming to me and I can figure out the liars. AKA become the leader of the town. To do this, I need the Cop to investigate me tonight and then PM me during the day phase as proof that I'm innocent (you need to include my role name and all other shit) and I need the Doctor to save me so that the Mafia doesn't kill me tonight. If you guys (Town) want to win this game, trust me and do this. Once I've been cleared (survived the night and have had the Cop tell me my exact role and other stuff), I want people to start claiming roles to me along with character names. And if you don't claim, chances are you're getting lynched.
  20. I ALMOST broke this game with a Rogue role. Unforetunately, Tables DID break it with an overpowered Serial Killer role.
  21. Life

    Mini Mafia - Dethy

    No lynch. Innocent on Psych.
  22. Well fuck Tables, it would be nice if people stopped making me do all the thinking for them. I'm usually the only person who actually tries to win a game starting on Day 1 rather than wait for things to fall into place. Especially when I get a shit role and end up doing more for the town than someone with a good role (*cough*Train Mafia 2 where I singlehandedly got Mafia members from both teams to claim to me thanks to pure bullshit*cough*). Sometimes, I feel like I'm restricted to games of anonymitivity since people expect me to do shit. I suffered from the "kill Life on Night 1" stuff for a while and that really sucked because during that time, I was also auto-lynched BECAUSE I survived the first night and was therefore automatically Mafia. Not to mention that since I keep pulling Mafia, people expect every word out of my mouth to be a lie. Which gets fucking annoying especially when I'm trying to win a game for myself/my team and another person allied with me cocks the whole thing up. In all seriousness, we should get rid of half of the stupid roles. Lightning and Fayt's first games come to mind since half of the roles made night phases really fucking random. Not to mention that I've heard players complain that if they don't get a decent role, they don't feel important which is complete bullshit and they know it. Truth of the matter is that they don't want to use their brains to try to win a game and would rather get lucky or have someone else (namely you and I) do it for them.
  23. Life

    Mini Mafia - Dethy

    Fuck it, add me in there.
  24. Here's my next bunch of proposed changes, if anyone cares to look at them (Jaffar, I hope you also check them out). 1. Marcus up to Top Tier to sit right below Ninian/Nils. 2. Harken and Lucius swap places. 3. Dorcas to fall to below Canas in Upper Mid Tier (am prepared to argue this person by person until he goes down). 4. Bartre and Jaffar swap places (I have an argument for this on the first post and yet nobody responded to it). 5. Karel up to Lower Mid Tier to sit right below Jaffar. 6. Dart and Vaida swap places. I kinda want to inject new life into the tier list but these are also some of the things that I've realized from my S Rank runs. Granted, it'll take me a while to get to HHM (gotta get a new computer and then beat ENM along with HNM, not to mention a rerun on EHM) but I'll get to them soon.
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