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Everything posted by Life

  1. Welcome to the world of WIFOM, buddy. I could be Mafia but it seems pointless of making a claim this early to try to look innocent. If I was truly Mafia, it could easily backfire since a cop could just check me out at night and say that I'm lying the next day. I'd be playing with unnecessary fire for the sake of playing with it.
  2. Ok, let me explain to you the reasons why this claim cannot possibly be "BLATENTLY FALSE". And learn how to spell. I am the Survivor of this game. I just need to make it to the end. Now if I was actually falsifying my Role PM, you then have to ask yourself these two questions. 1) Why would I claim as Russell Hantz, a person that I idolize when playing social games like these? 2) Why would I claim on Night 1 before we can even vote? The first question has an obvious answer. I wouldn't claim as Russell. Makes no sense to me since it's way too obvious. If I was truly faking my role PM, I would have chosen either a winner that I liked (Ethan Zohn, Sandra Diaz-Twain...) or someone who was similar to Russell in the mindfuck division but didn't have everyone wanting to kill him (Johnny "Fairplay" Dalton, Jonathan Penner...). And that's considering that I was picking a person from Survivor. I could have picked Shuya Nanahara from Battle Royale (the movie) since he is a survivor of that game. I could have picked Ralph from Lord of the Flies since he survives the island. There's so many people I could have picked. Now that has a beautiful WIFOM that states that "Russell Hantz is the last person that you would pick since he's so obvious and therefore should be the basis of the role PM". Except... I claimed on the first night without a real reason. I could be trying to take suspicion off of myself by being so open in the first place but that's not why I did it. I could just hide behind a facade of being quiet instead and achieve the same goals. However, I want to lead the village to lynching the right people. I can usually see through people's bluffs when they're right out in the open. Tell you what. If someone in the town has a killing role, target me on the first night available. If I don't die and someone else does, I think that's proof that I'm truly innocent and should be trusted.
  3. UPDATE TIME! Back to playing this game. I'm at the Weasand of Cados and I'm slowly trying to figure out exactly what I'm missing. It'll take some time, though.
  4. OK, in preparation for Night 2, I want to mention to the town that I am basically unkillable at night and I'm Neutral. It's not a picture so it's legit. Anyway, I think we should follow any scumhunts that I go on solely on the fact that I join-win with the town or Mafia as long as I make it to the end of the game. And all I have to do is guess right every single night to live to the end.
  5. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Couple of things that I'm noticing. 1. If you have an item, you may give it away to other people during any phase. If you give the item away to someone, they won't know who gave it to them. Sometimes it's better to give away items rather than holding onto them. 2. I sent role PMs with instructions so that I don't have to dig through 50 PMs to get every action. Just send a new PM every single night/day with your action in the title. Here's an example. If you are the Terminator and your action name was "Night X - Terminate USER", PUT THAT IN THE FUCKING TITLE. Not "kill John" somewhere in the body of the message. Thanks.
  6. Dear Mafia. Can I PLEASE not get killed during Night 1? Thank you.
  7. Got it. That's fine, Tables.
  8. What was I supposed to say? I am God of the Neatherworld and I cannot possibly suck?
  9. Surprisingly not. She claims I'm hot and she's actually good looking (unlike my last ex) so I'm gonna roll with that.

  10. Haha... Seriously, I got myself a girlfriend. No clue how, though.

  11. Oi! Guess who's no longer single!

  12. I'm reading this over and it might be nice to play. However, I can also co-mod if you want, Tables.
  13. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    That morning, you wake up and head downstairs to the lobby. As you prepare your coffee, you glance over at a piece of paper that has been nailed to the wall. On it are rules to a regular game of Mafia. However, someone added in another coloured ink. Another man walks over and whistles. "Damn, our mafia buddies are going to have a much harder time picking us off now." He then walks off, leaving you mystified. "Order! Order!" Mr. Van Winkle yells out. "None of us have died last night but how can we be sure that we still all live until tomorrow? We should hang a person today!" Everyone else starts voicing their opinions but after countless hours of arguing, you yawn and yell out that nobody should be lynched. The rest of the group agrees quickly while Mr. Van Winkle shakes his head in disappointment. "So be it. We should meet back here tomorrow morning, in that case." He then slumps in a chair and goes to sleep. Nobody has been lynched. It is now Night 1.
  14. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Day phase over with a No Lynch! Flavour coming tonight but I'm running out now.
  15. This reasoning is wrong. We're not doing an efficiency run, it's ranked. And on HHM, we only need to beat 10 turns and 700 Exp. Florina is really the only person that we need with high movement since she's the one who grabs all the houses and talks to Fargus. Marcus isn't needed here and I definitely wouldn't give him the nod over Oswin who can actually withstand a Damien critical hit. Eliwood is probably better than Lyn since he's got good Def and HP figures, much better than Lyn at this point. Guy can easily get fielded but there's nothing that he can do that base Raven can't with a Steel Sword/Killing Edge. In fact, Raven is arguably better here since he can get more Exp for the Exp rank and yet still ORKO with the 36 Crit he has with the KE at base level. Sure that's not as awesome as level 12 Guy's 38 Crit (there's sarcasm there) but Guy has ~11 Str if he's lucky while Raven starts at 10 Str. Is there something on the field that dies to a double attack at 20 Atk but lives after a double at 19? My point here is that Guy can't do something that base level Raven can't do with the same weapons in Port of Badon. The Killing Edge isn't exclusively Guy's since Raven, Marcus and Sain/Kent (if one of them can't ORKO an enemy that they need to) all want it in the early portions of the game before you can buy more.
  16. EHM 16x with base Raven (no HHM stat boosts) I would disagree with your statement of "gets raped by the middle enemies" since I've held off the northern HOUSE route with just Raven. Sure it was on EHM but Raven didn't have his bonuses so it evens out. He also got 2.5 levels, going from 5.27 to 7.80 in that single chapter. He can stand to be fielded in 18 since it's probably better for Oswin/Hector+Eliwood/Lowen to hold the right side to minimize damage done by the mercenaries so Raven and Guy are really interchangeable in that chapter as long as Raven can survive 2 hits from Zoldam. 19 gets even better for Raven since he can do massive damage to Uhai with the Longsword since Uhai's the first boss that you fight that even gives Marcus problems. Everything he does after that is gravy since he's easily caught up 5+ level in 3 chapters if you only field him for 2 of them.
  17. Life

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    Well, this shit is annoying. Why am I always killed off first?
  18. I don't believe in rule number -1. I'm in though. See, this is my kind of game. I'm gonna fuck you guys over SO hard.
  19. It's based on a point that was brought up to me on GameFAQs that I was never able to refute properly simply because the numbers were against me. Dorcas comes out of LHM at about Level 7. Bartre starts at level 2 on the same chapter. However, if we're distributing EXP properly for the run, Bartre's going to start catching up to Dorcas by the end of 13x and Dorcas will no longer be able to do stuff that Bartre can't, even with Bartre's starting AS of 2. I need to pull up the argument on GameFAQs though but the basis of it was moving Bartre and Dorcas closer to each other. Dorcas vs. Legault: Combat vs. Utility. Dorcas is good in the earlygame. However, he's the 3rd or 4th best overall combat unit to start with (Marcus, Hector and Oswin depending on how important that 1 Move is) and has defensive problems that the other 3 don't have. Legault is one of two Thieves in the game and is arguably the better one from when he exists to the end of the game. It's hard to judge how important thieving is but the fact that Dorcas can never be the best person at what he does while Legault has that opportunity means that Legault is better in my books. Up for discussion, though. Dorcas vs. Fiora: Flight is that important. It really is that big. Dorcas vs. Canas: Here's where it gets tricky. Canas really has one problem and that's his AS. I keep advocating one of the two Body Rings to go to him since it gives him 2 AS (Luna only weighs him down by 1 AS now) and nobody else really uses it as well (you have Isadora who also loves it and maybe Erk but I don't see Erk needing it since his AS should be good enough anyway). Promotion gives him 4 extra AS (3 Spd and 1 Con making Flux cost nothing at this point) while promotion can't dig Dorcas out of his own Spd and Def problems. To me, this is a pretty good example of risk-return. If we give Canas a very uncontested item, we're instantly rewarded with 2 AS. If we give him a pretty coveted item (3rd or 4th Guiding Ring assuming we even want to use them), he gains another 4 AS and immediately saves himself from Spd problems before mention his staff usage (it's not great to start at E staves but it's better than nothing). He's already got a monopoly on Luna which makes him quite awesome vs. some of the later bosses even without a promotion. And Nosferatu can keep him alive when you can't afford to heal him via a staff, along with getting EXP for Combat. Bartre vs. Jaffar: In all of my runs, Jaffar saw combat in 28x (wasn't much, he wasted a couple of archers and snipers on the treasure platform), 31x and Final. The only one where he's actually doing stuff that makes me appreciate that he was there was Light since he COULD insta-kill a boss. Aside from that, it's really not much. I'd rather use Bartre as a lategame Exp unit when you're hurting for every drop of Exp (EHM broke me badly).
  20. Shoddy Mog. Just call him Life. Kupo!
  21. Life

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Sorry, I've been in bed with my girlfriend for the past 48 hours. What's a computer? Anyways, majority is voting No Lynch. 4 more hours and then I'll end the phase. Sorry for disappearing too. I like the way this game is turning out.
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