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Everything posted by Life

  1. What's bolded isn't "condoned discrimination". Men and women have different mitzvot to fulfill. For example, only women can light Shabbos candles which welcomes in Shabbat. That's a mitzvah that men can't do.
  2. Best: Karla (you have to unlock Hector's story to get her) Worst: Ismaire. She's utter trash.
  3. I count 14 votes for Raymond out of 23 still living people. That's a majority. Spoon, can we end the day phase and lynch this motherfucker now?
  4. Lyndis says hi. She's probably the purest glass cannon in any of the recent FE games (since FE7).
  5. ##Aim at Raymond with giant lazer instead of Bal
  6. So we lose Lux... and gain him back again? Cool and now he's a vigilante! ##Firing mah lazer at Balcerzak
  7. I'm starting to get a bit pissed by you posting in my thread and making everything about you. Aside from that, you're an idiot. 30 Str (what you said) is not equivalent to 30 damage (what Narga said). Now you can go die in a hole because you clearly have no friends and nobody likes you. Otherwise, you wouldn't be posting here and trying to sound smart. As for the run, I'm still doing it.
  8. Sorry that I'm not posting often, it's Rosh Hashana right now (Jewish New Year) and I've been at shul praying for hours. Expect more of the same next week for Yom Kippur.
  9. I'll explain in private. I don't want the whole town knowing my role (but I think one of the Mafias does).
  10. Oh I get it. It's not the same role though (I'll explain when I think that I can afford to). ##Smash Balcerzak into many different pieces
  11. Didn't I have one of these up a little while back for this game? Anyway, shotty Cloud just to see my name a lot. Put Life in.
  12. Can't we just forget about this faggot already and move on? Why are you guys on your knees and trying to fellaciate him to the best of your abilities?
  13. Well, HHM S Rank isn't so difficult if you know how to spread Exp around to get enough levels. I failed my EHM run because of that but I was 40 turns up on the Tactics requirement for 5*.
  14. ##Destroy Bizz with a mighty hammer. I love you but if our great leaders want you lynched because we get Mafia either way, it's for the best.
  15. I'm sorry, Canas lost his life trying to stop an avalanche. Fiora ran away the second her troops got slaughtered by enemies. You tell me who actually deserves a medal for their bravery. You could also say that Canas will open a can of whoop-ass on his enemies but that sounds a wee bit corny. Normally, I don't stop paragraphs halfway through like this. But this is just dumb. May I have a reason for WHY any of these listed pirates would be attacking Canas at 1 range? It's nice and dandy to play the "no defense" card but the problem here is that Canas cannot possibly be hit by any of these pirates. Now you're talking sense. But take a look at the map. This is ENM I believe so imagine about 4 more pirates to the south west and 2 more to the north. Now, we can field 5 units and Hector. Then we get Canas on Turn 1. If we field Florina, Raven, Oswin/Marcus, Serra/Prissy and Guy/Lyn, a couple of things happen. 1) If Raven goes north, Guy/Lyn sits in the northern house route and Oswin/Marcus with a Horseslayer stops at the spot that is 1 SW of the Devil Axe house, we still have one extra person who is fully healed that can ward off attacks. If Guy/Lyn gets injured, they move back and Hector takes the spot while the healer heals the injured unit. And Canas didn't even have to move if he's parked right behind Guy/Lyn. This is a tactitian thing and any bullshit about Canas needing to move leads me to think that you're subpar at this game while trying to pass it off as one of Canas' weaknesses. 2) There are ~10 pirates rushing you from the west, probably 7 since I think the southern 3 don't move. The AI moves the Pirates before the Mage, Shaman and Archer and will block off 2 range spots just for a Pirate to get closer to your troops. As a result, we don't even need to worry about the 2 range units until at least Turn 4. Don't believe me on this point? Try it out for yourself. Pirates move first. Canas doesn't need to bother himself with small fries. Whoa, this is absolutely wrong. Lemme pull up my 16x info from my EHM S Rank run. I said 1.5 and I was being nice. I finished this chapter on Turn 6 with still a bunch of enemies to go AND I was under the Tactics count of 10 turns. It is completely fair to assume at least 1 level if not 2 for Port of Badon. Also, this isn't a case of personal experience. This is me bring solid data to the table and explaining why you're wrong. Again, from where are you getting this assumption that Canas always gets attacked from 1 range? This is what I call "tactical ineptitude", not "durability problems". If Canas gets fielded here, he's sitting at level 10 minimum. If he doesn't (not that I expect him to), he's at least level 9.5, possibly still level 10. I think you and the English language have different meanings for flexibility. Canas wielding 1 weapon that does the work of at least 2 that you've mentioned is flexibility, not Fiora using 4 different weapons and failing with each of them. Flux has inherent 1~2 range (maybe you forgot that since you keep mentioning that Canas is constantly getting attacked at 1 range when he isn't) like the Javelin and it basically has the Atk as the Axereaver, Fiora's strongest weapon that you posted. In fact, Canas does MORE thanks to the Def/Res gap which you later claim is negligible (for Pegs and any sort of mage it is, which is only 30% of all of the game's units). Canas can easily see action in 19 and HAS seen action on my run in that chapter. There's lots of forests and and low Res things called Cavs and Nomads roaming the southern end. Canas has similar durability to someone like Florina (who gets fielded to recruit Fiora) so he has all the business in the world to be there. I'll give you the point on 19x but Fiora doesn't have a level lead. After 4 chapters, Canas is a mandatory field in 17x and probably does the best out of all your magic users in 18 (Erk suffers from WTD while Lucius is underleveled at this point) and 19 (most durable magic unit on the field). He's getting fielded in at least one of these chapters. Canas being at Level 11 after 19 is done is very possible and very likely if you're using him fairly and not trying to shaft the bastard. Now let's look at Fiora. She gets about 1.5 levels in 19 if my math is right (4 Pirates vs. Axereaver). Now IF she is fielded in 19x (I didn't field her on my EHM run), she's getting 2 levels max thanks to everyone else competing for experience. That leaves her at... level 10. Canas is level 11. Now, not only does Fiora NOT have a level lead, Canas is actually leading her. Please do not claim silly things like "Fiora has a level lead after 19x" in the future, ok? what is this, i dont even I don't understand 2 things. 1) Why you're comparing Luna (a situational weapon that I have SAID is a situational weapon) to the Killer Lance (a regular combat weapon that can critical). 2) Why you're assuming that we waste Luna on a regular mook. Why don't we look at Luna in its proper use, shall we? We'll take Chapter 21 as a comparison point since it's the first chapter where we can feasibly use both Luna and the Killer Lance. Oleg has 48 HP, 8 AS, 3 Luck, 13 Def and 8 Res. Oh and he has WTA on Fiora with a Killer Axe. Fuck, sucks to be her. Canas can be sitting at about level 12 by now, maybe even level 13 if you gave him a round in the arena (I did that to Rebecca, Lucius, Legault and Raven on EHM without really losing turns). That translates to... about 12 Atk with Luna or 11 with Flux. Yeah, let's take Luna. He also has 22 Crit. He 2RKOs Oleg with a single crit (17% of the time) or 4RKOs him without. Oleg has 28 Atk with the Steel Bow against Canas' 24 HP and 6 Def, also resulting in a 2RKO (he doesn't double Canas since Canas sports 5 AS, just enough to escape the double). Now let's look at Fiora with the Killer Lance. Fiora will reasonably be a level lower than Canas so 11~12 fits the bill here. That gives her about 19 Atk against 13 Def... Oh. That's 6 damage a hit... Wait, don't forget about Critical! The KL gives her 34 Crit, doing 18 damage. So at best, she 2RKOs Oleg with 2 criticals on 4 hits (also happens about 5% of the time) and at worst 4RKOs him. So no better than Canas, even after doubling. On the flipside, Oleg has 31 Atk against Fiora's... 24 HP and 7 Def... Oh shit, that's a OHKO. Luna is a fantastic boss weapon. It can hit from 2 Range, it can critical and it ignores Res. Oleg's a Warrior and has naturally low Res. If I took someone like Linus who has similar Def/Res counts, you'd see a big difference in what Canas can achieve without even trying and what Fiora has to reach just to match him. Oh and it also worked out that Fiora gets OHKO'd up close and at range by a moving boss in FoW. I guess Fiora's not getting fielded in this chapter since "keep her out of his range" isn't a viable defense. You do realize that AS isn't everything, right? That same level 13 Canas from above sports 22 Atk with Nosferatu or "effectively heals about 18 damage every time he hits with Nosferatu". If Canas is hurt, I can have him heal himself to full HP with Nosferatu on a Player Phase. If he gets attacked on the enemy phase, he takes x damage, heals it back up while doing damage to the attacker and takes x damage again. If Fiora is hurt, I have to heal her up with a healer (when I could be healing a more useful unit) or get her to use a vulnerary which wastes that phase. If she gets attacked on the enemy phase, she takes x damage and does damage to the attacker. Note the fact that Canas allows my healer to heal another unit and doesn't need to waste his phase with a vulnerary. That allows for tactical flexibility, a word you seem to confuse with nightmare when talking about Fiora. And so what if I'm not using Eclipse or Fenrir? What's wrong with Flux? It only costs 900G (less than that Killer Lance that Fiora wastes on mooks), has 1~2 range (what was the weapon that Fiora needed to achieve that... oh yeah, that shitty Javelin with 65 Hit, 11 Wt and 20 uses), 7 Mt (Lucius needs Divine to be using a better weapon), has 45 uses (most uses in the game for a single weapon) and attacks Res. Flux fulfills Canas' needs better than 4 weapons fulfill Fiora's. So why don't we start respecting Flux, eh? *Looks at map* I count 3 ballistas in FoW. Yeah... I'm trusting Fiora here. And I also see constant reinforments from Turn 7 onwards of Wyvern Knights and Knights, stuff that has high Def and low Res. And then there's Oleg who OHKO's Fiora from a distance no matter her level and has a chance to OHKO up close if he doesn't do it already with his 31 Atk. And so you know, "Refuerzos" means "reinforcements". I don't see a reason to specifically reply to every chapter listed above. Apparently both Florina and Heath (and Vaida to an extent) don't exist in this game since Fiora's doing EVERY flying job available. But let me mention a few things. 31x: Fiora doesn't have a CRUSHING win in that chapter. The only person of note in this chapter is Jaffar who has Ninian dancing his ass every turn so that he hits the arena 10 times. Silencer was made for this chapter. Fiora has major wins against Canas in 23x, 28x and 29. That's about it. Everything else is some sort of bullshit reason that you've made up. How does Fiora autowin Funds by flying around in 23? If you look at this map, you'll see Archers, Mages, Wyvern Knights and 2 bosses with axes in the middle of the fucking map. Oh and it's FoW. You expect me to fly Fiora through that? Keep in mind that Pent is on the other side of the map and isn't God (unfortunately). And you're wrong about 5 starring Tactics. It actually is a joke. Look at my EHM run (linked a couple times in this post) for proof. When I was at VoD, I had 40 extra turns. 40 FUCKING EXTRA TURNS and I wasn't playing efficiently. My problem was Exp (a nightmare of a rank), something that a promoted Canas excels at because he has his own personal Exp pool when using staffs. He's not taking from other units, unlike Fiora who has to steal kills in order to keep her Exp flowing. Last I checked, you don't get Exp for rescuing a person or flying over a cliff. You do for healing a person. First note: Where are you getting level 18 from? You pulled this number completely out of your ass. Here's the proof. Aside from Eliwood, Rebecca is the highest combat level AFTER finishing this map (Matthew went from 13.95 to 19.23 thanks to the arena) thanks to her ORKOing Wyverns without batting an eyelash and she's only level 16. Fiora's sitting at level 13.71. Granted, I could give her a couple of levels from Heath but her max level is then 15. Canas will also be 15 if you're using him constantly (I basically dropped him in this run so that he could be a lategame Exp unit) and Fiora has 0 level lead. Level 18 my ass... Have you even TRIED to S Rank HHM? What about EHM? Fuck, with a level 18 Fiora at this point in the game, the best you'll manage for Exp is 3 stars, never mind 5. As for the actual combat stats, I'm not going to talk about them since they're already mentioned in my opening post with me explaining why Canas is better. When the pair are at reasonable levels, Canas is the better combatant. When their levels are inflated worse than the US Dollar with Fiora being given an arbitrary higher level just because she can have one, obviously she does a bit better than Canas. Umm... no. Just no. You're almost as bad as Inui at inflating levels. Proof is here again. Heath promoted at the end of last chapter but I was using an unpromoted Florina and Fiora, both nearly at 20/0. Canas and Fiora are both 20/1 MAX (imagine Canas being Rebecca) at this point, not 20/4 to start the chapter. Read my above comment about combat stats. But I do want to mention supports (since I forgot to in my first post). With regards to C Sain C Kent, that's not exactly happening. C Sain I can buy but Kent is a support pimp with Lyn wanting the man badly. Like "hi there Anima so I get Def and Avo to pad my paper defense" badly. She'll be taking C Kent in 20 turns (by the end of 20 or so) and B Kent after that. Fiora need about 27 turns for C Kent and loses out on B Kent because Lyn wants him that badly and has a headstart. Florina's always available but that's a B at most too since Lyn has the A support locked up. Sucks to be Fiora, huh? Canas doesn't need supports, he's already married with a family. Seriously, his suck. Plain and simple. But he's great without any so I don't see a problem.
  16. Moving my rage post at Furetchen here. Read it for the future. Abstaining from voting right now for my own reasons.
  17. Since I've started playing this game (on my computer), I might start commenting on the list soon. That is if Dolphin doesn't freeze up after 3-P like it apparently does.
  18. How about Dimna or something like that? You starting with the first game or the second? I can give a lot of tips as to how to do the best set-ups and shit for boss battles and the like (hint: mono-element isn't the best by a long shot).
  19. Fee and Misha are missing from this list. If you really want to get technical about it, Misha actually deserves to be on it since there are two Pegs in FE5 (Karin and Misha).
  20. Actually, I'm out. I don't really like playing in NOC games (No outside contact).
  21. What happened to you looking asian? Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you... bait!
  22. Best: Ooh, this is tough. Probably Prayer if you can abuse it well. Honerable mentions: Lunar Sword Meteor Sword Wrath (FE5) Aether Pursuit Continue Astra Big Shield Great Shield (FE8) Bargain (Hi there holy weapon holders) Worst: Blossom (FE9)
  23. Lumi: Seth/10. And that Lakche is quite amazing. 10/10.
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