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Everything posted by Life

  1. Where do I say that I'm offended by your arguing style or your points? Are you talking about my comment about responding to every little point (something that I find pointless since arguments get dragged off topic that way)? Or me saying that both extremes are dumb? Or does this go back to the original point that I made? I'm simply saying that your side of the argument seems just as ridiculous as the side that you label (albeit not purposely). Maybe it's a flaw in your oration since you're not trying to misrepresent your argument? I'm simply responding back to your points with logic and my opinions. But you should probably work on your wit a bit more if you want to seem entertaining. To me, trying to be witty is pointless. If you can express your point without pulling out a sarcastic response, why go for the humour when it can offend someone?
  2. Life

    Mafia HQ

    I assume you're going ahead with it? Send it to me. I'm going to be holding your hand the entire way through. No buts about it.
  3. I don't. I just don't like the fact that people run around and believe that what we know thanks to science is absolute fact and cannot be changed. These people are no better than religious fanatics who claim that you will go to hell if you don't believe in x deity since they hold science in the exact same light. If you don't accept this fact as true (take creationism as an example), you are a complete dumbass.
  4. Rather than sit here and contest every little point whether it's in context or not (you boys seem to have that down to a science, pardon the pun), I'm just going to state my point with regard to your arguments. What I don't get is where this idea of "science is infallible since we can do repeated tests to prove something" is coming from. Take the periodic table for example. Why is Chlorine similar to Fluorine? Because Mendeleev (a human being, mind you) said that Chlorine and Fluorine share similar traits (loose electrons in the outer shell as an example). But what stops Chlorine from being more similar to something like Radium rather than Fluorine? The simple answer would be "because we've done tests to prove that Chlorine is similar to Fluorine and Radium is completely different". However, what if Ra and Cl are more similar than Cl and F because we don't have the technology to run such a test that would actually prove what is contrary to popular belief? Think of it as Galileo claiming that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Back then, people didn't have the technology to prove otherwise and went with the consensus that the Sun revolved around the Earth. The important thing here is that when people believed that the Sun revolved around the Earth, they put it under the category of science as well. And look at how that turned out. My point is that both of you (Esau and Phoenix) are being just as close minded as people who say that science is bunk. In fact, you two are on the opposite side of the spectrum because it seems that neither of you will ever want to admit that science can be wrong. You know what I'm saying? I personally take science and religion hand in hand. I'm a religious Jew who believes in Hashem (God) and I was studying Chemistry and Physics last year in university. To me, both sides of the argument (Science is perfect vs. Faith is perfect) just sound stupid in my mind.
  5. You're absolutely right. However, I've got problems with the way that you're stating your view. It's like the "sun will rise tomorrow argument". It seems to me that you'll firmly believe that the sun will rise since modern sciencce has "proved" it. So what happens to that science if the sun were to not rise? Repeatable tests don't prove scientific theories. You can make an educated guess saying that "if I turn the temperature up to 100*C, this pot of water will boil" if you've done the test 15 times. But what if the 16th test says differently? Even doing the test 1000 or 1000000 times doesn't guarantee that you get the same result if you were to do it one more time. Unless you're absolutely psychic, it is impossible to predict without a shadow of a doubt that you will get the same result the next time you do the test. You can be pretty sure that you know what will happen but never 100% certain.
  6. Yeah, but here's the problem. While it is impossible to factually deny that you are God, it is equally impossible to factually confirm it too. In fact, this rings true for almost any scientific "proof" that exists. Scientist: The reason that we still exist on this earth is because the carbon cycle allows us to. Any air that we breath in gets recycled by plants which in turn creates more breathable air. God does not have a hand in this system. Me: Oh yeah? Prove it. Scientist: *rushes into a long winded explanation of the carbon cycle* Me: You still haven't proved anything. You've only given me an explanation of why it COULD be possible that God doesn't do anything. Who determines which facts of science are correct? We do but it's only from what we perceive. We can say something like "the sky is blue for x, y and z reason" but the truth of the matter is that we are only going off what we can perceive, even after experiments. My point is that people shouldn't mention the word "proof" with regards to philosophy. Ever. Nothing can be proven and nothing can be disproven. Including science. And you should probably drop that little argument of yours.
  7. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Wait, undo. I just checked on my computer and England is indeed in Norway. My bad. That gives England a build as well. And Germany gets 2 builds (see what happens when I have no Diptool?) as well as Russia. Please remember that you can only build in your home supply centers (the SCs that you started with in Spring 1901).
  8. Fatigue, fatigue, fatigue. I cannot say it enough. Oh and PCC (that shit was awesome). I mean, why field Fiona when you can field anyone else who's better than her? Fatigue will actually give you a reason to. I honestly think that FE5 actually had the proper game mechanics right in order to create a truly fun but difficult game. Rather than field your best guys every chapter and forgetting about the useless shmucks. Hell, even Ronan had a use and he was an archer with a better Mag growth than Str.
  9. Life

    Mafia HQ

    JB, if you want someone to check the balance, I'd be happy to do it for you. Now that I'm on the other side of the world, there's less of a chance that I can actually play Mafia and concentrate on it.
  10. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Really sorry about the delay. Would have done it with a picture to match but I'm now in Israel on my uncle's computer so... picture is coming soon. Here's a list of the moves. Fall 1901: A Yor - Nor (Fail) F Nth C A Yor - Nor (Holding) F Eng Hold F Ank-Con A Con-Smy (huh?) Albania -> Adriatic Sea. Serbia holds. Trieste -> Budapest. Army from Spain to Portugal. Army in Picardie holds. Fleet in Mid-Atlantic Ocean holds. Army at Ruh to Hol Army at Kie to Ruh Fleet at Den to NTH (Bounce) F BOT-Swe A War-Gal A Ukr-Rum F Sev Sup. A Ukr-Rum Army Ven - Hold Army Apu - Move to Tun Fleet ION - Convoy army to Tun I think that Germany and England might want to have a word right now. And what the hell is Turkey doing? If you're trying to defend against a Lepanto, giving up the Black Sea is too big of a cost. Supply Centers: England: 3 France: 4 Germany: 4 Italy: 4 Austria: 4 Russia: 6 Turkey: 4 Everyone aside from England and Russia gets 1 build. Russia has 2 and England has 0 (your fleet was defending the NTH, couldn't convoy the army to Nor).
  11. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Orders are due later tonight. Mine are getting sent in now. Map won't get updated for a while, sorry. My computer is packed away in my luggage and that's at Heathrow. Also, just a side note. Tables, how the fuck do you live in England? This place is stupidly expensive. It's 60p for a phone call and the stupid thing drops after 30 seconds. Back home, it's 50 cents (like 35p or so) and the quality is amazing.
  12. Noish: Needs Pursuit and B Lances straight off the bat. Promotion gives him A Swords. Alec: Same as Noish but substitute Critical in for Pursuit. Rebecca: +2 Str base, +15% Str growth and 20% critical upon promotion (Sniper thing).
  13. I don't get why people ever claim in a NOC game. And I wish Psych didn't die that early. I love that Mysterious Voice role and gave the idea to Bizz. Now imagine me using it...
  14. Best: There's a couple of really good ones. C Dart/Farina is probably the best thought. Worst: C Lance/Alan by a mile. They're like blocks of wood with no personalities.
  15. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Well, here are the moves in the Spring. I'll post the status of where the armies currently are on the first page but yeah. Quite a bit to talk about, based on these moves. It is now Fall 1901. Orders are due in 48 hours (9 PM EST) to Psych. If your orders are not in, consider your turn forfeited. EDIT: Never mind, forgot that Liverpool and London aren't connected.
  16. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Lemme guess, we fight and you hold our wallets? Iced, you're the only person left who needs to give in an order. I'll give you 3 hours but if they're not in by 12 AM EST, consider this turn forfeited. Send them to Psych and he'll send them to me. It's roundabout but it proves that I'm not cheating.
  17. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Psych should send them all to me after I've sent mine. Oh and orders are due to Psych in 20 minutes. Sending mine in now. Also, I'd like to speak to Austria and Turkey at some point this evening. EDIT: I'll let it slip for today since this is the first stage but if someone doesn't send in orders between the posting of the update and the end of the 48 hours, it counts as them idling and not moving at all. Simple. It's going to hit me hardest since I'm leaving for London, England tomorrow and then Tel Aviv, Israel on the 27th.
  18. Sniper: I'm a man's man, one who doesn't mind staring the enemy straight in the eye through the scope of a high powered sniper rifle from the next town over. Myrmidon: Technique and speed any day over power. Shaman: While technique and speed is good for a close range weapon, I'd rather one hit the guy from far away if possible rather than burn him for a little bit.
  19. You're not looking at the party as a whole. I can satisfy Garet's wildest dreams and make him a Ninja ASAP but what does that leave us with? 3 Earth 5 Fire 3 Wind 5 Water So great, we're going to go with Mia as a Medium, Isaac as a Barbarian and Ivan as a Savant as our best options. Ivan's in his best class, Mia is unusable and Isaac is below average with 100% PP. Great. Alternatively, we can have Mia as a Cavalier (6 Earth), Ivan as an Ascetic (1 Wind, 5 Fire), Garet as a Ascetic (6 Water) and Isaac can be an Enchanter (1 Fire, 5 Wind). Isaac is still good with Astral Blast, Garet is quite good with healing, Cutting Edge and a slew of great magical psynergy moves, Mia is fantastic and Ivan does pretty well with the PP to back up Eruption. So I can have 4 really good adepts or 2 really good, 1 mediocre and 1 terrible. Which means that Cavalier (Mia) does more for the team than Ninja on TOP of already being a good class.
  20. Actually, you do. There are times that I'd rather spend 8 PP and heal just one guy for 200+ than 13 PP for only 80 PP. And I've experienced a lot of those times with a party that only has Wish as my healing (almost max Djinni). 1. Your point is? Note that Ninja comes into existence in Altmiller Cave but if you don't want to screw your party to have him, he doesn't really exist until Suhalla, after Toadonpa's been knocked out. 2. You get 6 Venus before 6 of anything else. What are you going to do with them? Go Medium? Great idea. It might not be at Samurai!Isaac's level but it can definitely hold its own when it does about 120+ damage to stuff that isn't even Water weak. With the exception of Agi, they're incredibly solid for Mia. Mia already has a high PP and Luk base. Cavalier just improves on stuff that isn't so great with her regularly. If you're going to bitch about 1.1 Agi, toss her an Agi item (pretty sure that you get the Ninja Hood from the Tolbi Springs). Look at the Djinni that both White Mage and Hermit require. Hermit wants Wind while White Mage is Wind (4) and Earth (3). Wind is contested to the point of stupidity, what with Ninja, Samurai and Page/Apprentice floating around. Who really wants Earth? Squire!Isaac: Doesn't see playtime after earlygame with the exception of the Storm Lizard. Brute!Garet: I could use the terrible argument of "there are better classes floating around" but it comes down to the fact that Garet does not have the PP to spam Planet Diver every turn and using magic is a waste of his abysmal PP. Ninja!Garet: This involves using a Medium in the party. No. Enchanter!Ivan: Feasible but he doesn't make as much use out of it as Mia does since Mother Gaia waits until level 24 to make an appearance. Seer!Ivan: Even worse. He's got Blue Bolt for 90 Dam (Mother Gaia comes 2 levels later with 10 more Dam) and Mad Growth before that. Yippie. Medium!Ivan/Mia: Hahahahaha... in your dreams. So please. Tell me who uses 6 Venus better than Mia. Please.
  21. Life

    Mafia HQ

    You suck at me. Also, if people want a cohost, you should probably ask in this thread.
  22. You have no idea how good Cavalier (Mia) truly is. She has the Ply series. She has the Wish series. She's got revive. She's got a pretty strong move in Briar (70 Dam)... and it really freaking early so she's guaranteed to have it once you have access to the class. She's got Cutting Edge and a 130% Att bonus (highest boost she can get) and if you toss the Vambrace or Battle Gloves on her, you're ready to rock. Her bonuses are solid across the board. Cavalier (Mia) is the best class of the midgame for her and in general, in my opinion. Which completely surprised me, mind you.
  23. More changes! - Seer is moving down to under Enchanter (Ivan) Joe Schmo since I'm STILL overrating its earlygame abilities compared to how good Ivan can actually be as a physical unit. - Squire is moving down a bit since I can't see it having any lategame use aside from the Storm Lizard. - I'm completely not impressed with Samurai and I will argue until I drop that Cavalier (Mia) is much more clutch than him. I'm having problems determining which is better, Pilgrim or Ranger. Someone want to play Devil's Advocate with me?
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