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  1. Life

    Mafia Round 5

    Hey, don't attack me for what Fayt says. I'm not mafia.
  2. Life

    Mafia Round 5

    Tossing a random vote on Ether. Just a gut feeling.
  3. Chapter 22 - Living Legend Team: Eliwood, Serra, Lyn, Florina, Fiora, Legault, Ninian, Heath, Hawkeye (Turn 3) Notes: Holy fucking shit. I hate deserts with a passion. And deployment sucks in this chapter. Not to mention the abundance of Mages and Shamans while Heath has shit Res and Avo. Thank god that Ninian has ridiculous Avo. She's 2RKO'd by Wyverns that have a lot of move. But since they have to hit her with ~35 Hit (22.11% Real Hit), they can't touch her. Serra is very similar except that she's got about 15 less Avo. Not to mention that Serra + Physic + Ninian is wonderful for the Exp rank. I'm so glad that I bought 3 Physics in the last chapter. Lyn managed to get 3 levels which was awesome. She actually killed both Paul and Jasmine with a couple of Mani Katti crits which really helped. Eliwood also got a level, which helped a lot. Now I only need 5 levels in Genesis. The pegs avoided so much shit and really fought back hard. Heath gained a couple levels too but he didn't really help much during the enemy phase. He needs his HHM bonuses to actually do something in this chapter. Eliwood 14.07 |31|12|15|12|10|12| 8| Serra 13.61 |27| 8| 8|10|15| 4| 9| Lyn 17.06 |26|14|19|20|12| 8| 3| Florina 15.14 |24|12|15|20|15| 5| 6| Fiora 11.67 |24|10|14|14| 8| 7| 8| Legault 15.68 |28| 9|13|17|11|10| 4| Ninian 7.91 |18| 0| 0|16|16| 7| 9| Heath 11.26 |31|12|10| 9| 9|12| 1| Hawkeye 4.15 Base Chapter stats: Tactics - 10/9 Exp - 1413/1200 Run stats: Tactics - 138/156 (5 stars) Exp - 16734/15950 (5 stars)
  4. King Russell Hantz is in the house.
  5. OK, I'm having problems with the desert chapter. I've always hated deserts and believed that they could just crawl into a hole and die. Does anyone have some tips on how to tackle it in 9 turns and still max Exp? I would love to field one of Lyn/Hector because I need 50+ levels to unlock Linus' FFO.
  6. Once Sain starts doubling, he ORKOs. He'll do this halfway through Chapter 4. Kent will start doubling in like Chapter 3 but he won't ORKO until about Chapter 5. I basically do the exact same thing every LHM run and that's what happens every time.
  7. Oh yeah, happy birthday. Enjoy it!

  8. He's ORKOing most enemies starting from Chapter 5. The only reason why you don't think so is because you're thinking of the chapter 3/4 Brigands that have more HP than Soldiers. Starting from Chapter 5, Kent is probably your second best offensive unit (Sain is 1st). He also has a horse which gives him 7 move as opposed to 5 for just about everyone else with the exceptions of Sain, Rath and Matthew. His offense does not suck as he still has enough Att to ORKO almost any enemy after Chapter 4 since he easily hits level 5 during that chapter, giving ~8 Str with 9 AS (no AS penalty from Iron Lances). Then there's his amazing availability which is great, not to mention the abundance of maps with mostly plains (3, 4, 6, 7, 7x, 8, 9). He will not die since he starts with 5 Def with a 25% growth rate... Honestly, I don't understand how Kent gets less than a 9. He should have a 9.5 while Sain gets a 10.
  9. You're hiding!

    Anyway, you mind posting a tally of your Exp totals every chapter? Would really appreciate it.

  10. Age: 18 Birthplace: North America (Toronto ON) Currently: North America (Halifax NS) Most common in: GBA boards Last played an FE game: Today
  11. Chapter 21 - Kinship's Bond Team: Eliwood, Lowen, Rebecca, Hector, Matthew, Guy, Erk, Priscilla, Lyn, Sain, Ninian, Isadora (Turn 1), Heath (Turn 2), Rath (Turn 5) Notes: Wow. I just realized that Eubans moves in Hard Mode. And killing Eubans ends the chapter. Which sucks when he moves into your range on enemy phase 2 and you taken down about 1/6 of the enemies present. Holding my ground in the middle of the map without a chokepoint really sucks. But this is where Eliwood's walling really helped. And Oswin would have been played but Guy needed the Exp more. I also loaded up Isadora with the Silver and Member Cards to have her buy some Physics. Ended up getting 3 of them for the low price of 1875G each. Both Serra and Prissy are going to get one and the last one is just in case. Got Heath recruited on Turn 2 and then had him, Isadora and Matthew hold their ground against a bunch of archers and peg knights. Rath and Rebecca ended up sniping tons of Wyverns on the right with Sain and Guy eventually helping out. And the rest is history with Eubans biting the dusk on Turn 11. Eliwood 13.89 |30|11|15|12|10|12| 7| Lowen 11.31 |29| 9|10|11| 5|12| 1| Rebecca 12.69 |24| 9|11|14| 7| 4| 4| Hector 14.33 |32|15|10|11| 8|15| 3| Matthew 13.95 |31| 9| 8|20| 9| 6| 3| Guy 11.74 |28| 7|15|14| 9| 7| 2| Erk 11.56 |22| 7|10|14| 7| 4| 8| Priscilla 9.61 |18| 8|10|10|11| 3| 7| Lyn 14.37 |23|13|18|19|10| 7| 2| Sain 12.70 |29|13|11|11| 7| 7| 5| Ninian 6.84 |17| 0| 0|15|15| 6| 8| Isadora 1.32 |28|13|12|16|10| 8| 6| Heath 9.23 |29|11| 9| 8| 9|10| 1| Rath 9.45 |26| 8|10|11| 5| 8| 3| (started at 7.22) Chapter stats: Tactics - 11/11 Exp - 1660/1700 Run stats: Tactics - 128/147 (5 stars) Exp - 15321/14750 (5 stars)
  12. Which note? This one? I was pretty sure that you were the Serial Killer but I wanted to prove it. Also, you have no idea how hard it is to come up with a word that I'll look for but won't seem out of place.
  13. As long as I don't have to open. I hate opening debates (took me 3 months for Marcia/Astrid). 7 or 8 works well for me. I'm still bad at both 6 and 11.
  14. Not much to discuss. Tables and I figured out each other on Day 1 and yet didn't kill each other on Night 2. I actually figured that Tables would try to kill me on Night 3 because he would think that I'd try to kill him on that night, no matter what. And Spoon, I would have loved it had you ended Day 2 a lot earlier than you did.
  15. Russell isn't going to screw up this time.
  16. Yes. She's got nice stats until your units start promoting (around chapter 25).
  17. Chapter 20 - New Resolve Team: Eliwood, Rebecca, Serra, Florina, Raven, Lucius, Dart, Legault, Ninian (Turn 1) Notes: Wow. This chapter can get really hectic. The general idea is that everyone moved east and killed stuff while Florina did the shopping and village visiting. Honestly, I love the arena. Legault got a couple of levels, Rebecca got a level, Lucius got some training in and even Raven took a whack at a guy. But the Hard Mode enemies are too hard. I saw a Soldier with 44 HP (level 15 IIRC) which was ridiculous. Eliwood is a tank. He literally is. 30 HP and 12 Def at level 13. Last time I had a Spd blessed Hector. Now I've got a Def blessed Eliwood (supposed to have 8.6 +/-1.6 Def at this level). This happens about 1% of the time. Awesome. Eliwood 13.35 |30|11|15|12|10|12| 7| Rebecca 11.44 |23| 8|11|13| 7| 4| 4| Serra 10.96 |25| 7| 7|10|12| 2| 8| Florina 12.58 |23|11|13|18|13| 4| 6| Raven 11.78 |30|10|12|15| 3| 6| 3| Lucius 11.59 |24|11| 9|12| 2| 2|11| Dart 12.15 |37|14| 8|10| 4| 6| 1| Legault 14.64 |28| 9|12|16|11|10| 4| Ninian 5.63 |17| 0| 0|14|14| 5| 7| (started at 4.70) Chapter stats: Tactics - 9/9 Exp - 1277/1200 Run stats: Tactics - 117/136 (5 stars) Exp - 13361/13050 (5 stars) I think I'm about to start increasing that Exp buffer.
  18. Thanks for making me feel better about how I'm doing. And now it's time for my Funds analysis. Funds total to date: 248500 G 80% of Funds: 198800 G Net Funds: 228177 G Surplus: 29377 G Not bad.
  19. Chapter 19 - Dragon's Gate Team: Eliwood, Marcus, Rebecca, Dorcas, Hector, Matthew, Erk, Priscilla, Lyn, Sain, Lucius, Fiora, Legault (Turn 5) Notes: I think I fully replayed this chapter about 4 times to try to maximize Exp and Tactics gain. And every single time, I end up with just under 1500 Exp when I need 2100. The Exp rank is fucking ludicrous. I loaded Marcus up with the Silver Card and sent him towards the bottom right Secret Shop accompanied by Fiora, Erk and Sain. Lucius and Rebecca hung around the entrance, killing Mages, Peg Knights and Archers. The three lords headed north to Darin while Prissy floated around doing healing work while Bartre and Matthew cleared out the treasure room. If anyone has a strategy to gain a lot more Exp, please tell me. But then again, I'm trying to gain a 6 turn surplus on this chapter. Eliwood 12.35 |29|10|14|11|10|12| 7| Marcus 2.49 |32|15|15|11| 8|10| 8| Bartre 10.26 |37|12| 6| 7| 4| 4| 1| Rebecca 9.67 |21| 8|10|11| 6| 4| 4| Hector 13.07 |31|14|10|11| 8|14| 3| Matthew 12.35 |30| 8| 7|20| 8| 5| 3| Erk 10.93 |21| 6| 9|13| 6| 3| 8| Priscilla 8.00 |18| 8| 9|10|10| 3| 7| Lyn 12.77 |23|11|16|17|10| 7| 2| Sain 12.16 |29|13|11|11| 7| 7| 5| Lucius 10.49 |23|11| 9|12| 2| 2|11| Fiora 9.91 |23| 9|12|13| 7| 7| 8| Legault 12.10 Base Chapter stats: Tactics - 10/16 Exp - 1493/2100 Run stats: Tactics - 108/127 (5 stars) Exp - 12384/11850 (5 stars) Back down to a 5 level buffer. I'm getting really scared. Bal, you got any guesses as to what your Exp at this point was?
  20. The draft is on! And with the 9th pick in the 2010 NFL Draft, the Buffalo Bills select... CJ Spiller. Oh god. I don't know if I should start rejoicing in happiness or swearing in frustration. Spiller is apparently a walking touchdown but we need an offensive line. I would have taken Brian Bulaga or worse case scenario, Anthony Davis. Watch for the team that snags Pat Angerer. This kid can play.
  21. Kent and Sain will start doubling by the middle of Chapter 4. Kent may even start as early as Chapter 3. They're basically moving tanks in LHM.
  22. I messed up my hard drive. Too much porn.
  23. Makes sense. Either way, Glass goes to Sain/Kent and he's the only non-axe user before Lyn gets her Mani Katti.
  24. Don't accuse me of this. I used Louise extensively in my ENM run and promoted Wil in my HNM. I'm also going to try to promote Rebecca if I can find slots for her to join the party in the coming chapters for EHM. The problem is that ~30% action that primary archers see. If the crossbow existed in FE6 and 7, I'd be calling for Rebecca to Upper Mid in a heartbeat, maybe even higher. But it doesn't. Anyways, good luck!
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