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  1. Life

    Mafia Round 5

    Here's the vote tally. And WoMC, you have to go back and unbold your original Fayt vote. King Russell: 3 Fayt Zelpher: 2 Raymond: 1 Mordecai: 4 Ether: 1 Well, I have 2 options. I can save myself from getting stupidly lynched (honestly, I really hope that you guys don't fall for this one) and try and find another mafia member tonight or I can get myself lynched by continuing to vote for Mordecai. I'm changing my vote currently to Fayt for self preservation but it's still subject to change. EDIT: Vote changed back to Mordecai. It's bolded in a previous post. Now I want to address something that I thought was kinda dumb. Not to mention that it makes me a bit suspicious. No Core, no. Your reasoning is wrong. Here's an example using your logic. I've been hit before in the past by bullies and I've never done anything. It goes on for... 5 years, let's say. Then the next time a bully tries to hit me, I stab him with a knife. I've never done anything like that before and the bully wouldn't think that I would. But guess what? I did. Just because he hasn't done it before doesn't mean that he can't do it now. EDIT: Redoing the vote tally.
  2. Life

    Mafia Round 5

    I think I figured it out. What a brilliant plan. If Ether is mafia, then suddenly Mordy's plan becomes brilliant. He's [sarcasm]has to be innocent[/sarcasm] because he took out a mafia member. I think Ether should get vigi'd tonight.
  3. Life

    Mafia Round 5

    Do you not want a cop alive? I like to think that my role IS that important because I just exonerated Hika for the world to see. Mafia can go for me or Hika tonight but we can take down Mordecai today and then another mafia member tomorrow. Or Hika could kill Ether tonight after Mordy hangs.
  4. Life

    Mafia Round 5

    How can you not see that Mordecai's doing the same thing I did a couple games ago? He's falsely claiming Deputy just so he can knock me out (possibly Ether too but I don't know). Just hear me out. Tables got janned up last night. We know that the Stalker has stalked two people since the beginning of the game. What if Ether and I were the people who got stalked and because we have important jobs (or at least I do), he's trying to say that we're mafia? He would know our jobs and try to get rid of us. With one guy who's been janned, it looks like the cop's down because I suggested that maybe he could be. My guess is that Tables is the Deputy (and no, I don't know that for a fact, Spoon just told me that there was A deputy).
  5. Life

    Mafia Round 5

    Wow, bold move. Except it's wrong. Didn't want to come out and say it but I'm the Cop. Not Tables. I've investigated Tables on the first night (Innocent) and I got Hika last night (Innocent and it's why I believe he's the Vigi). Now Mordecai, the next time you try a stunt like this, don't say stuff this earlier this day: You look like a complete hypocrite and a guilty one to boot. Voting Mordecai.
  6. Life

    Mafia Round 5

    And yet you haven't used it at all for the past 2 nights? Sorry if I sound a little skeptical because I'd be shooting everyone possible if I were you.
  7. This guy is fantastic. I think he's from Atlantic Canada. His name's Dallas Green. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btjhdHX8pMo
  8. Life

    Mafia Round 5

    Hey Hika, quick question. Do you only get to kill every other night?
  9. Bull. An extra healer and free attacks > Marisa's combat skills because she brings absolutely nothing to the table that more capable units can do. She might make an OK Assassin... when you consider that she's still going to be shit thanks to sword-lock.
  10. Don't you love it when that happens?
  11. No Lynch. Pride could be guilty or innocent but I'm just not sure. In any case, I took my vote off of Weapons.
  12. Quick is a status effect of sorts that gives you the next active turn. Quick status can be gained by having the spell 'Quick' successfully cast on you or by having the reaction ability 'Critical Quick' triggered. The triggering of Critical Quick occurs when the unit with the ability equipped receives damage that leaves them with under 20% of their max HP. While Critical Quick might not seem that great there are situations when it is the best reaction ability in the game. For a more reliant way to gain Quick, learn it for 800 JP from the Time Mage skill set. Quick costs 24 MP which might be a little costly but has decent speed (25) and a decent formula (targetsfaith*castersfaith*(MA+140)). Rig some zodiac compatibility between your group and Quick can be very reliable and fun to use. Quick can be reflected (though not Math Skilled) but the most interesting thing about it is that it can be Counter Magicked! Seriously, that exclamation point isn't one of the fake ones that should be a period, I actually used to get giddy when considering this. Look at the spells that can be Counter Magicked: - All Black Magic except Fire 4, Ice 4, and Bolt 4 - Holy, Dark Holy - Yin-Yang Magic except Pray Faith and Doubt Faith - Slow, Slow 2, Don't Move, Quick, Stop, Demi, Demi 2, Meteor - Bio, Bio 2, Bio 3 - Melt, Tornado, Quake - Attacks from the Blaze Gun, Glacier Gun, and Blast Gun So just how does Quick fit into all this? With the proper setup you can orchestrate a near-endless chain of Quicks within your team (sometimes referred to as The Quickening), acting and acting while almost no in-game time passes and the enemy sits there staring at your chain of constant action. Ramza: "Restore lost time in a spiral line! Quick!" tl;dr He might actually be able to.
  13. Life

    Mafia Round 5

    I just came to a slight realization. Tables was janned, correct? What if Tables had an actual important role and that's the reason why he was janned? If (assumption here) the Stalker stalked him on Night 1, that means that the Janitor would have known his role for a fact. Why would the Janitor clean-up a regular townie? The town logically assumes that the deceased must have been a regular Townie because assuming that he was the Cop or Doctor or another helpful job is a bit of a shot in the dark. I think it's best to assume that Tables had a very helpful role for right now so that we don't falsely hope in the later parts of the game that the role is still active. Which is bad for us right now but if someone role claims, we might be able to figure out if they're lying or not.
  14. Life

    Mafia Round 5

    And here goes the bandwagon... Can someone explain Hika's logic to me at the very least? Why do I have to be lynched to prove anyone else's innocence? If you feel that Raymond is Mafia, why do I have to be sacrificed? Just because?
  15. I'm also going for WoMC because of what he said about the cult. What Bal said seems right. The cult will not kill us at night. The Mafia will. If we can kill the mafia members, then the town only has to pick off the cult leader. WoMC saying that the cult is an immediate threat is wrong and it just seems like he'd want the cult gone first (even more than the Mafia which makes me think that he's a Vanilla). EDIT: Vote changed.
  16. 18 year old guy, 5"9 and I weigh about 140 pounds. 9 Con. I could be a merc!
  17. Life

    Mafia Round 5

    Are you just scared of my good looks? ;) In all seriousness, I don't know what I do to make people uneasy about me. It's probably because I play the game more aggressively than others but that's just my style. If I'm going to win a game (either team), I'm going to make sure that I earned that win.
  18. Chapter 22x - Genesis Team: Eliwood, Rebecca, Hector, Serra, Priscilla, Legault, Ninian, Hawkeye Notes: Note to self. Buy Chest Keys before I try this chapter in HHM. And a second Unlock. Eliwood and Hector were stars here. Both got enough levels to send me to Linus' version of FFO but Eliwood's Silver Sword really came in handy to do a lot of damage to the Druids and Sages here while Hawkeye did more chipping than killing. Hector was ORKOing Generals with his Wolf Beil at the same time. Honestly, I couldn't have done this chapter without Rebecca. You need an archer in case you want to clear away Kishuana if you don't have enough keys because they need to snipe him with the Longbow (Kishy doesn't move in Eliwood's mode). She also did quite a bit of killing with the Killer Bow that I picked up back in Dragon's Gate. Eliwood 17.50 |33|12|18|12|12|12| 8| Rebecca 14.93 |26|10|13|14| 8| 4| 5| Hector 17.47 |35|16|12|12| 9|17| 3| Serra 15.54 |29| 9| 8|10|16| 4|11| Priscilla 10.98 |18| 9|11|11|12| 4| 7| Legault 15.70 |28| 9|13|17|11|10| 4| Ninian 9.51 |20| 0| 1|17|18| 8|11| Hawkeye 5.32 |51|18|14|11|13|15|10| Chapter stats: Tactics - 17/25 Exp - 1490/650 Run stats: Tactics - 155/181 (5 stars) Exp - 18224/16600 (5 stars) And Mori says that this chapter is actually a negative... Hah!
  19. 10. 10. 10. Sain not getting a 10 for LHM is stupid. Especially when Kent is a 9 (should be 9.5). He ORKOs when he doubles (midway through Chapter 4), has a horse, ridiculous offense, amazing durability, an availability that matched only by Kent... Must I keep going? And where are you getting these stats to double shit? Kent and Sain face Brigands in the south (Florina has dibs on the Mercenaries at the north-eastern corner). These are the same Brigands that Dorcas immediately doubles with his 6 Spd. Kent and Sain will start doubling all of them at level 4 (I'm starting to think that Kent doubles them from the beginning but I could be wrong) when Sain breaks 7 AS.
  20. Life

    Mafia Round 5

    Why does everyone keep assuming that I'm Mafia just because Fayt has a hunch that I'm innocent? I don't understand this logic.
  21. You pick someone near her (Marcia) and I'll find some time to rewrite my opening.
  22. Chances are I'm not going to be in this one but what the hell. Rusty's playing.
  23. Life

    Mafia Round 5

    Am I the only one who thinks this sounds a bit strange?
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