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Everything posted by Life

  1. 1. Self preservation on my part. I would prefer not to die and Core's going to look stupid if I do (yeah, I'm a regular townie). Why? Because he's following the same stupid reasoning that Lux did. I simply made a mistake in the timing. I'm human, we all make mistakes. 2. How the fuck would you know anything if you were the merchant? And you're going to have to spill the entire beans because you pretty much have nothing to lose if you can ensure Core's innocence.
  2. Same. Unvote, vote: Core.
  3. I'm sorry but did you just say this with a straight face? Are you saying that because Bal or Spoon is much smarter than Lux or Lightning, they cannot possibly be mafia? Hey guys! If you're smart, you're automatically innocent! Or at least that's what Core says!
  4. God, I think I'm dealing with Lux v.2. Here's a dirty little secret for all of you. When I say I'm doing a random vote, I mean it. I go to this site and type everyone's names in who's still alive (mine excluded). Then I take the name that pops out at the top of the list and that's my vote. I had a slight lapse in judgment when I voted on Night 1. I honestly thought that we were starting on a Day Phase (Bizz's game started on a Day Phase and a lot of mafia games do that) and so I placed my vote. I guess I was unlucky that Bal was chosen to die or the Mafia framed me by choosing him after reading my post.
  5. Looks like I have. Keeping my vote on Bizz.
  6. Dude, EVERYONE knows how I play Mafia. I've said it multiple times. I play very logically. Have I voted yet? Just wondering.
  7. I'm very intrigued by this but I don't have a DS. I play Pokemon on my emulator... :'( What exactly is Shoddybattle? Does it allow you to battle another person online or what?
  8. He said this? Wow, I feel dumb now. I blame my internet crapping out on missing it.
  9. I love how Lux got his sweet desserts. Tries to accuse me of being mafia and then gets offed by his own guys? Ouch. Once again, random vote: Bizz.
  10. Murder on the Orient Express, anyone?
  11. Worded the above a bit wrong. Just because you're dumb, it doesn't mean that you ARE mafia. And just because Bal or Spoon are smart, they don't have to be innocent. But a bunch of you follow them around blindly, absolutely convinced that they cannot possibly be mafia.
  12. Because I don't discriminate. Just because you're dumb doesn't mean that you can't be mafia. It just means that you have no influence over the town during the day phase.
  13. Let me just reiterate myself. wat is this i dont even I threw out a random vote. I legitimately thought we were starting on a day phase. Is that so wrong? Or am I supposed to be held to such high standards that others don't have to be?
  14. I've been Mafia too many times but remember that time that I was the swing vote and I ended up killing you, the Godfather? There was also Hika back in Round 3 (Alpha Wolf) but you'd say it didn't count since nobody listened. What you call evidence, I call coincidence. By your own train of thought, you should vote for the first person who votes on the 2nd day. Otherwise, your comment about me being "so quick to throw a stone at Bal" is a hypocritical one.
  15. Not exactly correct. Gilliam not getting Spd 10 levels in a row is .310 which totals out to 5.9-4%. The chance of Gilliam gaining 1 Spd in 11 levels is .310 x .7 against .311 for gaining 0 Spd in 11 levels. Now transpose that to here. If Bal hasn't been mafia for about 4 games, he's got a slightly higher chance of being picked than not being picked on the whole. The math gets a lot more complicated but it's very similar.
  16. I find that those looking for evidence are usually Mafia members looking for something to make others innocent, myself included. Now let me explain myself. 1. I thought we were starting with a day phase. Is that a crime? Apparently so. 2. Bal hasn't been mafia in a while. In the world of percentages, him being mafia isn't so far fetched since he eventually will be mafia. Think of it like gaining a stat in any FE game. The longer you go without getting a level up, the more likely that you'll have to get it during your next one. 3. what is this i dont even Honestly, I don't understand the sentence or the logic behind it. If we were to assume that I didn't make a mistake, why would I stupidly put myself out on the chopping block? Especially when you've seen how sharp I really am. Either you seriously think that I don't know how to play this game (which makes you dumb as a post in my own opinion) or you're just fishing for something just to knock me off (which only a Mafia member would truly do). I'm inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt and say the second option, just so you know. Go through my history. Aside from my one confrontation with Hika in Spoon's 3rd round, I've only been lynched because I'm Mafia (and every single time, the detective has found me out) or I've been nightkilled. What does this say? I don't make stupid mistakes and I don't say things for the sake of saying them. Core called you stupid for a reason. And I think I understand why.
  17. Fine. Unvote, vote: Ulki. The town isn't going to miss him unless he actually has a decent role (problem is, he doesn't know how to use it properly since Spoon's current game is proof).
  18. Everyone has problems that they want to rant about. A game, an ex, a problem with their job, school, family... The like. And sometimes, I want to rant about my own problems but I don't have anyone to rant to. I mean, we all need a way to remove stress, correct? Enter the Rant subforum which can get a cool name. Basically, if you've got anything that you want to rant about (big or small, important or plain stupid), just create a topic and rant in it. People can read this topic and agree, post their own similar experiences (if they have), try to give constructive criticism... You name it, you can do it. Obviously there would be some rules. Here's some that I would consider: 1. This is a section to allow people to complain and rant. Do not complain about the threadstarter's complaint. 2. Try not to mention anyone's name in a rant in order to avoid flaming. If you have a problem with another person on this site, do not call them out on it here. 3. Do not flame others. There is a difference between criticism and flaming. Be aware of the difference. And other stuff like that. I can help try to flesh out other rules if you want. What do you think?
  19. Honestly, who cares? I'm done taking him seriously. And the other guy who likes to just toss out dumb points for the sake of it.
  20. Wow, you're easy to convince. Maybe I should copy what Spoon said and see if I also get exonerated. Or is that just for the all-mighty and all-knowing General Spoon who cannot possibly be guilty for whatever reason? Spoon, that's not me taking a knock at you. I'm just criticizing everyone that follows you blindly and never questions if you're Mafia or not. To me, you've got as much chance of being Mafia as Ulki, just to toss out a name (and my vote). I just don't understand why so many people here revere you like a god.
  21. GE's idea for a wonderful tier list. Now I never use comments like "lol" but it seems just so appropriate in this case. lol
  22. Spoon, I love you. You're going to be quite entertaining this game.
  23. I'd say that I still kinda hold one. I like to think that I swayed people on logic. If the logic makes sense, follow it.
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