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  1. Life

    Urban Rivalz

    First off, I have not stolen anything from General Spoon. Not a single idea. This idea is from another place completely (Smogen University website). Spoon showed it to me and I was absolutely intrigued by it. Also if Mekkah pops up here, here's my credit to Jackal on that site so that he knows. Anyway, welcome to the first different style Mafia game you will play. Any game that I host will either be a regular game that you can find off of EpicMafia or something completely out of the blue. This falls under that second catagory. And with that I say... Welcome to Urban Rivalz! Ok, let's get something straight. You might want to read this opening post over multiple times since things are going to seem confusing. Try to figure some shit out for your own instead of coming to me with every little concern. If I specifically posted an answer to your question in here and you still ask me that question, I will ignore you. End of story. I am a ruthless dictator and you will do what I say if you want to have fun. Biggest change from a regular game of Mafia is that there is no innocent town. None. Freelancers make up the majority of the town. Their win condition is to be the last man standing. So yeah, it's not a team game at that point. The reason for doing so is because there will be about four or five different mafias floating around, depending on how many people join. The leader of a Mafia member can recruit a Freelancer every single night. Each Mafia wins if they are the last team standing (nobody else should be alive) since any role can possibly screw that team up. Also, a Mafia cannot recruit a FL if that FL is part of another faction already. There will possibly also be a team that is independent of the 4/5 factions who cannot recruit. This team has their own agenda. And yeah. General mafia rules apply too (don't talk when you're dead aside from strategy with your team) so don't get stupid. But PMing people and contacting them on AIM/MSN/Skype/Whatever is perfectly legal. In fact, I'd rather have all of you guys put down your AIM/MSN stuff when registering. Important: Since this game is going to be rather confusing, I'm using a board that I created for it. I'll post the link in a couple of days but I'd love it if you put down your name here. When you register on my board, I will give you the name to register under AKA your username. DO NOT put in your own. You'll see why when we start. Everything else (specific rules, roles, how the forum works) will post added later. For now, I'm just going to keep a list of people playing going. This game can easily go on at the same time as any game since it's technically on another board. And yeah. Enjoy. People currently interested: BK-201 Ninji Ulki Hikarusa General Spoon Trompe Le Monde Benjamin "Coach" Wade (Dragonslayer but he sucks balls compared to Russell) I Eat Tables Ether JB25 Bizz Weapons Lightning Dracohon
  2. Yeah, I know. Awesome, right?

  3. He was going to lose anyways. Bad social game and all.

  4. Pretty sure it's LifeAdmiral. I could be wrong though.

  5. Life

    Mafia HQ

    Fine but I'm putting up a basic sign-up board tomorrow. I'll need to hammer out a bunch of shit tonight like basic rules and roles.
  6. Change my name to Life.
  7. Life

    Mafia HQ

    Tables, I'm considering creating a Mafia game. I won't need anyone to help me mod it as I'm really good at keeping this kind of shit organized (my game is going to be a mindfucker of a game) but what I do need is heavy advertising for it. My game is going to need 20+ people to even come close to working. I need at least 15 people to be able to sign-up on the spot and at least 10 more to join within a day or so. 30 people in it would be fantastic since the more people would make it more fun. So yeah. Put my game up as a possible but I'm going to need some heavy advertising to pull it off.
  8. Night 5 and 6 were stupid by the mafia. Had they not tried to go for the obvious target (Fayt) and actually score kills, they could have won this game. Then again, that merchant role was near broken if you could avoid getting your money stolen.
  9. This game looks absolutely brilliant. But if you get lynched, you're 100% dead, correct? EDIT: Oh yeah, Life.
  10. Fayt, after playing a bunch of Mafia games on EpicMafia, it's probably better to yak someone on Night 1 rather than just not go off. However, you could have yakked someone on Night 3 and fucked up the town. See, what a yak does is essentially cause the town to make mislynchs. Yeah you die but you also take a townie with you by converting them to Mafia. Day x: 5 townies + 1 Mafia + 1 Yak Town lynches Townie (4v2) Mafia kills Townie (3v2) Yak yaks Townie (2v2) Mafia wins. Works like that, basically. Yakuza is an awesome job.
  11. I is also half running this game?
  12. For the Trainees, you should "promote" them into Journeyman, Recruit and Pupil if you're going to use them. When I say that, I don't mean Supern00bs but rather to let them level to 20/0. They basically start at 1/0/0 but if you go down the SJ/SR/SP route, they end up at 20/0 before the real promotion.
  13. In case anyone doesn't know, I have now changed my name to Life. I'd really really appreciated to be referred to as Life in future games and if you're referencing me in this game as Russell Hantz is only a person from Survivor that I love to watch. Then again, Survivor ends this Sunday so no point in supporting him further on this website. So yeah, call me Life from now on. I doubt this name is ever going to change but if it does (to Life Admiral), please still call me Life.
  14. , The Universe and Everything.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Integrity


      John Dory, the Universe and Everything? wat

    3. ReformBlade


      What about LUEshi?

    4. riariadne


      This doesn't work anymore. :/

  15. Because I'm now observing all of you having been told your roles by Ether in order to write a detailed postgame report? Please don't tell me to shut up, Rein. It's not polite. I'll be quiet now to let the game continue but I want the town to know that I'm now impartial to who wins the game, mostly because I'm helping Ether.
  16. Again, that's not fair and it's not in the spirit of the game.
  17. Some? 3/4 of the mafia members that were lynched were absolutely lucky kills. Strategy to keep themselves alive? Yeah, buy Iron Swords (from Fayt's end). I'm not saying that Fayt and Core are stupid. They just benefitted from lucky lynches and once Ether died, the last 2 mafia members were stupid by trying to kill Fayt at night TWICE. That's not smarts from Fayt and Core to find them. That's the mafia just generally making bad avoidable mistakes with Fayt and Core benefitting from them.
  18. Not cool. Last game that happened, I was stupidly lynched by Core because I had misread the opening post and believed that we were starting on a day phase. Plus I was innocent. It's not my fault if I'm smarter than you guys and only get killed because of luck (only 1 game has involved me losing because of someone's brains, the rest are all because I've been rolechecked and lynched as guilty or nightkilled). Anyway, this is important. I'm now becoming an informed citizen as I had already made a deal with Ether a couple days ago to help him write the postgame report once I kicked the bucket. Since I roleclaimed Mafia on Night 1, I knew that I was going to die within the next 3 or 4 days which would give me time to learn everything that had been going on in the game and help Ether with a proper detailed analysis of the game. Basically, you can now add me in any PMs that go on between any players. I'm a man of my word when I say that I'm not going to help my mafia with any info that I learn from any of these PMs. Ether himself is already writing a detailed report of everything that's gone on to date that I don't know about, including roles and basic gists of PMs. At this point, I'm second in command of modding the game (without actually modding it) so yeah. If you don't believe me, ask Ether yourselves.
  19. You got lucky. It's as simple as that. I didn't see any sort of proper thinking. Read the postgame report for Ether's game and you'll see what real control looks like outside of luck being involved with 10 million players.
  20. I'm dead but I was Mafia. So yes, it's a killing role. EDIT: Tables, I had also had a plan to get you lynched in my stead in case you backstabbed me on a day phase. I was in control of most of this game but it looks like the Assassin got a lucky kill on me.
  21. I still wish that my TV didn't break. Oh well. I'm starting a new job today so when I get some money, I'll buy a new one. Shouldn't cost more than $100. Plus I'll be able to play Tales of Vesperia in my room again. Chapter 26x - Night of Farewells Team: Eliwood, Rebecca, Priscilla, Lyn, Florina, Canas, Fiora, Legault, Ninian, Geitz, Nino, Jaffar (Turn 1) Notes: If anyone wants to know how to destroy the Exp Rank, you bring in lower level guys and watch them tear shit to bits. It's hilarious using a Florina that gets OHKO'd by Sonia's Bolting and sticking her in range only to have Sonia aim at Jaffar out of spite. Not to mention that there are a shitload of Wyverns on this map which annoys me when I try to chokepoint spots. Really, this isn't a hard map. Once Nino starts doubling stuff, give her a Thunder and let her rip. I let her eat up the Afa's Drops which should help. Most enemies weigh themselves down which is a boon. Also, after last chapter's massacre, I squeezed by with only 1 prepromote. Granted, I did end up promoting Rebecca, Lyn and Priscilla by the end of the map but eh. I was considering promoting Fiora and brought in an Elysian Whip but decided against using it in hopes that I could maybe use some statboosters instead. Oh yeah, strategy. Umm, pretty simplistic. Florina's immediate job was to get rid of the Bolting mage sitting at the bottom of the map along with his Sage buddy. Fiora took Jaffar north and dropped him on the second island from the left on turn 2. Everyone else moved along the paths with Nino snagging a lot of kills (hence going from 6.95 to 13.33). My plan was to steal the Angelic Robe from the Bishop but I didn't want to do anything stupid (have a unit out of range of Prissy getting hit by Berserk or attracting Sonia's attention) so that waited some time. Eventually the army moved south to deal with the approaching Mercs, Cavs and Nomads while Legault, Lyn and the two Pegs stayed north. After that, shit got crazy as I tried to close in on Sonia as quickly as possible without dying but mistimed when the bridges disappeared, leaving Geitz and Nino stranded with the Peg sisters two turns away from moving the pair. However once I got Geitz to Sonia, it was all over. He doubled her to knock her down to critical HP, a promoted Rebecca chipped away at Sonia's HP to let Lyn OHKO her with a crit and Lyn did the rest, hitting 20/0 and promoting. Took 21 turns which is under the 28 turn limit. Why does this chapter have a 10 turn limit on Normal to go the exact same distance but it gets upped to 28 on Hard? If it was a 20 turn limit, I wouldn't have putzed around so much but I don't exactly need extra turns at this point. As a result, I took my time and destroyed Exp. Eliwood 20.00 |36|13|20|13|13|14| 8| Rebecca 1.70 |34|17|18|19|13| 6| 9| Priscilla 2.31 |26|15|16|19|19| 6|14| Lyn 1.00 |32|16|22|20|13|12| 8| Florina 18.21 |26|12|15|20|16| 6| 6| Canas 15.74 |24|13|12|10| 7| 6|12| Fiora 19.84 |30|11|19|20| 9| 9|14| Legault 19.52 |31|13|15|20|15|12| 7| Ninian 17.28 |26| 0| 2|24|25|12|17| Geitz 5.92 |42|18|12|14|11|11| 3| Nino 13.33 |24| 8|15|15|16| 5|13| Jaffar 15.12 |36|19|27|24|10|17|12| Chapter stats: Tactics - 21/28 Exp - 2919/2250 Run stats: Tactics - 232/275 (5 stars) Exp - 29105/25600 (5 stars) I think Clarine actually exists in FE7. Her name is Priscilla, though. Holding a Fire gives her 64 Avo. And my Prissy wasn't holding a weapon during that last chapter. Also, this might possibly be the best Lyn I've ever had... +3 Str and Def? Yes, please. Chapter 27 - Cog of Destiny Team: Eliwood, Hector, Priscilla, Sain, Legault, Ninian, Heath, Hawkeye, Pent, Nino, Vaida (Turn 14) Notes: Umm, wow. 9 guys and Eliwood? What the hell is up with that? Anyway, I promoted Nino in this chapter. It was rather fun watching her dodge Mercs on forests (she was facing ~35) and ripping through Generals and Paladins. Basically got her around 8 levels on this chapter alone. Sain also got a bunch which really helped out since the Exp amount for this chapter is stupidly high. Heath and Priscilla took the southern path. Heath ended up making a detour for the village while Prissy dodge-tanked Mercs and Myrmidons. Prissy then ended up going shopping for me while Heath headed north to help out. I sent Sain, Hawkeye and Pent up the northern path. Sain's job was to get the majority of kills while Pent was actually a support healer with Physic. Hawkeye left that path on Turn 3, climbing over the mountain to the west to help out the middle group. And now for the epicness. Hector, Eliwood, Nino, Ninian and Legault made up the middle group. Hector blocked off the Cavs and Knights from getting to Nino who was still squishy at the time. However, Mercenaries and 2 Heroes flooded in from the west where Hector wasn't guarding. As a result, Nino sat on a forest, doubled half of the Mercs, dodge-tanked everything that wasn't a Hero and didn't need Ninis' Grace to survive Hero shots. Eliwood helped her clear out the Heroes before Ninian went north to support Hector and Hawkeye's assault (Hawkeye had joined up with Hector on Turn 7 and was pushing forward). At one point, I had no less than 25 enemies crowding at that one little chokepoint. It was hilarious and Nino got an absolutely absurd amount of Exp from this chapter. Lloyd, however, was a different story. Fucker refused to be hit and Hector was the person who was doing the most amount of damage possible with 11 damage a pop with the Wolf Beil. Should have packed a Swordreaver but... So I had to whittle down Lloyd's HP as Nino and Prissy did nothing to him while Heath and a recruited Vaida were getting doubled and killed. Not exactly my cup of tea. However, I did finish the chapter in time which was really good for me. Eliwood 21.00 |40|15|20|14|13|14|11| Hector 7.29 |46|19|21|17|12|23|10| Priscilla 7.32 |27|17|18|21|21| 7|16| Sain 17.83 |34|18|13|13| 7| 7| 8| Legault 20.00 |31|14|15|20|15|12| 7| Ninian 17.28 |26| 0| 2|24|25|12|17| Heath 4.14 |46|20|19|14|10|13| 5| Hawkeye 8.59 |52|20|15|11|15|17|12| Pent 9.60 |36|19|21|18|15|11|16| Nino 2.63 |32|14|22|21|19| 9|20| Vaida 9.00 Base Chapter stats: Tactics - 19/20 Exp - 3195/3650 Run stats: Tactics - 251/295 (5 stars) Exp - 32300/29250 (5 stars)
  22. I'm still calling for Vulpix up to around Magmar. Pretty sure that you can get both of them at around the same time while Vulpix has a proper moveset to keep its weaknesses from killing it too fast (AKA Confuse Ray + WoW).
  23. Have you tried AW2's War Room? That place is unforgiving. It's like FE5. Sorta.
  24. Honestly, I don't think so.
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