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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life

    Corruption Mafia

    I also want to say that I lied about being the Hooker because I wanted to see if people would claim to multiple roles (even if you given the role of mafia, you might not be mafia). I won't reveal the role that Tables gave me mostly because I don't even trust his info. I do trust what other people say, though.
  2. Life

    Corruption Mafia

    I have absolute proof that Ether and WoMC met last night. And I'm absolutely sure that it's correct info. So I vote WoMC.
  3. Life

    Choral Mafia II

    I counterclaim Mason!
  4. Narga, do you have MSN or AIM or something like that? If so, add me. My info's on my profile page.

  5. Got it. In any case, my second runthrough will probably be my Rita one since I want to save Speedster for Repede (first fighter I ever cleared the 100 man melee with) and my low level challenge is for either Raven or Judith (need to be less than level 15 after defeating Barbos at Ghasfarost).
  6. Narga, you're watching the wrong stuff. Since watching Estelle and Rita in the 200 man melee is boring (Tidal Wave spamming for Rita and Force Field glitch for Estelle), here's a couple of videos from the 200 man melee with other characters. This is all done on Unknown difficulty, gotten only after beating the game and buying it from the Grade shop. Yuri Part 2 Yuri Part 3 Judith Part 1 Judith Part 2 And some other shit too: This guy (Omegaevolution) is my Youtube god. He's played all of my favourite games and put playlists up for them (ToV and ToS, both Baten Kaitos games, FE10 even though I haven't played it) which is awesome.
  7. Meh... Problem is that it didn't answer the basic question about the island AKA what the fuck that place was.
  8. Life

    Corruption Mafia

  9. Only Overlimit level 4 prevents staggering. Level 1 is a basic OL. Level 2 is added attack and mattack. Level 3 allows for Mystic Artes to be used. Level 4 makes your character invincible. I've had level 4 on during enemy MAs and I've taken no damage (I pulled that shit during Duke's Brave Vesperia MA and it was awesome).
  10. Umm yeah. I'd probably put myself at the bottom of the list... Give me my rightful spot!
  11. Life

    Corruption Mafia

    I don't think so. The way I see it is this: Anything that Tables says outside of what was originally in that first post has the potential to be a lie. Even the info that he gives us for the day phase. However, he will probably PM the person who died saying that they die. We should note who doesn't post during the day phase.
  12. Life

    Corruption Mafia

    Well, I got a PM that I was the Hooker. So I highly doubt that I really am the Hooker. If I were you guys, I'd play the odds. There's a chance that Tables purposely told you your role and a chance that he purposely lied. I wouldn't be surprised if at least one other person claimed the Hooker PM.
  13. Technically, Rita says an incantation before doing a spell. For Tidal Wave, she says "O mad and greedy waters, rise up and storm the very heavens; Tidal Wave!". However when she's in Overlimit, she can instantly cast spells. And as a result... "Blah, blah, blah... Tidal Wave!" The Milky Way (weapon) allows her to not get interrupted during spells, which has always been the most important skill that a mage in Tales games can get. So they're not exactly related but sorta. It's just that Rita is broken once she equips the Milky Way since she can get to Overlimit quickly and then spam Tidal Wave for Grade/Money farming.
  14. Well, FFXIII and FE7 are distracting me as of the moment but ToV is possibly my second favourite game of all time (Baten Kaitos Origins on the NGC is my favourite by a mile). It doesn't get corny until the final scene after the last boss battle which is a huge plus. Not to mention that all the characters are balanced for the most part... Until Rita finds the Milky Way in Tarqaron. Also, Karol is my favourite character in the game but his problem is that he only gets the Mjolnir halfway through Zaude after 2 boss battles (Yeager and Poseidon). Which is great and all... but he needed it 3 dungeons ago for Bactian (he's the only healer until Yuri gets Dein Nomos and Guardian Field), Heracles and Zaphias Castle. So yeah, that's his main problem. Aside from that, he's awesome, especially after he finds the Golden Hammer.
  15. I'd love to know why I'm so high. I'm not going to contest it (unless I can send meself higher) but I'm just curious.
  16. Dude, he has a pet chicken, a sick goatee and afro, two revolvers that combine into a rifle... How much more awesome do you get than that?
  17. I "lol'd" at Spoon being above Tables. And at myself > Bal. I'm gonna say it again. With the exception of Ether's last Mafia game, Tables is the best person here. Oh and I still want Ulki at the bottom of the list. Like, last name. He's the Karla of Mafia. He doesn't produce anything and it's easy to just forget about him and move on.
  18. Lying down to die every single time someone puts a vote on you without even trying to defend yourself? That's bad.
  19. Ulki to the bottom of the list in his own tier. It's not anything personal but you really are that bad at Mafia.
  20. Stop with the RPing. If you're an innocent person, you try to get someone else to hang. This is why I was able to trick the town into hanging you back when you were the Deputy (remember that game).
  21. Can I ask someone to argue me up? I can see the middle part of Mid High being: Tangerine Life Admiral -Cynthia- Ike-Mike Fia bb_blader Which seems logical in my mind. Yeah it involves moving myself up but it's not by much and I'm really calling for Tang and Cynthia up and bblader and Ike-Mike down.
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