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Everything posted by Life

  1. Yep. Problem is that FFXIII, ToV, Borderlands and my job are all cutting into FE7 time. But I'll try to get in at least one update a week at the least.
  2. Congrats to Fayt for successfully fooling me and making me look like a proverbial Fool. Why he did, I still have no idea. In any case, he played it brilliantly. I so wanted to get lynched but I figured that claiming Yak first thing would have people point at me and say "look, he's the Fool!" which was not something I wanted. So I pretended I was the Yak and figured that Fayt must have been the Yak since he was trying to look like the Fool. It's also why I revealed Tables' PM in public, I wanted to piss him off for revealing info and get lynched in return (win for me). Good job Fayt and Bizz for absolutely blindsiding me. I tip my hat to you. Fool is possibly the hardest role to win with but I came so close...
  3. To get Light to shoot her sword, it's the fourth Attack command (should first appear in the Hope backstory dungeon at the start of Disk 2).

    Right now I'm on Disk 2 with Fang and Lightning trying to get to Hope's place in Palumpolum. And Snow just realized that Hope was the kid that his mother was talking about before... *splat*.

  4. It's possibly because you contradicted your own evidence and looked like an idiot. Don't worry, it happens to the best of us too. EDIT: Actually, I was thinking of posting this in the other South Park topic but this seems better. Done my mini rant.
  5. It's going to start something, that's for sure. I'm pretty sure that countries like Iran and Pakistan won't take an insult like this lying down. Then again, the US has always liked to stand up for its principles and I don't expect that to change in any way, shape or form. Basically if the US starts a war over this thing, good job. I've got my own problems with radical Islamic beliefs (DEATH TO ALL JEWS, MOHAMMED WILL ONLY COME BACK IF ALL THE JEWS DIE - says so in the Hadith in different words obviously) but I'm not getting involved in this personally.
  6. Life

    Choral Mafia II

    Meow, meow, meow, meow. *coughs out hairball that spells "ugiyot"*
  7. I just tried it so far and I do have a couple of concerns. Yeah they seem similar to Yahtzee's (if you've watched his but I'm a lot more fair about it).

    1. Why can't I change my party leader? I wanna control Sazh and shoot everything in sight.

    2. Am I not supposed to understand what's going on thanks to the game starting in media res?

    And yea...

  8. Keeping it afloat... I just got FF13 plus my job is way too time-consuming so I'm trying to finish my runs. Chapter 28 - Valorous Roland Team: Eliwood, Priscilla, Nino Notes: Eliwood in the middle, Prissy on the left and Nino on the right. Prissy actually had to Thunder Crit Kaim to give Eliwood the Killing Edge critkill. That's how freaking impossible Kaim is. I finished the chapter in 10 turns, though. Nino is officially the best character (statistically) when trained. That doesn't make up for the fact that it's a complete bitch to train her in 26, 26x and 27, mind you. Also, to beat Exp in this chapter, both of the guys on the left and right should be unpromoted. That being said, I needed Prissy to kill Kaim so... yeah. Eliwood 2.96 |41|15|20|15|13|15|12| Priscilla 8.50 |28|18|19|21|22| 7|16| Nino 3.64 |33|15|22|21|20|10|21| Chapter stats: Tactics - 10/10 Exp - 415/850 Run stats: Tactics - 261/305 (5 stars) Exp - 32715/30100 (5 stars)
  9. Is FF13 really that good? I just bought it and while I haven't tried it yet, I've watched Yahtzee's review of it.

  10. University ended.

  11. Life

    Choral Mafia II

    Bizz amra sh'ani yachol l'daber b'safa acher m'anglit. Az, ani m'daber b'ivrit. OOC: Last post out of character. Bizz told me that I must speak in another language aside from English. So I picked Hebrew because it's the only other language that I actually know (yes I am decently fluent at Hebrew). And my mom's calling for me to bake some cookies. Fuck. I'll try to be back later but I don't think I can.
  12. Life

    Choral Mafia II

    Ani choshev General Spoon. Who chiyah.
  13. Plus, the mafia just lost their best shot at getting rid of me. Now they HAVE to lose a member if they want me dead.
  14. Character wise, it makes no sense. Yeager would probably be a better Mafia Avenger. Anyways, you should all claim your roles through me. I'm a confirmed townie.
  15. Life

    Choral Mafia II

    EDIT: Shtey shilachar.
  16. Life

    Choral Mafia II

    Easton: Ani lo yode'ah mah sh'ani oseh. Rak sh'ani ra'ev. Ha'im yeish latem ugiyot? OOC: In case you guys don't know, I've got a bit of a posting restriction. Bizz let me put these few lines in English but I basically have to be talking in another language. Sorry that I won't be much help to the town like this.
  17. Well, let's look at some new dirt I have on people. Tables is definitely the Tracker. He was also nice enough to send me and Ninji this: To which I now respond "hell no". You've screwed me too many times for me now to trust you. I am not sharing a joint win with you, period. Anyone else want to try to catch me off guard?
  18. I do most of my work in PMs nowadays. Most of my gambits do actually work, I just die before I myself can exclaim how awesome I am. Kidding. On a serious note, most of my stunts have actually worked. I claimed Mafia to Tables on Night 1 and I was killing on Night 2. Survived a lynch. Why? Because I convinced Tables that I was beneficial to keep around while learning some info and having a mole in the town.
  19. Now if I was still King Russell... Seriously, it is. But I don't like to think of it as a major factor because to me, Mafia is more about how to use your tools to help your team win. The more important one is your brain. Roles help but it's the brain that gets your through most of the game. I've decided to do a little analysis of the list. I'll post it in a bit.
  20. Fucking lucky kill too. But Tables warned me that I'd be an early target so I kinda was expecting it. Nothing I can do about something like that.
  21. You ever think that maybe I try to get myself lynched on purpose sometimes in order to toss suspicion off my teammates? Oh and Lux above Ulki. He's actually sharp if you speak to him directly. The man can put out a wickedly cool analysis if he's been paying attention. Problem is that he doesn't usually hold much power within the town. I could post reasons for why I believe Ulki could drop (nothing personal matey) but I don't want to hurt his feelings. Also change the requirements of the list. If it's the ability to convince the town of innocence, then I should be at the bottom just because I keep pulling Mafia every other game. The last time I got lynched was because I made a dumb move since I wasn't thinking straight and everyone just assumed Mafia because anything I say makes me look pretty guilty. Point is that it should be more of a "how good are you at persuading people in order to follow your way of thinking" type of list since that's what Mafia is. How well can you convince another person that going with you is better for their own sake? And you people should watch Survivor more, you'll learn some tips from it.
  22. Life

    Urban Rivalz

    Bumping to keep fresh.
  23. I'm away painting all day and this is what happens? I lol'd at this list. I'm not the best by a mile (because I can't make it to the endgame) but I feel like I'm high up there just because I can do a lot of shit that most other people don't dream of. Then again, it's probably because I think of it and then act upon in, knowing the risk. My problem is that I've been mafia way too often. I've never been Cop or Doctor (not that I'm asking for it) but my point is that I've never had a power role that I can use to help the town along with my brain. What you guys have to remember about me is that I'm only human. I've made 2 huge mistakes in past games and I've learned from them (Spoon's 2nd or 3rd official game and the 1st Mini Mafia game). My entire strategy relies on logic. Obviously it can backfire but the point is that I'm always logical. I bet if Ulki or Lightning (just got FF13 btw) tried doing that, they could possibly be up there in that high tier.
  24. WHAT?! NOT YURI TOO! Bet that was Zagi...
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