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  1. I'll open. Since the obvious debate is Rebecca vs. Louise, I'm putting my FFXIII comments in a spoiler rather than have you sift through them. Don't respond to the FF part yet, I'm still working on it. Current done Chapter 3 (in my opener). Rebecca v. Louise is good to go, though. Ah Rebecca. A young girl who gets spat on thanks to her being the best of the worst (archers and snipers). It's quite sad, really. Especially when she's a better archer than the Countess of Reglay. Anyway, Rebecca starts out in Birds of a Feather with the rest of the Pherae army. I guess it helps when the game tosses Peg Knights your way in her first chapter, eh? She's got great availability and she's great for taking out Peg Knight nuisances so that your axemen (Bartre, Dorcas, Hector) can concentrate on the real threats, the Brigands. Point is that Rebecca has fantastic availability when comparing her to Louise. Becky arrives on the first turn of the second chapter of HHM. Louise joins the party about twenty chapters later. Points given to Becky for existing and helping the team. What's that, you say? Rebecca is an archer and is automatically terrible? No enemy phase? Well, y'all can go stick your dicks in a rotary blade. While Rebecca might be stuck in a bad class with mediocre starting stats, she has quite a few perks. Let's take a look, shall we? 1. Longbow usage. 2-3 range weapon? Yes please. This weapon immediately makes archers better since the first one drops pretty early in the game (I'd love to say around Chapter 17 but don't quote me on that one). Hitting targets 3 spaces away gives her an advantage over everyone for a chapter like Genesis. And if I need to spell it out for you why it's so good, you haven't played the game in a long time. 2. Her growths. While Rebecca's bases might be pretty frail, she makes up for it in growths. Her Str sits at 40, rivaling units like Kent and Florina who are known for their reliability in combat. Her 60 Spd growth is only topped by Matthew, Guy and Ninils while tying Lyn, Nino, Legault and Dart, making her one of the fastest characters in the game. 50 Skl and 50 Luck just add to her potential to become a dodge tank. 3. Competition or lack of for a promotion item. Yeah, that's right. Assuming that you use Rebecca (why wouldn't you?), she's an absolute shoo-in for the Orion's Bolt. Wil is statistically inferior to her and Rath comes too late to use it effectively, even with an early promotion. If you're trying to S Rank HHM, Rebecca's the way to go for an archer. 4. Effectiveness on flying units. While Peg Knights pretty much suck and can be taken down by almost any unit, Wyvern Riders are actually tough enemies to fight. In New Resolve, WK's fly out of the darkness with their 28-31 HP and 10-11 Def. But since Rebecca can deal effective damage on them, she hits them for about 22 damage with an Iron Bow at level 13, setting up a kill for a much weaker unit. Now tell me that being an archer sucks. So Rebecca fights and grows and is given a lovely Orion's Bolt as a birthday present. She then uses it in the Unfulfilled Heart base, promoting into a Sniper. And on the very first turn, Mr. and Mrs. Reglay show up... Rebecca - Level 1 Sniper - A Bow - C Lowen, B Dart Iron Bow: 24 Atk, 18 AS, 136 Hit, 22 Crit, 64 Avo, 13 CEva Steel Bow: 27 Atk, 15 AS, 121 Hit, 22 Crit, 58 Avo, 13 CEva Longbow: 23 Atk, 14 AS, 116 Hit, 22 Crit, 56 Avo, 13 CEva Killer Bow: 27 Atk, 17 AS, 126 Hit, 59 Crit, 62 Avo, 13 CEva 32 HP, 8 Def, 9 Res Louise - Level 4 Sniper - A Bow - A Pent Silver Bow: 26 Atk, 17 AS, 126 Hit, 14 Crit, 57 Avo, 20 CEva 28 HP, 12 Def, 15 Res Man, I wish I was making these numbers up. Becky is destroying Louise offensively and only loses badly on the defensive side when Louise is near her husband. Playing Lowen and Dart (both great units especially if you're not trying to S Rank) knocks Rebecca's Atk, Crit and Avo right up thanks to both supports being FirexFire (best support in the game IMO) along with being decently quick (Lowen is 5 +2 but starts in Chapter 12 while Dart is 35 +3 and hits C after only 15 turns). And Rebecca's destroying Louise when Countess Reglay has the better bow. At this point onwards, Rebecca begins destroying Louise. Her growths are much better, she's got better supports (IcexLight isn't bad but it's not great) and is better at dodging attacks if someone tries to go after her. If Rebecca beats Louise in Louise's joining chapter and has more room than Louise to grow aside from having more potential, it stands to reason that Rebecca > Louise for when Louise exists and Rebecca > Nothing when Louise = Nothing before Unfulfilled Heart. I rest that case.
  2. So what? Kissing up to the staff puts you higher in their books? I'm down with that.
  3. No. Fight for your right to live. Stop just letting people vote for you. Stick up for yourself. This is why people think that you're terrible at Mafia games. It's because you don't contribute at all and just lie down and die, making the town's job much harder.
  4. I'm not even trying to stay alive anymore. It's quite hilarious. Might as well just go with the majority. Ulki.
  5. Hey, I used to play hockey there. Liked that arena.
  6. Life

    Choral Mafia II

    He's obviously been silenced. And something you said doesn't add up. Unvote: Parv Vote: Spike
  7. First Update: Pretty much done my Yuri run. I'm at the final save point (got the achievement Back Up Plan for touching every save point in the game) and I'm about to try to get the Meteorite Blade so that I won't have to do it again (makes Tarqaron so much longer). Hopefully I can get it. Also, I'll be fighting Duke's 3rd form too. Yay...
  8. Life

    Choral Mafia II

    Don't hang my queen... Wait, she beat Russell. Ok then. Hang Parv.
  9. This is a playthrough that is designed to get every single achievement possible in this game. I play the game 7 times, using each of the characters as my main character during that playthrough. On a Yuri run, Yuri is my playable character at all times. On a Karol run, Karol is... Yeah, you get the point. Also, the party is optimized for that character. Estelle will always be fighting with Repede (Lovely Dog) while Raven will have Estelle, Rita and Judith in the party (Chivalry). Figured I should toss that in somewhere. Hopefully I can get all the achievements. I'll start real updates when I move onto my second run. Oh and there are tons of spoilers here so be warned. Current progress: Gattuso on Estelle (2/7) Collector's Book: Monster Book: Achievement List: So yeah. I'm using this topic to keep progress. This goes alongside my FE7 S Rank runs too.
  10. Lightning, you got MSN or AIM? Add me if so.

  11. Second part of the debate is very optional but I will post a nice debate for Sazh if asked. First half is the obvious one.
  12. Yep. Open any time. I'll also toss in a Lightning vs. Sazh debate in spoilers under my actual stuff for Louise. If you want. That being said, I'm already at Chapter 11 while you're stuck on Odin...
  13. Life

    Choral Mafia II

    Achla, chevre. I'm still alive. Bizz cut down my restriction to only requiring one part of my post to be in another language. Thanks to my bitching. And now I'm going to raid my pantry for some cookies. Be back soon.
  14. As much as I hate to admit it (I like Lightning but I love Sazh), Lightning's probably the most overpowered early and midgame character. She has pretty good Magic which helps her MED skills become as good as Hope and Vanille. Not to mention her sick Strength. Start upgrading the Blazefire Sword if you have it too. That'll help.

  15. Well, Spoon told me that the cast of MM4 wasn't doing anything so he decided to put us 6 in another game with the same set-up to show the people playing MM4 how much conversation you can generate about pretty much nothing.
  16. Where's IOS on this list? Is he going under another name? And Bizz should be High Mid at least.
  17. Yeah, you should pump some CP into MED for Lightning. MED/SYN is the formation that you'll need to start off with. Knock Lightning's Magic as high as possible and you should be good (she can't get to Esuna yet IIRC). Hope should know Shell and Protect already. If he doesn't, use an Aegisol before the battle.

  18. Yeah, 'tis fun. I'm just sad about what happened though (finished Chapter 8 so if you've gotten that far, you'll know why).

    That being said, why does this game seem so short?

  19. The Eidolons are hard. I just beat Brynhildr myself and that was after 2 tries and a couple of shrouds. Mind you, that's Chapter 8.

    Odin... That's Hope and Lightning. Healing the party helps and keeping the chain gauge alive is great too. COM/RAV is great for keeping it alive (RAV does the work while COM actually keeps it afloat) and switch to RAV/RAV after staggering Odin. K...

  20. Borderlands is great because of all of the missions. I can go wherever, shoots skags and spiderants, collect stuff, shoot more skags, buy awesome weapons and shoot even more skags.
  21. I was thinking of a ToV playlog. My goal is to get all of the achievements (I'll control Raven when I go for the titles since I need to activate all 23 Secret Missions in the same playthrough with 6 and 17 being complete bitches) so I'll probably get it. I'm currently at Tarqaron on my Yuri run but I'm messing around now with Synthesis stuff. Part of 100% completion means a completely full Collector's Book which I'm trying to get.
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