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  1. Not my name. It's Morgan.
  2. I call bullshit. You didn't include my character name. I didn't mention it before but I was the third person that the Gossiper told about about Sophie visiting Elira. But this was the exact message I got. The reason why I don't believe you is because it doesn't say "Admiral Lifey Crunch/[my character name] is guilty". I think you just told a boldfaced lie. Vote: General Spoon
  3. Episode 8 Update: Coach bit the dust tonight. I personally think it's a dumb decision as I would rather have him around in time for a merge. However, it puts Russell in a nice spot for the merge when it comes. Votes: Sandra -> Coach Courtney -> Coach Russell -> Courtney Coach -> Courtney Jerri -> Courtney Danielle -> Coach Parvati -> Coach It doesn't matter what Wikipedia says on the voting for this last episode, I saw what I saw. Russell voted for Courtney, not Coach.
  4. That asshole you're talking about and Jonny Fairplay both made it to the final 3 in their first season on Survivor. Fairplay could have even won it with a good enough jury speech as that was a smart jury facing Sandra and Lil.
  5. I'm not American but even I am in awe of this. Only thing that could one up you.
  6. Hector to the top of the list. Unless we're discouting Seize.
  7. Not that I'm complaining but I think a rule like this takes away a bit from the game. Same with a rule that says "No PMs". I view this game like Survivor. In Survivor, everything is legal except for hitting another castaway and another rule that I forgot (Jeff Probst mentioned it during the Pearl Islands finale so I'll watch it to find it out). But everything else is fair game. When Jonny Fairplay lied to the castaways and to Probst (and the rest of the crew) about his grandmother being dead, it obviously came out at the reunion that she wasn't. But nobody was mad at him because it got credited under strategy. The name of the game is "Outwit, Outplay, Outlast" and that's what he tried to do (came 3rd though). Same thing here. Remember when I claimed Detective a couple games back? I was trying to outwit the Mafia. When you put limitations on the Mafia or the town like this, you're essentially saying "If you were planning to outwit the town/mafia, you're not allowed to tell a clear lie". I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that in the future, I don't think that limitations like these should exist. It should boil down to as few rules as possible (don't post when you're dead and don't do anything that your role clearly disallows).
  8. Just you, Fox. Then we shouldn't tier him and those who want to should STFU. I personally don't want to tier him. But since we have to apparently (he's a unit, we have to be consistant, blah blah blah /sarcasm), I have no choice but to argue him for a specific spot. He's either vital or close to useless. Take your pick.
  9. I do think so. If you can S Rank HHM without using the convoy in any way, shape or form, then I will gladly say that Merlinus doesn't deserve his own tier miles above everyone else. However Merlinus is the convoy. The way I see it is that the first 5 slots are given (he gets no credit for them) but he does for the other 95.
  10. Good man. His solo stuff is great though. This band was so awesome back in the day. The guitar in this song is fantastic.
  11. First link made my day. I love the Dire Straits. But this is going to one up you there. Here's a test. Without checking on the internet, what is James Iha known for? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5t83g11FZI&feature=related
  12. 1. Life Admiral. Not Admiral Life. Life Admiral. 2. Wrong. Merlinus joins in Chapter 17 if you don't go to 13x.
  13. Why can't we give him credit for holding items just because other games don't give him credit? His job is to hold 95 more items than anyone else. It's also to send items to the convoy in the middle of the battle. Why give him credit for one and not for the other? Both fall under the convoy's job description. Let me say this loud and clear. I think Merlinus is ridiculous. We either deny him part of his purpose (it's like denying Jaffar of Silencer or Guy/Karel/Karla/Hawkeye of 20+ Crit bonus) which is unfair because we're not judging him properly or we can realize that S Ranking HHM is impossible without him and he not only auto-tops the list but has a tier all to himself which is again stupid because Merlinus doesn't have to do anything to gain this achievement. But since Shire is so adamant on putting him on the list and other people agree with him on it, I'm trying to find a suitable spot for old Merlinus. What do you think Narga, somewhere under Pent but above Canas?
  14. Fine. I call for him to be two tiers over Top. No joke. Honestly, try S Ranking HHM without ever fielding Merlinus and without ever putting anything in the convoy. If you can't do it, I rest my case.
  15. Just watched Pearl Islands and I just realized how brilliant Jonny Fairplay was there. Not just the "dead grandma" lie (which actually had a lot of people respecting him for having the balls to try it) but just how he set himself up. He was really only in danger of going once during the game (him or Shawn) and should have made it to the final 2 (Lil would have won had she picked him, known fact). Fairplay had Burton take the fall for him and played an almost flawless strategic game. Wish he was back but Jeff Probst hates his guts (on a personal level, that is). Here's the link to Jeff's own blog. He writes these for every week that an episode airs and what his own thoughts are. This guy is really perceptive and really understands the game. He also loves Coach with a passion and likes to call Russell a "troll" and "garden gnome". Honestly, the guy tells it like it is and what his opinions are of that episode. Jeff Probst Survivor blog As for this season, I'd love to see Russell win. Hopefully he'll take Danielle to the final with him (she rides coattails while Parvati is just waiting for the chance to slit Russell's throat) but I don't know who the second person that Russell should bring to win is. Probably Rupert if Rupert pisses off that many people.
  16. I'm just going to toss a random vote in. I don't think Rein actually deserves to die because he doesn't feel like Mafia but I could easily be wrong. Vote: WoMC. Once again, no reasoning but it's a pressure vote.
  17. Depends on what you mean by normally. Sagi can fly. He can also jump very high. Is he only allowed to do one thing or the other?
  18. I'm going to look at this logically. Does anyone have an sort of reason why Cheez would be killed? I like to think that the Mafia never kills randomly (without intent) so there has to be some sort of reason. But I'm drawing blanks right now.
  19. Figured that we needed a Survivor thread for the hell of it. I'm a Russell fan myself but it's going to be nice to see how it all turns out. Would rather hear your opinions before I say my own.
  20. Fuck, I hate role playing... I'll see what I can do but I don't like it.
  21. I said that. Too lazy to read the rest of you post, though. EDIT: Apparently you can trade items with him but I can't for some reason. So I'd say that it's pointless to have him visit villages.
  22. I can give decent evidence (circumstantial) but I don't think you're mafia. I do think that you are a bit slow at this game as neither of your strategies (last game or this game) have made any sort of logical sense. Honestly, claiming Godfather last game was really stupid. And publicly saying "I'm accusing people and trying to get them to admit to being mafia" is going to piss people off. And once again, we're probably going to end up wasting a valuable lynch on you (luckily Bizz was smart enough just to kill you off last game) and it'll be all for nothing. I'm not changing my vote for you, I'm just saying that whatever you're doing is going to end up hurting the town more than helping. Take it for what you will, I'm just looking out for everyone's sake. And I doubt we're going to get lucky like last time with picking off the Mafia one by one.
  23. Enjoying Pesach? I know I am (decently religious Jew out in Halifax). It's funny stuff. But I like Elon Gold at the Chabad Telethon more. By the way, Spoon, you also Jewish?
  24. I just want to check something. I could be wrong with the way that I interpreted what you said, Spoon. Just because you have a passive role doesn't eliminate the chance that you are a Bronze Singer, right? It's based on actual roles (like Hooker, Godfather, Vigi, Doctor, so on and so forth) instead of "can this person be Mafia"? In any event, I'm going with a pressure vote for 0 reason (before you ask, Ratatosk, but I personally think that your reasonings for your votes are rather... stupid seems to be the word I'm looking for) on Mordecai, formerly known as Alakazam.
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