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  1. Life

    FE4 Noob

    I don't see a manual save... There's only auto-save in the Config menu. Anyway, should I deploy all of my units on every map or leave behind Arden/Hannibal (in 2nd Gen) to guard the home base?
  2. Life

    FE4 Noob

    Thanks guys. Couple of other questions. 1. Money. What's the best way of getting money? Arena or should I let Dew steal from just about everyone? 2. Trading items. Do I really have to sell the item and then buy it with another guy?
  3. Life

    FE4 Noob

    I've tried FE4 and I got stuck on Chapter 2. Then I lost my data and... yeah. But I'm willing to try it again. However, I do have a couple of questions. 1. What are the best/easiest pairings for me to make so that I don't have kids that suck? I'll experiment for myself once I beat the game at least once but I don't want to fuck it up for right now. 2. Father passes down weapons to son and Mother to daughter? Just checking. 3. Is there any way for me to change the save system to save after every castle or do I need to save it every turn? Because this annoyed me. 4. Do units auto promote in this game? I didn't get far enough to see if they did.
  4. I know that. But I don't see it during battle. And that's my point. Merlinus =/= Ninian/Serra/Priscilla in the non-combat sense.
  5. I dislike Heath to the point that I go out of my way to kill him most of the time when I play FE7 for fun. Does that mean that he deserves a spot below Nino? Shire, I don't know if you realize this but it's a lot harder to tier Merlinus than it is for anyone else. Ninils is probably the closest you'll get in the "hard to tier" but they actually do something towards the ranks (help both Exp, Tactics and I would consider arguing Combat if you really wanted to get technical and stupid about it). Last I checked, Merlinus isn't a positive or negative factor to the ranks. Also, you mentioned battle sprite? How come I don't see it when someone attacks Merlinus but I see Ninian/Serra/Priscilla when they get attacked?
  6. 20/3 Florina: 37 HP (+2) 20 Str (+5) 20 Skl (+2) 20 Spd (Average) 19 Luck (+1) 10 Def (+1) 10 Res (-3) Holy fucking crap.
  7. Chapter 26 - Battle Before Dawn Team: Eliwood, Lowen, Serra, Priscilla, Lyn, Florina, Raven, Lucius, Legault, Ninian, Isadora, Rath, Pent, Louise, Nino (Turn 8) Strategy: Oh god, this level can go crawl into a hole and die. Three Silver Sword Heroes down the left side and Ursula's basically immune to Silence. Not even Pent could get more than 0% Hit on her. Isadora rushed the right side, followed by Raven (who promoted), Serra, Eliwood and Legault. Legault managed to block off the thief in the right treasure room and steal a Lockpick and the Delphi Shield before killing for the Rescue staff. Eliwood recruited Nino who was then rescued by Isadora and brought over to the Jaffar. The left side had the rest of the team trying to not die as they moved into Ursula's range. A promoted Florina eventually criticalled her to death with the Killer Lance and the rest of the team just picked off the stragglers. 16 mandatory turns but the Tactics count is apparently 20... Go figure. Eliwood 19.48 |28|12|13|15|18|10| 6| A Hector Lowen 17.80 |35|12| 8|13|14|14| 5| Serra 17.94 |25| 7| 9|18|13| 4|17| Priscilla 15.30 |20| 8|14|13|15| 6|10| Lyn 17.74 |29|12|16|20|13| 4| 4| C Florina Florina 2.72 |36|19|19|20|18|10|10| C Lyn Raven 2.24 |42|18|18|23| 9|11| 5| Lucius 16.69 |26|13|12|20| 4| 2|10| Legault 16.32 |28| 8|15|16|13| 8| 3| Ninian 10.65 |25| 0| 0|22|19| 6|11| Isadora 4.41 |30|14|13|19|11| 8| 6| Rath 2.58 |38|14|18|20| 7|12|11| Pent 8.15 |34|19|21|17|14|12|17| A Louise Louise 5.35 |29|13|15|17|16| 9|12| A Pent Nino 5.00 Base Chapter stats: Tactics - 16/20 Exp - 1942/1800 Run stats: Tactics - 204/220 (5 stars) Exp - 26570/21530 (5 stars) Barely a 50 level buffer for Exp but I'm sure I won't have problems with it. Funds was almost 55 grand extra to spend so two promotions have knocked it down to about 35 grand. Hopefully I can pull off Lyn + 2 more but worse case scenario, Lyn won't promote.
  8. Hey Bal, how much do you know about Excel? I could really use your help.

  9. Life


    Jane Eyre is recommended. A nice classic. Word to the wise, know your classics before you read any of Jasper Fforde's books that involve Thursday Next. You'll appreciate the jokes a lot more. ie. "Two genres bad, four genres good." - Animal Farm "To choose or not to choose, that is the question..." - Hamlet "Extraordinary stalker Millon De Floss." - The Mill on the Floss I don't know the last two off by heart but the Hamlet quote is based on Hamlet trying to order a coffee and Millon De Floss's name is a pun on the book by George Eliot.
  10. Chapter 24 - Unfulfilled Heart Team: Eliwood, Hector, Serra, Erk, Priscilla, Lyn, Sain, Kent, Florina, Raven, Dart, Fiora, Legault, Ninian, Rath, Pent (Turn 1), Louise (Turn 1) Strategy: Pent and Louise go shopping while Florina, Dart (carried by Florina) and Fiora stick with them for when the wyverns appear. Eliwood, Hector and Lyn head south with none of them promoting just yet while Kent and Rath head down to the village. Everyone else just holds their ground. Oh and Legault steals the Knight Crest. 12 turns. Eliwood 17.60 |27|11|13|13|16|10| 6| B Hector Hector 16.71 |32|15|10|10| 8|15| 3| B Eliwood Serra 15.71 |23| 7| 9|17|13| 4|15| Erk 14.99 |27| 7|16|13|10| 4|12| Priscilla 12.42 |20| 8|12|12|14| 6| 9| Lyn 14.51 |27|11|15|19|11| 3| 3| C Florina Sain 15.01 |32|18| 8|11| 7| 7| 6| C Kent Kent 13.34 |29|11|13|13| 5| 6| 2| C Sain Florina 15.20 |27|12|15|17|13| 8| 7| C Lyn Raven 15.23 |33|15|14|19| 6| 8| 2| Dart 13.83 |39|14|10|10| 5| 6| 2| Fiora 14.22 |27|11|16|16|11| 6|12| Legault 14.02 |28| 8|13|15|11| 8| 3| Ninian 8.94 |21| 0| 0|18|16| 6| 7| Rath 17.70 |31|12|14|17| 6| 9| 6| Pent 6.64 Base A Louise Louise 4.69 Base A Pent Chapter stats: Tactics - 12/11 Exp - 1498/1000 Run stats: Tactics - 169/178 (5 stars) Exp - 21624/17000 (5 stars) Chapter 25 - Pale Flower of Darkness (Jerme) Team: Eliwood, Lowen, Hector, Serra, Erk, Priscilla, Lyn, Florina, Legault, Ninian, Isadora, Rath, Pent, Harken (Turn 12) Strategy: A lot went on here. Lyn, Florina and Erk went north while the rest of the army headed east. At the next juncture, Lowen and Pent went north to help out with the archers in the structure, Raven, Isadora, Rath and Legault went south and the rest of the army went north. Eliwood recruited Harken and they had no trouble with taking out Jerme. 19 turn clear, I believe. Also promoted Rath and Hector. Eliwood 18.69 |28|11|13|14|17|10| 6| A Hector Lowen 16.49 |34|11| 7|13|13|14| 5| Hector 1.00 |38|18|12|16| 8|20|10| A Eliwood Serra 16.81 |24| 7| 9|17|13| 4|16| Erk 17.22 |30| 8|16|14|11| 5|13| Priscilla 13.63 |20| 8|13|12|14| 6| 9| Lyn 16.34 |29|12|16|20|12| 4| 4| C Florina Florina 18.40 |28|15|17|19|15| 8| 8| C Lyn Raven 19.30 |36|16|16|20| 8| 9| 3| Legault 14.72 |28| 8|13|15|11| 8| 3| Ninian 10.65 |23| 0| 0|20|18| 6| 9| Isadora 4.35 |30|14|13|19|11| 8| 6| Rath 1.55 |37|14|17|19| 7|12|10| Pent 7.76 |34|18|21|17|14|12|16| A Louise Harken 9.13 |39|21|20|17|12|15|10| Chapter stats: Tactics - 19/22 Exp - 3004/1800 Run stats: Tactics - 188/200 (5 stars) Exp - 24628/18800 (5 stars) To say that I destroyed Exp in that chapter is a bit of an understatement. Looks like I'm going to end up S Ranking ENM at this rate.
  11. You have to remember that I only 5 turned 17x (16x for me) in ENM and I've yet to try it for EHM, never mind HHM. HHM only demands 10 turns too so don't look at my own results in that chapter. Going back to Fox's comment, my whole thing with the Guiding Ring is that Erk and Serra will get the first two unless you decided to deliberately shaft Erk. I don't have to explain why Serra gets a Guiding Ring and Erk wants it to start healing, which lets him draw Exp from the infinite staff pool. It's not circular logic to say that Lucius and Canas fight for the 3rd or 4th Guiding Ring because chances are, they won't get either of the first two. In case none of you realized, I hate Heath. I hate talking about him, I hate arguing him, I hate using him. If you guys come to a consensus on his position, I'll go along with it. If I think he's too high, I'll speak up but I won't push for him lower (goes under "hate arguing him"). If he's too low, good. The Secret Shop in Dragon's Gate (bottom right) sells Killer Axes. I've gotten to it by Turn 10 in ENM so I figure that 16 turns in HHM isn't that much of a stretch. What are you talking about? Lyn has access to the LHM Angelic Robe which has no impact on the HHM Funds rank. She's not the only one who wants it, per say, but she's for sure a viable candidate thanks to her low Def and HP. EDIT: Missed the "gem rank" thing. You can use at least 1 big cost item (Fox claims both Energy Ring and Angelic Robe) and still end up with the White Gem. I don't know how to deal with Bartre. We're probably going to have to move Dorcas down but that's a problem in itself because whom below him is he worse than? Which would probably explain why he's in Lower Middle and not Low. But then again, Jaffar's main thing is Silencer and yet, he only has 7 levels of use.
  12. As wonderful as arguing about Nino is (slightly more enjoyable than vomiting yesterday's lunch and tonight's alcohol into the garbage), I want to go back to the middle tiers. There are so many problems with one unit being better than another but worse than a third unit even though it's not reflected on the list.
  13. I can't help but feel that Hamlet might feel a bit left out... Oh well, just one more thing for that kid to mope about.
  14. Life


    What Fforde does is ingenious. He bases his books around other books. His main character is one that he created but he views books as plays in which characters do the actions that they are supposed to on paper but once they aren't in the narrative anymore, they can do or say whatever they want. Read the quote and you'll see what I mean.
  15. Life


    One of my favourite series. Jasper Fforde can use wit like no other. It is incredible. Anyone who knows a bit about older classics may understand the title.
  16. "I got Oedipus off the incest charge--technicality, of course--he didn't know it was his mother at the time." — Jasper Fforde (The Well of Lost Plots)
  17. I chose option 3. 3. Forced doesn't mean optimal and we penalize a forced unit if they aren't optimal in that forced chapter or reward them for being optimal. I know that this rule negates Nino in 28 (her terrible performance can be argued to negate her opening the way to 28x if you wanted to argue that) but the person who would really suffer is Karel/Harken in Kenneth's map. By the time one of them appears, we're already at the throne room. We're wasting turns just to recruit this unit who can't do anything in this chapter by this point.
  18. To me, optimal is "do I want to play this character in this chapter". If I recall correctly, there are a lot of level ~16 unpromoted enemies (most of which are melee) and then a bunch of like level ~6 promos but I can't remember for a fact. If someone could correct me, most appreciated. Now forget the fact that Nino is forced for a second. Nino would be much better in 28x than 28 because she can snipe with Thunder/Elfire at enemies with low Res. Most of the enemies around Ursula in 28 are magic based and Nino also has to get over to Jaffar. But she has no such obligations or restrictions in 28x. You know those Wyvern Lords that sit on the perimeter of the map? Lure one of them, take out about 2/3 of its HP and let Nino mop up the kill. We need her for her low level in order to add more to the Exp rank.
  19. I feel slightly insulted by this comment, not going to lie. The least you could do is listen to them.
  20. It's that time of year! The time when I stop posting bands and start with musicals. So let's play "Name that Musical" (second one's given to you).
  21. Chapter 23 - Four Fanged Offense (Lloyd) Team: Eliwood, Lowen, Hector, Oswin, Serra, Matthew, Guy, Priscilla, Florina, Lucius, Canas, Ninian, Rath, Wallace (Turn 3) Strategy: Abuse that arena for all it's worth with Rath (I think archers are much better at the arena than other units). Wallace gets recruited quickly and then helps Flo wipe out the right side. Lowen goes for the village while Oswin goes shopping. After that, everyone waits until about Turn 21 and then kills Lloyd (maximize money and Exp from Arena). 21 turn clear. Eliwood 17.24 |27|11|13|13|16|10| 6| B Hector Lowen 14.64 |33|10| 7|11|12|13| 5| Hector 16.64 |32|15|10|10| 8|15| 3| B Eliwood Oswin 14.52 |33|14|12| 5| 4|17| 4| Serra 15.05 |23| 7| 9|17|13| 4|13| Matthew 13.38 |26|10| 9|19| 8| 7| 1| C Guy Guy 14.78 |29| 8|17|20| 7| 6| 2| C Matthew Priscilla 11.65 |19| 8|11|12|13| 6| 8| Florina 12.89 |24|11|15|15|13| 7| 6| C Lyn Lucius 14.17 |25|12|11|18| 3| 2|10| Canas 13.13 |24|11|11|11| 9| 8| 9| Ninian 7.84 |20| 0| 0|18|15| 6| 6| Rath 16.73 |30|12|13|17| 6| 9| 6| Wallace 2.34 |35|16| 9| 8|10|17| 6| (started at 1.28) Chapter stats: Tactics - 21/13 Exp - 2675/1750 Run stats: Tactics - 157/167 (5 stars) Exp - 20126/16000 (5 stars) I'm seriously considering promoting Rath. He destroyed the arena and got a bit more than 7 levels. Rather nice stats and once he gets swords, it'll be an extra Cav with proper range. I also could have waited a bit longer but since I'm really sure that Exp won't be much of a problem in ENM at this point (40 level buffer), I'm going to worry about Tactics and Funds. Then again, going longer could have gotten me more liquid cash.
  22. You're remembering it right. Forced doesn't mean optimal. Nino in BBD - No. She's recruited on something like Turn 5 or 6 and is across the map from Jaffar. We have to use another unit just to transport her to the other side of the map. As a result, she doesn't gain Exp and she keeps that unit from also getting Exp. Nino in NoF - Depends. If you can keep her out of Sonia's reach, then yes. IIRC, most of the units are physical so Nino should be able to snipe them easily. But once she moves within Sonia's Bolting area, I'm pretty sure she's OHKO'd. Again, I could be wrong but I seem to remember that a 20/0 Legault is basically OHKO'd.

  24. Surprisingly, I like a lot of this list except for: The fuck he doing up there? Last I checked, Shinon was in a horrible class with terrible bases. Even through training, there's no way that he's better than Haar. Said to Snowy but applies here. The guy is utter garbage.
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