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Everything posted by Life

  1. The idea is to have even more items when you have the Silver Card. Ergo, the need for more room.
  2. Opposite way. You buy more items when you have the Silver Card to double your funds. In my ENM run, it doesn't matter how much liquid cash I have. In fact, I don't have to spend a penny in 29x because I don't gain anything. I did because I needed the weapons but I didn't need to.
  3. I'm going to hope for your sake that you know what you're doing. Otherwise you're going to make a lot of enemies.
  4. All I can say for my innocence is that "I'm innocent". You asking me to convince you is stupid because the only thing I can give you right now is my word and obviously, that means shit all to you because you're still going to vote for me. I'm good at this game because I'm logical. If that scares you, then we're going to have problems here.
  5. How does that make any sense? Because I understand this game well, I must be Mafia (or Bronze Singer, I guess)?
  6. Canas and Hawkeye actually had decent (unused) ones. Canas: Mother... Forgive me... Take care... of...Hugh... Hawkeye: Will I never... make it home... I...Igrene... My...dear daughter... Also, it's interesting to note that Bartre, Karel, Karla and Rath never actually die. Bartre and Karel appear in FE6 but the other two pretty much confirm that Rath is Sue's father (she hasn't been born yet) and Karla is Fir's mother (Karel's sister). Other decent ones: Tethys: The dark rider I foresaw... He was coming for me... Shinon: Unnnh... Curses... Rolf: Shinon! Uncle Shinon! ...Sniff...N-no... Shinon: I told you... No crying... Rolf: ... Shinon: ...This is...for the best... I...can... Rolf: Uncle Shinon... Nu, nuh, no...sniff... Ike: Nngh...I... I... I must...protect-- Mist: Brother? No! No... Please, you can't die... Ike!!! Shiharam: Jill! Why? Why must I see this? Jill: Ah... Father... Father... ... Shiharam: Jill!!! Marcia: Brother... Wh-why... Makalov: Marcia! Hold on! Please... Don't die on me... MARCIA!!!
  7. Well, the Normal modes actually have stricter Tactics counts than the Hard modes. But the Hard modes kill you in regard to Exp. Those 0 chapters are going to be great for Exp because now I don't have to spend 8 turns in the arena in FFO (AKA the reason why Rath got promoted).
  8. Figure I might comment on Merlinus after finishing my S Rank run (ENM but I'm talking about Merlinus so it applies). If we do tier him, we have to give him his own tier above Top with possibly an empty tier in between him and Top. And I'm dead serious about this. The Funds rank almost broke me in my ENM run. During the last couple chapters, every slot that Merlinus had was filled up and most of the slots on my units were too (I think I had something like 10 open slots left). What I'm saying is that it is impossible to S Rank with him. Not very hard but impossible. If we don't use Raven, it makes our run harder but not impossible. If we don't use Matthew to steal the Silver Card, it makes our run harder but not impossible. But if Merlinus (Convoy) didn't exist, S Ranking HHM would be impossible. It cannot be done. If you guys want Merlinus on the list, then he has to auto-top it based on the fact that you can't S Rank without him and his stuff isn't storyline based. I'm still not for it but what the hell, right?
  9. Gave 'em to Lyn. They upped her defense a little bit over the norm. It was between her and Florina but I figured that I'll use Flo more often than not and that I might as well give them to Lyn. She's also one of my favourite characters. The drops cost nothing. I figure I'm going to give them to Erk/Lucius/Bartre on my HNM run, Nino on my EHM run and Kent/Florina on my HHM run. HNM's next. I'm currently doing LHM for it but I'm going to fail Tactics thanks to grinding Nils up to level 7 (unlocking 19xx). I'll still grab the White Gem from 5* Funds, though.
  10. Life

    Dude, I spent 84~96 at Gobies alone. I know how it feels to grind. Stopped at 123 on a Marksman (crossbowman).

  11. FE3 (Book 1) - First playthrough FE3 (Book 2) - First playthrough FE4 - First playthrough (Chapter 3) FE5 - First playthrough FE6 - Got to Chapter 13 and then lost my data. FE7 - Around 20 times. FE8 - 2 times fully done on the cart and once on my emulator. FE9 - 5 times.
  12. I love how the lead singer sounds retarded and yet he's got a brilliant mind for music.
  13. The requirements for what map you get in FE7 Pale Flower of Darkness (25E/27H) is slightly wrong. It's actually the aggregate Exp gained during the main (Eliwood or Hector's story) part of the game for Lucius, Serra, Priscilla and Erk vs. Bartre, Guy, Dorcas and Raven. I'm pretty sure that I've had them at the same levels but with the melee guys having more Exp gained in the main story which gives me Jerme's though I can check again. However, the default is still Kenneth's map if everything is equal. EDIT: Oh and you need 3+ promo kills for Karel, not 2. That's on Kenneth's map.
  14. I am saving this thread! Arcade Fire here for you. This band is absolutely nuts. They've got like 8 members and something like 20 different instruments between them. And yes, that is an accordion in an indie rock band. They're so awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6V41qkhU-98
  15. Hey Spoon, I'm planning to change my user name back to Life Admiral as soon as possible (April 13, I think). You OK with an in-game change now that I've mentioned it? Either way, the Admiral shall be playing yet again.
  16. May I direct specifically to FE6 and 7? Since FE8 was my first game in the series, I was shocked when I realized that I had to buy weapons during the actual chapter and not after. Then again, I don't mind it because it comes down to a shitload of thinking "Do I actually need this? Maybe I'm spending too much on these weapons..." because you can't check what the guys that aren't in the battle are holding. Back on topic: I'm all for the FE9 supports but I also like the FE4 love system (standing beside the unit gets you extra points but you still get points every turn for just being in the battle).
  17. Nothing beats this in video game music.
  18. Last couple of updates for ENM! Chapter 29x - Battle Preparations Team: Eliwood, Lowen, Hector, Priscilla, Lyn, Florina, Legault, Rath, Pent, Louise, Harken, Jaffar Strategy: Buy what I think I need and hope that Jaffar nails a couple of Silencers in the arena. What sucked is that I actually have 4 stars in Funds thanks to the previous chapter (it's got a requirement of 101000G which is stupid). I'm still at 4* afterward (20k and change over the limit) but fuck it, I've got a save (not a savestate but an actual hard save) right before Cog of Destiny with Lyn still unpromoted. Worst case scenario, I'll go back to it and promote Prissy instead. Eliwood 3.92 |35|15|14|18|20|11|11| A Hector, C Ninian Lowen 7.12 |45|18| 9|17|18|19| 7| Hector 6.57 |43|20|13|19|10|23|11| A Eliwood Priscilla 20.00 |22| 9|17|14|19| 6|13| Lyn 8.00 |40|19|24|24|19| 9|14| C Florina Florina 12.98 |43|23|22|24|24|12|12| C Lyn Raven 9.16 |45|21|22|26|10|12| 7| Legault 19.23 |29|10|15|17|15| 8| 4| Rath 7.89 |42|16|20|23| 8|12|11| Pent 12.37 |36|21|22|19|16|14|18| A Louise Louise 12.85 |34|15|16|22|17|10|14| A Pent Harken 13.40 |43|23|21|20|13|17|10| Jaffar 19.02 |36|20|29|29|10|17|12| Chapter stats: Tactics - 6/5 Exp - 415/0 Run stats: Tactics - 262/276 (5 stars) Exp - 35882/28950 (5 stars) Chapter 30 - Victory or Death Team: Eliwood, Lowen, Hector, Serra, Lyn, Florina, Raven, Rath, Pent, Louise, Harken, Nils (Turn 1), Renault (Turn 5) Strategy: Nils with that Earth Seal cut my Funds deficit down to 1116G. Still a 4* but I can taste it. Anyway, there was absolute chaos in all three directions. Lyn took Pent and Louise up north and destroyed everything before recruiting Renault, Hector, Lowen, Rath and Eliwood massacred the middle and the two Heroes and Florina took the southern route and came out unscathed. Florina criticalled Limstella on Turn 10, leaving the way for Raven to snag the kill with a Killing Edge crit. 11 turn clear. Eliwood 6.04 |38|16|15|18|22|11|12| A Hector, C Ninian Lowen 9.18 |47|18| 9|19|18|21| 7| Hector 9.05 |46|22|14|19|11|25|11| A Eliwood Serra 19.60 |27| 8|10|18|14| 5|18| Lyn 12.10 |44|21|27|26|20|11|14| C Florina Florina 15.88 |45|23|24|26|26|12|12| C Lyn Raven 11.56 |47|22|22|26|11|12| 7| Rath 9.36 |43|17|21|23| 8|12|12| Pent 14.71 |38|21|23|19|17|14|19| A Louise Louise 14.36 |35|15|17|23|19|11|16| A Pent Harken 16.09 |46|24|23|21|13|17|11| Nils 16.37 |29| 2| 0|24|23| 6|15| Renault 16.32 Base Chapter stats: Tactics - 11/13 Exp - 2763/5000 Run stats: Tactics - 273/289 (5 stars) Exp - 38645/33950 (5 stars) Can't fail the Exp rank now. Athos can solo Light and I'll still 5* it. Still worried about Funds a bit but I'm hoping for the best. Final Chapter - Light Team: Eliwood, Lowen, Hector, Lyn, Florina, Raven, Pent, Louise, Harken, Jaffar, Nils, Athos (Turn 1) Strategy: Kill as efficiently as possible. Nergal went down in 8 turns and the dragon kicked the bucket in 2. Figure I don't need to post the stats this time. Jaffar + Killing Edge + Thor's Ire is fantastic at taking out the bosses in a single hit. Around a 25% chance of hitting Silencer with all of these things on. Run stats: Tactics - 283/299 (5 stars) Exp - 39580/37450 (5 stars) Funds - 937431/925520 (5 stars) RESULT: 1/4 completed! And I've learned some things about some units.
  19. I have to say, I was absolutely stumped by some of the logical thinking done here. To Mordecai: It doesn't matter if you kept pulling townies. Once the Godfather was dead, the first thing you should have done was claim Cop and say who was for sure innocent. That cuts down the number of possible suspects and ensures a bunch of mafia kills. To Ninji: You got lucky with that last lynch, matey. Not going to lie. To Mikey: I KILLED THE GODFATHER, MIKEY! I WAS THAT SWING VOTE! PROTECT ME!
  20. Chapter 28 - Valorous Roland Team: Eliwood, Lowen, Lyn, Pent, Louise Strategy: Louise is awesome. Seriously. She'll dodge almost anything. She and Pent went up the left side, killing and healing when necessary. Lyn and Lowen took the right and Eliwood obviously went down the middle. His Javelin destroyed just about everything that moved. Oh and Lyn snagged the Georg kill. Eliwood 3.15 |35|15|14|18|20|11|11| A Hector, C Ninian Lowen 4.64 |42|17| 9|15|17|18| 7| Lyn 7.05 |39|19|23|24|19| 9|14| C Florina Pent 11.97 |35|20|22|18|16|13|17| A Louise Louise 11.55 |34|15|16|22|17|10|13| A Pent Chapter stats: Tactics - 9/9 Exp - 843/850 Run stats: Tactics - 242/257 (5 stars) Exp - 34027/27250 (5 stars) Chapter 29 - Sands of Time Team: Eliwood, Lowen, Hector, Serra, Priscilla, Lyn, Florina, Raven, Legault, Rath, Pent, Louise, Harken, Jaffar Strategy: Now you know that IS decided to troll us. A chapter with pretty much only archers and a Sniper boss? Are you kidding me? What were you thinking, guys? Really not much to say. Jaffar double critted Denning to death on Turn 4 and Pent kept Louise, Jaffar and Raven alive while the rest of the group booked it south to help out with the rest of the enemies. Aside from that, meh. 12 mandatory turns. Eliwood 3.92 |35|15|14|18|20|11|11| A Hector, C Ninian Lowen 6.10 |44|18| 9|17|18|18| 7| Hector 6.57 |43|20|13|19|10|23|11| A Eliwood Serra 18.77 |26| 8|10|18|13| 5|18| Priscilla 20.00 |22| 9|17|14|19| 6|13| Lyn 8.00 |40|19|24|24|19| 9|14| C Florina Florina 12.98 |43|23|22|24|24|12|12| C Lyn Raven 9.16 |45|21|22|26|10|12| 7| Legault 18.84 |28| 9|15|17|14| 8| 4| Rath 7.89 |42|16|20|23| 8|12|11| Pent 12.17 |36|21|22|19|16|14|18| A Louise Louise 12.85 |34|15|16|22|17|10|14| A Pent Harken 13.40 |43|23|21|20|13|17|10| Jaffar 16.48 |35|20|27|26|10|16|12| Chapter stats: Tactics - 14/14 Exp - 1440/1700 Run stats: Tactics - 256/271 (5 stars) Exp - 35467/28950 (5 stars) Aside from 26 and 26x, this run has been really easy. I think it's impossible for me to screw up anything but Funds at this point and I probably won't.
  21. Life

    Question: What server did you used to play MS on? I personally used to chill on Kradia and then moved to Windia until I quit the game.

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