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Everything posted by Life

  1. That's fine. I usually mix up the two but I never write down "right wing" and "left wing" on Poli Sci exams.
  2. Beat you to the corrections. Second edit was for the quote.
  3. I find it funny that most Republicans play this entire bill up to be the first coming of communism in America. You guys (the country in general) are so right wing that I'm just in awe of everything that comes out. It makes for great entertainment as Canadian politics is generally boring with the exception of Omar Khadr and the Ontario government (McGuinty is an idiot and I want Mike Harris back). Honestly, some of our Conservatives (our right wing guys) are probably more liberal than your liberals. If Jack Layton ever visited the US, he'd get a giant COMMUNIST! stamp right on his forehead. If that's your mentality about your health care bill, you'll regret a move up north. Believe me, we pay a ton more taxes than you guys.
  4. Life

    Mafia Round 4

    Because it shows no malice against the person, it's just a way to abide by the rules. If I vote no lynch, I look guilty. If I randomly vote Reinfleche before someone else, for example, there's no reasoning behind it. But if I vote Bal because he's top of the list, that's just me trying to get info from a kill with a semi legit excuse. I'm not targetting him because I think he's guilty, I'm going after him because he just happens to the first casualty. It's called being unlucky. However, I'm keeping my vote on Rein so that I don't get knocked out myself. My death isn't going to help the town. It's probably going to hurt it because it's a citizen down and the Mafia get a free day off.
  5. Thank god for parents. Without them, I wouldn't have the taste in music that I have. I'd be missing out on songs like this...
  6. Life

    Mafia Round 4

    Also (because I can't edit), Furetchen has a decent reason for voting for me, just like my original Bal vote. You don't when you could have easily used the Alphabet system which I mentioned (homage to Sean from the first season of Survivor). Instead, you have no reason to vote for me instead of Bal or Tables. I could easily be just as useful to the town as them.
  7. Life

    Mafia Round 4

    Your reasoning make no sense. How do you know that I won't be a valuable ally? I only pulled the stunt that I did last game because of two reasons: 1. I missed the first 2 days of action because of my hard drive died on me. 2. I originally planned to send all of you PMs saying that I was the detective in order to get the Mafia to trick themselves into revealing their role to me. However, since I missed Day 1, I had to improvise. Hika seemed rather suspicious so I used the same trick in a more public venue. However, I miscalculated for Bizz's response. You're basically voting for me because I caused a splash last game for falsely claiming a role. That is not starting carte blanche and I'm slightly peeved about it. For all we know, you could be Mafia and you're just trying to lynch me because you think I'm a threat to you. Dead men tell no tales. Lynch me and you'll see that I'm innocent. Might seem suspicious for me to defend myself so vigorously but when you have a history like I do (winning as Mafia and then being lynched instead of the Alpha Wolf after I didn't expect the detective to reveal themself), it's no wonder why I'm going to be so defensive.
  8. Is it really so hard to ask for some HP, Str and Spd for dear Eliwood? I've had to start wasting RNs just to see what I need to do to achieve it. Chapter 19 - Dragon's Gate Team: Eliwood, Marcus, Lowen, Hector, Matthew, Serra, Priscilla, Lyn, Sain, Raven, Lucius, Canas, Dart, Legault (Turn 5) Strategy: Turn 1: Lowen damages the Knight so that Eliwood can Rapier it to death. Lucius then attacks the Silver Bow Sniper in the treasure room and barely escapes being killed in a single shot with 1 HP which Priscilla then heals up. Dart moves over to Lucy but stays out of the way of the Sniper. Canas unlocks the door north of him and Sain rushes into the room to kill the archer. Hector follows close behind. Everyone else starts heading towards Cameron and Serra heals Eliwood. Turn 2: Lucius unlocks the door to the treasure room after the Sniper suicided on him during the enemy phase and Priscilla grabs the Brave Bow and cantos back south. Dart attacks the Knight with a hand axe which Matthew then kills. Serra heals him right afterwards. Raven kills the Cavalier blocking his path and gives Eliwood an easy kill on the Nomad. Lyn, Marcus and Lowen all move north with Lowen and Marcus positioning themselves for Cameron's attack. On the eastern front, Sain starts attacking the eastern wall while Canas and Hector move deeper into the building. Turn 3: Hector breaks the wall and allows Sain to kill the Nomad in front of him while Canas attacks the Troubadour from behind the wall. Lowen finishes off the armourslayer Cav and Serra heals Marcus. Dart heads out of the treasure room to guard Merlinus and Lucius heads north to join the main group with Prissy healing him up. Lyn then destroys Cameron with her Mani Katti while Raven takes out the Nomad. A Rapier wielding Eli then blocks the passage while Marcus stands his ground right in the middle of the clearing. Turn 4: Canas and Hector kill off the remaining Nomad while Sain starts to work on the most eastern wall that will lead to the Secret Shop. Prissy heads right into the room where those 3 passed through so that she can get to them in order to heal Sain ASAP. Lucius heads north and Dart moves a bit south. Matthew unlocks the door to the north-western treasure room and steals Raven's Lancereaver. Raven kills the Troubadour while Lowen and Marcus chain-rescue Lyn so that she can recruit Legault next turn. Serra then heals Raven to end the turn. Turn 5: And here come all of the reinforcements. Dart easily takes out the Archer while Matthew and Lucius prepare themselves to kill the Knight and Mage guarding the treasure room. The eastern foray gets held up by a Merc but Sain and Canas dispose of him efficiently while Hector breaks the wall and Prissy meets up with them. In the northern front, Lowen and Raven take out the Shamans and Lyn recruits Legault who then heads southwest to avoid the Knights. Serra heals Raven and Marcus and Eli head as far north as possible without getting in Darin's range. Turn 6: Dart leaves the treasure while Prissy heals Sain. Canas stays back to kill the Shaman and Hector hand axes the wall blocking the secret shop (bottom right with Killer weapons). Legault also heads south towards that opening while Matthew loots the Luna and Lucius kills the Knight. The northern front has everyone preparing to attack Darin but not doing so to allow the Member's Card thief to appear. Eliwood also lures the right Knights by sitting in their range while still in range of the throne. Turn 7: Legault steals the Member's Card and Hector grabs it before destroying the wall. Serra heals a poisoned Eliwood while Lowen kills the Knight and lures the Axereaver Knight. Lucy finishes off the mage and allows Matt to loot the Blue Gem in peace. Raven sits right in front of Darin with the Armourslayer equipped and Canas attacks the Merc. Sain can't one hit the Fighter and forces Prissy to get out of his range. Dart also moves to the right to attack the archers. Turn 8: Sain finishes off the Fighter while Dart attacks one of the archers. Hector one hits the thief and Legault makes his way to the treasure chests. Canas gets healed by Prissy after one rounding the Shaman and Lucius starts heading south to the mage in order to grab a little more Exp. Marcus attacks Darin with a Steel Lance and Lyn kills him with the Mani Katti. Raven moves close to the remaining Myrmidon and Short Spear Knight and Serra heals Marcus. Eliwood then does nothing as Lowen kills the other Knight. Turn 9: Legault pilfers the Guiding Ring and Hector heads south, stopping just short of the SS. Lucius crits the Mage, Sain goes for the remaining fighter and Dart kills an archer. Other than that, Marcus kills the Myrmidon and Raven moves close to the Knight after getting healed by Serra. Turn 10: Serra heals Raven who kills the Knight with the Armourslayer. Legault picks up the Barrier staff while Hector goes Killer weapon shopping, buying a sword and a lance. Sain kills the archer, Canas finishes off the Fighter, Prissy heals Sain and Eli seizes the throne. 10 turn kill and I feel on top of the world after that finish. Got all the chests, Legault, killed all the enemies and even went Killer weapon shopping in the time limit. Eliwood 12.13 |24|10| 9|11|15| 9| 4| C Hector Marcus 3.22 |33|16|17|12| 8|10| 8| Lowen 13.35 |32| 9| 7|11|11|12| 5| Hector 11.86 |27|14| 8| 7| 5|14| 2| C Eliwood Serra 11.35 |19| 6| 8|14|13| 4|13| Matthew 9.95 |23| 8| 7|16| 6| 7| 0| Priscilla 8.01 |17| 8| 9|10|11| 4| 7| Lyn 12.52 |25|10|13|18|10| 3| 2| C Florina Sain 12.62 |29|16| 7| 8| 7| 7| 6| Raven 11.50 |29|13|14|17| 3| 6| 2| Lucius 12.07 |24|11|10|16| 3| 2| 9| Canas 11.81 |23|10|11|10| 8| 7| 9| Dart 11.22 |37|13| 9|10| 4| 6| 2| Legault 12.10 Base Chapter stats: Tactics - 10/10 (5 stars) Exp - 1738/1700 (5 stars) Run stats: Tactics - 104/114 (5 stars) Exp - 12740/10500 (5 stars) Honestly, I'm more scared about EHM than HHM. My Eliwood always gets screwed in his stats and I almost missed that Exp value for this chapter. In EHM, I have to squeeze out an extra 4 levels. I have no idea on how I'm going to do that. I do know that Rebecca's getting played in the next chapter, though. Arena abuse for like... a turn, maybe. Chapter 20 - New Resolve Team: Eliwood, Rebecca, Dorcas, Oswin, Matthew, Serra, Guy, Erk, Florina, Fiora, Ninian (Turn 1) Strategy: Rather than bum-rush this chapter, I decided to play it safe and go the Exp route (partly the reason that I fielded Rebecca). My goal is to attract Oleg by turn 4 with the use of Ninian and then steal the Hero Crest while using the Pegs to collect the items from the villages. Since I'm slightly desperate on money and I need the Exp, I also plan to stick Rebecca in the arena for a bit and hope that she wins. What actually happened in the arena: Rebecca almost got her ass handed to her by a level 8 Nomad. They traded back and forth hits which would have had Rebecca killed if the Nomad dodged a hit and nailed her back. Fortunately, Rebecca managed to duck under an arrow and won with 3 HP left. Good for healing and thanks for the extra 770 gold. The next turn, she destroyed another Nomad, this one level 5. Money is very good. This chapter actually went really well compared to Dragon's Gate which pissed me off for a while. Oswin summoned Oleg on Turn 4 by barely being in his range (Matthew with a Torch made me sigh in relief when I saw this) and Guy landed two crits with the Killing Edge to put him into killable range for Flo and a refreshed Guy. Matt also snagged the Hero Crest for an extra 10k. 5 turns for the clear. Eliwood 13.15 |25|11|10|12|15| 9| 4| C Hector Rebecca 7.79 |21| 5| 7|10| 6| 7| 3| Dorcas 12.21 |37|11|10| 8| 8| 6| 2| C Bartre Oswin 14.51 |33|14|12| 5| 4|17| 4| Serra 12.01 |20| 6| 8|14|13| 4|13| Matthew 10.62 |23| 9| 7|17| 6| 7| 0| Guy 11.86 |26| 8|16|18| 6| 6| 2| Erk 11.20 |24| 7|14|12| 8| 4|10| Florina 10.18 |22| 9|14|13|12| 6| 6| C Lyn Fiora 11.76 |24| 9|14|15| 9| 6|10| Ninian 5.03 |18| 0| 0|16|13| 6| 5| (Started at 4.53) Chapter stats: Tactics - 5/5 (5 stars) Exp - 944/950 (4 stars) Run stats: Tactics - 109/119 (5 stars) Exp - 13684/11450 (5 stars) Something hates me here. First I lose 16x by 10 Exp and now I've lost 20 by 6 (slap in the face). Someone explain why I couldn't get an extra 6 Exp?
  9. Smash, who are some of these people? Namely: Furry Gattacca Belly Shirt Janaff's Bitch (Assuming that you're not talking about Janaff) IFFMF Shut Up Tibarn Like honestly, these really are dumb nicknames.
  10. Life

    Mafia Round 4

    I'm just going to play the alphabet game and vote the person who's name is alphabetically first. Admir... Oh shit, that's me. In that case, Balcerzak. EDIT: My vote still stands right now but I promise I will change it if a tie happens. We only get info from lynches, even if we take out a townie. 2nd EDIT: Since I have suddenly accrued two votes against me and would prefer not to die, I'm changing my vote to Reinfleche. If the town lynches me, they'll regret it because they'll lose a townie who could potentially help them in the future.
  11. I'm with CATS on this one. How do you have a unit like Oswin who has that mobility disadvantage at a level like 20/13 or something like that at CoD? And a Dorcas support is very unlikely. 41 turns for 2 Hit and an extra 40 turns for 3 more Hit is ridiculous to put it lightly and just wrong if I wanted to be brutally honest. The only supports that are realistic are +3 supports to end with a B or A and +2 for a C at best. Dorcas probably won't even get played in CoD because he probably won't be promoted (unless he's magically better than a promoted Raven, Guy or Bartre as Bartre would potentially be the better person to promote if you want me to pull up the numbers) so I highly doubt he's there to help Oswin with Hit issues.
  12. To me, there's something wrong in the Upper Mid and Lower Mid tiers. I made a giant post on GameFAQs and I figured it's better to post it here too and see what your take on it is.
  13. Mixed up the modes again. Whoops. I've played Eliwood's story so much more than Hector's just because of the number of times I've lost my data and had to beat ENM and then HNM just to get to HHM. And I think HNM has physical enemies on CoD which would explain why I said what I said.
  14. Here's a list of all the chapters that start with 15 and whether or not I personally feel that Oswin should be deployed: 15 - Absolutely. Doesn't even need a reason. 16 - Probably to either defend Merlinus when that Cavs appear or to help out in the woods where everyone's mobility is restricted. 17 - No. 17x - He's vital. Oswin!Horseslayer will knock Darius down to less than 10 HP in two hits, allowing for an easy kill by a scrub unit. 18 - Yes. He can hold a bridge quite easily here. 19 - No. Name of the game here is speed and since there aren't many enemies (or an Axereaver in the convey), Oswin's not exactly optimal. 19x - I'd actually say yes here. There are quite a few Knights in the way of the army and a small wall in front of your guys allows Oswin to catch up with them. 19xx - Truth be told, I don't play this chapter. I try to avoid 0 chapters like the plague. 20 - I'm on the fence here. I wouldn't field him but I can see him getting some use. 21 - Yes. Wyverns everywhere. 22 - Whatever floats your boat. You could stopper up the Swordreaver Fighters with him but any non-sword unit would be as good as him. 23 - He's as useful as that's restricted. Probably better to take him than the Cavs. 23x - Yes. He'll be a good wall when facing the enemy Generals. 24 - Yes. More wyverns and a lot of sword units when you start out. 25 - I'd love to say yes but seeing that 3 turn clear that Dondon pulled off makes me think that he's not fully needed. 26 - Yes. It's a survive chapter, why wouldn't I bring him? 27 - If he's promoted by now and I've pulled Kenneth's map, I say bring him. He's an absolute terror once inside the building. 28 - No. No reasoning needed. 28x - You're restricted by the paths so I'd say yes because mobility doesn't mean squat if you can't move. 29 - Yes. You're going to be bottled up by the Generals down the middle, the Paladins and Nomad Troops on the right and the Heroes on the left. Plus there's wyverns and Vaida behind you. Mobility means nothing down those paths. 30 - No. 31 - Yes. It's a defend chapter. 31x - Doesn't matter. 32 - He's great down the middle path, last time I checked. This one is another judgment call, though. 32x - Again, I don't play this chapter. Final - Sit him in front of Lloyd or Linus. Doubt they'll scratch him (they probably will but he's got a much easier chance of surviving then say... Sain). Out of 26 chapters (2 of which I don't play in ranking runs), Oswin should not get fielded 4 times for a fact and 9/10 of the maps should feature him. The rest could go either way but the point is that his mobility isn't so bad that it absolutely kills him. 19 Def at 20/0 also says "Go ahead and double me, I'll laugh at your 2 damage a hit". He's a great unit but he's no Raven. At the same time though, he doesn't suck as much as you claim to get the Cavs to move past him.
  15. Responding to only the Hawkeye part, Bal. I may or may not pursue Canas > Fiora depending on how much evidence I can put forth for Canas. I tend to see the Upper Mid vs. Lower Mid tiers as being the difference between "slightly good" and "mediocre". The line that separates the good from the bad, basically. Hawkeye is more than just mediocre as he's forced in a chapter that negates magic while sporting 50 HP and an axe that makes him one hit kill anything that looks at him funny. I could potentially see him going higher too based on his performance towards Tactics but he becomes a bit of an Exp sucking machine for the next couple of chapters until promotions start. Geitz is similar except for the fact that he can use bows to weaken instead of kill enemies without many counters, before considering his edge in true combat.
  16. Surprisingly, it's actually hard to piss me. 'sides, I don't really mind. I'm just slightly surprised that all of you (aside from Inui but as long as he doesn't hate my guts, that's fine) hold me in higher esteem than I expected. Probably and I'd say underestimating Fiora. But I'm just trying to make a case for Canas here. Aside from his base Spd and the fact that he loses AS from Flux, he's quite solid. You can toss him a Body Ring instead of a Guiding Ring to up his Luna AS and use him as a lategame sniper on like Denning or Limstella (Thor's Ire will knock his Crit up to 35) without having to promote him. Yeah, I've been calling for this one to happen for a long time. This and Geitz over Dorcas. Any one else have any complaints? Someone like Inui would (and I use him because he has) make the changes "just cuz." Just because I'm editing the list doesn't mean that I have an unholy power to make whatever changes I want, or at least that's what I think. I don't even think that I have any more power over you guys, I'm just basically "reposting the list with the changes made" (something I used to do at GameFAQs a ton). Back at home, if we all came to a consensus (which happened often), then we'd make a change. I'd love for that to go down here as because I have no real power aside from editing the first post. I've always assumed the perfect S Rank run. By this I mean perfectly tying both Tactics and Exp. It's hard to put a quantitative number on how much a unit helps or affects either but it's been generally assumed that Exp is the harder rank to 5* and because the number is so high, Tactics then becomes hard because of the arena grinding to make that Exp number. Balcerzak has told me that the EHM Exp Rank scared him because he only beat it by ~118 Exp and that was after quite a lot of turns at the FFO arena. That's my fence sitter answer. If you want an actual answer of what I think, I personally believe that it's better to overkill Exp instead of Tactics.
  17. In regards to availability, I don't think it matters if you don't like that argument. Just because you think that "availability is soooooooooooo gay" doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Oswin being around for extra chapters in the early game and being a brick wall while weakening enemies to set up kills for Rebecca and Eliwood is definitely worth something. As for the durability issue, 20/0 Oswin has almost double the Def of both 20/0 Sain and 20/0 Kent. If they have "pretty good durability", then Oswin is a walling god.
  18. I'm going to guess that his availability and level lead over Sain and Kent has something do with it. Lowen's also got his attack woes while Oswin has 13 base Str.
  19. If you're better at S Ranking HHM, you're higher up on the tier list. Bolded names are only tentative changes until someone decides to speak and argue against or for them. Proposed changes and reasoning (will not do anything about them without discussion): -Upper Mid- Pent Lucius Harken Geitz Legault Canas Fiora Dorcas Hawkeye -Lower Mid- Heath Athos Lyn Isadora Bartre Jaffar 1. Dorcas down from above Geitz to below Fiora. Dorcas may have great availability because of his Chapter 12 joining time but it's really all he has for him, even considering his LHM level of 7 or so. 7 AS is great for the early game but he has a measly Spd growth of 20. Sooner or later (usually sooner), he stops doubling his enemies (any enemy with 6+ AS escapes a Dorcas double until after the man promotes, if he does) and that's when his weaknesses show. 4 Def with a 25 growth rate will not keep him alive for long (even with ~33 HP), especially since his 18 Mt with an Iron Axe won't have him one-shotting anything. Steel Axe gives him 21 Mt but he loses 1 AS which hurts his already preciously low Spd. He's got 4 chapters max before enemies fully escape the double and once they do, Dorcas is in trouble as he loses health quickly and can't ORKO anything at that point. This is just a blanket statement on Dorcas, more coming in a sec. 2. Canas > Fiora. As expensive as Luna is (150G a pop), it offers Canas a way to do rather devastating damage to bosses that Erk and Lucius can't compete with. Level 14 Canas!Luna does ~13 damage with a 24% chance of a critical happening (can't remember how much HP Darin has but if it's 39-, Canas OHKO's him 1/4 of the time). Aside from that, he's a rather decent fighter with the second best defense of any magic user (Pent tops this list). Promotion gives him 4 HP, 3 Spd, 2 Def and E Staves, giving him that staff Exp pool to draw from. He'll fight for the 3rd or 4th Guiding Ring (will probably lose to Prissy but has better overall stats than Lucius and won't die if he gets poked by a metal rod) and could possibly get it. Also, early promotion is very possible as it does wonders for Canas' Spd and puts him in the "healer who will not die" category that both Prissy and Serra don't exist in. It also ups Canas' Con to 8, giving him no penalty from Flux. Fiora, on the other hand, is outclassed by her younger sister and comes at a rather inopportune time (fighting pirates in the middle of a Fog of War map). She will not get the first Elysian Whip and has 0 actual supports aside from a potential B Florina A Farina if Farina gets played. Furthermore, Heath has much better stats at lower levels thanks to his HHM bonuses which makes him a candidate for the second Elysian Whip if you're willing to wait about a chapter or two to promote a second flier. She also has defense woes (21 HP and 6 Def isn't going to cut it for a melee unit) and because she is primary eating counters while Canas isn't, Fiora has a much easier chance of dying. She has flying utility but Florina has that too and does the job better than her sister. Take it for what you want but I think that Canas > Fiora. 3. Bartre > Jaffar. Bartre has a huge availability gap on Jaffar and allows for 18 levels of Exp to be put into him. Jaffar will never be considered an actual combat unit in the same way that a couple of fries will never be considered a 4 course meal and is rather just Exp fodder with Silencer waiting to happen. He's a gimmick unit for the endgame basically. Bartre also has early game use and once he gets over that Spd hump of 3 base (40 growth rate), he stops getting doubled and it doesn't take long for him to get better than Dorcas at fighting (or anything, really). 4. Hawkeye to Upper Mid and Dorcas > Hawkeye. The resident desert man has ridiculously good bases and 20 innate crit before considering his water and mountain walking skills (26 and 28x is where it really comes into play). 11 base AS should be enough to double anything of significance in his joining chapter and a Killer Axe gives him 50+ Crit with 29 Att. However, he misses out on the beginning of the game when Dorcas is available. Dorcas does have that LHM level which helps against the enemies that exist that Bartre can't yet handle (first 3 or so chapters). Dorcas' early game contributions outweigh Hawkeye's later game perks.
  20. I'll take it. Tang (Mori) probably isn't interested in doing it. And Port did offer it to me earlier. If anyone doesn't like it, tell me privately and I'll work out a deal with you.
  21. If nobody has any objections, I will run this shit straight into the ground the tier list on the basis of just changing the first post. If something develops on GameFAQs, I'll link you guys to it. Like I said above, I'll probably argue more there (I'm also a lot nicer there as I can't edit my posts).
  22. Aye, you be right there, sonny. In all seriousness, I'm probably going to be working a lot more with the list on GameFAQs than here.
  23. If you want it, then be my guess. Or if CATS wants it...
  24. Jaffar7 don't exist no more AKA he just pops up whenever he wants. I'll check with the GameFAQs guys but I don't mind taking control of the list for X amount of time. I've got my playthroughs which will for sure give me a good idea on where everybody stands on the list. You mind at all, Colonel?
  25. Explain to me why my "one sentence response" has anything to do with your above quote of yourself. I don't see a connection here, mostly because there is none.
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