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  1. Chapter 12 - Birds of a Feather Team: Eliwood, Marcus, Lowen, Rebecca, Bartre, Dorcas, Hector (Turn 4), Oswin (Turn 4) Basic strategy: Marcus grabbed the Secret Book while Eli, Lowen and Rebecca went north to the armoury and Hector. Dorcas and Bartre sat near the fort and just picked off the enemies who came down the right side of the map. Lowen bought himself an Iron Lance and Iron Axe while Eli got an Iron Sword. Once Hector and Oswin showed up, Lowen gave Hector the Iron Axe right away so that Hector wouldn't waste the Wolf Beil. Everyone went back south to finish off Zagan and his buddies. 9 turns for this clear. Eliwood 3.14 |19| 5| 6| 7| 8| 6| 1| Marcus 1.03 All your Base are belong to us. Lowen 4.77 |24| 7| 6| 7| 5| 8| 1| Rebecca 3.64 |18| 4| 5| 8| 5| 4| 1| Bartre 3.79 |30| 9| 5| 3| 5| 4| 0| Dorcas 6.68 |32| 8| 8| 6| 5| 3| 2| Hector 2.29 |20| 7| 4| 6| 3| 8| 1| Oswin 9.48 Base Chapter stats: Tactics - 9/9 (5 stars) Exp - 607/500 (5 stars) Run stats: Tactics - 16/16 (5 stars) Exp - 1166/850 (5 stars) Chapter 13 - In Search of Truth Team: Eliwood, Marcus, Lowen, Rebecca, Dorcas, Bartre, Hector, Oswin, Matthew, Serra, Guy (Turn 5) General strategy: The team heads south while Marcus rushes west to get the torch and the two lords head southwest over the river. Lowen sits on the fort and attracts the bandits and other weaker units like Rebecca, Bartre and Matthew clear them out. Matthew recruited Guy and the rest of the team moved north towards the castle. Hector and Eliwood got their C and they moved across the river to start the northern assault with Marcus. Marcus also did some shopping too. 9 turn clear. Eliwood 3.74 |19| 5| 6| 7| 8| 6| 1| C Hector Marcus 1.08 Base Lowen 6.26 |26| 8| 6| 7| 6| 9| 2| Rebecca 4.33 |19| 4| 5| 9| 6| 5| 1| Bartre 4.12 |31|10| 5| 4| 5| 4| 0| Dorcas 7.02 |33| 9| 9| 7| 6| 3| 2| Hector 4.38 |22| 9| 4| 6| 4| 9| 1| C Eliwood Oswin 9.96 Base Matthew 5.24 |21| 5| 5|12| 4| 5| 0| (Started at 4.91) Serra 6.07 |17| 3| 5|11| 9| 3| 8| (Started at 5.29) Guy 3.32 Base Chapter stats: Tactics - 9/10 (5 stars) Exp - 750/650 (5 stars) Run stats: Tactics - 25/26 (5 stars) Exp - 1916/1500 (5 stars) I figure I'm not going to start worrying about funds until around Chapter 18 or so. So far I'm doing much better than I expected. Lowen has been a beast so far and Dorcas' high level from LHM really helps a lot. Marcus hasn't done much in the way of combat but he's been useful for other things. Future chapters will probably be much harder but for right now, I'm not doing too badly. We'll have to see about Wallace. I'm just going to try him out once (ENM) and see how badly he actually performs. He was promoted there but it was a mandatory promotion so his stats will probably suffer. But I bet I can field him in later chapters like SoT and Battle Preparations to level him a bit for the Exp Rank. Well, your style is very organized which helps a lot. If I could borrow that spreadsheet, I would really appreciate it. Right now I'm doing all of my calculations on my calculator which gets a little tedious. Aside from that, yeah. And like I said above, I would love some pointers. Most of my "tactical ineptness" actually comes with gaining feasible supports. ElixHector is an easy one because I can get a C before any real fighting in 13 begins. But something like GuyxMatt B or A is much harder for me to get. Hell, I don't even think DorcasxBartre C before I drop one of them in 15. And I've been sitting them beside each other all day.
  2. Bull on The Band. They're great and all but Canadian music is not just them. Tragically Hip is the best Canadian band of all time and it's still here. And Glam Rock doesn't have anything to do with Motown. I was just saying that I wouldn't even post 60's music for Hatari because she doesn't even listen to anything pre 90's and Glam is 70/80's. Like no Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Diana Ross and The Supremes... You get what I'm saying. And now for the greatest one hit wonder band of all time! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amnjZtNDKqk&feature=fvw How can you not like a band called Mott the Hoople with a song called All The Young Dudes?
  3. EHM: According to my ex, I am woefully inept and it makes (or made) me charming. :D Anyway, here we go. I have abnormally high levels for Erk and Lucius (Lucius crit'd Lundgren and Erk finished him without Wallace, Lyn, Dorcas or Lancereaver abuse) with lower than usual levels for Lyn, Sain and Kent. Should all balance out in the end, though. Chapter 11 - Taking Leave Team: Eliwood, Marcus, Lowen, Rebecca, Bartre (Turn 2), Dorcas (Turn 2) Basic strategy: Eli, Lowen, Rebecca and Bartre racked up as many kills as possible while Marcus and Dorcas did the random tasks. Dorcas is also fantastic at weakening enemies with his Steel Axe as he can't double the Bandits but he puts them down so that Rebecca can OHKO them for quick and easy Exp. Gronzyi went down easily to a combination of Rebecca and Lowen with Lowen getting the kill. Got horrible level ups. Stats: Eliwood 2.41 |18| 5| 5| 7| 7| 6| 1| Marcus 1.00 Base Lowen 3.75 |24| 7| 5| 7| 4| 8| 0| Rebecca 2.17 |17| 4| 5| 7| 4| 3| 1| Bartre 2.83 Base Dorcas 6.59 |32| 8| 8| 6| 5| 3| 2| (Started at 6.16) Tactics - 7/7 (5 Star) Exp - 559/350 (5 Star) Funds - 35678/26000 (5 Star) Oh yeah, I am so cool. Also, my style of writing comes from Bal's S Rank HHM run. I am (hopefully) borrowing it to do my own simply because it keeps my data organized. Bal, hope you don't mind.
  4. Due to SF's limit on how many link I can post in a single post, the EHM and HHM runs have been moved to this post. Sorry about that, guys. Little history on my S Ranking attempts: I have only S Ranked HHM once in my lifetime. That happened over a year and a half ago. Ever since, I haven't really tried to S Rank anything (not even HNM or EHM). On top of that, I've lost data while in the middle of HHM runs as I'm now on my third hard drive for my computer. There's other reasons why I've lost data but I'm not going to go into them. Back on topic. I recently lost all of my data of everything because I switched out my hard drive. But rather than just beat the game like usual, I thought that it might be a good idea to S Rank all 4 modes (ENM, EHM, HNM and HHM) and to answer some of my own ranking questions in regards to how good specific units are at certain things. Obviously Eliwood's story has different enemies than Hector's but I just want to get a fix on certain things. Example: Since I'm doing 4 runs, I'm going to pretty much end up with 4 slightly different teams. I think I might train Bartre in my HNM run and get Karla to see how the both of them perform in the lategame chapters (again, it's normal difficulty but I can extrapolate). I'll also get Farina and see what it's like with her in the line-up. My ENM run will probably have me getting Wallace so I can see just how bad he really is. I might promote Nino on my EHM run. Things like these just to get a feel for how well these units perform when trying to S Rank any given mode. Every run will have a completed LHM (aside from my ENM which will be LNM) prelude. I'll get the White Gem by getting 5* in Funds every time but I'll probably unlock 19xx for one of the two Hector runs. I'll also put links in this post so that anyone who is interested in reading a specific run can jump to it as I'll have all 4 runs in this one topic. Yeah. Important thing before I start: I am tactically inept. This isn't up for debate at all. I am not the greatest person in the world at making tactical decisions. I will post detailed logs of every chapter I go to so you can see where I make my mistakes. Comments and suggestions are not only accepted, but encouraged so that I can do a better job at S Ranking the 4 modes. However, if you come in here and say things like "Wow, you suck at this game, I could have cleared that chapter 5 turns earlier without losing so much Exp", I'm going to kindly ask you to shut the fuck up and not to post in here again if you don't have anything constructive to say. Thanks. ENM: HNM:
  5. Karla. You need to train an already terrible character just to get her. No thanks.
  6. Hatari, I hate Nickleback. Chad Kroger's voice is horrible in my opinion and every song sounds the same... Try this instead. Sure it might be 80's but Brian Ferry has the greatest voice of all time. And yes, it is better than Cat Stevens. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=292GKB5o46w http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci9jA_4O3GI If I showed you some really good glam rock stuff (I promise that I won't even go Motown on you), will you at least listen and give me your honest opinion? Glam Rock is like 70/80's with big hair and huge guitar riffs and all about the rock and roll. David Bowie, Iggy Pop, Brian Ferry and Roxy Music, Queen, T-Rex, Mott the Hoople... They basically revolutionized rock and roll.
  7. The only reason for why I ask is that I had trouble trying to figure out who I need to recruit Kyosuke. I ended up being right with my guess of Rafi (Raphael but I refuse to call him that) but only because I guessed that you never really switched any of the pure data (person who acts as Prissy recruits Raven). Like I need Steena to recruit whoever is filling in for Geitz.
  8. Is the reason why Matthew is himself in the hack so that he can recruit Altenna? It'd be better if Leaf did it, don't you think? Or is impossible to change the stuff in the game so that Marcus is the person to recruit Guy?
  9. Colonel, your turn. I started it in mid December and only finished it in mid March. Sorry about that.
  10. Cuan-0 Kent-9 KENT WINS! And I was actually rooting for him to win. Favourite Cavalier in the series.
  11. I personally don't listen to Rush. I also hate Nickelback because they're a stain on my beautiful country. But if we're going with epic Canadian singers/bands, gotta mention a couple:
  12. And then there were three. Cuan-6 Oifey-3 Lester-0 Kent-9
  13. Oi... You scare me... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1rZ5FR5QAI
  14. I've got fond memories of this game as it was my first one and yet I still find it easy (if I'm not playing that ridiculous hard FE8 patch that I found in the hacking section here on SF) for the most part. I only use an emulator and yet I refuse to use save-states. The only time that I use them are for collecting data on enemies (FE7's 13x is a perfect example to move Matthew all over the map so that I can tell exactly what enemies are spawning where) and other stuff. Not for playing.
  15. Frey-0 Cuan-8 Oifey-8 Lester-7 Aless-6 Kent-10
  16. As great as Seth is, why the hell is he starting with 24 HP and 7 Def? I know what nerfing is but when Franz at level 1 has a durability of 20 HP and 6 Def, it makes you wonder how much of a Jeigan Seth is really supposed to be in this version. Fun though. And challenging. I'm only on Normal mode and I'm having problems (enemy gets lucky with the RNG). EDIT: Seth is seriously scaring me. He can't tank at all anymore.
  17. Snowy, what you're doing is taking a mediocre unit, giving them a giant amount of resources which you claim is reasonable for whatever reason and then saying "Look! X unit is great!". I can do this too. Gatrie + Boots + Knight Ward + Talisman/Speedwing + Forged Iron Sword = Great unit. Boots: Obvious reason. Gatrie has 5 move unpromoted. His only real competition in the "make or break" category is Brom and statistically, he's much better than Brom with way better growth rates. Reyson doesn't lose any value by not getting the Boots. Gatrie does by always having 5 move. Any other characters who deserve the boots over one of the Knights? Knight Ward: Again, obvious reason. If you give him the KW, Gatrie suddenly has a Spd growth rate that is equal to Ike. And Ike maxes his Spd by the end of the game so that's saying something. If he holds it for 66% of his levels, Gatrie ends up with 4 more Spd than he'd have at 20/20 w/o the Knight Ward. That means that enemies need 22~23 AS to double him and Gatrie gets doubled by a grand total of... 2 enemies in the Endgame instead of every enemy but 1 Halberdier, the Wyvern Lords, Sage, Bishop and Generals. Again, he needs it more than others. Avoiding getting doubled > doubling enemies. Talisman: Helps with his low Res. His Res is lower than everyone else so why shouldn't he get it? Speedwing: Helps his Spd. Assuming less than a 66% level use of the KW, a Speedwing helps the Spd problem on the spot. Forged Iron Sword: Accurate weapon that now does some damage. Why shouldn't he get a forge? If Mia up with even more resources if the same amount, then Gatrie up too.
  18. Frey-6 Cuan-8 Eltshan-6 Oifey-8 Lester-7 Aless-6 Kent-10
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