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Everything posted by Life

  1. Don't go toe to toe with me on Canadian bands. I know a ton of them.
  2. Posting really good Canadian bands that are either slightly popular or unknown to the general public (probably the second). You guys should start listening to some of these bands/people. But I can't post most of them... If you want to hear some of them, just PM me or something like that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv0Ow5IaFQ0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnsXi0zBzoc
  3. Is the FE Girls hack in English? Last I checked, it wasn't.
  4. Frey-6 Cuan-8 Eltshan-6 Oifey-11 Lester-7 Aless-6 Kent-10
  5. FE6 onwards: Removal of Fatigue stat. Removal of 1 RN system (I liked tearing my hair out over missing 5 99% hits in a row). Also the boss rush in FE7. Bioshock, Silent Hill 2, Tales of Monkey Island... I'd say yes.
  6. My new one (thanks to my hard drive dying on me...) is this. I kinda like it too. I'm glad I posted mine here. Now I can take back all the ones that I liked.
  7. Frey-8 Cuan-8 Eltshan-10 Oifey-12 Lester-7 Aless-8 Kent-10
  8. No Snowy. She's better at it than anyone when you dump a ridiculous amount of resources into her. Why don't we count? Wrath Spirit Dust (both of the apparently) Mage Band Sonic Sword Probably a forge too Angelic Coat (you'd probably agree to this one as it allows Mia to have more of a leeway with Wrath) Before I count the last item, I ask you. Is this really fair? Should Mia get all of this because... she apparently "uses" all of these items better than other people? Why aren't other people allowed this many resources?
  9. The one thing I find so stupid that I must comment on now. Please tell me you're kidding... Watch this. Astrid at 20/20 has 11.6 Mag. Oscar at 20/20 has 10.2 Mag. Mia by comparison has 11.9 Mag. Give Oscar and Astrid swords after promotion and they have as much of a shot at the Sonic Sword as Mia if you give them the same amount of levels with the Mage Band and Spirit Dusts. WHO FUCKING USES ASTRID AND OSCAR FOR THE SONIC SWORD?! NOBODY! C'mon, you have got to be smarter than that. I'm getting a stench of your love for Mia with that one statement. And it's not taken out of context when it's the first line of the entire paragraph. If Mia gets a claim on the Sonic Sword, then so do Tanith, Mist (who should get it thanks to her 26 Mag), Oscar, Astrid and Elincia, just to name a few. Oh and Tauroneo and Lucia should get a taste of it too, thanks to their base 11 and 12 Mag before the Spirit Dusts and Mage Band. Let's be reasonable here.
  10. Well, that's just me not reading... Except that it isn't possible under normal circumstances. What are we using, a 4 man team? I only got Ike to 20/20 just in time for Ashnard by soloing the entire northern room of Chapter 27. And he still walked out of Chapter 28 at 20/19, ahead of the rest of the team by 5 levels.
  11. Frey-11 Sigurd-10 Cuan-8 Eltshan-11 Fin-6 Oifey-12 Lester-7 Aless-10 Kent-10
  12. I originally said that this point was correct... Until I realized what both of us missed from my example. Quite a lot, actually. 1. Both Paladins hold Steel Bows. Mia has no 1~2 range as Mist/Tanith/Marcia is getting the Sonic Sword (probably Mist but it just goes to show that Mia won't touch it). She also has 12~13 Def (+1 for B Ilyana) right now with 17 HP vs. 24 Att. She's dead with Wrath doing nothing to save her. How many resources do I need to feed her to make her survive? Not even a Dragonshield is going to ensure that she lives through this, not to mention the ballista and stone thrower. 2. A Rhys is impossible right now. Just pointing it out. B Rhys/B Ilyana is possible but it's only 3+ Att instead of 4+. Minor point but still should get pointed out. 3. What is with everyone assuming 20/20 by the end of this game and other ridiculous levels during the course of the game? 20/15 should be the proper endgame level, even after BExp. Am I seriously the only one who promotes guys at the end of Day Breaks or during Crimea Marches? Because this idea seems foreign to everyone else. I've beaten this game around 15 times, half of them on Hard Mode. I'd like to think that I know how to play this game by now. /end small rant I just can't see Mia beating Nephenee at the Wrath+Vantage combo. Mia's better with Wrath+Resolve as Resolve gives her 1.5x her Spd which turns her into a proper dodge tank.
  13. Frey-11 Sigurd-13 Cuan-9 Eltshan-12 Fin-6 Oifey-12 Lester-8 Aless-13 Kent-8 Titania-3
  14. At least no sarcasm here. But you're still missing my point. I don't care if Mia ORKOs or 2RKOs wyverns. My concern is that with her at 1/2 HP, she can't OHKO specific enemies which can allow her to die before she gets her second hit in. And that's problematic. Plus she has no 2 range which means most 1~2 range weapon guys are going for her.
  15. Oh yeah, reason I'm asking is because I think I recognize the kid on the left in your picture and if he's who I think he is, life is about to get weird.

  16. Where are you from? Like what country?

  17. Well, she is Greil's daughter so it's better than someone like Nephenee pulling that stunt. Right? Ashnard has pretty decent hit. Haven't done the math for it but it's somewhere in the high 70's against a maxed out Spd Ike with pretty high luck. I'll have to do the math, though.
  18. No, not Kent! Frey-12 Sigurd-13 Cuan-9 Eltshan-12 Fin-6 Oifey-12 Lester-8 Aless-9 Kent-7 Titania-16
  19. Yeah, I know. And he didn't Aether the BK so I got stuck with Ena.
  20. Yep, 28 Spd for Ashy. Ena needs 34 Spd after transforming to double him. Too bad that Ike can't, though. 'Cause it sucks when you have a Str-screwed Ike to take out Ashy (20 Str at 20/20 and I'm not lying).
  21. Signing up too if it's not too late! Hopefully my... antics in the last game won't be considered here. I treat every game differently and fuck with everyone's brains.
  22. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    Aye, matey. Wish me luck!
  23. Lloyd holds an Iron Rune. Can a Peg Triangle attack cut through it?
  24. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    Love all the votes. *gets ready to kick the bucket* I can't wait for all of you to look like idiots. I handed you Hika on a silver platter and y'all just spit in my face. Whatever job Hika is, I hope the other team wins at this point. Spoon, make my death memorable please?
  25. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    I'm not changing my opinion on Hika. Innocent just means that Hika can still be Godfather or Alpha Wolf. But go ahead and lynch me, I'll love it. You'll be wrong and when Hika turns out to be guilty, you'll realize why I was right. Hikarusa.
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