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  1. NYPD claimed that they found another device. https://mobile.twitter.com/NYPDSpecialops/status/777342597283078144 And apparently, CNN (which is Hitler) just made a joke about how the bomb in Chelsea is going to inconvenience brunch on Sunday. And they delayed coverage of a bomb in NYC by half an hour to cover Obama. What the fuck, CNN (which is Hitler)?
  2. Just saying. All this shit happened within a 1 hour time period. I haven't speculated on why yet. But when you have 4 IEDs found in New Jersey and 2 in NYC (with two of them detonating out of the 6) within 12 hours of each other, then I reserve the right to start wondering about a connection. I do think the stabbing is something to note because that's shit that I live with every day.
  3. I made a new thread because I think this needs to be on its own. Early reports are 25 injured, 1 serious in NYC. Apparently, a second IED was found nearby. VA is currently unconfirmed as a bomb while New Jersey this morning was a pipe bomb. Now I'm getting shit out of Minnesota of some sort of stabbing/shooting spree. The fuck is going on? Looking for more info. Ok, here's what I got. Virginia explosion has now been confirmed as a freak transformer. Thank god. Dropping it from the title. Minnesota had a stabbing spree in a mall. 1 dead, 6 injured. Welcome to Israel, guys. Who says knives aren't dangerous? Still looking for more
  4. Both but more society if I remember correctly.In other news, BIRTHERISM! The goal posts have literally moved from "Hillary never started it" to "well, Trump was louder". The topic that never fails to deliver results. If you want more, go look at John Nolte's Twitter. I'm sitting here laughing at it. @NolteNC is his handle. Edit: Bomb in New Jersey, explosion in Manhattan with a 2nd "IED" found (as per reports) and explosion in Virginia. All within a day. Yeah. I think that might just win Trump the election especially when CNN (which is Hitler) prefers to cover Obama cracking jokes about Trump.
  5. That's not just a Christian thing though.Take me as an example. I used to be a rather religious Jew and now I'm not. Reasons vary but I know a lot of people who moved away because of the pressure. And don't forget that orthodox Judaism is far more restrictive than Christianity.
  6. Ugh, rehashing this one.Ok, I'll state this once. And only once. If you want to respond to it, I'm not answering. I don't agree with transgender. I don't think it is normal to attempt to subvert biology and even transgenders know that it's not normal (see Blair White on the Rubin Report). Also, I don't think the science is fully in on the matter. That's out the way? Great. Now I would never ban the medical procedures. They want to do it to themselves? Sure, go ahead. But I'll never agree to it being publicly funded. Nor do I want to be forced to think that transgenderism is normal on a biological level when the jury is still out on whether it's a mental problem or not. In short, I would never discriminate against them in a legal fashion (and probably not if I was running a business) but you are not allowed to police my thoughts. We good?
  7. So I apply to absolutely none of those discriptions.Great. We're agreed on the matter.
  8. You're wrong.I believe in limited government. The alt-right does not. That is a fundamental difference. Also, the alt-right hates Jews. I'd never be accepted.
  9. I wake up every day asking myself if I'd really vote for him if I could. This morning? Yes (after the Jimmy Fallon incident). Two days ago? Nope.That's what so difficult for conservatives in this election. The Trunp train means that I think he's going to be great. I don't. Notice that I gave the exact same reason why. But I'm slowly coming to the the concrete opinion that Trump is the right vote because of seeing the right heads explode. And you're helping.
  10. No.I'm not on the Trump train. Never have been. But he appeals to me more and more just as a middle finger to the regressive left.
  11. Obviously parts of it was an exaggeration but let's look at what's happened.Diplomatically? Hole's happened. The USA is not respected in world politics. Russia annexed Crimea without a peep from the USA, Iran now has a route to nuclear weapons and there are world leader who openly curse Obama (Duterte for one). So yes, diplomatic hole. Economically? Well, shit hasn't gotten any better. Detroit is now officially a shithole due to liberal bailouts. And then there are the pure numbers themselves. http://www.cnbc.com/2016/07/15/grading-the-obama-economy-by-the-numbers.html So no. I wasn't wrong.
  12. I changed my opinion.Welfare was one of my last changes. Then I looked into the statistics and realized that I was wrong. Remember, you're quoting me from 6 months ago. And I will happily admit that A) I was wrong and B) I wasn't as educated as I am now since I have taken personal time to read into political science. I was always slowly leaning right my entire life but certain events and knowledge in the last few months have really changed and cemented my opinions on the right.
  13. That's an argument for communism.Let me rephrase. I saw this great argument that Crowder put up and I really like. What you are arguing for is that everyone get a slice of the pie. Why not simply create a whole new pie rather than beg for a slice of the original? Now apply it to a real life scenario. Someone works for 20 years as a cook. His dream is to open up his own diner that he would own. Why not work for that and create his own business? Because it's more work? Because he needs a loan (a bank will lend money in this day and age if you can prove that your business in theory will turn a profit)? Ambition is key. Welfare kills ambition for the most part.
  14. Men's suicide rate is climbing at an alarming rate.
  15. This is also going to answer the question after this one.If you are less competant, you will be more poor than those who are more competant overall. Obviously there are the cases of bad luck but those are more outliers. Careful with the word "deserve". Nobody deserves anything in this world. Nothing should be handed out on a silver platter. The American Dream is about the idea that your children can always have lives that are more successful than yours (providing that they work for it). Hard work is the cornerstone to American society. Now the amount of success doesn't need to be proportional to the amount of merit. But generally, CEOs have companies worth billions of dollars to worry about. A mistake at the CEO level with worth much more in losses than at middle management. Look at Carly Fiorina. She pushed HP through a recession, helped the company expand and was still shit-canned because she didn't make enough for the company. And that's important to note. CEOs might make more money but they also sit on a bigger hot seat. Middle-management doesn't have a worry in the world if the company is strong. CEOs actually get fired if profits dip. This isn't an argument for why CEOs deserves hundreds of millions of dollars. But what I'm pointing out is the CEOs usually understand business and economics better than the average worker, are usually more hard working on their path to the corporate top (because capitalism does not believe in nepotism) and once there, shoulder more responsibility than Steve on Floor 9. And all of that stems from the base of equal opportunity.
  16. Equality is equality of opportunity. Everyone has the same starting point and past that, they succeed on merit.Equity is equality of outcome. Leveling the playing field to account for those who lag behind. Life isn't fair. That's important. But we should be raising the standard of those with less opportunity, not rebalancing the system. Search up equity vs. equality on Google and you get the ladder picture. It's a great argument for equity but it fails to hold up when you change the standard from height to merit. Those who work harder and are smarter deserve more than those who do not and are not. Arguing for equity in that situation means that you don't care about merit and it is society's obligation to prop up the weaker performers. I blame Ayn Rand for giving me this opinion.
  17. I find it funny that when I brought the fact that the wage gap was a myth months ago in the White House topic, people jumped down my throat. And yet now... As I've always stated, I'm for equality, not equity. But I am realistic about it. Men and women are different and should be celebrated for their differences. And that's what really grinds my gears about third wave feminism because it promotes a hypocritical stance. Third wave feminism basically says that women should be allowed to do whatever they want... but men are not allowed this luxury because they are pigs. It is sexism against men, plain and simple.
  18. There isn't a single person who will deny the economic severity of the Iraq War. But it's over in a financial sense.The goal is to create a surplus in order to pay off even the interest. Bernie's plan was to create a system where the top 1% get heavily taxed and by putting that money into government, the government can help elevate the rest of the people. Equity in a financial sense. That is one of the tenents of socialism. I'm not going to claim that socialism is an evil entity. I'm evaluating it for what it is. First of all, I believe in equality, not equity. That should be obvious by my positions especially when we have spoken about the black community. Because of that, I do not like socialism. In addition, Lenin famously said, "the goal of socialism is communism". And communism isn't a failed idea. It succeeded exactly how it was supposed to. It just happens that what's left out in the teaching is that a gun is required to enforce equity. Now going back to Bernie, his plan was not feasible financially. Forbes broke down his plan multiple times and economists always found major flaws. http://www.wsj.com/articles/democratic-economists-say-bernie-sanders-math-doesnt-add-up-1455726507 Even slashing the military budget in its entirety and taxing the top 10% (any household making about $140,000 annually if I recall correctly) at a 100% rate cannot pay for his plan.
  19. All I can say about the defenze is that even in very good coverage, fucking Fitzpatricj torched us.
  20. I disagree. I am a millenium myself. I happen to understand how taxes work because I have looked into it but that isn't the case.The average 25 year old says "shit, I'm up to my neck in student loans, I don't want to be". Bernie promises them free things and says, "Look at that 1% living high and mighty! They should help us!". Realistically, how would that 1% fork over hard earned money? By wealth redistrubution at the end of a gun. And that is a policy of equity, not equality. That is Bernie's platform. Socialism.
  21. I'll watch that game at a later stage.I'm so not excited for this game and yet, I'm trudging out to the bar at 3 AM to watch. Remember when I said that I feel like the Bills have hit their ceiling? This game will either prove me 100% correct or I'll see a team that I can be proud of.
  22. It works on the same principles.Bernie wanted a rebalance of the wealth through taxes. His goal is equity, not equality. And that money would go towards funding free education and health care even though it would have come nowhere near feasible in the economic sense. Tryhard, Bernie's education plan would have cost trillions that don't exist. Economists broke this down multiple times in Forbes. Everyone got on board with the idea of "1% of the population should not own 90% of the wealth" and "free shit like post secondary education and health care". So... socialism.
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