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Everything posted by Life

  1. Well shit, being politically correct is more important than stopping the rape and grooming of hundreds of young girls.
  2. My stance: Abortion must be legal. If it is outlawed, abortions will still happen, they'll simply be more dangerous because they're done in illegal fashions with less concern for health and safety. I had an argument with my mother about this and she claims that only the mother has the right to make the choice. An acceptable position but if that is the case, it cannot be government funded. I refuse to pay for something that I am not allowed to comment on in any fashion. I do think that abortion should be deemed illegal after 23 weeks, however. At that point, premature babies have about a 25% of survival. If killing a live baby outside the womb is deemed illegal, then it should be the same inside the womb. The case of Kermit Gosnell is probably the best example of why this stance is acceptable. He would snip live prematures' spinal cords with scissors which is incredibly painful. If that is horrible in your opinion, then realize that there is no difference between that and doing it inside the womb.
  3. No, like Rotheram and Greek refugee camps where police and politicians refused to do their jobs on the fear for being perceived as racist and losing their jobs.Lubin is another good example.
  4. But this isn't the age of imperialization. That's come and gone.
  5. I'm going to challenge you on this idea.Why can't we use nukes?
  6. Ana criticizing the Panthers? *sniff* She's maturing. I knew this day would come... In all seriousness, you're right but holding is one of those "ref's choice" calls. I probably would have called one that was an outside move by Von that got held but most of the blocks were legal in my opinion.
  7. Siemians looks solid aside from a bad pick, Cam's playing well (broke a few records held by Steve Young) and Kelvin Benjamin is a beast.Denver just can't stop the misdirection plays. Ginn Jr. picked up like 20 on a reverse early. Carolina is too good. Oh and Tyrod got his own commercial. THAT'S MY QB, BABY!
  8. Good football through 1. Impressed by Siemians on the whole (pick was a rookie mistake) but he's driving well for the most part. Not the most accurate passer I've seen though.
  9. Football's back! I'm getting -3 for Carolina and 41 Over/Under on Bet365. Gotta take Carolina for the spread and the underline here. Siemians is too new and I don't think he'll do too much. Carolina 24, Denver 16.
  10. I'm looking more into Duterte to see where this came from and it's astounding how quickly this whole thing came up. It's not like this is new, it's just on a federal level instead of tertial. 91% approval sounds strange to me. There's no evidence to disprove it aside from the belief that it is a lie. This needs to play out if you ask me. EDIT: Wow, this is amazing. It's a moral dilemna that needs to play out without outside interference. I want to see the conclusion.
  11. Ever wonder what that crazy right wing nut job dude looks like? Well, there is a picture here but it's 3 years out of date and from my army service. So how about a new one? I have come to pillage your women and trigger your minds. Bask in my glory.
  12. Bills look like a mess but I'll be frustrated if Rex gets fired at the end of the season with a record of 8-8. As for Kaep, meh. I just think that he should have done it during Week 1 of the preseason rather than Week 3. Week 3 makes me think that he was worried about being cut and wanted an excuse if he did ("I got cut for my political opinions").
  13. 1) What part of my feelings entered into this dicussion? All I did was simply point out that 35~40% of the Democratic Party were against the bill as opposed to the sub 20% from the Republican Party. 40% is pretty significant.Pardon me for thinking that the party that historically against things like Jim Crow and lynching laws was much more in favour for the Civil Rights Act than the one that historically wasn't and had nearly half of its representatives vote against it. Yes, LBJ was Democrat. But he was not the only person in the Democratic party and is not representative of everyone's opinions. What I am saying is the "Democratic Party" was not at the forefront. A Democratic President, yes. But not the party. Rather than assume that I know nothing of what I speak about, try instead to actually read my comments without a burning anger rising instinctively. We don't agree on things. But I haven't gotten emotional about anything (aside from the transgender debates) despite all of your accusations. You've admitted to being emotional and you refuse to listen to someone who doesn't agree with you. I'm trying to use this discussion to learn. You're using it to berate. 2) What bearing does Dinesh beating his wife (and this is the first time I've heard of it so I'll look into it) have on a political opinion? I know he's conservative. I never said that he was neutral. But I do think that his opinion is more valid than yours or mine because he has been in politics longer than we have been alive and is one of the most respected conservatives out there for his opinions. 3) I don't agree with the T section of LGBT. Doesn't mean that I'm not going to acknowledge the fact that the government recognizes them. EDIT: I've looked into Dinesh's history on a basic level. Here's what I've gathered. - He cheated on his wife. Ok. Personally, that's morally reprehensible but not illegal. - He apparently beat his first wife. This is not substantiated and I will presume innocent until proven guilty on this charge. It could be sour grapes or it could be factually true. But the system is not guilty until proven innocent.
  14. But the Democratic Party wasn't at the forefront of the Civil Right Acts.I looked at the voting records. The Republicans voted in favour of the Civil Rights Acts at 80% for in general. That's in comparison to the mid 60% support from Democrats. The biggest group of those against the Civil Rights Acts were Southern Democrats but other prominent Democrats against it included Robert Byrd. It makes me wonder why the NAACP loves Byrd so much when he didn't want them to have rights when the bill came around. I know that he had an "about face" but his record on LGBT is just as bad. Forgiveness is great but it doesn't sound genuine here when it is a complete rejection of every single thing he once stood for.
  15. I disagree solely on the fact that you're mistaken for thinking that Lincoln was for bigger government.http://dailysignal.com/2012/10/04/nice-try-but-lincoln-wasnt-the-father-of-big-government/ http://www.nationalreview.com/article/229486/father-big-government-allen-c-guelzo But here's another question. If there was a switch that was cemented in the 60's, why did Wallace win the Deep South rather than Nixon?
  16. Actually, Dinesh debunks "The Switch" rather effectively. I'll sum it up quickly.The Republican party never became the racist party at any point. Blacks started voting for the Democrats in the 1930's due to the New Deal, despite Democrats only allowing it to pass on two conditions: 1) That FDR block all anti-lynching bills that maade it through Congress. 2) That the New Deal exclude the two main workplaces that blacks worked in. I believe they were agriculture and domestic service but I could be wrong. As for white Southerners, they switched over in the 70's and 80's. As the country got less racist, more whites moved over to the Republican Party. The other "proof" is Strom Thurmond. Thurmond was a Dixicrat that moved to the Republican Party but he was the only one. Every other Dixicrat stayed Democrat including Robert Byrd who basically had KKK dental and a company car. I find it funny that the guy who made the 4th highest grossing political documentary in history apparently made a pile of crap this time. 4% rating on Rotten Tomatoes smells funny in my opinion but 2016: Obama's America is rated 25% on RT anyway. I've been fact checking stuff and I have my own questions (like how he accounts for Jimmy Carter) but I suggest you watch Dinesh's explaination for why he believes that the Democratic Party is still racist. It's pretty interesting and you can find it on YouTube.
  17. Well, Week 1 is almost upon that. And in the spirit of football... Fuck your Ravens, Raven.
  18. Gotta say, I kinda hope Dinesh D'Souza's movie gets around a lot before the election. Listening to him speak about the Democratic Party is fascinating.
  19. Am I the only one who finds that ironic?
  20. I'm going to field this one seriously.Mexico doesn't just rely on the USA for trade. The USA keeps it afloat. 80% of Mexico's exports go to the USA with Canada next on the list at under 3%. Imports? 48% from the USA with China next at 16.5%. Conversely, the USA imports and exports less than 20% of their goods from Mexico. Mexico has no choice but to accept tarriffs because the result will sink their economy to a point that may be beyond salvage. The USA holds all the power.
  21. I get the feeling that Trump wants to end NAFTA which wouldn't hurt the USA too much and do a lot more damage to nations like Mexico or Panama in terms of trade.It's a good Trump card to have in order to secure a strong nation.
  22. 53 man roster ready for the Bills. And let's do the cut run-down. Wilder Jr. - Acceptable, terrible vision. Beirmann - Eh.. sure? Manny Lawson - Now I'm scratching my head but let's see where this one goes. Dez Lewis - But... why? Who's the #3 receiver? Little got cut already... I don't know what to think.
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