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  1. Chapter 27 - Cog of Destiny Team: Eliwood, Lowen, Hector, Matthew, Priscilla, Lyn, Florina, Raven, Lucius, Legault, Ninian, Rath, Pent, Louise, Harken, Vaida (Turn 9) Strategy: Well, that was surprisingly easy when compared to the last two chapters. Lyn (promoted), Rath, Prissy and Lucius went on the lower path, Lowen and Hector stood their ground in the center while Eliwood, Ninian, Pent and Louise supported them and Florina and the two Heroes went up the right path. Legault and Matthew stole everything stealable (Antitoxin, Elixir, Blue Gem, Light Rune and Guiding Ring) and everything went dandy. Vaida got recruited on turn 9 and barely did anything (she wasted a use of that 9000G Spear on Eliwood and I wasn't about to let her throw away more money). Linus went down easily on Turn 12 while Pent and Louise mopped up the rest of the Wyverns by the end of Turn 13. Thank god that this isn't a seize chapter. Eliwood 1.00 |33|15|14|17|18|11|10| A Hector, C Ninian Lowen 3.54 |41|16| 9|15|16|18| 7| Hector 6.24 |43|20|13|19|10|23|11| A Eliwood Matthew 15.65 |27|11|11|20|10| 8| 2| C Guy Priscilla 18.70 |20| 8|16|14|17| 6|11| Lyn 4.47 |37|18|21|22|17| 8|12| C Florina Florina 12.08 |43|23|22|24|24|12|12| C Lyn Raven 7.25 |45|20|21|26| 9|12| 6| Lucius 20.00 |26|16|16|20| 4| 2|13| Legault 18.26 |28| 9|15|17|14| 8| 4| Ninian 15.26 |28| 1| 0|23|22| 6|14| C Eliwood Rath 6.99 |41|16|20|23| 8|12|11| Pent 10.83 |35|19|22|18|16|13|17| A Louise Louise 10.09 |33|15|16|21|17|10|13| A Pent Harken 12.72 |42|22|21|19|13|17|10| Vaida 9.00 Base Chapter stats: Tactics - 13/18 Exp - 3751/3150 Run stats: Tactics - 233/248 (5 stars) Exp - 33184/26400 (5 stars) I'm 43 levels away from not having to worry about Exp at all anymore and I've got a 15 turn buffer in Tactics. Talk about overkilling the ranks.
  2. I'm going to try going for Q. 7.
  3. Didn't think of that idea, to be honest. I forgot that Assassins could pick locks. Either way, I was trying to get a support between Jaffar and Nino going. Jaffar also hit Silencer on the Silver Lance General, giving himself something like 94 Exp from that kill. Which was slightly ridiculous, mind you. Turns out that I'm not killing Funds but I have enough for 3 promotions or Lyn and someone. I'm thinking Lyn's getting a promo (I am NOT wasting 14 Str when she should have 11~12) but I'm not sure if I should promote Prissy or make sure that I pass Funds (for me, it's the hardest rank to 5* because of my tendency to use expensive weapons and promote a ton of people).
  4. Barrier and Physic support. The problem is that Legault (or Matthew) need 3 open spots to grab the treasure chests at the top of the map. Since Merlinus doesn't join you for this chapter, they either need to hold just a Lockpick or just Chest Keys in order to hold a Pure Water. Since I prefer my thieves be able to defend themselves and both my Pegs were doing other important stuff, I couldn't double back to trade away the found items. It's insulting, really. Legault just barely got OHKO'd (Sonia has 31 Atk vs. Legault's 28 HP and 3 Res) while Matthew needed a healthy dose of Barrier/Pure Water to live (26 HP and 1 Res, minimum of 6 Res needed to survive). I actually had to keep redoing the chapter until Sonia missed Legault twice.
  5. Chapter 26x - Night of Farewells Team: Eliwood, Lowen, Matthew, Priscilla, Lyn, Florina, Raven, Fiora, Legault, Ninian, Rath, Pent, Harken, Nino, Jaffar (Turn 1) Strategy: I promise I won't complain about how hard these chapters are anymore. But when Sonia one-hits both of your thieves with Bolting and they need empty inventories to loot as much shit as possible, life gets a little unfair. That Bishop with Berserk also sucks. But since he holds an Angelic Robe, you can't kill him right away. Florina basically cleaned up the Wyvern Rides at the south before heading north (stopping to take out the Nomad Trooper on the way). Fiora picked up Legault (who held a Lockpick) and basically carried him to the northern part of the map, dropping him on the platform with two staircases (out of Sonia's range). Everyone else moved across the bridges, killing everything in sight. After Pent hit the Bishop with Sleep, the two Peg sisters chain dropped a Barrier boosted Matthew onto the platform to snag the Robe (and tank a couple of Bolting shots). Afterwards, Flo cleaned up the chest platform while everyone else went to Sonia. Lyn snagged the kill with Flo, Harken and Rath helping out. 16 turns to clear which is actually two turns faster than I wanted to clear it. But I'm starting to feel that tightness in the Tactics count (I need about a 13 or 14 turn clear in Cog of Destiny) after this chapter. Eliwood 20.00 |29|13|14|16|18|10| 7| A Hector Lowen 1.00 |40|15| 9|14|15|17| 7| Matthew 14.08 |26|11|10|20| 9| 7| 1| C Guy Priscilla 17.37 |20| 8|16|13|16| 6|11| Lyn 20.00 |32|14|17|20|16| 5| 5| C Florina Florina 9.06 |41|23|21|22|23|12|12| C Lyn Raven 4.02 |43|18|20|24| 9|12| 5| Fiora 16.37 |29|12|16|17|11| 6|14| Legault 16.34 |28| 8|15|16|13| 8| 3| Ninian 13.96 |26| 0| 0|22|20| 6|12| Rath 3.85 |39|14|19|21| 7|12|11| Pent 9.15 |35|19|22|18|15|13|17| A Louise Harken 10.40 |40|21|20|17|12|16|10| Nino 9.15 |20| 8|10|13|11| 5| 9| Jaffar 14.19 |34|20|25|25|10|15|11| Chapter stats: Tactics - 16/10 Exp - 2656/1900 Run stats: Tactics - 220/230 (5 stars) Exp - 29226/23250 (5 stars)
  6. I'd say Spectral Force 3 but that's not fair, considering that I've never played any of the other SF games. So my vote goes to... Actually, I don't know. I haven't played a really shitty sequel in such a long time.
  7. GOD, USE SPOILERS NEXT TIME! You just ruined the game for me... :(
  8. Title's self explanatory. For me, I'm going to go with Spectral Force 3 for the Xbox 360. There's so many things I could go after it for (uninteresting story, way too fucking complicated menu system, shitty graphics that remind me of the polygon days...) but what really made me realize that this game was utter shit was when the game decided to freeze 45 minutes in. Yeah. Apparently if you mash the A Button to try and speed up the HORRENDOUSLY slow dialogue, the game skips a beat and just stops. And last I checked, movies with special effects like Avatar came out in this decade. Is it really that hard to make a working game? What about you guys?
  9. Life

    FE4 Noob

    Well, the AI here is fucking retarded while FE7 just has terrible enemies for the most part. Diadora can be hit 79% of the time from a ballista and gets two rounded while in the range of four of them? No problem as they'd rather aim for Sylvia who gets hit 14% of the time. If that's not retarded, what is?
  10. Life

    FE4 Noob

    About 2 turns in. I got sidetracked (forgot to watch LOST on Tuesday and Survivor tonight) and I've got it on pause. I'm off and on with this game. It's great, I'll give it that. The problem is that I can't play it constantly for more than 15 turns at a time without getting sidetracked a bit. It's not like FE7 where I'm usually finishing a chapter by the time 15 turns rolls around. It just gets slightly boring after a while due to the massive amount of units I have to move on the field (anything less and I basically get my ass kicked).
  11. Life

    FE4 Noob

    That's what I'm thinking. Not worth starting over for.
  12. Life

    FE4 Noob

    Fuck. Was afraid of that. Oh well, right?
  13. Life

    FE4 Noob

    Forgot to mention. Lex is promoted right now and he also ran the arena (too easy). Lex and Aira are lovers but he's not giving her the Hero Sword. Am I missing something? EDIT: They were lovers before I started this chapter. Is that bad?
  14. Life

    FE4 Noob

    Why Ayra? And you don't have to spoiler it.
  15. Life

    FE4 Noob

    About to start it now, actually. Oh and Sigurd refuses to run the Arena while Jamka/Ayra/Levin do it easily. Still trying to figure out why.
  16. Life

    FE4 Noob

    I said Elite Ring.
  17. But Sophia is horrible. I'm forced to field her in Chapter 14 and she's basically a liability (I think Shire pointed out her shit durability). How is this somehow better than Elphin even when you count the number of better units he screws you out of? He's still a Bard and it seems like you're just handwaving this fact.
  18. Let Lyn be in God tier. Her tits are awesome and that leg on the box... Mmm.
  19. It'd be great if Stephan Dion would stop to spoke on any issue concerning my country...
  20. With this logic, I can say that Sophia in Chapter 14 (in which she is fucking horrible and I don't understand why you don't get this) is better than everyone who you pick up on either A or B routes. Or am I missing something?
  21. Life

    FE4 Noob

    Lachesis is sitting at level 16.00, thanks to the Elite Ring. Which I now want to move onto Dew (to get him some levels) so I have to scape up 20k. Fuck, everything's so expensive in this game.
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