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Emperor Petitt

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Everything posted by Emperor Petitt

  1. There still isn't an Arthur in the slot yet, hopefully someone can be kind enough to fit your request, but as it stands unlikely, sorry
  2. Sorry mate, but the rules said you can only pick 2, just thought to let you know, I made this mistake "ShadowGuy1: Witch Kana and mother is Selena" Ah, someone wants to torture Jurgen as well!
  3. Wait I did not read the rules fully yet, my bad. Welp out of it all I guess Great Lord Selena has to do, trying to mock Lucina by wearing her get up XD. If you wanted to be really cruel to the shitty luck MU, throw Severa at him!
  4. Male MU, okay, Jurgen the coward, class hero, Strength is well Strength, weakness luck. Class Hero to be a contradiction for the last PMU you did. Edit: Just Jurgen for the in text game, the coward was a joke as his hair is white.
  5. I was against these as well, they serve no practical purpose. I rather have a franchise die than degrade itself into shit to save itself. My opinion on Age of Sigmar which "saved" Warhammer Fantasy is the same here. so two changes in gameplay that is worth a damn for allot of perverted fan service nonsense, not worth it especially with the retarded story we got in fates, it seems they no longer care for their IP that should be public domain by now but is not due to backwards copyright laws established not even a 100 years ago by Disney
  6. That everything is a shitty joke of the chaos gods, nothing makes sense because the human psyche makes no sense. Meaning everything in the game happens in a form of a super hell that has no logic!
  7. There is a difference between experimenting with the formula, and making dumb gimmicky gameplay that is a waste of time and has no purpose. I'm glad it's gone because it was a dumb idea to begin with. Perhaps next time IS will actually experiment instead of feeding this Weeaboo waifu nonsense.
  8. Well 4 of hits stats are like that HP skill and speed are 85 40s each Strength is 40, his Luck Def and Res are 20s though
  9. As I said it's fair it was a joke really, I remember that Kent in FE7 had mostly 25%s in growths so I meant it as a joke
  10. Ah so all of the growths were lowered to all bad, well I did say the were up to change to you so I don't have room to complain. Besides only lords had growths of over 200% total in the GBA games if I remember
  11. Well from calculations that means most of my characters cap three of their highest skills, which is sort of good and averaged, though most of mine, excluding Ciaphas, have either average or poor luck, a little funny to me
  12. Wow I was away from here for about a month, went out on the 21st, well 20th as I didn't get in until recently. So what did I miss, is there something I need to put down for stuff I added last month or no?
  13. I'm just asking from a class perspective, I can check the classes of submitted characters but not characters you made. I just thought if we knew it would help submissions pick unique classes
  14. Can I ask who the base characters are, I feel like we know nothing of the characters you made yourself creator.
  15. that's perfectly reasonable, I'm just use to people taking it to the extreme as there has to be an equal amount of Nordic people to middle African people, which is not reasonable is the slightest in my eyes as that sort of cracks the suspension of disbelief I have. (Basically how did people that would adapt to very different environments, be living in the same environment now without travelling a very long distance)
  16. Well to be fair, again even to your claim, south Italians and Spanish did have darker skin tones, but again each ethnicity typically didn't travel too far. I'm just saying it would be quite fine for a more homogeneous skin color due to this. I'm just the devil's advocate, apologies.
  17. To be absolutely fair, genetic diversity in a feudal setting is actually not a good idea. Let me explain, travel between areas in a low technology country is extremely rare, so genetics being homologous is completely fine from a logical point of view. Take the UK for example, for until roughly when it became a colonial empire you would never find a person of another race. To clarify no, they didn't have slaves inside of the U.K., slavery in the UK has been illegal since the rule of William the Conquerer who banned slaves. Which is still far beyond what the Middle East has done in terms of slavery but I digress. To skip the meat there doesn't NEED to be genetic diversity in a world that lacks say large frigates, trains, gun powder etc, even continent wide it would be acceptable and make sense. I'd say this to a continent of those that are Asian, African etc. It is also well culturally ignorant that differences can only be shown in skin color
  18. Chrom never used a Falchion, don't point out his sword name was falchion, it was more of a claymore!Also might as well have Katana be "Shit Sword" because their usefulness is very limited. I'll be nice and give alternatives Sigurd's Ulfberht (Norse arming sword, one of the best created, fits as GotHW was Norse inspired) Ike's Zweihander (Come on he is more known for Ragnell which should be a 2 handed sword, so I picked the name of a 2 handed sword) Chrom's Bastard (Ah the bastard sword never change) Lyn's Dao (Give better cutting than the katana, and an actual hand guard, you get the Chinese Dao sword.)
  19. Right time to make those characters, spoilers because length Second Third With that done I would like to point out all of them, Wilhelm, and Katherine all have a B support with each other. I also see you need Katherine's promotion and affinity noted, It is wind for the affinity, and Halberdier for promotion
  20. Hmm thank you for the info, I was going to include 3 other faces of as I like to call it as a joke Wilhelm's Rangers I just have to edit some things on the one person then I'll post them tomorrowThough would it still be possible to have a coding to mark out the differences in code for a crossbow lore weapon or no? Like if there is a check that can be done for certain weapons for a skill to activate?
  21. I wonder, is it possible to include crossbows or no here? I'm curious as I might have a few more early mid character ideas
  22. There are allot of things that should not have been in the story, and things it desperately needed. The Warp in WH40k makes more sense than My Castle. Even then the warp is described as a place of madness for lack of a better term that is not descriptive
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