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Everything posted by Busterman64

  1. Ephraim? HECK YEAH! We need more characters with new & different weapons types. Spear-users would be a good addition (Which is why I want Judith from Tales of Vesperia)! :3
  2. IMPA! Yeah, I totally forgot about her! Impa from Hyrule Warriors would be AWESOME! Daisy...never thought of her, but not a bad idea too be honest. It would help give her more love and attention! Knuckles...another sonic rep. would be nice. Nightmare/Sigfreid........since Soul Caliber has some sort of tie to Nintendo due to Soul Caliber 2 (If Link can do it, why not a SC character too) and, like you said, Ryu getting it, I can actually see it. Also, I have no objections to this. It would be cool to have a SC rep. ! :3 At least Slippy makes ALOT more sense than a lot of other votes! (This may have been a joke, I'm not sure, but...)I heard that people actually even voted for Britney Spears! I...don't even...... (0_0)
  3. Welp, the Smash Ballot's end is right around the corner and if you haven't voted yet or you're like me and want to vote for more than one character (call make a cheater if you like, but I don't really care), now is the time! For those who have no idea what so ever to vote for, here are some ideas: Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia Issac(and/or Felix, whether it be character or costume) from GOLDEN SUN (not, THAT Issac, just making that clear) Shantae from Shantae (the idea has grown on me) King K.rool from Donkey Kong(another heavy weight character isn't a bad idea and like Shantae, the idea grow on me) Shovel Knight from Shovel Knight (...sure, why not) Wolf from Star Fox (...it's just an idea. Also, minus Pokemon trainer, a.k.a., Squirtle & Ivysuar and......sniff......Ice climbers......he's the only other verteran not to come back. I'm pretty sure, but I may be wrong) Any "Tales Of." character (Bandi Namco helped make the game, it needs another big representative other than Pac-Man) Ice Climbers from Ice Climbers ( I may not like them a whole lot, but it feels weird not having them and I miss them....... I'm sure there is a way to bring them back) I have more characters, but these are the top for me (and I can't really remember the other ones). Any other ideas (or characters you voted for)? Please share!
  4. So the Tellius games got you the same way too? :3 (Forgive my small rant) Yeah, the older games do something better than Awakening ... giving you the feeling of accomplishment. In the GBA games, when your units became awesome, you feel like you personal made an army full of B.A.'s (if not RNG screwed). In Awakening, you could grid to your hearts content. Now while in Sacred Stones you have that option also, it feels more rewarding in Sacred Stones than in Awakening. Not to mention Pair up made most of your units a bit broken, even more so when their support is maxed. Lastly, you can make your units almost any class, making each character a bit less unique (although, a few characters like Morgan and Donnel I kinda let slide since they aren't really given a specific class). Awakening is still a great game, don't get me wrong. However, it kinda loses it self a bit, but that's my opinion.
  5. The fact that you had to kill off units to get better units (or more in general) and to access gaiden chapters in Shadow Dragon erked me so much. I have never gone past chapter 5 in that game. It isn't terrible, but that one thing erks me so much! Oh, and Sacred Stones is pretty awesome! Not my personal favorite, but a joy to play through netherless. The difficulties in Radiant Dawn are misleading. Easy is actually Normal mode, Normal is hard mode, and Hard mode is Maniac Mode(or Lunatic, especially since you lose the ability to use Battle Save). It's a harder game and will kick your butt hard if your not ready (Although you start to notice the enemy A.I. hates unit that can counter attack) . It makes you feel like a B.A. though (The Greil Mercenaries make you feel awesome)! Ditto! Yeah, I really like Awakening (especially for getting rid of the support limit in previous games), but I prefer the older games before it. Thank you so much! :3 Ah, one of the curses of Fire Emblem. It's so popular and loved, yet not many people know of it either (Just like the "Tales of." series). Unless it's, "Oh, I know insert FE character here from Super Smash Bros."
  6. Thanks, but I'm not that legal yet! I still got 3 years before I can even attempt that. :3 Awakening, while not my favorite, is awesome for the lift off support limits alone. Shadow Dragon......I can't. FE4 does take some time to adjust to it. FE6 weapons have 10% lower hit rates than FE7 (from what I've read) . FE7 was my first game amd has a special place in my heart. Thank you! Playing Hector Hard mode after Lyn Easy mode.You poor thing......I've never attempted Hector Hard Mode as of yet ( I am playing Hector Normal mode right now though), but maybe one day (it should be called lunatic mode though......which is kinda what I am in Fire Emblem with my tactics somethimes). Beside, with so many chapters, it means so much experience! :3
  7. The Fire Emblem is my favorite video games series of all time (Megaman Battle Network being my second as you can no doubt tell from my profile picture :3)! As I get older, I have my moments when I reminisce on my earlier/first experiences with all the video games series I've enjoyed over the years. Fire Emblem is no different, and since it's my birthday (making me officially legal :3 ) I wanted to kinda honor, share, and hear about other people's experiences with this beautiful (and kinda crushing) series. Back around, I believe, 2007, my friend got me into using emulators (mainly GBA). I didn't really know about many games or game genres considering I had been playing 3D platformers for the past 4 or so years at the time on my playstation(which disappeared some time later) and my new Gamecube. Thankfully my best friend slowly introduced me to a few series here and there. However, they were mostly fighting or action games and I didn't really venture for different games on my own until...well... after Fire Emblem). One day, me and my friend were taking on the phone when he brought up Fire Embelm. When I asked about it, he didn't really know much other than it's a strategy game and if a unit dies, they are gone for good (and..well..the obvious Marth and Roy in Smash Bros Melee). As you could probably guess, I was pretty hesitant at first to try and play it. Thankfully, I was a pretty curious (and brave) kid so after a while I just said, "...alright...I'll give it a shot". THANK. YOU. GOD! And from that day, I really liked Fire Emblem. To be honest though, I wasn't that great and I screwed up...a lot. I didn't like the thought of my units dying for good so I would restart......with...save states. Ok, nothing against save state, but I save stated my way through the whole dang game (and when I say I save stated, I mean I save stated many times during 1 turn) and after beating the game and getting a little older, I felt a little dirty doing that. Actually, I did that a lot with the games I played on the GBA emulator. And like I said, after a while, I felt a little dirty doing that, so one day I decided to go through the whole game without save stating. Thus, the true experience of Fire Emblem began... The joy of getting good levels, the crushing pain of screwing at the end of a chapter and restarting at the beginning, the joy of having my unit clearing the chapters without much of a challenge because they are awesome, the joy and pain of seeing your unit gets a crit right when you needed it and right when it was the worst possible moment (Ex. your unit gets swarmed by enemies in a one way or door and just when the second to last enemy attacks them, protecting them from further attack and death, only for them to get a very out of nowhere crit, killing that enemy and letting another enemy come over just to spear them to death! ......Dang it Roy......), and much more.It also left a big impression on me(especially Lyn . She left a MAJOR impression on me as a kid and it made her my first coolest/B.A. female protagonist in video games. Actually, main protagonist in general) Although, I didn't feel all that to the fullest, really get into, and straight out loving the series until I got my hands on Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. When I finally got the game (after it taunted me for months at GameStop) , I feel in love with the series from that point on. I loved it so much, it kinda started to deep root it self into my love for strategy games as a whole. I probably wouldn't love games like Orge Tactics, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, and Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon (great game by the way, give it a shot) as much if not for Fire Emblem. I know that's a pretty bold statement (:3), but for me, it's pretty important. That's a lot on my part (and there's more if anyone else wants to hear about it), so I want to hear others peoples experiences. Whether it be long or short, I wanna know. I'm interested in what others may have experienced. So let loose! (Also, after slowly getting older and playing through the games games multiple times, you notice more things. Like for example, Hector is freakin' awesome or Luck betters your dodging skills or how usable a lot of the units are! While some are more obvious, you really notice and appreciate it later on. Know what I mean?)
  8. Welcome to the forums Kenuckles! I'm still somewhat new myself(I joined during the summer, whether or not that counts is up to you), but I do know its cool around here so I hope you enjoy yourself!
  9. GameXplain did a tribute (or thank you) video for Mr.Iwata. It's short, but good, and showed a moment of Iwata I never saw before, which made it even better. (I don't know how to post the video on here, so here's the link to the video). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDD5JHRVPPM
  10. Yeah, I have no Wii U or MK 8 so I can't either...Maybe I'll make a video in memory of him on Youtube. I can at least do that.
  11. Yeah, last year he missed E3 because of a surgery for his bile duct cancer. He seemed fine a bit afterwards, he even said it in via his twitter ( and during a direct, which is when I found out)...but I guess things changed when we weren't looking... :'(
  12. I......I feel like I'm in denial... I'm not trying to be funny or anything, I...I just can't believe this! My mind just doesn't want to wrap my head around this, not at all! ...... I know that this is reality...no matter what way I try to look at this, but its still hard to accept this! This... is gonna hit a lot of people......HARD! Mr.Satoru Iwata, thanks for everything and I pray that you will be able to rest in peace. :'( Edit: Chicken Wings, on 12 Jul 2015 - 9:25 PM, said: Seriously?!... Aaawww man.... :'(
  13. Ok, so I've just recently started playing FE hacks. I was looking around on the fourms and found this randomly. This is the second one I've played (the first being FE: The Last Promise by Blazer). While I haven't beaten the game yet, I just made it to chapter 9, I wanted to give my currents thoughts on this. Note: I'm gonna be a bit in-depth with this and share my experience with it, so it may be a bit long. Hopefully it won't bore you. I first want to say, this game is pretty good. I enjoyed going thorough the chapters and familiarizing myself with each character, who are written really well by the why. The story is good so far too. Now, I've been playing FE since FE:07 Blazing Sword and I have to say......this game can EASILY kick your rear! I mean, the the first few chapters are HHHAAARRRDDD! I've had to restart probably 3-6 times in the first 2 chapters alone! Now don't worry, this is more of a Contra kinda hard. Difficult, but fun at the same time! Each chapter went kinda like this: -Paralouge: Linda was probably the one who kept finishing off one of the siblings when low on health (kinda funny considering how I use her...). The NPC's acted like they had a brain, so it was a while before one got killed. Near the end, since Andrei had the Breaker, I had him fight the boss. About 2 fights later, the boss is almost dead...as well as Andrei, who had 1 HP left. Now, a smart person would fall back, give the breaker to Val, and let her finish him. However, I'm nuts when playing FE, so Andrei took the final blow. And it was funny how accurate the following cutscene was. -Chap.1: I get a Wyvern rider this early on? I FREAKIN' LOVE YOU! I really love wyvern riders (ever since Jill from Path of Radience, who was a hard hitting tank for me), so excuse my overreaction ( I accept Keiran greatly though). Anyway, I had to play REALLY defensively. Andrei didn't help, he refused to dodge. Linda on the other hand, was dodging almost everything. Katarina is a God send, Nuff said. -Chap.2: Things cooled down a bit in this chapter. I was able to get through this chapter in one go. Also, I have to commend this, Marco's fighting sprite is so smooth! I mean, his attacks flow so nicely ( almost better than everyone else). -Chap.3: Two words...Pegasus. Knights. I had a good defensive plan going, then they decided to charge forward and mess me up big time! I restarted about...5 times before saying "screw it" and having Joise & Rayden step in and destroy a lot of enemies (This chapter had my most deaths so far). -Chap.4: I was curious to see how fast I could get Val to Kane, so I use Josie to fly her over near him, but Josie beat him in the process......oops... so 1 restart later, I go through and beat the chapter (wasn't too, too hard. I wish I fought Kane, because I missied out on +2 defense, but oh well. -Chap.5: Kane is awesome, Issac is...well...good, but Kane kinda stole the spotlight. I was doing great on the chapter...and then Nella showed up. She was flying northeast...where wyvern riders spawned a few turns later. I sent Keiran after her and he almost got killed. The wyvern riders attacked Nella, but thankfully she could dodge. After recruiting her, I had her rescue Keiran and had Kane, Issac and Marco save them. I then realized Nella actually helped me big time by leading the wyvern riders away farther and she greatly injured one of the archers. I was able to go through the chapter in one go. Thank you Nella! :3 -Chap.6: It was pretty tough and I was doing fine, but I wasn't expecting reinforcements near the shops out front...which is where I had Issac...alone. RESTART! Ok, I may not know the full situation, but...I felt seriously bad when Nella talked to Layla (and the cutscene afterwards). Nella doesn't seem mean or anything, so I was left wondering..."What happened?" (While you may not care about this, but..) Personally, I guess since me and my mom are pretty close, it kinda pulled on my feels. But like I said, I don't know their situation, so I'll wait and see. -Chap.7: Considering previous experiences, I used all my stat boosters since I usually lose them after the "transition" (something I don't normally do). I had a lot of close calls in this one, but I managed to pull through in one go. Also, whether this was intentional or not, kinda like how the feeling Val has near the end is similar to what you're felling at the end. The chapter says "Survive???", and you're doing just that. After a while, it seems like you are making progress and clearing them out,......only to have 20-30 more units (not sure how many) appear. Disheartening to say the least (especially with the 4 or 5 hero's appearing. I knew I was screwed at that point). When Val fought Bran, I cringed a bit because I KNEW this would end badly. The critical reassured it! I was surprise how Ash came out and made quick work of both Bran and Alicia too (Speaking of Alicia, I checked her profile and noticed how her class is "Lord". Hhhmmm... -Chap.8: While I could question why Val was out for 3 weeks, I remember that she was hit with a critical. A critical from a General who was 15 levels above her (Not mention the strong weapon he had)! While I normally would take everyone out, I decided to take the left path and leave some enemies alive.I got through in one go. Also, Katarina is at max level now (Like I said, she is a God send. I kinda did the same thing in FE: TLP with it's first healer, Tamiko). Speaking of good characters, Linda, Katarina, Marco, and Kane are my favorites so far. So, I'm playing through Chap.9 now and I'm kinda happy to see Drake alive and well. So overall from what I've played , this is a really good game. Great characters, great story, and great challenge. I'll come back later and give my full reactions later (it may be less in-depth since this one was pretty in-depth). Great job on this game! :3
  14. You're joking right...? ...*sigh*...people are already uncertain about the game already, stuff like that doesn't help! I mean, if that kind of stuff was an optional thing to wear, like some of the clothes/armor in Persona (more so 3), it would be less of an issue. To have it as a main look(pretty much seen the whole game),it gives people the wrong impression. I want others to like this game (or at least give it a chance), but it gets harder when you see stuff like that!
  15. Well, at least the Nintendo Treehouse doesn't disappoint! A lot of games are getting a lot gameplay shown off. Especially FE: Fates and SMT X FE (really been wanting gameplay for that game since we've seen nothing since it's announcement). I have to say, even if it is only 2 (or 3) moments that I actually saw (from everything we've seen so far), why the skimpy clothing in SMT X FE? I mean, it isn't that much, but even that can push people away (especially Ms.Preformer who, when transformed, is actually covered up more. I wish she wore some shorts or something). Still hyped for the game, but that's just a nitpick of mine. (On a good note: the game looks good, and Anna is running a shop! There's more, but its better to see yourself.)
  16. The big issue is that there hasn't been a Metroid game in like 5 or so years, so people are waiting for a new game in the series. If this game came a little bit after the announcement of a new Metroid game (main series), then this spin-off would not be getting the hate it's getting now. Even if it is good, many people probably won't give it a chance due to the timing of it's announcement (which sucks because the game may actually be good...... actually, SMT X FE is kinda in a similar predicament......I hope both these games are good ). The only way this game has a chance of being sold in 2016 is if between now and the next time this game is brought up, a new main series Metroid game is announced. Even with the damage done already, it still has a chance!
  17. (Warning: This post is a bit long. Double posting bad.) Nintendo's presentation was pretty good, but a bit disappointing. The presentation was good (Nintendo knows how to have fun, happy for that. Loved the muppets thing!), but their wasn't that much given to us. Starfox Zero was good, just wished for a bit more from it. The Skylanders things with Bowser and DK was surprising good. Even if I don't get the game, that looked pretty cool. LOZ: Triforce Heroes looked pretty cool too! Also, it has online multiplayer! ( YAY! :3 ) Hyrule Warrios Legends, wish it wasn't leaked (would've had more hype). ...Well we finally got a new Metroid game...*sigh*......I'm not gonna say MP:Federation Force is bad because it's not what I was hoping for (I'm gonna give it a chance as a game. Who knows, it might actually be fun), but dang it. (I at least think this is a way to say, "We still know Metroid is a thing, don't worry!" Still hoping for a new "main series" Metroid game.) Fire Emblem If, I mean Fire Emblem Fates got a new trailer. At the end of the trailer......MOOD WHIPLASH! Here's Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem (After what looks like the Avatar going to kill Aqua...dear lord...what a whiplash)! I'm one of the people who's happy for the game , but I kinda wish I saw some gameplay. (Still hearing so much hate for that game......I have hope the game will be good.) Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam was probably the high point. I'M LOVING IT!!! I can't wait for that game! (Got my Paper Mario and my Mario & Luigi...awesome!) More Super Mario Maker, always nice. Cool backstory stuff. (And Mario for Charity.) And......it just ended... Saddness......I wish they had more, but what we got was good (Lets hope next year is better ). Now for SqaureEnix......Dear...lord...TOO. MUCH. TALKING!!! There was WAY too much! I had the Nintendo Tree House up on my laptop ( I was watching the presentation on my phone) and I switch to that a lot. Didn't care for the mobile games (they may be good, but I don't have any interest). Suddenly a montage! Saw Dragon Quest and it got my attention again. Then the director of Kingdom Hearts came on, telling us about getting some KH gameplay and then... "TROLL LA LA LA LA!!!" Kingdom Hearts IOS game! ( I felt like it was a troll moment, big time.) Then we finally are about to get some KH3 footage, then suddenly...more talking! Yadayada...we finally see KH3 gameplay. It was great, but I was a drained at that point (still looked great though. Also, "Tangled" world, that's cool). We got World of Final Fantasty...again (which does look...ok) Star Ocean was looking pretty good too (subtitle is...something). More talking, more talking, yadayadyada......I didn't really care for many of the games there, but that at least with other presentations, it was still somewhat interesting (and more gameplay...and less talking.) By the end, their was no mention of Bravely Second or Final Fantasy XV( except a small glimpse in a montage) and even if the games were good, there was way too much talking that drained me by the end (thank God for the Nintendo Tree House event). I wasn't paying attention that much. This was a bad presentation, even with the gameplay. Less talking, more showing! Yeah, that's my opinion.
  18. (Sorry for double posting, but...) I just remembered! There were a few more things I wanted from Nintendo (that I forgot to add last night): 12. A new Paper Mario 13. Super Mario Sunshine 2 (or SMS HD) 14. Super Mario Sunshine DLC for Splatoon (if not now, later) 15. Confirmation of Dragon Quest 8 for 3DS coming to the U.S. 16. Project X Zone 2 info (yeah, that was announced some time ago) (I know Nintendo said No Mario games or main series games or something to that degree, but......they say a lot of things before changing their minds. Besides Paper Mario is a spin-off series :3 ) ......Ok, NOW I think that was everything. If it wasn't and I somehow missed something else, I'll edit it in under this.
  19. Yeah, can't forget the goods they gave out, can we? (Especially ReCore, Cuphead, Beyond Eyes[hope I said that right], and the other games I said earlier):3 Ditto! While Sony and Microsoft had some interesting stuff, I probably won't care as much for their stuff like Nintendo's stuff. Just my personal preference. It doesn't really matters who "wins E3", since their games (the final versions that we get) speak their value ( and the time, effort, care, and love that was put in each one). You can make a game look awesome & dazzling and can "win E3", but if by the time I can buy it myself and it sucks, them, "winning E3" , won't mean jack! In the end, it doesn't really matter (since "winning" doesn't mean much). What matters is, "Will the game be good when I get it?" (Our money is more important to them then their games are important to us since our money keeps their business going.) Then again, it depends on how much you care. Personally, for someone who didn't care for E3 until last year (2014), who ever does "win E3", I'm more than likely gonna say "so and so had a great presentation and they won E3" and a month from now I'll probably only really care for the Nintendo games. (I hope that didn't come off as cocky or anything...it was not my intention if it did.)
  20. All I want from Square Enix is info on Kingdom Hearts 3. I would care about Bravely Second, but I haven't played Bravely Default yet and I want to play that one first. I'm not sure if there is anything else I want from Square Enix, I can't think of any other game right now (unless I forgot something). If there is, I want info on......what ever I may have forgotten about. :P
  21. Ok, now that the Sony hype has calmed down a bit (and the Shenmue 3 kickstarter money continues grow in front of me on my laptop), time for my hopes for Nintendo's presentation: 1. A new Metroid game, please for the love Kamui! 2. Fire Emblem If info and maybe a release date. 3. Starfox Wii U info 4. Hyrule Warriors 3DS info 5. New Harvest Moon game for Wii U ( I can hope) 6. More awesome DLC 7. More info on Shin Megami Tensi X Fire Emblem (really looking forward to that game...even though I don't have Wii U yet...:'( ) 8.Super Mario Maker 9. Something new and interesting (and fun)! 10. A sequel to a great game 11. Maybe even a port of a great game to Wii U or 3DS ......And, I'm drawing a blank now. That should be everything, or at least most of my hopes. (And the time it took me to make this post, Shenmue 3 is half way to its goal of $2,000,000. And it still has 31 days left too...)
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