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Posts posted by MarioKirby

  1. @Aste: On the breastplate issue, I did something similar to Fiora's and Isadora's oficial art, and those two didn't have form-fitting armor. That being said, I'll see what I can do with it.

    Update, BTW:


    Tried to fix up the problems Astelaine pointed out. C+C?

    Edit: Let's try this again...

    Which design looks better?

  2. So, I've entered into Xiltas's recently made compo, but as someone has pointed out, it doesn't look very feminine.

    So, to correct the problem, I'm trying to make a half-body for said compo. Seeing as this is my first, however, I need you guys's input. Desperately.

    Here it is, so far:


    Obvious WIP. Mainly working on her torso. C+C? Demolish it as you see fit.

  3. So, I had started on an entry for the most recent Mug Splice competition, but not being done on the day of the deadline and lack of motivation for splicing made me decide to forget the splicing and just custom most of the rest.

    This is the result:


    The chestplate is the main custom-piece, though the shading on the far shoulder-guard is also mostly custom. the shirt isn't done yet, obviously. C+C?

  4. So, I saw my old mug for Yunil (The blue-haired chick in the first post.) today and was like, "That sucks. I'm sure I could make a better version." So I did. Somewhat. I'm still in the process of making it.

    Here's so far:


    Old on the left, new in the gray area on the right. Still needs to be shaded in general, but what is there, please critique.

  5. So, I beat the Endgame just a few minutes ago. Final stats were:

    Name     Class     Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
    Marth    Lord      29.67   49  22    0   14   21   27   16    0
    Cain     Swdmaster  9.21   53  22    1   29   30   14   17    3
    Julian   Thief     16.90   28  11    0   13   19   17    6    0
    Lena     Sage      20.--   29   3   16   17   16   30    5   22
    Matthis  Paladin   13.14   50  21    1   14   15   14   19    6
    Wolf     Hero      20.--   60  24    0   26   24   17   24    1
    Roshea   Sniper    19.46   59  18    1   27   22    9   13    3
    Vyland   Sage      20.--   43   3   16   10   23   15    3   22
    Radd     Paladin    6.76   41  20    1   12   17   11   18    6
    Maria    Sage      20.--   28   3   16   13   11   29    6   25
    Minerva  Sniper    16.97   37  18    0   15   21   16   15    3
    Xane     Freelncr   3.19   20   2    1    2    9    9    4   10
    Etzel    Berserker 16.02   49  14    8   23   17    9   10    6
    Est      Draco.    20.--   47  26    1   26   23   30   20    7
    Nagi     Manakete  18.89   35   9    3   15   15   13    6   10

    Wolf was the one that slayed Medeus. He dodged two of Medeus's attacks, critted on one of his own and killed with the 2nd.

    Now, expect new Chapter 1's log some time soon.

  6. Agh, sorry about the lack of updates, peoples. Reason being is that after noticing the blunder of killing Caeda off early, I figured all I would be missing out on is Roger...until Chapter 11, where I noticed Jake wouldn't be gotten, either. So then I decided to just finish this playthrough, then restart and log a new one, starting at the beginning.

    So that pretty much sums it up. I'm almost done, too (Currently at Endgame), so it shouldn't be too much longer. Here are my team's stats, for anybody wondering:

    Name     Class     Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
    Marth    Lord      27.14   47  21    0   13   20   25   14    0
    Cain     Swdmaster  4.18   49  19    1   28   26   13   17    3
    Julian   Thief     16.90   28  11    0   13   19   17    6    0
    Lena     Sage      20.--   29   3   16   17   16   30    5   22
    Matthis  Paladin   11.59   49  20    1   14   15   12   18    6
    Wolf     Hero      20.--   60  24    0   26   24   17   24    1
    Roshea   Sniper    18.29   58  18    1   27   22    9   13    3
    Vyland   Sage      20.--   43   3   16   10   23   15    3   22
    Radd     Paladin    6.76   41  20    1   12   17   11   18    6
    Maria    Sage      20.--   28   3   16   13   11   29    6   25
    Minerva  Sniper    15.15   36  17    0   15   20   15   14    3
    Xane     Freelncr   3.19   20   2    1    2    9    9    4   10
    Etzel    Berserker 14.31   47  13    8   22   16    8   10    6
    Est      Draco.    12.91   44  26    1   25   23   26   19    7

  7. You won't need two healers with that cast. You also shouldn't need Wolf as a General.


    I hope you haven't killed off Caeda.

    @The two healers: I want two so I can have one while Lena trains as a mage...but I pro'ly could do that with just Lena, also.

    @Wolf as General: He's only going to do this for this chapter. It's part of my usual plan.

    @About Caeda:...Well, dang. Guess this won't be a full purple-headed run, either.

  8. Yes, I am adding another logged playthrough topic for Shadow Dragon. Originally, this was meant to be just a Red-head+Est only run, but thinking about a certain chapter evetually led me adding purple-headed people, too. 'Sides, there's only three of them, so...

    However, due to the expanse of time between starting the playthrough and actually making the log-topic for it, the log starts on chapter 6.

    Of course, there are rules. No challenge without 'em:

    -1) Difficulty is Hard 2. I was debating whether to do the run on Normal (Allowing for all red-heads) or this (Added challenge), and I decided on this.

    -2) No arena, boss, or RNG abuse allowed. (For the first two, abuse is considered anything past one level a character.)

    -3) As of now, no Online Shop.

    -4) Generics may be used if necessary as road blocks or lures, but not for full combat. The only one exception to this is one Curate/Cleric, and that is until I get two healers of my own.

    -5) Secret shops may be used, but the Silver card doesn't exist.

    -6) Chapters will be played semi-efficiently.

    I think that should be good. If anyone suggests some other limitation, I may add it.

    Here are the stats for the characters being used so far, BTW:

    Name     Class     Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
    Marth    Lord      10.07   24  11    0    8   12   12   10    0
    Cain     Cavalier  11.69   26  13    0    8   12    7    8    0
    Julian   Thief      8.97   21   6    0    8   14   10    5    0
    Lena     Cleric    13.88   17   0    6   10    9   14    3   13
    Matthis  Cavalier   6.74   23   8    0    5    7    1    9    0
    Wolf     General    5.05   32  10    0    5    5    7   17    1
    Roshea   Cavalier   3.80              Base stats
    Vyland   Cavalier   1.81              Base stats

    That seems about it. Discuss, I guess.

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