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Posts posted by MarioKirby

  1. For me, video games are the biggest case of this. Not necessarily because they were horrible then and are amazing now, or vice-versa; rather, games I thought were incredibly difficult back then but fairly easy now.

    Of course, that doesn't mean the former doesn't apply. It's only been recently that I've changed my mentality that the only games worth my time are those on Nintendo consoles.

    I guess cartoons have fallen into this as well. Most, if not all, of the shows I used to watch rather fervently as a kid I probably wouldn't associate with now.

  2. I...did a terrible job of being a partner. Very sorry, Mariokirby. >:

    Iono what our class and background stuff is. We'd planned for an "older female lord" with "dark skin" and a "white and blue palette". I think that was really it.

    ...unfortunately, it kind of turned into "steampunk-Awakening-esque black male lord with blue/white/green palette", instead.

    [spoiler=More concept crap]2sprQ.png

    ...I felt like I was the bad partner out of our group. What.

    ObLIVIA pretty much covered everything about our collaboration. Although I thought we were still spriting a woman. I certainly enjoyed working with someone with a lot more expertise than my own. Certainly wouldn't mind doing more of these challenges in the future.

  3. Frederick X Tharja

    [spoiler=]As Ylisse's new knight captain, Frederick took charge of keeping the peace and training new recruits. Tharja's rare appearances at the training yard sent terrified recruits screaming into the night.

    Stahl X Nowi

    [spoiler=]Stahl continued his service as an Ylissean knight and led crucial missions across the realm. His scatterbrained charm complimented his wife Nowi's constant quips, making for a happy home indeed.

    Gaius X Panne

    [spoiler=]Gaius never lost his sweet tooth, though he ultimately returned to less savory enterprises. Amazingly, Panne dirtied her hands right along with her husband, using her keen night vision to expedite jobs.

  4. Out of the following, whatever pairings that haven't been posted that also aren't claimed I can try grabbing:

    [spoiler=List of Pairings]

    Chrom X Sumia

    Vaike X Sully

    Ricken X Maribelle

    Donnel X Lissa

    Avatar X Miriel

    Gaius X Panne

    Frederick X Tharja

    Lon'qu X Cherche

    Stahl X Nowi

    Henry X Olivia

    Gregor X Cordelia

    Gerome X Nah

    Owain X Lucina

    Yarne X Noire

    Laurent X Cynthia

    Brady X Severa

    Inigo X Morgan

  5. So, due to all the good things I've heard about this game, I decided to pick it up today.

    A question before I start playing, though: will I need to have played the other games in the series to understand the story, or no?

    Also, did anybody else get an art booklet and 7-track CD with their game?

  6. if nothing else i'm probably just going to use the names in the fe4/5 patch out of habit but it's not like i really give a shit what other people call them, i know what they're talking about ;/

    I really don't care, either. I'm just sick of all the butthurt that comes from changing names.

    To keep on topic, I'm really liking all of the name localizations so far. A lot of them are pretty genius.

  7. Okay then.

    How about we theorize whether Paris is Ike and Tiamat's kid?

    See, it's still easily identifiable as to who I'm talking about. If I said Celice or Leaf, will it be confusing? No, it's a personal preference.

    Like how some people are split about whether to say Catalina or Katarina, or Levn or Levin.

    Do my words hurt? Because that's how it feels for me, too.

    It's not a matter of not being identifiable.

    It's the fact that it's the OFFICIAL translation. Meaning it takes precedence over the fan translation.

  8. I think that it really depends on the genre of the game, how entertaining the LPer is (or at least how well he can keep your attention), and pretty much preference. I've seen both that have really done well regardless of what is being played.

    To me, the major reason behind an LP is to showcase a game that many people may never get to play themselves. Anything past that is just a bonus.

  9. Hmm...I started shaving in the first half of 8th grade, so that would be when I was 13 years old. The only reason I did, however, was because of a policy at my school that prevented male students from having facial hair.

    I think I started shaving in what could be considered something of a regular pattern when I was 16 or 17, just because of how fast it was starting to grow back in to the point of breaking the aforementioned policy.

    Now, though, I only shave my beard when it grows out too much. Haven't touched my 'stache since a few months before HS graduation.

  10. I've never played FE5, so any resemblence to the map you are referring to are merely coincidental.

    Also, the sprite you are referring to is was a WIP, and one I haven't touched in several months, maybe a year at this point. So, the issues you pointed out are because it is unfinished. That being said, if I pick that one back up, I will take your comments into consideration.

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