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Posts posted by MarioKirby

  1. [spoiler=]

    1. - 52.200625%, or about 52%

    2. - I'm assuming we're talking about the possibility of a single critical hit, which would be 21.25%, or about 21%

    3. - In order to one-round the opponent, you need all four attacks to hit and at least three of them have to critical. Taking the precise percentages from earlier, that would be .815634765625%, or about a .82% chance; using the rounded percentages from earlier, it would be .787185%, or about .79%.

  2. [spoiler=]

    Alright, I've done some work on this one, and I'm seeming to get some weird numbers with my set-up. And because I can't believe that the price of the popcorn is $.84, I'm going to ask a question before I explain my current reasoning:

    Is the price of $40.50 including the price of the popcorn?

  3. Shhhh nobody wants to mention the dark ages of Zelda....

    Anyway your style is absolutely gorgeous! I don't know if you know the guy, but the style somewhat reminds me of Konjak's style. (The guy worked on titles such as the Shantae games, Contra 4 and Iconoclasts)

    While the resemblance is purely coincidental, being compared to professional work is a high compliment that I will definitely take. Thank you! :D

    And regarding the pants, I did try going back and simply recoloring the pants to skin color, but it didn't look right to me. I can try again, though, if anybody wants to see it.

    Also, some new and old things:


    I've had this idea for a character design - a 50s greaser recreated in a modern style - for a while now, but only recently was I able to take said idea and put it to paper, so to speak, in an accurate and, IMO, appealing style. It's still a WIP, with the middle sprite there to help judge the proportions of the far-left sprite. The two heads are different designs for his eyebrows.

    And speaking of greasers:


    I jump from idea to idea quite a lot. I also tend to sprite potential ideas on existing files, so sometimes what happens is, if I'm not getting a lot of inspiration on a piece, I'll hop to an older piece and do touch-ups or redo a sprite completely, the former of which I did to this guy. The other sprites are for comparison.


    I also went back to change Mr. Bear's design to something that is more aesthetically pleasing as well as tweaking the overall design.

    Also, holy cow, I didn't intend for this post to be this long.

  4. NZVsvjY.png

    Finally managed to get somewhere with this style. It took me forever to get the arms to look remotely decent. Anyway, the first is kinda a base design, with the second having some extra design choices and the third further having an axe.

  5. Nice. I love all the different styles you come up with. Just refreshing and fascinating to view and see what you come up with next.

    Latest style is fun. Red hair makes me think of Hisoka from HunterXHunter. Guardsman is the best looking of the three so far. Likely due to his size allowing for more detail and definition.

    That mug is pretty sweet. I might widen the body a little bit more though.

    Thank you. I think the reason I switch up what I do, sprite-wise, is because doing so is kinda like sketching for me. I use it to put form to ideas and to practice/branch out my skill set.

    Speaking of sketches:


    Doodled out a bear character (a bear-racter, if you will) in this style. I like the overall design, but I feel like either the colors or the shading is...off, somehow. Not sure how, though.


    And more of the knight-guy, this time with 200% more swords.

  6. JU9dwTY.png

    More of this upvamp style, this time with the rival character. Amusingly, the protagonist sprite was unintentionally 15 colors, as I had intended for said sprite to be composed of two separate sprites, one each for the head and body.

  7. I'll try moving it down a few pixels and see how it looks. Moving it to the right might take more arranging due to hackbox limits.


    Here's the current progress in the hackbox template, in case it helps with critique. I appreciate the help, as well.

    As an aside, I've also started working on the hair detail.

  8. My guesses:

    1. Crash Bandicoot

    2. Bomberman

    3. Banjo & Kazooie

    4. Chocobo

    5. Ray-man

    6. Something from Space Invaders. Don't know the name, though

    7. Slime

    8. Main character from Dig-dug. Don't know the name.

    9. It's Bubble Bobble related. Don't know the name.

    10. Contra main character. I want to say the name is Bill Ryzer? Bill something for sure.

    11. Don't know the name, but it's the main character of Time Splitters (Sweepers?). It was a platforming title on the original Xbox, right?

    I recognized most of them, even if it wasn't their actual names; given my age and console preference growing up, the ones I couldn't accurately pinpoint were before my existence or on non-Nintendo consoles.

  9. Thank you for the info, and I would like to, but, unfortunately, my general schedule on Wednesdays prevents me from having a large enough, uninterrupted period of time to do anything. :(

    Like I said earlier, maybe next time I'll notice an event like this sooner.

  10. Well, if you guys already have a fairly locked-down schedule, then I won't try to intrude, considering that I won't be able to even work on my set-up until around noon in my time zone due to work in the morning and already being late tonight. Perhaps another time.

    Still, I'll try to watch when I can.

  11. While I would love to participate in the spriting, because I haven't paid attention to this being a thing, I am not set up in the slightest to be able to stream. If I can get Skype set up quickly enough, I'd love to join you guys, but even that's a maybe.

    I'll definitely watch of I can, though.

  12. The hand puppet (?) guy looks pretty cool! The fighter next to him makes me think of a Link who decided to become a woodcutter instead of the hero of Hyrule, heh.

    It's based more off of a marionette, but thank you! The other guy wasn't originally supposed to look similar to Link, but instead he looked too much like an FE4 boss, so I changed it to what he is now.

    Some other, non-related stuff:



    Two random pieces, both still WIPs, although I'm not sure if I'll do anything else with these once I do finish them. They're kinda like doodles, really, but in MSPaint instead of on paper.


    And a return to this. Started a walking cycle and fiddled around with his face on the third sprite in the top row.

  13. Speaking of the Shovel Knight amiibo, I managed to buy one off of Amazon at regular amiibo price. Yay for waiting!

    [spoiler=My current personal collection]Kirby
    The Retro 3-Pack
    Little Mac
    Modern 8-bit Mario
    Green Yarn Yoshi

    I also have Shovel Knight on the way, like I mentioned earlier, and I have preordered the TPHD bundle with the Wolf Link amiibo.

    I am intending to get all of the Fire Emblem amiibos sooner of later, grab some particulars that I might be interested in, and, less realistically, I'll collect all of them, but I guess the amiibo craze didn't get me, at least not as bad as others.

    That being said, my sisters like to collect them, so I try to help out the two of them when I can.

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