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Everything posted by maybe

  1. thing isduck hunt is a game where someone shoots ducks and a dog laughs at them if they fail a full moveset was made for the dog carrying one of the ducks and also someone occasionally shooting
  2. Despite the fact that I don't really want Toad, I'll say one thing. If Sakurai can make full movesets for Duck Hunt, Pac-Man, and Wii Fit Trainer, he can make movesets for goddamn anything.
  3. alright here's the thing barely anyone wants toad like there's probably a few people but it's an absolutely miniscule minority compared to numerous other characters
  4. Cath Seriously, fuck Cath. She's unnecessary as a unit at the very least. She'd be better off even being a recurring enemy that you have to kill (or ignore and get treasure before her) every time. FE11's cast is bad, but I'm surprised by people mentioning that, when the game it's a remake of has an even worse cast. I mean, Jagen's stats are barely above Abel and Cain. Wrys has barely any growths beyond 30. Lena has 0 HP growth. Julian and multiple other characters have 0 weapon level growth. So many characters are just flat out useless (okay not Julian he's a thief but still).
  5. Well, that's because I was originally going to write about Bartre because he's the only one I've ever significantly used past the point I can just toss him out. But then I realized that even he's pretty bad. Seriously, his starting stats are pretty awful. His speed especially, if I remember correctly. I've attempted using the FE6 guys but both of them are pretty bad. Their supports are... almost interesting? Geitz actually has some decent supports, seems to be a decent unit, and has a cool name. But I haven't really ever used him much past his joining chapter, despite usually getting his map.
  6. I don't have much experience with Geitz or Garcia but... The rest are bad units and boring characters. Not gonna vote.
  7. also, the AI hates Hannibal that actually helped me a lot since when i put him on the castle the wyverns would stop vigorously gangbanging Aless long enough for him, Celice, Faval, and Shanan to kill them you should literally never use wendy because she could die at the slightest touch of an axe
  8. Hey, I said "debatably" the worst in the series. As in Wendy is shit but some say Sophia is worse
  9. Oh yeah, GBA generals look fantastic. It was mainly the knights I was referring to.
  10. Oswin is cool. The thing is, knight seems like the easiest class to fuck up. Hell, the character that is debatably the worst in the series is a knight. I don't use knights in general (FUCK I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT), for a variety of reasons. One of which being a lot are terrible (The trio from FE6, Macellan, Ardan, that axe guy from Thracia, and maybe Wallace), the other being they don't really suit my playstyle for most games, and the third being that the knight armor.. looks kinda stupid. In fact, the character designers clearly noticed that, since most knights look like big dumb clueless idiots. Doga, Bors, Dolph, Ardan (who is even mocked for it) just to name a few. I do kinda like the animation where they slowly and dramatically walk forward from the SNES games (especially FE3), but after that it looks kinda strange. And in Awakening, it looks flat out stupid, with the way they awkwardly move forward and stick out their lance. So yeah, not a fan. Except Oswin. Oswin is awesome.
  11. Oh, I said "often considered" for a reason, I think Wendy is much worse. I mean, she can be killed by an archer the turn she joins.
  12. alright but you might want to consider that most people don't want to train a shitty mage who is about as strong and accurate as a struggling puppythere's a reason Sophia is often considered the worst unit ever
  13. did misty become easier in fire red because i didn't have any trouble maybe it's because i chose bulbasaur The toughest gym leader (or leaders in this case) for me by far are Tate and Liza in Emerald. Screw that Claydol Xatu combination. The Earthquakes, the Calm Minds... everything about that was evil and awful. I only owned Emerald, so I was actually really surprised in ORAS when they had their crappy space rock team.
  14. Um, I'm pretty sure the original one was Moms Against Gaming. Which is hilarious, by the way, you should totally check it out. https://twitter.com/MomsAgainstGam
  15. it was okay the original moms against gaming is way funnier though the thing about this one is that they aren't acting like they know everything except wrong a good example is like saying that fire emblem promotes homosexual relationships and then illustrating the point by posting a picture found on the internet of Lissa and Maribelle kissing or something
  16. Ehhh, Ike'll definitely say PREPARE YOURSELF for one of his criticals but "I fight for my friends" would be better as a post battle line or something. Like "Just as planned!" and "Thanks, friend."
  17. They'll definitely keep the Japanese ones. It's based on Smash Bros. Marth even has "Minna, miteite kure!" as one of his criticals. Robin specifically references having been in Smash Bros. They're supposed to be the Smash Bros. characters, so they'll likely have the Smash Bros. voices. And it's good too, Marth's english voice is awful.
  18. Hate to pick the obvious choice for obvious reasons but Sain All his supports are hilarious and great And he also happens to be super useful in combat It's possible for Kent to be better, but he's always ended up highly RNG screwed for me. also I like Lowen because his hair is beautiful and his supports are strange but great Kent is cool too I guess I also kinda like Noah but I don't care for the FE6 cavaliers at all, useful as they may be
  19. Matthew is one of my favorite characters in the series, if not my favorite. He's useful as most thieves are early on, and can actually he a really good assassin. His personality is what makes him my favorite, though. He's like a cheerful, but sometimes serious type of guy. His supports with people like Guy and Oswin show that. And I'll never forget that scene where he sees Leila's dead body. also I just want to mention Cath not because she's good or anything just because fuck cath and her bullshit recruitment and stealing that has little payoff she's an asshole in every way and not even a likable way
  20. tiki is absolutely adorable but my image of adorable little tiki is ruined by creepy vocaloid tiki and awakening tiki and her sudden obsession with marth so nils he's cute nagi is great too though best dragon boobs in the series
  21. where the hell is bantu i was too late for the obvious joke but still also nils is adorable I'd choose him
  22. I think most people have already seen this. Zigludo and Serlis are pretty well known.
  23. Hey there! Nice to see someone else who thinks Diamond is a boring slogfest not worth playing through!
  24. Played the 3DS version a while back and loved it, one of my favorite games for sure Thank fucking god they're translating the full script though I won't even be able to play this but I'm glad they're doing it at all The amount of cut stuff from the original version was just inexcusable, so I'm glad we're finally getting it It does kinda suck that the 3DS version isn't getting the translated script, though. I mean, the Japanese version had it, so... why not? Doesn't quite make sense.
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