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Everything posted by maybe

  1. i'm sorta looking forward to it but at this point it's mainly just for the gameplay and music and stuff after learning that the story and a lot of the supports are kinda terrible my enthusiasm for those has greatly dropped although watching streams of the game increased my hype a lot
  2. I like Jake but my problem with it is the whole multiple Anna thing I mean do they all have boyfriends named Jake because that's gotta be polygamy incest or a string of incredibly strange coincidences I honestly don't really like the multiple Anna thing at all how long has that existed I feel like that might be the reason Jake seems permanently gone or maybe just because so you can marry Anna I don't know
  3. Hmmm... there are a ton that I like. Knight Lord. Out of the three, my favorite is Eliwood. The actual class isn't too impressive, I just find all three units to be really good when they have said class. Eliwood in particular because despite the others being great units and Eliwood being pretty lame on Eliwood mode he can actually be really, really good on Hector Mode once he promotes. Plus I like his character more than the other two. Sigurd I feel has a well executed character, although I don't feel he's too interesting on his own, and while I like Seliph as a character he's a rather boring main character. Paladin. Especially the kind that uses axes. The ones without axes are lame. Except Sirius I like him. Jagen and Oifaye are nice characters too but as units I don't care for them much. I guess my favorite would be Marcus or Sain, although I think I'm leaning a bit towards Marcus. I also like Titania from what little of Path of Radiance I played. Berserker. I... don't actually like many of them much though. I guess Hawkeye. I didn't really use him much past his recruitment, but his character is interesting and he seems to be a really great unit. Assassin. Particularly the FE7 variety. Matthew's one of my favorite Fire Emblem characters but Jaffar is just.... more of an assassin. Not just because he's a better unit 9 times out of 10 but mainly because of his character and how he was raised to be an assassin. Master Knight I guess too because while I didn't actually use either too much having every weapon is just too fun I guess leaf but lachesis is okay too i don't really like either much
  4. happy birthday get drunk I bought awakening and played it then I bought Shadow Dragon and played it then a friend of mine said to play FE4 because some of his friends had played it and said it was really good I played it for a few minutes, didn't know what to do, and didn't play it for a long time then I played again and actually really liked it then I played FE6 a little and gave up because bad at game then I got FE7 and really liked it the end until I play another
  5. alright I don't mean to derail this thread but have you played FE12 because it actually does have both base conversations and support conversations not really relevant, I just wanted to clarify
  6. I don't think he was serious we don't take people seriously on their ability to play a game and easiest is very debatable
  7. okay I give up on trying to pick one so I'll do that
  8. huh these days I see way more people with Sacred Stones than Blazing Sword Awakening, Radiant Dawn, and Sacred Stones are probably the ones I see the most I guess this includes old inactive members too though so it makes sense also thanks for making this also it's Genealogy not Geanealogy sorry I am spelling bitch
  9. alright I am back and it doesn't look like anyone decided which is the best to play first
  10. Basically how I feel about it. They made Anna so unlikable and changed her from barely anything to incredibly annoying and one dimensional. I'll take barely anything over what they did to her. It's sort of like in FE12 how they made characters who had one line of dialogue into characters with full support lines. It usually doesn't work, and potentially ruins a character you might've liked for some small reason.
  11. you probably would honestly I guess I'll have to find one myself
  12. alright SO the download I got was broke guess I'll either play a different Touhou or find another download probably just a different Touhou though
  13. it is obviously a guy with glasses and a very large face and nose but a comparatively small mouth
  14. it is called "Touhou 7 – Perfect Cherry Blossom" i'm guessing that's the one you mean by PCB so yeah i'm playing that
  15. alright most after 16 are odd fanmade things but the 16th was actually touhou 7 so wish me luck i guess not starting today though
  16. alright i will instead just google "a touhou game" and play the 17th result that has a download because this seems too conflicting
  17. unlike sddwoh i don't chuckle i'd rather felx= my mussels
  18. my name is always in ridiculous places why do you think I chose this name in the first place
  19. Why do you assume they never played them? I mean, even though it kinda ignores and/or shits on a few things from it, there are tons of references to it and they acknowledge quite a few things from it. Granted for some reason they never mention Medeus or Gharnef by name (yes i know tiki mentions gharnef), but it's still pretty clear that they at least had seen the story. I agree with you on that otherwise, but I feel like they probably played the games. It is possible that they didn't, but I doubt it.
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