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About redtutel

  • Birthday 01/26/1997

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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  1. I remember hearing that free updates were planned
  2. I guess they never found a dragonstone
  3. I love Ivy and Lyn. She looks like one of the lovely Green Haired Pegasus Knights.
  4. Manuela definitely. I'm not sure on what route though, or even if its possible For Black Eagles, I can't decide between Bernadetta or Pertra For Blue Lions, Mercedes For Golden Deer, Marianne. Although I ship male Byleth as a character with Leonie
  5. Swordmaster. I'm also found of mages in anything, but they can be a little hard to use in Fire Emblem
  6. I think the usual grinding, expanded universe, and maybe fanservice. I would love some crossover DLC with Heroes.
  7. Sacred Stones Blazing Blade Binding Blade
  8. Honestly, Laegjarn I'm also fond of Jill, for having a character arc that's honestly impossible for any other non-lord character to have before or since.
  9. Those are some popular opinions (although in my eyes, Conquest is always way too hard even on the easiest setting)
  10. I'm attached to him for his backstory, down to earth personality and being a solid unit, but he's pretty much only popular because of this commercial:
  11. Cain < Abel (mainly because he has more potential with the sadly unexplored relationship with Est) Lukas < Forsyth Mae > Boey Luke > Rodrick (I guess Luke is red? But Cecil is the red one, and I really like her) Naoise > Alec Haven't played Thracia, so no opinion Allen > Lance Kent > Sain Forde > Kyle Kieren < Oscar Sully > Stahl Saizo < Kaze 7 Red, 4 Green. Looks like the answer's red. Probably because it's my favorite character, and thus was the deciding factor in some cases
  12. That is true. But I didn't really get the impression Genealogy Travant loved his kids to the extent in which other characters say he does. Although I do give him credit for actually caring for his country, while undead Garon doesn't
  13. We've already heard a bit of her English voice, although I don't know who voiced her
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