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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. "Faye like boy who know his place, Faye kind master and want to answer boys question, but not do, cause Riya get really really angry when Faye tell people secrets" she said uncertainly looking over at Carrion with eyes filled with pity. "Is not bad person, just is silly, think she stronger then Faye when she Faye's slave too, should talk to Faye about problem but go all hush hush and not say anything" Faye stared at Adrian again, frowning a bit, there was one other important thing to note, but there was no telling what Carrion would do if she said too much, sure she was pissed off at the moody witch at the moment, but that didn't mean she could start spilling all her secrets. Instead Faye shook her head "No can tell boy, but Faye thinks Deja vu, she go back to normal soon Faye thinks"
  2. Faye wrinkled her nose when Adrian told her she wasn't speaking clearly, her speaking was fine! It was the silly human boy's ears that weren't listening properly, but her irritation passed when the boy seemingly acknowledged his position as her place "That's right, Faye's really really really powerful" she emphasized hoping that tacking on two extra 'reallys' would make the boy understand just how powerful she was. Letting out a exaggerated sigh, she began to explain again "okay silly human boy listen now, boy body go boom! but boy soul still here, Faye speak to it now, but Faye give boy body with power of book so boy come back to life soon, just need to wait bit time" As Adrian repeated what she said, she shook her head "boy not get body back, boy get new body, look same but not same, is more stronger" she said proudly. "boy thank Faye when happen kay?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greg fell silent as a different soldier walked past the makeshift prison, turning away from the pair as he tried to seem less suspicious. After a quick exchange though the patrolman quickly left. "No plan yet, wasn't really expectin' any of you to come out alive, I just know that letting you out now would be suicide, believe it or not, it's warmer in there then it is out here. And being out in the cold dark aint such a good idea this time of year." he paused "So if your buddies don't get here soon, just assume them dead, though if you do escape, crack'o'dawn be the best time, most of em'll be sleepin."
  3. Carrion could feel something or someone shaking again, and then something was blocking her progress, she tried to slap the hand away, but ended up just smacking her against the Anri's with the force of a flick. She tried to ignore the obstacle but it seemed to persist, so she looked the man blankly in the eyes before placing her own hand over Zwools hand. "Thanks" she whispered at a barely audible volume, "Now get out of my way" she demanded in a hushed down as she sent a wave of energy through her arms and out her fingertips. Her mind had intended to burn the Anri's hand off completely, but was only able to muster up enough energy for a sudden jolt in heat. Which could leave a small blister at best.
  4. Yeah, I'll get to those when I get some sleep, deal with the the whiny bitch (younger sisters) and don't feel like killing stuff. (aka Never!~ Jk I'll do it within the next 24 hours most likely, it's not like this place (or RotE) is that active lately anyway)
  5. Greg raised an eyebrow as both members of the cell started refusing that they had any connection, though it did seem like they were hiding something, or trying to make excuse "Ah, so it's like that, secrets safe with me" he said giving a wink towards the pair. "Still five years huh?" Greg repeated, not all that impressed, it wasn't really that long a period, but he did suppose it proved that the man was incompetent at the very least. The conversation was quickly cut in by Susan who was outright declining to give Greg some service, looking over the girl again he frowned "Such a pity, coulda shown you a good time, I suppose a few tankards of ale would be fine then." There were three things in this world Greg loved, himself, alcohol and then women. Though women seemed to have this weird belief that they were more important then a good jug of booze. Something Greg quite frankly, had never managed to comprehend. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carrion was relieved to see out of the corner of her eye that the Anri had complied, after all, a 5 year old could probably beat her to death in her current state, nevermind a matured Anri with superhuman strength. Though admittedly, she didn't have time to think much about it, and even seeing the Anri had been an unintentional side effect of when she moved to grab a shattered bone. And any words that came out of Zwools mouths entered Carrions ears, but never registered as noise in her brain as she was too busy concentrating on the task at hand. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Faye peeked at Adrian from behind a few leaves, clearly wary of the man as he seemed to have been in a foul mood shouting unfriendly things only moments ago. She wasn't exactly in the best of moods after her treatment from Carrion, and the last thing she needed was some silly human pestering her about what was happening. She glared at the floating spectral dead human thing for a few moments before deciding that since both of them were bound to the tome now, she held the higher position. "Human boy is Fayes slave now" she stated proudly, "has to listen to everything Faye want human boy to do" she continued as if teaching a child that stealing was wrong. "Human boys soul all unstable and funny like, take time to get used to death but then human boy back alive again with proper body so that human boy not stay dead for long time but must stay near book" she ranted, making perfect sense in her mind, but perhaps significantly less verbally.
  6. Faye's been around the whole time, so unless there's been a drastic change (eg Death) I don't see how anyone could suddenly start seeing her. So unless you can come up with some super good reasoning (through PM) only Adrian and Carrion can see Faye at this stage. As for activity expecting, nothing, absolutely nothing, I just finished work, and it's 4:30AM <_< I'll be going to sleep soon, and will knock myself out for at least 6~8 hours.
  7. I know several Pedo's, the only one I can think of that you talk to is Ryru, who I've pretty much forgotten these days :/

  8. Furai raisu? @Seph *Mentally notes that they're all Super-types, :/ Hmm Shin: He wants to kill stuff, and hates Kira and Athrun, that's more then enough reason for me to like him. Since I spent the first season wishing someone would just kill them.(Actually I wish nearly all characters from Seed get wiped out) Char has his moments I suppose, Though I like Cima, and Haman more :/
  9. Greg turned to Grant, a bit puzzled as he didn't recognize the guy, "No idea who you are mate, you her man or somthin'?" he asked indicating Susan, who'd quietly taken her dagger, but curled up into her ball again in the corner without saying much else. Clearly she was still distrubed with something she'd seen earlier. It didn't take much for Greg to imagine what, as the others weren't here. Grant seemed to still be assimilating the fact that he was used as an expendable pawn, and Greg didn't want him to dwell on the fact, so decided he'd introduce himself, "I'm the Great Greg, if you're a mercenary, you've probably already heard of me and my feats. Yourself?" he asked breathing his alcoholic breath over Grant. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carrion hadn't really expected an answer, or rather, she didn't want to hear what the Anri had to say, as she felt that she'd be forced to accept reality if the words came out of someones lips and into the cold chilly air around them. She thought she heard the Anri say something, but hadn't paid it any heed. Brushing the Anri away, she forced herself up on both feet, swaying dangerously as she made her way to an unaffected patch of snow. Closing her eyes, she raised her hand summoning half a dozen balls of flame, before smashing them all down at the ground, instantly melting the snow away, and creating a shallow dent in the earth. Though she wasn't able to maintain her balance after that, and collapsed to the ground once more, taking a few deep breaths before repeating her actions. This time her world went black for a few seconds but that was the last thing on her mind. "Anri, gather whatever you can of the man" she ordered monotonously, as the Anri didn't respond immediately, she summoned a large ball of flames and pointed it at the Anri, "Now!" she shouted hysterically, making it clear that she'd burn him to ashes if he didn't comply. She was over-exerting herself, and she was barely standing, wouldn't have been able to at all had she not drained Ormis's energy. Faye: Riya... Carrion: .... Faye: Riya! Carrion: .... Faye: Riya! Listen to me! Carrion snapped, raising her other hand and hurling a much smaller ball of fire, barely missing the purple fairy. "Shut up Faye, just shut the hell up" she shouted at the space close to her head. Faye: But.. Carrion unsummoned the ball of flame and pulled out her tome, "One more word from you and I burn this damn book and this entire forest to the ground, got it?" Faye, looked down at Carrion, for a few seconds before glancing over at the Anri and then at spectral Adrian. She opened her mouth to speak again, but Carrion had summoned match-sized flame and was holding it dangerously close to the tome, Faye: Fine! she shouted, sticking her tongue out before fluttering off and disappearing into the branches of a nearby tree. Making sure that the fairy was no longer pestering her, she undid the magic, and started picking up bits and pieces of Adrians body. Not sure, but not caring if the Anri had complied with her demands, infact, she didn't even care if the Anri killed her while she had her back turned. Right now she had a gory task to do, and she'd do anything to get it done.
  10. In all honesty, I haven't watched much of G Gundam, I'm not that big a gundam fan anyway and what I do know comes from SRW which is a lot better then FE btw. Plus, I loathe the earlier Gundam series characters, Amuro, Camille, Uso not so much Judo, and Loran, Domon and Heero were fine. Actually I think it's just Garrod and Shin(Seed) I liked :/ Don't get me started on Kira, and Setsuna was.... meh. @Cam Fly Lice?~
  11. You can win that one, if you're desperate enough to you use any move with the words "Love Love" in it, not only can I not win, but I feel I have to let you win since it'd be mean, (even for me) to not let you win after doing that attack :/
  12. @Seph *Counters with Darkness Finger* I have an old geezer that destroys gundams without a MS, I win~ @Slave
  13. Quiet all of you! It's 2PM! It's my RP so my time is the real time! Adjust your clocks accordingly kthxbai. I doubt anything will happen now, (partially my fault since I went off to eat lunch while activity was still going) But hey, we got through another semi active day. Not sure what to do with Susan and Grant though, Susan's alot more quiet then I'd like her to be, so I might force Greg on her at some stage. :/
  14. God it was cold, really really cold, she should probably wake up soon, she need to take a bath, she knew it, she'd proably fallen asleep last night without taking a bath or something cause she could feel something how sweaty she was, an uncomfortable feeling that made her wince, but she could bare it for now, she was just too sleepy to care about anything else. Though someone was shaking her now, why wouldn't they let her sleep? It was probably her brother again, or maybe mother and father had come back to surprise her, either way she was too sleepy to wake up, and after emitting a short groan of discomfort she tried to ignore the persistent, shaking by focusing her mind on what she'd been doing last. Her thoughts wandered as she saw herself hurling fireballs at a group of attackers, she couldn't make out their faces, but they were trying to hurt her... though she wasn't able to cast fireballs was she? She'd barely managed to light a fire in the fireplace yesterday, no way that could be her.... ah that was it, this was all a dream, it had to be. She wasn't that strong, and she didn't like fighting. The very idea of her being up against two people at the same time was ridiculous. That hand again, why wouldn't it let her sleep peacefully? Why did she have to have such an annoying brother? She hadn't even given him permission to come into his room and every morning he'd come storming in here. He couldn't even live for long without her help and yet he was so damn bossy. She focused on her dream again, maybe she could cast that many fireballs one day, and then she wouldn't be such a burden. She could see herself standing over someone now, she didn't know what she was doing but it looked complicated, there were two figures nearby, besides the one she was leaning over. She could make out any of their faces, but they weren't real people so it didn't really matter did it. Though why was one of them lying down in the snow? Such a strange place to take a nap, or maybe he was playing in the snow? she peeked closer trying to make out the features of the figure, and nearly yelped at the sight of blood, so much blood everywhere. But that face, she knew the man but from where? He was going to die, she knew it, she noticed that her older self was trying to do something, "Help him! Hurry!" she begged her older self, forgetting that this was all a dream. But her older self flinched, and the look on her face showed that things weren't going to be good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Zen!" she shouted before jumping up, nearly smacking face first in Zwool who'd been shaking her, "What? Where?" she looked around not understanding why she wasn't at home in bed, though her memory flooded back to her as she looked around at the blood and pieces of flesh scattered across the snow. She looked over at the Anri, "It didn't work, did it" she inquired asking the obvious question that she didn't want to accept.
  15. Should of made that the chapter title xD
  16. Is it just me, or are those the hack people :/ *Blames Seph and Cam for the weirdness* @Seph :/ I sort of did, but if that's the way I'm supposed to treat you, then I suppose it doesn't hurt me to change my ways. *Blacklists* @Cam Again, complete blunder on my behalf, my old age is making me soft it seems, but thanks to you two, young spiteful Kanami is somewhat revived and back in action. @Rey Should you? I don't know, I don't see why you'd want to though. :/ Though people watching it is fine, if it was other people I'd shrug it off but having people like TBA, MK404 and BwdYeti around, it sort of feels as awkward as having staff constantly watching us xD
  17. I told Cam, since I intended to kill him off first (What with the soldiers after him, I figured he'd comply if I gave him the reasoning) Unfortunately Cam has a big mouth and blabbed to Seph what my intentions were, so those two know. *Curses at Cam again* I suppose I can reveal it now, since the two people I'm never trusting with my RP secrets again have revealed that Adrians not really dead. :/ How I do it, I'm not entirely sure yet, PM or here.... hmmm :/
  18. Nyaww >_< This is why I don't like men. You could have at least waited until I got a response for my hostility >_< You wasted my act, I mad now
  19. Seph I killed your character cause he was annoying whiny, and overall a bad character, let this be a lesson to everyone who makes crappy characters in my RP, I can and will kill them off if I think they don't deserve to exist in my RP. Now either make a new character, or piss off
  20. Same~ Seph post~ xD (You can write up the gory details and stuff:P) Honestly though, I'm planning to wait to see how Zwool reacts to all of this, so I think I'll call it a day for now, unless roy/Slave decide to respond.
  21. Faye: Focus~ "I'm trying you stupid fairy, it's not working" she yelled at the small purple light that was fluttering around in front of her closed eyes. She could hear the Anri doing something in the background, but that didn't matter, she was going to make this work, not for the boy, she didn't care about him, but she'd had enough with failure and being splattered with blood. As one could imagine, it wasn't exactly the pinnacle of fun. She was going to get this right, regardless of cost, "Faye, prana, all of it now, bind it, seal it, knock it out for all I care" she was shouting now, and her voice was probably echoing throughout the woods attracting anything in the vicinity, but she didn't have enough power to worry about such trivial things at the moment. She could feel the soul budging slowly in her favor, but Faye's support was sapping her strength at a much faster rate. "It's pointless, I'm sorry" she whispered, as Carrion herself lost consciousness, the mans entire body exploding due to the excess amount of energy poured into the effort, splattering not only Carrion, but Ormis and Zwool with blood, bones and whatever else made up the existence that was once Adrian.
  22. Prefer this version :/
  23. Carrion shrugged, and placed her hand on the boys shoulders, locking him into place with strength that couldn't be natural, though, maybe that was just the excessive amount of strength and energy flowing out of Ormis's body. Carrion didn't really care how much she drained, the mans state of mind and condition weren't important to her, and she planned to drain as much as she could without getting the Anri suspicious. Idrani's element huh she thought to herself as she she released her hands, she'd drained enough for the man to no longer be a threat, he was still standing but barely, and with her powers replenished, she could easily brush the kid off even if he were to try something again. Her attention then shifted to the man on the ground. He was a lost cause already anyway, even if she were to somehow pull it off, she could repair the damage and replenish the mans will to live, but that didn't do anything for the physical issue of blood loss, he'd just freeze to death anyway. She could try and devour his soul, but how useful he'd be was another issue completely. Carrion: Great, I only get one soul, and it just happens to be the wimps. Faye: He's not that bad is he? He sort of looks like- Carrion: Shut up Faye, I don't want to hear it. Faye: But he- Carrion: Faye! Just shut up and help me prepare to cage his soul. Faye: .... kay :( Carrion closed her eyes, placing her hands not over Adrian's injury, but where his heart would be. She didn't expect it to work, she'd tried over a dozen times now, and every time they'd blown up in her face because she couldn't maintain the souls course. The soul always preferring to just rage out of control, Faye kept telling her that her problem was that she didn't believe in herself, but after so many failures, it was hard to believe this would ever work. She focused her sense on the flickering light inside the boy, the rest of it was just rubbish that impeded her progress, "A little bit more" she muttered to herself, as the soul slowly exited the body resulting in Adrian taking his last breath. But as the body died, the soul began to rage out of control, again, desperately trying to get away from her, or maybe it was the tome it was afraid of, either way it didn't seem to want to comply, and Carrion knew what would happen next. She braced herself for the explosion of blood that was bound to come. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The soldier smirked at Grants words, "They know, that'd probably be the reason they sent us out here in the first place, to check to see if there really were soldiers" The man turned around peering at Grant and Susan, "Expendable pawns we all be, I can understand you two, but sending me out here to die? Clearly don't know talent when they see it" the man grumbled about his greatness for a bit longer, forcing Susan to winced at the stench of booze that never seemed to leave the man. "So, feel like paying me for savin' your life yet lass?" Greg asked, giving the girl a playful wink. "Wasn't actually expectin' any of you to come out of those woods alive" he said as he slipped Grants sword and Susans dagger in between the bars. "Can't let you out yet though, goons still patrollin' the nearby."
  24. Yesh!~ The Anri is gone, I can try funny stuff now :P
  25. I'm not sure what to do with the captive group at the moment, I do have something planned for over there, but it looked like roy and Slave were going to get some interaction going, and I didn't want to interrupt that :/ @Cam, Not that big a deal, you pretty much came back when we needed you anyway. Though I was joking about Ormis running :/
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