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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Is that your belief or actual fact? * Matthew 13:50 “The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” * Mark 9:48 “where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched” * Revelation 14:10 “he will be tormented with fire and brimstone” My revelation here is that Revelation is apparently not part of the bible. :/ As for institutionalization, my "beef" is with it being called "right." For as long as people believe it to be true, and as good as they'd like to believe, it will be imposed on others, religion, like most gatherings of people is a system which will seek to expand. And since religious folk hold the bible so close, it's inevitable that these people will preach out of the book (or at least ideas from the book). And since they'll spread throughout the bureaucracy and other high positions, institutionalization in a sense is synonymous claiming whatever religion to be true. Regardless of the above, it doesn't matter. Essentially the message is "if you don't believe in God" bad stuff will happen to you. And if I have to pull out verses to show why "hell is bad" I can do so. (I just hope that's something you religious people are willing to accept without an argument). Still fear tactics. :/
  2. [spoiler=Introduction]This section is to inform you that I'm too lazy to write up a history of the world <img src='http://serenesforest.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/XD.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='XD' /> Any relevant history/information is already listed under nations anyway. What I will write here is the opening setting. To start things off, the RP will start in a wagon transporting a group of mercenary/soldiers to Alifer (blue) from Estarna. Objective being a typical bandit hunt. Seems pretty boring, but I didn't want to clutter the beginning with complex stuff. So I'm going with the boring old "do what you want" setting within a wagon. Hopefully confining you all to a small space will make interactions more likely to occur <img src='http://serenesforest.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' /> Stat battles are in place, but since a good portion seem to not want it there, I'm considering removing it. But not until I've at least tried it out. (It's not that complex) What I expect from people that sign up is activity, and willingness to participate in the plot. I've got several plans of my own, but I find that when one person controls the plot, it gets monotonous and boring. So if you've got ideas or concepts you'd like to implement, as long as it doesn't conflict with the world, it's fine. It's up to you whether you want to try and steer the Rp in your direction, or whether you want to inform me and have me help steer it towards your idea. I'm expecting at least 2 posts per day on average, if you don't have the time, or doubt you can make that much of a commitment, please refrain from joining. [spoiler=Nation][spoiler=Miyako (Myans)]The mysterious nation of Miyako is situated in the north of the continent, and is known for being blanketed in snow throughout the entire year. What's more peculiar is that all Myans are female. While it isn't clear how they reproduce, it is assumed that they seek male partners in neighboring nations and give birth away from the harsh cold of Miyako. Eventually they will leave their partner with the baby girl and return to Miyako. However it's not known what happens to the father who gets left behind. Despite being one of the oldest nations on the continent, Miyako doesn't seem all that concerned with the ways of the world. Having opted for seclusion, the Myans seldom come out of their snowy homeland, and seldom do they allow foreigners into the nation, making trade and cultural exchange with them practically impossible. [spoiler=Lushira(Lusians)]A highly religious nation located in the south east of the continent. Lusians refer to themselves as the children of light, claiming to be directly blessed by the Goddess of Creation. Their army's mobility and speed is said to parralel that of a wyvern, giving their armies a significant advantage in combat. Their knowledge of history and healing too remains unmatched by neighboring nations. Lushira is the official name of the nation, but many simply refer to the nation as "The Church." As the name implies, the nation is governed by a Prophet of Lushiris. A position currently held be Lady Dianeira who is situated in the Grand Cathedral of Albion. Lady Dianeira is said to be able to cleanse any ailment, some even going as far as saying that she can resurrect the dead. The nation is governed by Lady Dianeira and her Six Apostles. Prominent figures in Lushira who are said to have been bestowed with divine powers by the goddess to ensure the safety and prosperity of the nation. Lushira has been at war on and off with Shuthra for as long as anyone can remember. The wars have mainly been instigated by Lushira who constantly accuse Shuthra of dabbling in witchcraft. Their relation with Astarte is much more mellow, it being unclear whether they have friendly or hostile relation with Astarte. While small skirmishes break out on both sides of the border from time to time, both rulers have refrained from declaring war on one another. [spoiler=Astarte Empire (Alma)]The Astarte Empire is the youngest, and now strongest nation. Originally rising from an army of rebels, Astarte was quick to rise above its peers, assimilating ideas from its neighbors, and enriching it's own culture by combining and creating new ideas and concepts. Astarte was fortunate during it's early years, as talented individuals from across the continent gathered in hopes of attaining rank and prestige. Eventually leading to the discovery of several ruins scattered across Astarte's lands. Within the first few decades, Astarte was leading the entire continent in politics, economy and military affairs. This sudden change in the balance of power didn't sit well with the former leading nation Garius. Which lead to several wars, concluding with the death of the Garian royal family. And Astarte expanding it's borders more then half way across the continent. Unfortunately, many Garians have refused to acknowledge the transition of power, leading to the former lands of Garius being ravaged by rebels and bandits alike. An issue which has caused Astarte problems for years on end. Such problems seem trivial nowadays, as the once peaceful nation of Astarte has been thrown into a sea of turmoil by its own prince. Prince Adrian the youngest of three brothers, massacred his entire family, and swiftly situated himself as the new king of the nation. Replacing members of the previous administration with his own men. Reports have indicated that Astarte is preparing for war, assembling the might of it's soldiers and the wyverns of Garius. Unknown weaponry also dots Astarte's forces. Amongst them soldiers holding "boomsticks" and humanoid monsters made of steel. [spoiler=Shuthra (Krians/Anri's)]Shuthra is home to the Mage Tower, a spiral citadel known as Pravna. A prestigious academy for talented minds to gather and develop the art of magic. Unlike Lushira which boasts a library full of the past, Shuthra's library is filled with magical concepts and theories for the future, making it an ideal environment for those eager to learn. Unlike the other nations the Krians, don't believe too strongly in the concept of nationhood. While most students remain Krian in blood, many others have traveled across the continent to study at Pravna. The academy is home to the three grand libraries. Massive depots of knowledge. The Public, Main and Restricted Libraries as their name implies refers to the level of access. The public library is open to the public and travelers, the section mainly consists of basic knowledge and introductory books. The main is on the fifth floor and is used by students and professors alike. Whereas the Restricted Library is located on the top floor, and can only be accessed with the head masters permission. North of Pravna lies Krianri, a castle inhabited by people with beast-like feature. The history of the Anri's doesn't stretch that far back, it was only fifty years ago when a large scale magical experiment in Krianri went horribly wrong leading to a massive explosion. Strangely, no casualties were recorded at the time, but those contaminated with the magical properties of the blast gave birth to the Anri's. Most Anri's were discarded by their parents once Pravna admitted that they lacked the knowledge to reverse the affects of the blast. Leading to many Anri's from this time period to resent the Krians, and all humans in general. Krians also grow a lot quicker then normal humans, by 10 years of age their bodies are those of a young adult, (roughly 20 years old). their growth greatly slows down after that. Leading to most Anri's dying at the age of 25 years looking only a few years older then their 10 year old self. Their average life expectancy is just a mere 25 years (Compared to the 50 of humans). Anri's however are more physically capable and fit, and often hold simplistic mental frameworks, causing them to be ideal slaves. The mercantile nation of Sapphire in particular has crosses the border several times a year to capture these peculiar humans and sell them off to wealthy nobles across the continent. Anri is also known for it's lush forests and clean air. According to Pravna it's much easier to draw on magical energies in a green environment where mana and spirits are abundant. (Spirits refer to butterfly-like creatures that come in various colors.). The Anri too prefer the wilderness to concrete and brick settlements of other nations. [spoiler=Sapphire (Saphs)]No nation experiences the four seasons better then Sapphire, In summer they experience the scorching heat, while autumn brings a change in the color of leaves. Winter blankets the nation in a thick blanket of snow. Sapphire originated as a mining nation, and derives it's name from one of the many mana stones that can be found there. After the mine rush settled merchants settled the area, and established a settlement which revolves around the trading and creation of goods. While the nation originally was based on a true democracy. The nation eventually gave rise to three wealthy merchant families, that now pull all the strings behind the working of the nation. Bribery and slavery can be found throughout the nation, with the nations motto being "Everything has its price." [spoiler=Stat/Battle]Pending~ Due to complaints. [spoiler=Signup Information] Name: Gender: (+Age) Class: (Fighter/Guard/Castor) Affinity: (Fire/Wind/Ice/Thunder) Weapon: (Any) Stats: (Leave Blank) Appearance: (Should provide a picture, though if that's not possible, describe your character, and I'll find potential images for you. It's not that important, but they'll be used as indicators in stat battle) Nation of Origin: (Just a nation of birth, if you want your own city/village, feel free to make up a name for settlement) Backstory: (Information regarding your characters origins, thought, dreams and goals. Must be at least 2 full paragraphs) Name: Carrion (Devourer/Crimson Witch) Gender: Female (20) Class: N/A Affinity: Fire Weapon: Tome Stats: N/A Nation of Origin: Garius Empire, Leticia. (Astarte) Backstory: Having lost her parents in a fire at a young age, Carrion and her elder brother lived as street urchins. A life which was demanding both physically and mentally. Fortunately for them her brother adapted quickly to street life, manipulating and framing others to support him and his sister. Though the only possessions she had were a tome her father had discovered, and the clothes on her back, her early life was relatively pleasant. That would all come to an abrupt end though, as her brother crossed paths with a drunken thug, who'd beat her brother to a pulp before wandering off to go vomit in some dark alleyway. Not having any knowledge in healing or medicine, Carrion tried to help her brother in any way she could think of, which lead her childish mind to rely on the tome her father had unearthed. And to her horror, her brother disintegrated into thin air. Several years passed, and the helpless little girl had become a renown mercenary. Known by her peers as the Crimson witch, and to the common people as the devourer, what astounded people was not the success rate of the tasks given to one young girl, but the rumors of her consuming the flesh of the dead. After gathering much unwanted attention Carrion decided to lay low for awhile, she'd accumulated a decent amount of gold, and with the wealthy placing bounties on her head, mercenary work became unmanageable. A young mercenary who had been assumed dead however appeared one day, brandishing the crimson witches head high above his head. Leading to a halt in the bounties, though the man mysteriously disappeared along with the wealthy individuals who had placed the bounty on Carrion;s head shortly afterward. Three more years passed, and Carrion returned from the dead. But this time, she seemed colder. No longer concerned with mercenary work, she began traveling the continent in search of something. She was occasionally seen after a battle had concluded, wandering around inspecting corpses, sometimes dragging away the corpses, other times devouring them on the spot. Though her return wasn't generating as much attention as one would have thought, Astarte has opted to ignore her, in favor of more 'pressing matters.' Sapphire too ignored her, as they believed she was relatively harmless to the living, Shuthra doubted her existence altogether, resulting in Lushira being the only nation were she was actively branded with a criminal status. Name: Fayenetta Gender: Female (Unknown) Connection: Carrion Backstory: Faye is a creature commonly known as a elder spirit. Unlike the normal spirits which seem to fly around, oblivious to their surrounding. Elder Spirits have the appearance of a small human with butterfly wings, and have the ability to communicate with human beings. Elder spirits however are rare, and said to only be born, once or twice per century. Unlike most spirits though Faye is bound to the tome Carrion carries, a tome which in turn is bound to Carrion's soul. Both Faye and the tome disappearing and appearing upon Carrion's will.
  3. How about we just settle on the fact that there hasn't been as many defense actions taken as there should have been? It's still surprising and appaling, but with Nanahm and Shadraks actions, things are looking like they'll improve? I doubt there's any reason for her to make crap up, so at the time she made the post, there was no defenders to her knowledge. Others had the same sentiments she did, and decided to defend. Really not that big a deal to fuss over~ Now how about we set fire to Raquels wagon~
  4. Nyeh Amelia’s wasn’t really to my liking, think it was the pinkiness. That and the bow just looked wrong to me.
  5. That's all makes sense, but most religions at it's root are imposing. The concept of hell for example is that non-believers will burn in hell (or some rubbish). Unfortunately, people usually don't react too nicely to "you'll suffer for eternity for not worshiping something you couldn't even be sure existed" In such cases, I really fail to see the difference between the fear tactics used in dictatorships, and religion. Both have an absolute ruler, both demand obedience, and both will punish you in some horrible way if you fail to accept the rulers decisions/rules.
  6. I agree that religion won't truly 'die' but I'm not sure your logic here works. Unfortunately, sooner or later you'll be dead. And the dead don't really count when counting religious people in the world. You could pass it on to your children, but like in SlayerX's case, a good portion of modern day kids don't accept religion as a tenant of their lives. I think that's what's contributing to the "religion dying" idea. Followers growing old and dying away, and not being replaced by a younger generation. But as I said, I agree that religion probably won't truly die. They'll forever exist as a minority if they fade out. White supremacy still does, as do several other 'wrong' ideas. If religion fell out of favor and became 'wrong' in our eyes. There'd still be people following it, somewhere....
  7. *Echoes* I'm probably more like definitely one of the people that hate religion. Being a former religious follower in my past for several years, I understand what it offers, and I understand that it's not "evil" or anything bad, but I do see it as unnecessary. You're free to believe in whatever you believe in, but I'm free to voice my qualms and issues with the religious practice. What I will agree on though is that people "hate" on religion because they don't understand it. Even a devout follower doesn't "truly understand" it, since a significant portion simply doesn't make sense. (Religious people will usually use some religious jargon for "God has his own plans, which we mere mortals can't even begin to comprehend." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was listening to some religious "fools" today at college, claiming that all the natural disasters/wars/etc were a sign that God was pissed off since the world wasn't worshipping anymore. In which case I have to say God has the mentality of a 5 year old throwing a tantrum because people won't give him his favorite toy :P Hopefully, the rest of religious people aren't that stupid.... though God did wipe out the world... several times.... for similar reasons :/
  8. Not sure when next chapter is, but considering how she's placed half-way across the continent, I don't see that as plausible. That said, I suppose Robin's actions could be being posted in a prior time line. (Opposed to the "meanwhile Robin was doing x" feeling that's going now) Though to be honest, I think wanting an archer in the group for the sake of stat combat is sad. If stat battles are becoming too hard, it's time for Phee to drop the difficulty level, not time for people to mass-produce stat combatants.
  9. I'm pretty sure most of us are fine with it. Though some of us might be skipping them and intentionally not reading them as well XD Not sure what you're trying to do with your character, as her actions are irrelevant. Your choice how to spend your time, but it looks to me like you'd do better investing your time in a fanfic. Not an Rp.
  10. Eriya took several deep breaths as she finally caught up to the wagon. Fortunately for her, the wagon had halted before completely disappearing from sight, allowing her to catch up.... But what she saw wasn't what she wanted to see..... An elderly man smiled at her before returning to fixing the wheel of the wagon. She'd apparently been following the wrong wagon. Seriously? I ran all this way for some old man? This is what I get for being careful, should have relied on my eyes, not my ears. She took a quick look around, noting that there were no other wagons in sight. Another lead, gone. <_< Sighing to herself, she approached the man, starting up a casual conversation, and hitching a ride to where ever he was heading to.
  11. Dust~ Pretty much happens to my computers every 2~3 years. Need to give it a good clean once in awhile. Dusty neighborhood >_<
  12. :/ Beg? Where do you think you stand exactly? I pester, not beg. And begging doesn't happen without material goods for me. I don't believe in the good-will/nature of human beings. Subjective? Nyargh, everything's subjective. Hence nothing is subjective (Don't question the logic there, cause I can't back it up) If you have an opinion stick with until you manage to force it through~
  13. I think you're better then others. That's not to say you're good at it :P In other words it doesn't mean you're good, it means others suck:P Naming names gets me in trouble though, but I assume those who I refer to know who they are XD
  14. Why are you complaining from outside the RP? Either jump back in, or stay on your fringes. As for Snowy, do you think any of us are bored or stupid enough to comprehend his ways?
  15. If you're going to ask for a position switch, at least state the reason "why?" Otherwise I have no reason to actually take it into consideration.
  16. *Watches Domovoi and Johns wyverns perch ontop along with the others*
  17. Eriya contemplated, drawing her sword and slicing the man in half on the spot. Not only had he taken forever to deliver her letter, but he'd been sleeping on the job, Eriya had to come to him, instead of how things were supposed to be. And he had the nerve to charge her 5 gold? Shaking her head, she reached into her pouch, and pulled out 5gold, and snatched the letter out of the mans hand. Confirming that the crest of her unit was imprinted on the corner of the letter, she quickly opened the letter. Forgetting that she shouldn't be showing imperial decree's given to her to other people. But at this point, she was too busy, she was in a hurry at the moment and didn't have time too.... She looked around, wincing at a single horse wagon trotting away into the horizon. "Argh" she sighed before, stuffing the letter into a pouch in the cloak, and turning to leave. "Thank you, I suppose" she stated without a hint of gratitude, trying to at least sound polite. She hoped she wouldn't come across this man again. She knew these foreigners didn't follow Kigenese codes, but his lack of effort and enthusiasm in his work was just appalling.
  18. Eriya gave the man a look of distaste before releasing him, letting him fall back on the ground. "You've still got half a day to go" she stated bluntly, referring to the time. Unimpressed by the mans enthusiasm for his work. Eriya didn't know who this nations ruler was, but her or she clearly wasn't respected by the nations inhabitants. Are these people disloyal or is there king simply not worth respecting? Probably both, She'd heard rumors about the other nations back in Kigen, and they were never good. All coated in the foolish incompetence of these strange foreigners. "You're a messenger correct?" she huffed not wanting to make eye contact. "Eriya, been waiting for that letter all day?" she continued hoping that the man would get the hint.
  19. Not that I'm complaining, but Camtech, Seph and Kai, I think I've seen you browsing the RP a few times now. And I've seen all of you RP at least once before, and couldn't help but ask, Is it any fun reading an RP you're not a part of? Just curious, And wondering if I can pester you to join, we need more active people XD
  20. Eriya listened to the sound of hooves and wheels carefully, not looking up in fear of making eye contact with the group. She didn't know where they were going, but they seemed to be in a hurry. Perfect! Now lead me straight to your secret base she thought as she continued plodding along. Focusing on her ears, she'd neglected to focus her eyes on the road in front of her, nearly tripping over a bump in the road, forcing her to look up for a second. She avoided colliding with the ground, but a man by the side of the road had caught her eye. And completely stolen her attention. Suddenly forgetting about the wagon, her mission and everything else, she stormed over and glared down at the sleeping man. A smile of content'ness plastered on his face. She looked the man up and down before grabbing the man by his collar. "Damn you messenger, wake up you lazy foreigner" she shouted, loud enough to startle the man, but not loud enough for those in the wagon to hear.
  21. @Snowy, Assuming what you said is true and that the government is indeed capable. I still really doubt that the government watch people unless they have reason to. Watching them cost resources, monetary and human. And unless we're all keeping an eye on eachother it's lacking as a solid argument. @ FionordeQuester This is why I don't like religious people :/ They always seem to be talking down at you with these strange ideas. Why does not believing in an "Afterlife" equate to a life without hope? I'll relent to the idea of "dying without hope." But there's still plenty of "hope" in my life, a simple example being "I hope I did well in that last test at school." "I look forward to going out with my friends on the weekend" "I'm 40 years old and have never had a girlfriend... but one day....'.... Well I can't guarantee the last one, but until faced directly with death. I live for past, the present, the near-future, and whatever comes between that and my death notice. Feeling sad is your personal emotion, and that's up to you, but I certainly don't appreciate unnecessary pity directed my way. As for Unit 731, yes it's horrible. And yes they probably didn't have much hope either. But that's a minority, very few people actually get tortured to death :/ Indeed it isn't. A common example I use against this coping method is the 60 year old retiree, who worked his entire life for a company, pouring all his emotions into it, only to be shown the door as soon as he hit retirement (or was considered too old). I think the proverb is goes something like "Don't put all your eggs in one basket"... or something. Games too are limited, they eventually end. And I myself have felt a little moody when I finish a good book/game/movie. It's this weird feeling that the story's over and you'll never see these people again. Sure you could re-read the book, but it's just not the same. My personal perspective on this is the same one people like to preech for less serious things like obesity and bad grades. If you don't pull yourself out, no one will. If you try to get out, someone might offer you a helping hand, they may even pull you out completely. But unless you take the first steps, nothing changes. That said, waiting for someone to reach out to you isn't always reliable, so I'd suggest tackling the problem with the mentality that you're in this alone. If someone helps, great. If they didn't, it's to be expected and you won't feel more miserable when the helping hand doesn't arrive immediately.
  22. Don't you guys conveniently (like any other RP) just assume eating, sleeping and bathing happen within the TS's?
  23. I like the new one better :/ But Datia's is still cuter :P
  24. Eriya jumped up from where she'd been sitting, noticing that the ready was getting ready to move. Damn foreign deliveries she cursed looking around and not seeing any man that fit the description she was looking for. This is why, I asked them to deliver it with directly to me, not go through all this undercover rubbish. We're better then these fools in every aspect, why can't we just march in here and tell them to cooperate? Sighing to herself, giving up on the letter she looked over, wagon was already moving. "Screw the letter, not my fault I didn't get it" she hissed to no one in particular before getting up and following the mobile wagon.
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