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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Not something you need to be told, if you have "ANY" problem, let me know. In short, the only rule you need to be informed of is problem=contact Kanami.
  2. Looks great Datia :/ *Her vote decided?* 6 entries :/ Activity back to decent it seems. /Broke chain of an entry per post.
  3. Unless Phee says otherwise, until I say so. Which is an indefinite period of time~ I'm not giving up my probation officer powers!~ And I doubt Phee'd care if I took forever ending the period anyway. Psych can still be kicked after probation. He's just got extra rules on him while he's probationing. At least (an absolute minimum of) 2 months atm is all I can say.
  4. Compliment?Nyeh, it's not wrong :/ I mean I did ask, and you didn't want to do it. (I actually think you still don't want to do it). But yeah, settled once and for all :/
  5. Victory~ But yeah, if anyone has problems with him joining, let me now. No point flaming Phee regarding this since I sort of bullied him into it :P Once in game, if you have issues, contact Psych via PM, if that doesn't work contact me. (Alternatively you could just save yourself the hassle and have the PM involve Psych and myself from the getgo.
  6. He's a She! But more importantly the symbol on the dogtag looks suspiciously like the one on my computer. (Power switch) After asking Kiryn if stealing the dogtag would make her cease to function. Unfortunate it doesn't :( However, ripping the dogtag off her does turn her "on" (Her anger that is)
  7. Character Competency List added. Ranking is based on several factors such as Activity, Interactions, Relations with others, Reaction to certain events. Starting certain events etcetc. Basically anything that makes a character interesting. No character is "supposed to be boring." Character can still keep to themselves and remain interesting, have your character think to himself regarding an event that has occured. What is he thinking when he's by himself? Not interacting or talking to anyone is not the correct way to present an introvert. (Even introverted anti-socialists talk to others when necessary) Being a loner that doesn't say or do anything does not make you cool, or seem more intelligent. If you disagree with your placement, or someone else placement on the chart, feel free to discuss here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @ Roy, Switch your first post with the second (Teams list) so that we can focus all information at the top of the thread.
  8. Eriya watched the group from a fair distance away. She'd followed Raquel and her wagon to the markets and been spying on them ever since she'd pretended to have left them. She'd bought a rather large coat+hood at the market herself so that she wouldn't be recognized even if she was seen by a member of the group. It wasn't going to be hard following the group, she could see the wagon even if not the individuals around it. And there was hardly any chances of her being noticed in this crowd. Her plan was perfect, for as long as she had this cloak and wall of people, there was no way they'd notice her. Assuring herself that she was perfectly safe, she looked up at the sun frowning as she noted that the healer was late. According to memory that staff wielding foreigner should have met up with her by now. Damn foreigners, always late, probably too brainless to keep track of time
  9. Bye RPG @GoD I hardly know who you are too :P
  10. What I don't believe is that some almighty being allocated my life a meaning. I've always thought that it was my own job to find a point and meaning to my own life. If God exists, he gave me that option, and my option was to not believe he exists. And am I the only one who finds some creepy divine beings no one can punish or observe watching me 24/7 to be creepy? When someone says there is no "God." They're saying that they do not believe in god. A statement doesn't make fact. But a statement can be made on what one believes to be fact. For example those that claim there is a "God" can't really explain his existence adequately enough either. Either way, I refuse to believe in something just because I don't want to go to hell. Do I want to die and burn in hell? Of course not, but I'm not willing to have some 'half-arsed' devotion to a God just because I fear the bad things he may be able to do to me. Is God so bad that he taxes us even after we're dead? Gee, and I thought politicians were evil.
  11. ??? Don't see why not :/ Might throw something together this week. Everything's been so slow and boring lately :/
  12. Nature seems to think so, hence the earthquake, tsunami and all the other natural disasters occurring across the globexD I think you're being too sensitive if you connect laughing at "silly individuals making ignorant racist comments" to the actual disaster. It'd be just as easy to condemn them and throw comments filled of anger and righteousness, but what's the point? They'll most likely never hear you, and even if they did they probably wouldn't care. Am I worried about my family? I suppose the humane thing would be to say "yes." Do these people care though? Quite obviously not XD Them caring isn't going to affect any lives. And I doubt them being hateful has cost any lives too. There's only three possible responses to such idiocy; arguing, ignoring or laughing. And since I can't do the former two, what else can I do? Shake my head and curse humanity? XD @Nightmare It's a pity you don't get paid for it then, or do you?. Sirius speed combined with remembering me saying I don't like posting here? Didn't I tell you that once in a PM over a year ago? :/ How on earth do you remember that? Anyway I'm only posting here, cause "Japan" caught me eye. And frankly I'm kind of getting sick of responding to "Thank god you're alive" Or "Damn it, you're not dead to the few that know me. That and like you, I was bored enough to want to see a reaction :P
  13. .... What are you stalking me? *Checks rules for something against stalking, and finds nothing* ..... crap >_< Seriously though, I make one post outside the Creative boards and within 5 minutes you're reading my posts. I'm either a person of interest (rulebreaking) or you're being creepy Nightmare :P *Is scared atm, very scared* /derailing.
  14. What is wrong with all you people? Remember Pearl Harbor!!! Can't remember who it was, (Someone in the RP boards) but they linked me to an image which had gathered a whole bunch of comments from facebook, blurting out things like the earthquake being "payback for pearl harbor." I have a sick sense of humor, and I laughed :/ Photoshopping Godzilla is nothing compared to that image. Image comes up if you google "Pearl Harbor Japan Earthquake". I considered posting the image here, but figured it was a wee-bit inappropriate. Just to make sure I don't get mistaken for actually endorsing Japanese hate, I probably should state the obvious and say that the opening statement of this post is sarcasm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As for famous people dying, whoever said it earlier is right. I've got an aunt and two cousins living south of the region that was worst hit, and still haven't heard from them , but that doesn't mean they're dead.
  15. Iava, just to let you know 暁 is Nickt, and he's indicated that he doesn't want to chose the set, hence you're actually the person (2nd place) people are waiting on to chose the next set :P
  16. A message from the divine cat God that Synthia should stop reading boring books and appreciate everyone's favorite ball of fur... Character art *Synthia* by roymbrog. Other parts of the image, shamelessly stolen from a random google search.
  17. Eriya paused and thought her options over, she'd intended on following the group for awhile anyway. She didn't have any other leads, and going with these people increased her chances of encountering her father then she would alone. A supposed healer and the tanned man had begun conversing, no doubt about Raquels offer. Eriya herself thought the offer sounded a bit too good to be true. But then again she couldn't think of a reason as to why Raquel would be lying to her. She looked around at the people scattered about, listening on in the conversation, half a dozen at least, probably more considering how they seemed to keep popping out of nowhere. And that shaman was still there.... smiling apologetically, she shook her head, "Thank you err Miss Raquel? For your offer, but I've got other things that I need to take care of." "Maybe next time, if we ever cross pathes again?" She added trying to reject the offer politely. As she continued to walk away into the crowd of people that had developed she shouted back. Don't know where you're going but best get a move on, before the streets become too crowded, gets really busy in the afternoon."
  18. Eriya was brought back to her senses when someone nearby yelling at her. The authoritarian tone making her think that guards had come back after all the commotion *Gytha* had caused. But was relieved to find that the vicinity was clear of uniforms. Taking a step back away from Raquel, she blushed a bit. Offering a quick apology. She coughed once to clear her voice and to calm herself down before continuing. She couldn't imagine what her father would want with the pink head.. Raquels father, but perhaps he was an important figure. She hadn't really worked out why her father had stolen the Comb anyway, if he just wanted money there were plenty of more efficient ways to make money in Kigen. No reason to betray an entire nation. She tried to make a smile, but figured it wasn't appropriate, the tanned man behind Raquel was staring at her as if she were a madwoman, and looked ready to jump in if she rattled Raquel again. "Uh my apologies" she stated hurriedly before turning around, "Nice meeting you Raquel" she added before attempting to run off before one of Raquels friends got violent.
  19. Without warning, Eriya suddenly leapt forward at Raquel, before anyone could even react, she had latched herself onto Raquels shoulders and was shaking her like a rag doll. "Where!?!? When?? Was he alone!?" she blurted out, clearly unable to control her excitement. It'd been awhile since she'd found any leads, and while she knew a Kigenese warrior with a sword wasn't by any means uncommon. There weren't too many Kigenese warriors outside Kigen to say outright that the chances of her finding her target was zero.
  20. Eriya instinctively bowed her head, only to quickly raise it again and shake her head. She was a solider on duty and the woman was a foreign civilian. She didn't need to bow to her. Women were expected to bow to all males, and males were only required to bow to their superiors (and sometimes colleagues). But a soldier was far above a foreigner on the greeting chain. But she had more important things to patch up right now. "Uh, my father was a soldier! That's right, I'm err looking for my father and made a small mistake, not used to speaking in common you know?" she said a bit too quickly. "You seems to know a bit about Kigen culture, you know how it is, where we sometimes identify ourselves by stating out male counterpart." she said sweating a bit, figuring that this line of conversation would cause her trouble she quickly tried to change the subject. "My father went umm missing awhile ago, and I've been looking all over for him. You haven't seen a man from Kigen lately recently have you?" she asked hoping that she'd be able to draw out some sort of info from the woman.
  21. Objection! For the hell of it. Suggestion! I don't have one Concern! Roy left IRC and is worried that everyone's migrating to a later time. @13th. Thanks I think?
  22. Shit >_< Eriya's eyes swam a little as she tried to think of a way out of this. "Uhh my parents were from Kigen" she stated confidently, she wasn't lying after all. "Definitely not a Kigenese soldier though, they don't allow women to enlist in the army there, just a common mercenary, trying to make a living after being kicked out of her country." she said meekly trying to form a weak smile. She hated lying about her position, but the last thing she needed was to reveal to a band of thugs that she was after a sacred object which had been stolen from Kigen. No telling what how they'd react She sighed with relief, happy with her response looking over it to make sure she hadn't given herself away. She'd managed that hurdle pretty well. She'd relaxed a bit and put her guard down for a brief second when a pink haired woman asked her who she was, "Haneyama Eriya, charged with the defense of the Hiryuuden Shrine, 7th year in service" she stated saluting the woman who'd appeared out of nowhere. ......Shit >_<
  23. Eriya sighed, sheathing her weapon as the woman seemingly calmed down and agreed to the mans outrageous proposal, being kept under surveillance in the wild certainly wasn't any more secure then prison. But if it made the woman calm down, Eruya figured she may as well use this chance to state a few things. "Firstly, even if you tried to turn him in, all he'd need to do is deny your allegations and it'll become a classic case of "He said, she said". furthermore you witnesses aren't probably readily accessible." she said putting up her forefinger to indicate the number one. "Secondly, Fairgale is enemy territory, a man who was causing trouble for the enemy wouldn't receive that harsh a punishment. Pirating is a crime, but you're reporting him to the wrong authorities" she said raising a second. "Thirdly and finally, he doesn't seem to be resisting your brutish actions at the moment, so how about letting him go? If he wanted to flee, he'd probably have fled while you were gone and chatting to the young lady over there" she stated indicating Veronika.
  24. Eriya looked at Veronika, but didn't really pay her much heed. She was either the brains of the group and was trying to trick her in to putting her weapon away, or she was simply trying to neutralize the situation. Either way, Eriya didn't like the woman, nor trust her. Half an hour ago, the man had been restrained and was squirming ontop of a wagon, and only moments earlier he'd been laughing merrily with the woman (Veronika). Which resulted in her(Eriya) looking like an idiot. It didn't really matter all that much anyway as Gytha was quick to indicate quite clearly that she had no intentions of letting the man go. Considering her options, she decided that making an attack would focus the womans attention on herself, giving the man a chance to escape. But that plan quickly fell through as Damian made an offer to the mercenary. What is wrong with this guy? He's about to be sent off to rot in a cell, and he's offering to travel with these people?[/s] She lowered her sword, but refused to sheath it just yet. "What's a pirate doing this far inland anyway? And what proof do you have that he actually is a pirate?
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