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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Merc's pretty much said everything I've wanted to say, so I'll just say "woohoo" to the above comment :/ *Achievement unlocked* I've looked at the last 2 pages and I honestly can't agree that Shamans are at any noticeable disadvantage. -Polarizing is going to cause issues for any class, a character will only get three stats to choose, and HP, Str/Mag, SKL and SPD are all crucial, With Def and Res being important if you don't want to be OHKO'ed. -Skills are skills, some are useful, others aren't. It depends on how you play. Looking at Domovoi thus far, he can defend any unit! :o ... Now whether he'll ever actually defend anyone is up for debate. -Shamans aren't meant to be anything. As Merca keeps saying, this "level up-stat" idea was implemented to give people more freedom in customizing their character. All characters in stats are pretty much equal with the exception of the stats you get on promotion. -Continuing from the last point. Your arguments for Shamans seem to be more "Promotion doesn't increase the stat I want to polarize" then anything else. All character (a semi-exception to archers) start with 20 stat points. You really shouldn't be making characters with less then 5 in anything by the end of tier 2's :/
  2. I put Domovoi up first and smirked at the unicorn, then did Nanahm and nearly laughed XD Daloth, I didn't add not to spiteful, but since Daloth doesn't really seem to be interested in joining the group :/ He's off doing his own little thing, and frankly, he feels more like an NPC then a PC. Never mind that I don't really see him making any decent relation links, and that a good few of you just want him gone :/
  3. Nyii, thanks for the tip, but I think I'll keep it the way it is for now. And I'll re-adjust when it really starts to get clunky/unmanageable. My motives for starting it aren't actually the same as what you and Phoenix seem to do all over the place /bitch XD I'm actually hoping to generate some discussion and encourage people to start thinking about starting relation links. (And seeing their character with none may encourage them. From what I've seen your method (and Phoenix's threads) have been generally to display information in a nice consolidated pretty format. I admit I'd like to do the latter with this as well. But the objective isn't to have people write in whatever they want, since people tend to think one conversation = relationship done. Using an age-old but good example Iso-Katie was just lol XD But as I said, if things get too messy or I quit RotE and can't be bothered sticking around to make the list accurate, I'll definitely keep your suggestion in mind.
  4. Firstly, I'd like the to ask people not to make several variants of this thread. This is for everything character related; from ranking who's more useful in stat fights, to character theme songs to Character relations and critique. [spoiler=Relation Chart] *Please note that this post (first one) will be the only post which will be updated, there will not be more up-to-date charts/graphs or ladder rankings on the following pages. *Please inform me through PM's, IRC or by posting in this thread if you believe your character has an existing relation with another character. (You should also check with the owner of the character if such a relation is acceptable: Unless they're one sided) *Any character may be placed on the relation chart. Even character like Chip and Maw. But I will be expecting at least 3 connections before putting non-primary PC's onto the chart. *Images are from your avatar, if you would like them changed please PM me with an alternative. Images in the relation chart should resemble your character, but those who can't provide one can simply use a sensible alternative. Ask Phoenix to splice you something <img src='http://serenesforest.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/XD.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='XD' /> [spoiler=Character Competency]High Synthia Gytha Raquel Medium Nanahm Amon John Veronika Shadrak Bottom Domovoi Damian Axel Chelsea
  5. Rule of thumb: guards are stupid and will always let you escape if you bother trying.... jk Seriously though, there's no reason for the guards not to accept him. And if the group gets attacked because of Damian, he'll be even more unwelcome then he is at the moment. People don't tend to help much when it comes to recruitment, they sort of point and laugh at you for putting yourself in a difficult position. So that you're forced into setting fire to everything XD jk At the moment, the only thing labeling you as a bad guy is Gytha so kill her and all will be well and the other guys just are going along with what Gytha says. So I'd focus on something with Mercakete(Gytha). The others might feel uneasy around you for awhile but unless they're complete assholes they'll close their eyes to small plot holes like that :/ My personal suggestion? Well I don't have much info to work with, but from what I know, it might be possible to integrate Damian if he turns against his employer, and the employer is hostile against the group as well :/ (Common-enemy)
  6. [spoiler=Friendlies/Neutrals] Name: Eriya Haneyama Age: 19 (Female) Class: Knight (Wind) Weapon proficiency: Sword Inventory: Iron Sword Raw Stats: HP: 5 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 2 LCK: 1 DEF: 6 RES: 2 Simplified Stats: HP:15 Atk:4 Hit:3 AS:2 Avo:3 Def:6 Res:2 Points: 92-60=32 (For Level UP *2*) Occupation: 7th Year Warrior Hometown: Haon Village (NorthEast of Kayoyama) Backstory: Son of Muraji Haneyama, and primary guardian for the Hiryuumaden Shrine located in Haon Village. Despite being female, her mother had insisted on raising Eriya as a boy when she was born and as a result is one of the few (if not only) woman within Kigens military ranks. While enlisting in the military would have resulted in her gender being revealed, The Haneyama family used their position as the protectors of the Hiryuumaden shrine to their advantage, hiring private tutors to train Eriya as she grew up. On Eriya's 18th birthday however she witnessed her mothers death by the hands of her father, an event that resulted in her father taking one of Kigens national treasure (The Kushinada Comb) which had been housed in the Hiryuumaden shrine. Not only did this event cause outrage amongst the Kigenese noble (warrior) houses, but was later used to fuel the Gaishoukinjihou (Foreign merchants forbidden policy). Her mother dead, and her family name in tatters, Eriya was given the choice of locating her father and retrieving the Kushinada or bestowing an honorable death upon herself. Making the obvious decision, she headed to Ursium to find the whereabouts of her father. [spoiler=Not so Friendlies] Name: Jyaryou Douma Gender: Male Age: 39 Class: Level 4 Myrmidon (Level=Eriya+2) Raw Stats HP: 5 STR: 4 SKL: 8 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 4 RES: 1 Simplified Stats HP: 15 MT: 4 Hit: 8 Evade: 7 AS: 5 Def: 4 Res: 1 Weapon 1: Swordslayer Spear Weapon 2: Slim Sword Special Weapon: Half-Plate Armor (Nulls poison, halves bow damage) Item(LP owner): Vulnerary Overall Stats W1:// HP: 15 MT: 4(+2) Hit: 8(+4) Evade: 7 AS: 5 Def: 4 Res: 1 Or W2:// HP: 15 MT: 4(-1) Hit: 8 Evade: 7 AS: 5 Def: 4 Res: 1 (Doubles if E/AS=3) Occupation: Samurai from Kigen? Nature/Disposition: Serious, Quiet Hometown: Shin Connections: Merchant? Backstory: Currently works for a merchant(+TBA)
  7. The merchant nodded his head at the warden standing nearby, who quickly stepped infront of the lock jingling the keys loudly before the heavy thunk of metal rung threw the prison indicating that the men were now free. "Good luck powerful warrior of the sea, let that lowly scumbag of a captain get what he deserves." Receiving a nod of acknowledgment from Veil, he nodded back, and then switched to thanking and smiling at every thug as they passed by him to the outside world. It wouldn't surprise him if a few of them deserted, but a good few seemed genuinely fooled by their captains betrayal, and others were trying hard to hide their greed and desire for the gold and jewels he'd mentioned. Making sure that Veil and the seadogs had gone, he dismissed the warden and waited a few seconds. After making sure that he was alone "Douma!" he stated crisply only waiting half a second before another figure appeared out of the darkness. A man from Kigen this time with a sickly pale complexion, and two katana's by his waist indicating that he was either a high ranked warrior or Samurai of Kigen. "You know what to do" the merchant sneered, any trace of his cheerfulness completely gone. "As you wish Master" the man called Douma replied, falling on one knee and bowing his head deeply before once again disappearing. The merchant snickered to himself content with how everything had gone,before wrinkling his nose at the state of the prison. "Filthy rats" he muttered before leaving the prison, off to his next line of business.
  8. I'm not exactly what you're fussing about, Neither you Snike, Slave expressed any desire to be part of a team yet:/ And since the three of you are taking forever, Phoenix's last post sort of gave me the feeling that we're going to times skip without organizing you guys. Rule of Rp'ing, or anything online. Take initiative, don't expect people to do stuff for you :/ ...Actually that applies to RL too :/ Anyway~ If you're wanting a group, have Chelsea ask one of the three remainders (Axel, Nanahm, John) Alternatively, you could pre-organize a team with Damian(13th) before the battle and slap it together when the battle comes (on-the-spot-team).
  9. The merchant smiled, simpletons he thought to himself. "Oh, I'm very grateful, I knew you men were capable trustworthy men the moment I heard about your feats at sea!" he said, his cheerfulness once again returning. "I must say though, it'll be hard tracking your captain as he's headed inland, and I must get my gold and jewels, you may not like it, but I've hired a guide of sorts to help you find your traitorous captain, so that he doesn't get away with this" he finished Emphasizing "traitorous" as it had been the topic which had riled the thugs up the most. A cold calculating smile crossed his lips for only a second before a figure who'd gone unnoticed stepped out from the darkness behind him. "This is..." he started, only to be cut off by the man.
  10. ~~~~~~~~~~Back at Fairgale~~~~~~~~~~ A plump man smiled as the guards at Fairgale prison reluctantly accepted his money and agreed to what he'd been convincing them the past few minutes. Tucking an odd slate of metal back under his robes he walked into where a supposed band of pirates were being held. Rumor had of a bunch of sea ruffians getting captured had spread quickly, as it always did when local guards achieved something. Most likely propaganda to make themselves look good. Frowning at the poorly kept building he shook his head as he followed his guide, not taking very long before several crowded cells came into view. Pausing for only a slight second before he put on his business smile and greeted the seadogs. "Ah, you must be the the captains men" he said sounding cheerful, "I'm here to get you out" he added quickly before any of the men could make any snide remarks. He'd dealt with ruffians before and they weren't smart enough to be wooed, but they did react to immediate gains. "I am Nige, a humble merchant, or at least I was until your captain and his friends attacked me on my way here, stealing my horses and merchandise" he paused frowning as a few of them jeered. "He's not coming back here" he stated bluntly silencing the jeers. "Your captain has new friends now, and they're headed in the opposite direction from Fairgale and he's decided to let you all rot in here." The cheerful merchant smile leaving his lips and being replaced with a stern look of contempt. "My proposition to you, is I will get you out of here, if you can retrieve my merchandise for me, no, you can keep my merchandise, but I just want one crate, it's full of gold and jewels that I was delivering to a noble in Ursaea and I'll lose my head if I don't get it back. So how about it? You can have my merchandise and your revenge, if you'll help me get back one single crate?
  11. Instead of Thief-Rogue getting 2SKL 2SPD upon promotion, they now get 2SPD 2Lck instead. So the crazy needs to drop two SKL and gain 2Lck I think.
  12. Who are you? Where's Phoenix? :/ You can't be real since you're not on IRC and you're actually raising good points :/ If you put it that way, I suppose I agree, sort of feel like I'm favoring myself (def char) and that I'm picking on healers XD But I do suppose Defenders face more risks for their action then healers.
  13. :/ I have a habit of forgetting things that are dealt with, but lets see how this withered brain of mine works. -Firstly it was since 2heals (6exp) was better then a normal kill (2hits 5exp) And that was it really :/ We started with "should heal exp go to the individual or the whole group?" and the end results was to give it to the whole group at a lesser rate :/ So there wasn't any important reason I don't think, just seemed more appropriate and balanced, but raising it back to 3exp, would encourage people to create more healers and defenders I guess. :/
  14. @Roy Healing Exp was nerfed to 2per heal within teams, (so everyone gets 2exp for you healing) totaling 6 exp, opposed to 9exp. You still will however gain 3exp if you're not part of a team. @Defense Exp I'd make it the same as healing to be honest. Or we could just leave it at 3exp cause I have a defender and want more points! jk
  15. Just quickly before I start reading, I've noticed a few of you around, but not in IRC, something up or are you guys just not in an IRC mood today? :P Also... *plan to revive chat thread semi-successful* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -(Complicated) Yeah, sort of been my tone since RotE planning started. "Remove everything! It's too complicated* + *bitchbitchbitch* It's just that some things need to be modified to flow better. This is why I tried to remove simplify everything, because I knew thing would get added later XD -(Defender) Nyah~ I see now :/ Interesting, think this is one of those rare occassion when I actually like one of your suggestion/additions XD -(Bitching/Lone wolf) I don't see the problem with bitching at someone who doesn't follow a plan in-game, as I keep saying this isn't "Mommy-Daddy" where we have to all love eachother and get along. So friction at the stage is nice. "Positive interaction is good, but negative interaction isn't bad. At the very least, it's still better then no interaction." As for lone wolf syndrome, they do bring it upon themselves, but as I said in my last post, even that's solved once they're given the ability to make a second character. -(EXP) 5~10 is a good range. And more suitable once teams start sharing EXP with eachother. Regarding exp though, Am I right in assuming successful "Defends" results in 2exp for all team mates (like healers) or do they follow a different tune?
  16. @Cynthia -There's really not much for me to say since I've already addressed pretty much everything, for the first point, (participation) it's more a balancing factor, and the point regardin 0exp covers that. -RP'er post count isn't really a smart way to think, a RP'er with two characters would be much better off attacking then a person with only one. -Your third point I'm not sure if you're tired or intentionally ignoring the point regarding "sitting out" Either way, I've already replied to it and see no reason to do so again in detail. @Phoenix -(LUCK negating Crits) I'm really not too fond of the idea as it complicates the calculations, and a crit is rare enough as is. It was just idea vomit at the time, and unless there's more support for it, I personally can't be bothered getting behind it. -(Domovoi and uncooperative team mates) Nyeh! At least I can't make up for my agreeing first by disagreeing. Uncooperative team mates bring more color to the RP stat battles. In battle it's not like everyone listens to everyone else, not in a ragtag mercenary group at least anyway. If Domovoi or any other character wants to do their own little thing, they just become less appealing as a team mate. (As it would be In-game) Cooperation isn't an issue for most, so I doubt there'll be any real issues over this. -Defense... I'm sketchy on, mainly cause it encourages people to leave the defender out until the end. Though on the other hand, I suppose it would give defending more of a role. Item use on the other hand though I completely support. -(CC) Being CC'ed is an option that's available and there's no actual need to agree to people rolling/controlling you. It's not a "have to" but a "if you want to" -(Arguing, and posting at the same time) A Cynthia point which I think I've answered enough already. But I'll say it again <_< Uncooperative members do not need to be a part of a group <_< Why you keep referring to people being uncooperative as an issue is beyond me. If you don't like someone because they argue that they should always attack, or that they simply don't cooperate, kick them out and add someone else, or just remain a party of two. People being "left out" of Team selections can easily be dealt with in Ch4 when they have a 2nd character to make up the second member of their group. (If they're uncooperative with one, there'll probably be uncooperative for a second character) -(Averages)To be honest, the original concept of teams didn't include the "Bonus EXP" you're throwing out in wads at the moment. If it was 5exp (or 10exp in certain cases) for an objective. People wouldn't be so desperate to get it. And I didn't think this "bonus" would be factored into the average. Either way, I do agree exp gain is a tricky topic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Both Roys ideas work, to an extent, I like the first one of having a surplus for the actives. Regarding the second point though, I'd probably add a limit to the "below average part" since someone who got 20 (average 25) doesn't really need to be bumped up to 25. In regards to exp though I'm still looking for a decrease in "Bonus exp" It's not a bonus when it's larger then your original payment! And I'm not sure about rewarding people who haven't "been around" with equal/more exp then those that have been around from the beginning.
  17. The thing regarding the above though is I don't actually think "All" Rp'ers are active :/ They aren't now, and I doubt they ever will be. So the last point about having someone sit out isn't really going to be as problematic as you seem to think as long as people don't cluster into groups of solely active people. I honestly doubt that Snike and GoD could be considered bad luck by anyones standards. (No offense but I wouldn't want them on my team either)Actually, I guess that was offensive, nyeh :/ But going back to the first point now, that option is pretty silly :/ Giving people the option to control the characters of others doesn't work in RPing (since they'd rather make the character fade into the background out of fear of doing something wrong). And in the stat part it's silly for 1 person being able to use up 1/2 (or if increased 1/3) of the PP turns up because he/she has been given control of 2 other characters. I'm not sure that being deprived of a roll is that big a deal. You're still getting the exp for any successful kills. (+heals/defs) and characters can still post their RP posts.Furthermore, if the person is really that desperate to roll dice and calculate damage, creating a team of two is an open alternative. Since there's no "loss" in being a team of two in comparison to a team of three as long as you don't die. Which is sort of encouraged you know? Not reaching 0hp you know? :/ I'm not sure what you're saying at here, since the first part is regarding an issue with the current system, Again, the proposed model doesn't require you to be in a group of three to gain the best results. So if it seems silly to be the third wheel, pairing up might be the better alternative. This isn't a new point, as it's mentioned above, so I'm just assuming this is here to illustrate that it's not much of a fix. Though situational is still motive to try. I have suggested that, didn't get much of a reaction though from Phoenix and others present :/ Your entire argument is centered around someone having to sit out, this isn't true unless they opt to go into a group of three willingly. And sitting on the sidelines is already an existing problem with late come'ers. Furthermore, and increase to 7-8 PP turns, only addresses a fraction of the points listed. I'd also mention Phoenix asking the group if he can skip a PP turn because it'd been an hour or two and there was only 4~5 turns used up.You're the GM (along with Phoenix) so if you don't like it, that's fine, but the "sitting out" statement just isn't true unless you want it to be.
  18. Kanami

    Roy's Art

    Kanami reluctantly gives her tick of cuteness for the Griffin Nevermind that a tick on your paper in Japan means it's incorrect or wrong :P
  19. It's late, and I have nothing to do so I figure I might as well write up my thoughts on PP's action limit. At the moment PP end and switches to EP at 6 actions. And I assume the current system would be to simply raise the 6 actions to something higher as more characters join the group. And while that would possibly work, I've been entertaining the idea of alternatives. ~The Complication~ A major concern of mine is that there'll be group that get little exp, while others will start raking it in. A current team would be Amon/Gytha/Synthia. Arguably the most active/successful characters in term of stat combat at the moment. While a supposed team of Axel/Chelsea/Nanahm would get very little due to their activity and/or timezones. Nanahm being the most active of the trio would be competing against the former 3 characters. And as time passes the discrepancy between a low activity party and a high active party would only worsen. -Kanami plan~ My suggestion/idea comes in two parts. *To limit actions to 2 per squad. So in Group A (see above)* Amon and Gytha could attack, (or) Gytha could attack and Synthia heal (or) Amon could attack and Synthia heal But all three making an action wouldn't be allowed *A team leader would be voted upon to control the others who aren't around* Obviously, this would be optional, and people could refuse to hand control over at all. But the aim is to prevent "dead team mates" who simply aren't around for the battle. An example being (Group B) Nanahm (SlaveBlade) having the ability to use Chelsea (after receiving GoD's permission) to heal. ~Objectives~ -More selective team member choices. The present model encourages RP'ers to choose other RP'ers who are highly active to be in their team for maximum gain. By allowing only two characters to "Act", the third member becomes more important. As groups like Domovoi/Amon/Gytha would render one team mate obsolete. (Though still a back up). -Thinking and team discussion playing a more important role. At present, the team which rolls the most dice or makes the most actions is easily going to be the strongest team (if they don't die). And there's nothing strategic about rushing into grab an "Action" before another team does. By making people think about which character gets priority and is more vital to the group excelling. -Being left out sucks It's kind of dull jumping in at the end and saying that your character was killing generics. (Non statted imaginary enemies) the whole time. And while you may still get the average, it's not really a good idea to attack anyone if the enemy's nearly been defeated. This leads onto the next point. -0Exp and attacking seeming like a silly idea. As explained above, a group which only has one active member isn't going to get far. If you log on and find that other teams have got 25exp, and your team is still on 0. Would you attack the last enemy for 5 exp, or would you rather remain silent and get the average? This scenario is likely in the event that one guy attacks, but has to wait for his team mates to log on to complete the enemies death. By adding the second part (Voting on a leader) it significantly decreases the likelihood of this happening since someone should usually be around. And the first part (2 Action limit) would encourage the "active" people to spread out a bit more and not cluster up into one group. -A team of two, versus a team of three (Equal potential, equal opportunity) A team of two shouldn't be more disadvantaged then a group of three if fairness is to be considered. A group of two in the proposed idea would both be able to act, and hence has the same chances as a team of three. However a team of three retains its ability to make a choice (3rd team member) and they also have a reserve in the case of one of the characters being decapitated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I do acknowledge that there may be some complications with the above suggestion, and would like to discuss any issues people may have with it. And I'll add/remove/edit the idea to solve any issues. I'll start by raising a problem I just thought of XD -Third member becoming obsolete, and hanging around with nothing to do. Well Roy, Phoenix, (and maybe Slave) we were trying to work out a use for LUCK before. I think this would be a chance to give it a use besides items. Using the same concept as a revive, the third character can roll (must be the RP controller, not an allocated leader) their Lck against an enemy targets Lck. CLck - ELck = X And if X is 1~6, then a role of a single dice may be used to determine whether a third action may be taken by the group. (Equal to, or more then X would result in a successive third strike) Perhaps throw in that this is only available every other turn if it seems too over-powered? Though if you don't think the third character becoming obsolete will be an issues, this point can be ignored....... and now it's my bed time :P I wonder how many people will actually read this and leave a response.
  20. Cause that's the only type of love I've seen on the SF RP forums for the last year or so. Think they're all from LoAF, other RP's don't stick around long enough for things like love and stuff to develop. @Sage Coming from my former stalker, that's not too convincing, in Snowy's case Phoenix was also strongly mixed in :/ And you people seem to forget that LoAF wasn't my first RP, and that I've been to other forums before. Small obsessive minds like yours can only think within confined spaces I see. :/
  21. @Rails Well, in all honesty? Snowy didn't have the logical brains to direct a plot. That's all there is to it really. @Mentions Nyeh, fine, though regarding finishing things. I finish things, it's just that I reserve that for things I think are worth my time. Sadly internet Rp'ing isn't one of them, and never will be. Since I'd honestly not try and enjoy something I find is boring me to tears. I could be like others and post once every two-three days I suppose, but it becomes more of a chore then entertainment at that stage. Love is boring in general, it's a mental disease somewhere between Alzheimers and Trichotillomania :/ I don't actually understand why love in RP's need to included half naked men and girls constantly being saved. A close friendship feel works just as well to illustrate :/ Intertwined stories are nice if they can be brought into the RP. But in many cases I find that the intertwined stories become irrelevant, and frequently only get a mention in the signup, never to be mentioned again. (Besides a "Hi, we meet again" during recruitment) Though I do understand what you're trying to get at, I personally would prefer to see people making "subplots" that involve more then just their own character/s.
  22. Like religion? But I still stand by my earlier comment. Relax, sleep, enjoy a few luxuries. There's plenty to do that doesn't involve traveling with a group and constantly swaying between life and death.... well, unless you're a battle-holic :/ Plenty of other reasons you've listed about anyway. Sympathy, Self-comparison, possible frienship, even simply interest.
  23. 1: Well there's actually seldom (if any) dialogue regarding the FE, and I doubt Raquel will hand it over to people to study, and "getting a turn" with it.... well it's not even clear if it really is the FE, and if people can actually have several turns with it. So it seems like a week reason. Though I do think joining the group for personal gain (eg stealing the valuable) is a pretty good reason. If anything seems awkward it can be placed down as the character being uneasy :/ 2: The most common and typical reason, but Raquel isn't exactly a wealthy noble who's able to hire a legion of mercenaries. Hell she's admitted her payment is crap and that the main pro for joining is discounts. Just as bargain sales aren't a reason to actually buy crappy products, a discount really isn't that much of an initiative to be employed. It's a nice addition on the side but isn't a good "main payment" 3: It worked better in LoAF with the crimson weapons. In RoTE, the only person who "needs" to stay with the group is Raquel, everyone else is expendable. And many character (Gytha, Nanahm, Domovoi etc) desperately trying to stay with the group is silly. Maybe for awhile, but wanting to stay with the group at LoAF level (Iso/Irina) would be abnormal at this stage. 4: That's really just people closing their eyes and accepting it cause there's either no good alternatives, or they don't care. "Just felt like it" isn't a reason, it's a feeling. "Why did you smash that window?" it's not because you felt like it, well it is, but that's how you felt, why you did it could be a number of reasons. But feelings of wanting (or not wanting) to do something come from a separate reason. 5: Justice and morals are something I hate using, but I agree that this is a valid reasoning. There could be many reasons for staying with the group based on morals, such as repaying a member within a group (favor/money). Wanting to make sure the emblem doesn't fall into evils hands. There are others like wanting to help Raquel (or someone else) out of kindness, but unless you're trying to get in their pants or something, "I feel like being nice" isn't really a reason to stick with and help someone for an unknown period of time. (The ordeal might take several years) 6: Again with the FE, it seems pretty solidified in the minds of the GM that the shiny object Raquel holds is part of the FE or at least closely linked to it. That's fine in IRC and chat, but like the CWeapons in LoAF, It's odd that so many people are recognizing it as the FE. Wasn't the FE thought to be a myth? Either way it's been missing from human knowledge for many years. Don't get me wrong, I actually like this much more then "hire me!" but the way you guys are treating it lately, I wouldn't be surprised if your next village sprung you and try to rob you of the FE. 7: This combined with a hint of 6 is what I'm planning to do with my character, despite, "Hey, you hate X too? Lets kill him together!" being a dodgy/corny post XD 8: I can live with, the difference from 3 is that it hasn't got this negative feeling of a "con artist" and trying to convince someone to leave. Though lovers flying around everywhere is creepy (personally). And I've seen too much of Ethers softcore porn as is. Wouldn't mind it so much if the lovers were controlled by separate RP'ers :/ Either way, it works ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EDIT @Phoenix: Yeah, of course, since all the problems were solved and dealt with in chapter 7 <_< Plot stupidity has been continuing for as long as Snowy's been GM. (As much as I hate to say it, LoAF makes alot more sense with you putting the rails down). And the only reason I mentioned early LoAF is because you're knowledge of me in RP's comes from early LoAF as well :/ So I'm not the only one pulling out "things gone by" to make points :/
  24. I've always held an rping standard from others. :/ Hell I've probably ranted more times about plausibility then I have set fires :/ And I'm sure you've noticed that my bitching/whining about things is as frequent as my flaming tendencies (if not more). I know you can't be bothered arguing so I'll make this brief. Early LoAF was filled with stupid incomprehensible rubbish. Mainly cause most of you all had "faith" in Snowy and ignored every problem or contradiction to hurry the plot along. I generally made those small problems explode so that people would stop ignoring their surroundings and situations. I admit I had fun destroying things, but if you don't acknowledge the crappy plot structure, you're still the idiot you were back then. A good writer isn't at all necessary for Rping. Not unless you're the GM, or you're constantly setting up new plot devices for the enemy. As long as your sentence structure is clear enough and you're relatively active. You can pretty much go the entire way just be reacting to other characters and events that occur.
  25. Nyeee~ more violence! Then I can mount an argument that the group are more ruffian thugs then nooble mercenaries. I don't mind violent characters :/ Though I prefer aggressive characters. (The difference being that the later doesn't try to maul you physically every time they get a chance) I wonder how much of stat combat Damian will see considering the times I've seen you online :/ Ah well, seems like your stepping in now, so good luck, and try to have as much fun as possible At the expense of everyones sanity.
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