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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Depends on what aspect I suppose, I'm not at all a fan of the plotline of SR robots, but in terms of moves (usefulness in games), appearance, I'd go with SR's. For plot and pilots though, generally RR. I've never actually liked gundams :/ Always liked the concept of the Zeon(-based) mechs better. Though my comments come mainly from games (opposed to anime/manga).
  2. What your explaining to me is the need for rights, and as much as I hate to admit it, they're neccessary, but they're nothing more then a guideline for something should be handled. I don't really support this policy so it's not exactly a good example, but if someone wants to express their love for pedophilia via manga, they have the right to do that. That doesn't automatically make everything concerning it okay. (For example moving it to the 18+ section). "It is wrong to kill someone" does mean the person has committed wrong, but the law isn't so simple that the "act" automatically leads to a result. Factors need to be considered on a "case-to-case" basis. That's where the "logic or lack thereof" can be balanced and a solution/conclusion can be attained. Comparing Safety/Life to things like expression/firearms makes little sense to me. But that aside, your post clearly stated I have a hatred for "People that strongly believe in rights" Opposed to "People having rights." My "hatred" for "people" that advocate rights as the end of an argument mainly stems from freedom of speech. "**** you all! You're all idiots and have no idea what your talking about" By right, I can say that, by rules (of SF) I can't. So which one takes priority? Are rights so fragile that they can be taken away that easily? No? But I have rights.... it's a stupid argument, and that's how I perceive most of the "rights" people. Rights aren't absolute, and it shouldn't be overturning the "logic/illogical" balance solely because people prefer a more simple system.
  3. Close, but not completely correct. I have a "weird" hatred for people who cite "rights" as an automatic conclusion to an argument. I just think if "rights" contradicts common sense, rights should be thrown out the window. Clearly I don't believe strongly in them, and most of you probably value your rights more then I do. Using a really basic example anyone would understand, a man kills another man. (Under whatever circumstances). Just looking at the event generally it's murder, but the circumstances could make it manslaughter, self defense, etcetc. Rights in the same sense need to be applied and considered accordingly. Rights = I'm not going to think, I win = Kanami not likey.
  4. That's not surprising really, I mean if this were the US I'm sure you rights waving idiots people would be waving their rights around to block such a bill. "I have the freedom to express myself, I loved my sister as a kid and want to make a show about a horny guy wanting his sister" or something to that extent. While not in those exact words, I'm sure someone will start waving rights around in Japan as well. Either way, it's an unwelcome restriction to the Otaku/anime/manga community, so I can understand the lashback it'd be getting. Even after reading the article I don't see a point in such a bill. But I suppose I don't completely grasp the ideology behind the "governor" either. If anything it just seems like a good way to piss off a rather notable size of the population. @Eclipse At the moment I'd say it's nothing to worry about, I mean it's unlikely to get anywhere anyway, I've actually done some looking around Japanese sources and while there seems to be opposition and neutrality to the issue, there doesn't seem to be any expectations or support either. (Though that might just be the online community). One interesting post though commented (and links to the OP's videogame comment) how some US games would be prohibited. Grand Theft Auto? And similar games which sort of promote running over civillians, prostitutes and drugs as recreational would likely be removed from open all-age purchase. Since it's clearly in infringement. Japans rating (PG G M15+ MA15+ R etc) is sort of lax if not near non-existent, so I wouldn't give it much thought beyond the US introducing a MA18+ category. It doesn't say it'll prohibit sales, it just says it'll be moved to another corner. (Less accessbile but still there) and overall wouldn't expect much (if any) repercussions overseas as minor stuff that offend wouldn't make it overseas anyway. @Panty and Stocking It's safe, the bill won't take affect until April next year and P&S should be finished by then even if the bill does turn into an abusive tool of oppression XD
  5. I feel like I'm been recruited or scammed into something.... XD Interesting difference in the articles though, the Eclipse source, points out the focus as things such as prostitution, incest and "other illegal activities" to not be sold to children under the age of 18. The article Eclipse posted doesn't really mention too much about prohibiting "inappropriateness in general" so I'm somewhat assured. I mean I wouldn't mind prostitution, incest or drug dealing to be removed. But it would detract from some serious stories. (Eg Dad raped girl, so girl is mentally scarred). Though that doesn't actually promote it... wonder if something like that will be covered :/ Seems like a dumbed down version of the story though. Apparently it was suggested in June this year and got knocked back though (the idea). This'll lead to a more distinct line between the 18+ genre and the kiddy programs, so I suppose for more serious anime/manga you'd have to risk taking a peek in the 18+ section :/ doesn't mean it'll be all porn and violence though, just means it'll be relocated to another section.
  6. It'll fuck with Pico.... wait that came out wrong (More to the point it's already in the 18+ section I think) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The concept isn't bad, I haven't seen this seasons anime to see how bad it is, but that's taking a mighty big chunk of anime this season with it :/ I'm more concerned about how much it'll cover, "inappropriate acts" isn't restricted to sexual scenes. And while I've agreed with prohibiting some games in the past (for their extreme content) an overall ban legislation seems to not only be discouraging but non-profitable. I'm not willing to go to Sankaku or dig around for the source, but who's the person behind this bill? It mentions something about the legislator in the first homosexuality part. Idea overall seems stupid, There were complaints at Higurashi (relatively understandably) and Death Note years ago, which were the better animes these past few years. As for videogames..... the policy won't last if it only affects Tokyo, and hopefully the other prefectures aren't stupid enough to follow suit. The bill means nothing, it's the guidelines the inspection'ers will be using that interests me.
  7. Code Geass R3! ..... Or rather a Gaiden Anime :/ Not much information on it yet but the official japanese site is probably able to be considered credible source XD Boukoku No Akito :/
  8. What did I say about laziness Astra? *tch tch*
  9. Friend forced me into playing, wasn't going to stick with it for very long but considering the state of the forums I visit, figured it was a good way to kill time. (Better some hostile active gaming community then a dull boring forum) As a general principle, I loathe online games :P Though I', curious as to why me playing one surprises you. I mean, I don't think I've even seen you outside a few select threads.
  10. Pantheon and Teeemo O_o Leavers? If not.... How'd they even afford those items XD
  11. While I won't contest you not having balls, the committee of females would like to inform you that we don't want you on our side of the gender line. Come back after surgery and we'll consider it. That aside, I don't see how that could have offended you, your work is usually in the good~great range with the others, and I was just saying how you seem to be the only one who's submitted so far out of the fancy spriters :/ Ah well, I don't have a problem with people taking offense, so go ahead and consider it a kick between the legs.
  12. .... Where'd all the good spriters go? (no Offense to current entrants) but Nickt's entry is clearly in a league of it's own this week. The set was hard to work with maybe?
  13. Even so, I don't understand why that needed to be said XD (not that I'm complaining) It's like walking along the street and having some random guy tell you he doesn't like you. It doesn't hurt, it doesn't mean anything, the best response I can think of is "...Yeah, so?" LotE'r invasion?
  14. I started spriting mugs for LoAF'ers that didn't have an image before you did :/ And Damian just happened to be the first signup on the registration page. Got bored of LoAF soon afterwards, and your FE10 splices looked more attractive as a portrait, so I gave up :/ Reika was originally: Then I changed her to Amelia(FE8)'s armor, and then back to the Serra(?) clothes for the RP. Speaking of FE10, my first and most likely last GC/Wii FE splice.
  15. I'm taking it that Lumi and Kai have quit too?
  16. Kanami

    Hatari's Splices

    The most obvious fix is to make sure an outline surrounds your character, the red part is where the border is missing. (The left side OurPV, has border but it's plain black) To be honest, I didn't mind the FE7/8 color combination in this splice, but the border should be one single color. I know you posted it before coloring, so my apologies if you already planned to do that. Recoloring is easy, not sure if you already know this but: -Select the eyedropper -Left click on the color you want to change (blue) -Select the eyedropper again -Right click on the color you want to change to (red). (You'll need another mug for the color you want) -Select the eraser. -Hover your eraser over color you want to change (blue) and right click. *Note, some programs seem to require you to set your setting to paint setting to transparent* I use MSpaint and it works for me :P Shouldn't take any longer then 5 minutes, even for a really complicated splice.
  17. .... So many comments, yay :/ @Astra: A Loooong way I'll most likely never travel No idea why I started splicing in the first place, think it might of been a requisite for an RP..... Anyway, I'm not an artsy person, I failed both primary school art. And barely passed the compulsory junior high classes. And I loathe putting pen to paper for any reason other then writing. (Has issues doing brainstorms and graphs and tables too) XD Objective wasn't and never will be to make amazing sprites, I'd probably try if FE was a booming franchise, but we all know it isn't (anymore at leasr). So I probably won't ever go back to fix the older ones, not because I'm incapable or lazy (It'll look better if I fix them, not be much, but better so I am capable) but so I can see the minimal progress I've made over the year. @Strawman Thanks, it was supposed to be Elk from the PS2 .Hack games, but I actually haven't ever played a .Hack game before XD and only did it as a request for some guy I met over a year ago. The image he gave me as reference was fanart which painted him bright blue. Other fanart usually make it a darker blue. *shrugs* Example: @Hatari Thanks, though you'd be alot better then I am if you'd been spriting for as long as I have XD Though two years from now, I doubt (at least) half of us will even still be connected to FE, never mind Serenes. I know I won't XD Anyway, the best advice I can give is don't hole up like I did :P Actively seek critique from others and listen to them XD You've got at least two great spriters teaching you, so you'll grow quickly if you stick to it :P @Amelia Shading? What's shading? I wish you wouldn't use complicated artsy lingo on me Amelia, speak in a language I understand, please? :P jk Shading is something I probably won't ever get better at. I somewhat pulled myself out of my pillowing ways. That's a bigger task than I'm suppose to be capable of. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Found Elk v1 XD
  18. With the exception of the 5th row, everything's just splices I've done over the years, so yeah. Mediocre splices, but nothing great (hence the title XD) 1: Ones actually my first attempt at fiddling with FE mugs, and I did play with the clothes and hair tips a bit. But for the most part, you're right, it's just a recolor. 2: Not quite sure what you mean by using FE colors, with the exception of the first and 5th one (first row) where I used pure black for the outline (and part of the clothes). The rest should have used FE colors :/ (Eye dropper)
  19. Been spriting for over 2 years(?) now. And I've finally reached a somewhat decent level. Top2 rows are the older ones, everything else is placed pretty much at random. *Red dots indicate works which WERE Spliced by myself, though the concept belonged to someone else. They generally come from redoing peoples mugs for them. Would list who they are if I could remember.
  20. Talent? Well if you want comments the chunky hair and funny looking clothes were a complete turn off for me. Hairstyles more preference I think, but the body (especially the collar/neck region) looked blurred, chunky and ugly :/ To be outright rude, it was creative ugly.
  21. Key point to note is focusing on graphical "standards" opposed to focusing on "graphics." There is an obvious difference. And while the mentioned companies don't focus on making the flashiest game, graphics still is an integral part of the game. Compare Disgaea 3 or even 2, with older titles like Disgaea 1, Phantom Brave or La Pucelle. The graphical "standard" is improving, with the sprites becoming cleaner, more detailed and supposedly better looking overall. Esau's already made clear that graphical improvement is inevitable. But claiming graphics to be irrelevant is just plain stupid. And I'm surprised that anyone could be so naive enough to think otherwise. Using your Fire Emblem hack, do graphics matter to you? Do you have a preference between the mugs you sprite now, and the mugs you spliced 2 years ago? Or do you not care? Your recent statement regarding quality control in ToS clearly indicates the former. I don't know if you enjoy the Disgaea franchise, but assuming you find it decent, would your opinion change if the sprites were stick figures, the maps a flat grid chess board type field, and if the art looked like a 5 year old'd gone crazy with a crayon. Are you saying your opinion wouldn't change in the slightest? Cause that's what "irrelevant" means :/ Not having a standard would mean stray pixels, mis-shaped objects, and unclean animations. Something every game should avoid. As for comparisons? FF13, CoD, SMG2 are all focusing on a completely different department of graphics. "Good graphics" are not determined by what looks real. Games like Disgaea and Yggdra are intentionally drawn in their anime-ish fashion. And it's not because they're being stingy with their funds. Summarizing, the graphics might not be what you consider stunning, and if you're arguing that they focus on their graphics less, then you have a point. But graphical standards are another matter completely. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As for the silly little kid Lucent, do you want me to comment on your stupid remarks or should I save myself the time and ignore it considering you've "maturely" withdrawn yourself from the argument?
  22. You're American?... That would explain so much :/ Right, because Square is the king of the world, and they're clearly doing something wrong if they're not always at the top of the best sellers list <_< As far as I'm concerned the only thing Square has going for it is it's FF fandom. And as you say later on in your post, it comes from previously successful games. (Games which I thought were boring). @Bold+Underline Firstly you're an idiot, If you disagree read that statement again, and again and again until you realize how stupid that remark is. @Bold only Of course, there can only ever be one type of "good art style" right? Being Jrpg's you'd think Disgaeas anime style would make sense, but no. Of course they all need to max out the PS3/360's capabilities <_< Honestly, you make valid points, but they're so narrowminded, you ignore everything else. Oh really? That's good, it means I'm arguing on the same level as you then. You're only argument which makes any proper sense is the sales of certain games. Which is easily nulled by my statement previously that "graphics" don't make a game, several other factors work together to create a game. Look at the entire picture kid. As for people being intelligent? Get out of college and interact with "society" and then maybe you'll notice that the world isn't as smart as you'd like to think. And if you're a working member of society, then you really do need to open your eyes. Firstly and foremostly, I've bolded and underlined another statement, see above for instructions. Your beloved Gamesfaq and whatever other review sites you refer to list graphics, and Sound as core components along with Gameplay, calling them insignificant is not only false, but a clear representation of your childish bias. Rant all you want, but video games are not an "art" for most gamers, it's a form of entertainment. They play it for the entertainment factor, not to frame the cd on their living room wall and admire the CD/box/screenshots. I am aware you don't mean art to be paintings and pottery, but frankly, with your classification of "art" everything from a random idea to the latest invention could be considered "art" Right, Halflife and ShadowCol are the pinnacle of good graphics, sure. As I said earlier, there's only one form of graphics that are acceptable right? /sarcasm. And once again, JRPG's? You were fond of accusing me of making my comments on assumptions and unsupported facts. So this time I'll ask you for citation on why I should believe game creators are unwilling to take these supposed "risks." Unfortunately I'm afraid your claim there is just your opinion, and not worth "believing" :/
  23. .... XD *Lmao^ I'm not sure whether I should be worried you know what that is, or if I should be worried I know what it is. Though fortunately for me, the worst I've been hit with is a trailer.
  24. *Loves the school excuse* Cause everyone knows it's never true :P Unless you've been stupid and need to hand in a piece of work by tomorrow, there's always sometime to make one or two posts in a day. And even the "I want to focus" rubbish doesn't ring true, since everyone requires a break here and there. Could log on during then and make a post.... but I suppose if you find the RP boring/ a chore then that wouldn't be much of a break.
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