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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. @Cam Getting up is fine and all Cam, but I really hope you've either time skipped, or aren't stupid enough to come after me XD Not this soon XD, Don't know how good healers are supposed to be, but I was hoping Bullet had been burned enough for me to leave a mark on him, for memories sake :P @Seph Yeah, killed it off, while it was grovelling on the ground being beaten to death by the savage whip of inactivity. I'm not suited to directing big plots, screwing/rail-roading the plans of others and short term chaos is something I'm much more suited to. *Notices how much of the RP is Amera/Bullet/Shiris based at the moment*
  2. <Argh> Shiris grimaced as the wolf began circling her, <Should've killed the wench when I had the chance, these monsters are a pain once they awaken>. A few moments passed, Shiris knew that her best chance at surviving would be to flee, but turning her back to these simple-minded beasts would be an act of suicide. And in all honesty, it was time for her to withdraw, she may be the enchantress of fire, but that didn't make her flesh immune from burning, nor her mind immune from the intense heat. And the fire-resistant cloak of hers would keep her safe forever. Her eyes flickered from side to side, looking for a tree to fell, if she could somehow create a barrier between herself and the mutt she'd be free. Unfortunately though, she'd already felled most of the tree's in the vicinity, and the others had caught fallen naturally by the spreading fire. Shrugging the idea off retreat off she smirked, pouring most of strength into one last fireball, well not one last, she could still keep going but it would probably be at the expense of some permanent damage to her body. "Goodbye Puppy" she snickered before rushing at the canine, fireball poised in her hand.
  3. So you don't have a solution for when there's more then two possibilities.... Pity, since there's always a third option.

  4. Have to resort to short posts now :/ It's less fun knowing I can't kill/be killed >_< Though I suppose I'll unlock that later since she'll need to die someday if she's a baddie. I've got a question though If Amera bites me and I survive do I get to be a furry too? XD
  5. Shiris smirked at the fleeing man, she'd failed to kill him but it'd teach him not to mess with her if their paths ever crossed again. Though that man he carried off with him.... <Ah well, fool won't survive even if it was the man she'd defeated earlier> As she was reveling in the sense of power a sudden howl caught her off guard. Pinning her to the ground. Panic running through her mind at the sudden attack she let out a burst of flames, above her hoping it would be enough to make the putrid creature back away.
  6. >_< Crazy animal instinct, my animal instinct would be to run if I was surrounded by fire >_< Now I need to fight crazy Amera before I can get out XD Ah well, now I'm in trouble XD
  7. So instead of the wolf eared girl, instead of the crazy pyromaniac, he goes for the the severly burned burly man? Well, that says something about Dirks sexual preference at least I suppose :/
  8. *Goes off to complain that the other RP'ers are ganging up on her* I mean, Dirk was supposed to be on the hostile side >_< I'm going to retreat <_< Somehow scrounge up fiery minions and then return in mass-npc numbers >_< *hates on the world around her* :P
  9. Hmmm? Why? It's only Dirk? XD Plenty of tin heads around to replace him :P
  10. It didn't take long for Shiris to find the vile mutt curled up weeping, whether it was cruel fate or the sobbing that had lured her she wasn't sure. But then again it didn't matter. "Stop? Why would I stop? You disgusting mongrel?" she asked sarcastically giving the unconscious girl(?) a good kick. Grimacing in pain as the adrenaline started coming down and the pain in her arm started flowing through her. Her eyes flickering with hesitation for only a second before they once again reflected the flames around them. "Should have thought of that before trying to strike me down with you petty spell wench" She poised herself ready to deal the final blow when she heard shouting behind her "Tch, more meddlers" she grunted clicking her tongue with irritation. Giving the girl another kick in the head she turned and tossed her ball of flame at the unsuspecting soldier.
  11. Nyargh, hate you Seph >_< Screwing my predictions over each time, Now I can't kill Amera, (because I doubt I'm allowed to outright fireball her XD) and I can't ignore her <_< *Needs to think of a fancy card to play* And Dirk screws up my Darien Combo >_< Was looking forward to playing run Bullet run :/
  12. What if there's more then two possible answers?

  13. You'd be mad to compare Ryvius to Geass <_< (Planetes still pending) The problem with Ryvius for me was that the characters were a bit meh. And pacing was, as you say an issue. Alot of the plots secret revelations were shoulder shrugging boring. *Wheeze* Neya, I am your father~ *Wheeze* for me was: Yeah, so? Who are you again? On the contrary to above, was short, concise and had very likeable characters *tear jerk* I started watching it, expecting it to be boring, but ended up staying up past my bedtime to finish it XD
  14. Okay, so Bullet crawls away from Shiris And Shiris doesn't notice Bullet Deal I prefer to keep ass-pulling to a minimum when possible, so if it averts doing so I'm happy. @LL & Rein Can I be a bad guy now, or does my curriculum vitae still lack enough credentials. If so I'll just have to add Roast Puppy to my list XD *Looks at Amera and licks her lips* @Seph Now that I've signed a cease fire with Cam, you're next! XD Watch you back big man :P @Cam I'm off for today as well, I've been on for 12 hours straight now, (pulled an all-nighter) I figure I could use some food and sleep XD
  15. Well, in all honesty I'm not too fussed, I mean there's flames everywhere XD Curse it, I was hoping you'd jump into my fire attack, and I was going to attach a knockback effect to the fire spell Hmm, wondering how I should proceed, I'm assuming Bullet is out of commission and didn't do anything to Shiris? Or did the "lunge" which didn't reach do damage? I'm going to go with the former, since I really doubt you want to draw attention to yourself at the moment XD (I'll ignore Bullet if you ignore Shiris) Or we can go for round two? XD Either way, I suppose I should get Shiris out of there if I want to keep her as a recurring villain XD
  16. Rightio XD Give me a second to edit that post then to your specifications.... Hmm lets cite bloodlust as the reason for your cheat reckless move :P *Goes off to change* EDIT Wait, you sure? I aimed for his hips and if you charge forward, not only do you get severe burns but it destroys any chance of mini-Bullets ever being born. XD
  17. XD I might have to kill Shiris off, or make her an antagonist :/ Hmm... certainly no longer part of the good guys XD Very interested in Bullets next action, as well as Amera though so it was all worth it XD If Shiris does get killed, well, wonderful thing about RP's is I can sacrifice my character for my cause, and then simply respawn them with a different bio/name even if they do die XD
  18. @Cam: I really wish you wouldn't follow one attack up after the other without checking if it hit, I was going to make the branch smack into my casting arm, but I can't exactly let you disable my arm, and then start pummeling me. So the first attack as God-mod as it is, I'm going to dodge. :P @Kill Amera Apparently people don't like it when I kill their characters outright. So I need to use sneaky moves and corner them into death. They don't like that either though... sheesh you people are picky. This is why I don't like the internet, IRL, you don't get a say when and how I kill you. In this case, that evil Seph meddled jeopardizing my plans XD Seph for example I'd kill by shoving off a cliff into the sea. Shoving him off a tall building is out of the question though since the impact of him crashing into the ground would cause an earthquake, and the building I'm still situated ontop of would crumble. Now I just need to go hire that bulldozer.
  19. Shiris screeched with joy as another tree fell to the ground aflame, when the man suddenly turned around and charged at her, wielding a flaming branch. <What was with the sudden change in tactics? Or perhaps this was the mans last death rush? No matter> She raised her hand to deal the finishing blow, when a surge of energy zipped past her head and into the tree beside her. It didn't take a genius to figure out who was behind the attack, she scowled, having lost her concentration her flames withered into thin air. Apparently was what the eavesdropper had be waiting for, focusing her concentration entirely on her fingertips she tried the same maneuvere she'd tried earlier and swung out of the branches path, the branch smacking right into the tree beside her. She could feel her hair being singe'd and she wasn't at all pleased. To add injury to insult (yes, that's in the right order) the main levelled a punch at her, the first of which missed completely, it certainly didn't help to have sweat constantly trickling into ones eyes, as if the black smoke around them wasn't obstructing their views enough. The second she felt clip her ear, but in a situation like this, such pain could wait until later. The third however connected with her left arm, and she thought she could hear the sickening cracking of bones over the roaring fire. Letting our a screech of agony, but not giving into the pain just yet. Her right hand which was still clutching onto the tree beside her creaked loudly as her hand melted through the core of the tree. Jumping back, she raised her good hand at the man summoning a ball of flame at the mans hips. "Check" she wheezed as the man dodged the attack, But which way had he dodged? Forward? Into the flames? Surely not. Left? or maybe right? Not with the tree coming down. at that angle. She smirked as the tree fell infront of her eyes replacing her view of the man with a burning fallen tree. He' wouldn't be coming around anytime soon, if she had to make her escape, there was no better time then now. But making her retreat was something she didn't have to do. Afterall, the man she'd fought was surrounded by a wall of flames right about now. Surrounded by the fallen flaming tree's that she'd been felling from the very start. She cackled wickedly before turning her attention towards the bushes behind her. The hiding place of that vile mutt. Summoning flames from the pit of her powers a large flame appeared flickering dangerously in her free arm. "Come out little doggie, I've got a present for you~" she chortled sluggishly looking through the bushes for Amera.
  20. Not at all surprised by the mans attack Shiris wrapped her arm around the tree she was standing beside, and pulled herself away from the projectile log. It had been obvious that the man would resort to throwing it, the log was big enough but it'd have been a huge gamble to charge right at her using it as a shield. She hurled another ball of flame felling another two tree's which fell harmlessly to the ground. "Stop dancing around and enjoy the barbecue!" She jeered. Beckoning the man to charge at her, she focused the flames around her finger tips burning the tree beside her with a look of anticipation on her face.
  21. Aww, and I was actually starting to like this "Trent" character :/ Pity it was all a joke. Hmm 15% shorter, and 1/3 of the weight..... Nyii..... *Throws sand at the giants eyes before running off to safety*
  22. Shiris swiftly pulled herself off the ground and away from Amera. Irritation evident on her face. Who did this girl think she was getting in her way? She raised her hand making a motion to take the girl out first, but quickly reconsidered. She'd deal with the girl later, for now she needed to kill this lowly eavesdropping bandit. "You've heard a wee bit too much boy" she hissed frantically summoning one ball of fire after another, slowly stepping back so that she was standing beside the tree Amera had been resting on only a few minutes ago. She took careful notice of her surroundings, cackling wildly as a two tree's were felled. This was what she lived for, the flames, the smoke, the heat. It was more then enough to drive her into ecstasy. She could feel sweat trickling down the side of her head, she didn't know how hot it was, but it didn't matter, she'd burn this ugly man until he was all black and proper. She hurled another fireball, at the man, who once against dodged the fireball, her attack smacking into the tree behind him, not hurting her target at all. She made sure to keep her distance, often throwing her flames short to make the man have no choice but to back away. Shiris chanced a glance to where Amera had been earlier, noticing the girl wasn't where she thought Shiris had thought. <Ah well, those tainted bloods were a shrewd bunch, probably fled at the first sight of fire>
  23. Nyargh >_< Defeat..... *cries* You made a girl cry, what kind of man are you? Victory? Sex, tears and society. A womans greatest weapon.... in developed nations at least anyway.
  24. >_< Sorry >_< *fixed* Played a rather long RP a few years ago with two twin characters called Ameru and Ameri XD Habit, will work on fixing henceforth. EDIT ..... Liar! >: I just checked, I only wrote Ameru in that last post <_< What do you mean "all this time" *raeg's*
  25. I actually agree with Kai regarding the chapters, though set a minimum. (I honestly don't want to see a 5 page chapter). 30page'ish is probably a good place to start. And then wrap the chapter up once you've exceeded page 30, and the plot has properly wrapped itself up. Killing off a chapter mid-stride and continuing it from an awkward start makes little to no sense to me. As for managing one topic, I've found people tend to post less when an RP hits three integers. So starting a new thread before then might be a good idea at the latest. @Shirisu She had her name changed mid-post (my last post) from Shirisu -> Shiris. So it's not a typo :P @Cam I always have to pick on someone at the beginning, sorry XD
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