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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Shirisu cursed under her breathe, Why had she bothered intervening? She glanced back and sure enough, there were guards right behind her, it might be her imagination playing tricks on her, but had they increased in numbers? She dared to look back properly, and sure enough, the man with the goatee, and the man with the scar on his cheek weren't the guards who'd been present under the tree. <Great, I'll have the entire village patrol after me at this rate. Reaching her destination, she stopped turning to smirk at the guards. <"Screw it, I'm done playing damsel boys"> she hissed, unaware she wasn't speaking to them in a tongue they understood. "She be hexing us Bob!" the man with the goatee shouted drawing his spear and lobbing it into the ground several feet to her left. <Such horrible aim> Shirisu thought, before raising her hand, focusing her concentration on the tips of her fingers, only to have a burst of fire shoot up singeing her hair. "Damn it" she cursed, annoyed at making such a simple blunder, the men had caught up to her now and were moving to surround her. With a wicked smirk on her face, she brushed her fingertips against a nearby branch which instantly caught aflame. "It'd be such a pity if the entire village burned down" she cackled setting several other bushes nearby on fire. "Now you have a choice boys, you can either catch the wicked witch, and have your precious village reduced to ashes. Or you can put these flames out while I make my escape" The look of panic on the guards faces was all she needed to be assured. "I'm sure your lord would be happy to hear you captured a stray witch by sacrificing an entire village, can you hear the cheers of gratitude? The joyful voices of the homeless cheering you on as heroes?" pausing to take in her surroundings she nodded to herself, "Ah well, I suppose I've made my point clear, would love to stay and chat but don't want to be caught up in my own flames" she said giving the tree beside her a good kick before darting away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It didn't take long for the the sound of shouting voices to disappear into the wind. Shirisu had made it a fair distance away, from village before the fire in her eyes died out. <Wha? Where?> she looked around and slapped the palm of her hand against her forehead. <Not again> she whined smelling smoke in the air, she glanced back towards he village and sighed with relief as the smoke seemed to be thinning out. <"Now what?"> she whispered as she slumped against a nearby tree. Wanted, Peniless, and tired.... she couldn't help entertaining the thought of turning herself in exchange for some food and a place to stay tonight.
  2. Not going to tutor you, but I can give the occasional tip. First tip being to "Not take control of other people characters" like you did with the guards. If you wanted to do something like that post, it's probably better to spawn your own guards onto the scene. As a general rule, I never speak "like this" on behalf of a character not under my control. (Npc's created by others). You've got some privilleges as the RP creator to take over characters when necessary, but people generally don't take too kindly to it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your biggest obstacle at present is probably getting everyone together into one group. (Unless you plan to have several events occurring simultaneously across the continent (not recommended)). As for getting people together, don't try to force your character to meet them, order us around via OoC (this thread) :P
  3. Nyeh, I can post, I just don't know if I should. I've noticed alot of people who've originally signed up for this still haven't posted and I didn't want to progress too far since people tend to feel "late" when they join after several pages. Though more importantly, I'm wondering if I should give Cam a chance to respond. Otherwise Bullet will just turn into the stray shit stirrer who yelled out, caused trouble and then fled the scene XD I suppose I could make a few more posts. Though Light was on a few seconds ago, and I figured he might have something to say :/
  4. Kanami


    This post has been reported!..... To Lumi XD @Argument I agree with the TC if we're just talking in general terms. Fire emblem characters are dull and shallow anyway. *Isn't a FE fan* Though if what Seph says is true, and you're arguing gameplay/stat-wise, I'd agree that the "decent" statement could be contested.
  5. O_o I must be hallucinating, Kai? Planning?..... Someone go fetch me Psych, I need some assurance that I haven't wandered into some alternate dimension.
  6. Anyone feel like enlightening poor Kanami? What does "asdf" stand for? Since I don't think Seph means Japans air force XD @Kai, not complaining, but I'm curious as to why you do that? You did it often in LoAF as well, where you'd post a cliff-hanger like post (almost as if you expect one of us to intervene). When you already were planning to fill it in with your own Npc/temp character. I'm assuming you don't mind Lumi taking the role of the "kid" so this isn't me giving you tips or anything, but if you wrote the whole thing up in one go you wouldn't have people butting in. I'm actually happy with the Rp'ers so far in the sense that their willing to interact with eachother. And continuing to do cliffy posts will just mean you'll have people butting in frequently (hopefully).
  7. XD Will jump at any chance to remind her you're banned won't you? XDI don't really know why you've been excluded from their merry little group. (Probably more then one case) but I don't really see how banning you from IRC is supposed to do anything, other then vent their Psych hate at you.
  8. Could have hurled myself at the guards, but didn't feel like getting slaughtered by guards this early. XD @Light No hard feelings for ignoring your post mkay~? :P @Kai Not really my business, but you seem to be following chapter 1 of LoAF again XD Might be an idea to interact with People (Other Rp'ers) and stop playing with yourself. (I am of course referring to your own npcs, nothing sexual, honest) XD @RP in general How this is going to work is beyond me XD Scattered across the continent, lalalala lah~ Edit: @Lumi, Nice follow up :/ *Is happy to see external type Rp'ers* @Seph Not my fault! You didn't state what type of animal your character was, and more importantly, you let Cams post go, why bully me? XD @Rest Not sure if I should rush too far ahead, I suppose Cam would want to react to the situation in some manner (a bit late for that now XD) And waking up/coming home to several pages of two/three people speed posting isn't exactly fun :/
  9. Shirisu looked on uncertainly, on one hand she figured she should help, but the last thing she needed was to be arrested for meddling in things that didn't concern her. She glanced over towards the crowd where the man (Bullet) had yelled, but couldn't figure out which of the males in the crowd had caused this blunder. Sighing heavily she shook her head to turn away and leave the wolfgirl to her fate only to spin 180 when the sound of battle started up behind her. <Stupid girl, why couldn't you just go along quietly?> she thought as she started making her way back, just in time to see the girl draw her weapon and smack the guard on the head. <"Great, you've done it now"> <_< she hissed, not even aware she was speaking out aloud. she grabbed the hilt of her dagger contemplating her next move, but decided she was better off not being a wanted criminal. Quickly crouching down and picking up a pebble, she moved to the back of the crowd before hurling it as hard as she could at the guard. Clipping the guard ear. <Damn it, aim was off> she thought. "Hey drum head, pick on someone your own size!" she shouted, before running swiftly back towards the village. Hoping that the diverting the mans anger would give the girl some chance of surviving. Afterall, she wasn't willing to do much more for some strange wolfgirl. Well... not much more she thought smirking as she headed for a large tree surrounded by shrubs
  10. Yes Sir!Wait, why the hell am I listening to Kai? Option 2 sounds so~ appealing XD Damn character personality restrictions. XD
  11. It's up to you really :/ Considering how the post was mainly recap/replay of the soldiers actions, followed by a nonsensical recruitment the post doesn't need to be "fixed", it needs to be "redone." :/ So essentially it's not "Do you want him to redo his post?" but "Do you want to use his post?" Since in all honesty, Rafael or Oifaye turning up to the scene (considering their former location) seems like timewarping to me.
  12. Thanks, I think? *Is confused about what to post next* Lights post Legit, or not?
  13. Trying to decide between Kurogane no Linebarrel and Arad Senki :/
  14. Hayashibara-sama! XD Hmmm, too many, but the first that came to mind was http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLL_k6mh8lU
  15. (Pffft, stop bringing LoAF illogic over, brackets are fine <_<) (That said, an OoC thread would really help right about now, I'm assuming Seph meant he wanted the Amera/Oifaye scene fixed, not the spelling of Oiffey、or are you really being that trivial? Either way, I don't know how to respond to the above without knowing what's legitimate so I'll just post this spam post and hope someone (Seph) can answer XD (Should I ignore the post completely? Or are you letting parts of it slide?)) (Though I think I should also state that I didn't think I was in a castle, no idea how I got in if I am :/) (@Light: It might be a good idea to create a group of random soldier/mercs to be your comrades and have them killed off early and replaced (hire) with RP characters. Since so far, none of the characters seem to have any clue as to who or what your assignment group is about. Typical (overused) example would be a bandit raid, have the soldiers killed, and then Rafael enlists the help of a few randoms that fought well against the bandits etcetc)
  16. I know, I'm so cool aren't I? XD Not >_<, Didn't notice this was part of the "Tales" thing in fanfiction... Not my fault that there was a change in name, I didn't even know ToH had been changed to an RP. XD Ah well might as well mess about until Light tell me to GTFO (Would also help if that thread was renamed and relocated to either RP or Chat me thinks) Shirisu smirked as the girl fell out of the tree trying not to laugh as those around her started getting nervous. If that wasn't bad enough a few metal clunkheads arrived on the scene demanding answers. <Guards, they're all the same in every country. Arrogant, demanding and stupid> She considered leaving the girl to her fate, figuring it wasn't her place to intervene. Turning to leave she reached into her bag and began digging around for her map she'd bought from a shady merchant on her way here, the price was absurd, but apparently a war had besieged the country not too long ago and prices of goods were sky high. <"Where is that damn...."> she cursed angrily before finally giving up. <"It was so expensive too" T_T> she moaned in frustration. Why was her luck so rotten? Turning back towards the scene to ask for directions she noticed the guards talking to the confused looking girl... she stared at the ears for a few seconds before shaking her head. <Focus Shii, who cares if she's got cute... err bizarre ears> She took a deep breath and turned to call out cheerfully at the girl when a man from the other side of the crowd decided to start yelling. <Argh, why? Why does bad stuff always happen to me?> It didn't take a sharp eyed shooter to notice the look of irritation and anger in the guards eyes. Why were all the men she came across loud, vulgar and dense? Deciding this was no longer a situation she wanted to stick her neck into she edged over to the side, positioning herself behind the guards (opposite direction to Bullet) hoping this wouldn't turn into some sort of brawl.
  17. Bored XD I spend 9 hours a day (on most days) having nothing to do besides staring at the computer screen >_< College is over until February, and my good old boss decided he'd overhire young'uns for the Christmas break, cutting my hours by more then half >_< Though you have a point, I feel like I'm stuck in a cycle of leaving and returning in regards to RPs >_< Ah well, can't say for sure yet, I might leave after a few days once I get bored of this Rp too XD *Hopes it keeps her interest for more then a few weeks at least, it needs to last til Feb* Please! XD (Sort of feels like that RP Astelaine was planning, (I know it's completely different) and I was planning on signing up for that, might as well sign up for this nyeh?)
  18. XD Whoops, sorry about that. I don't really keep an eye on "Fanfiction" and saw the RP as a standalone thread. Well, considering how it's an RP I suppose it wouldn't be too big an issue if I joined in... right? XD (If it is let me know and I'll have my character wander off into the sunset /lame XD) Figure I should write up a bio regardless. Details: Shirisu (22F) Nation: Wanderer (Nation across the sea)* Bio: Shirisu was born on the small island nation of Yarmatai, having lost her mother during her birth Shirisu grew up with her brother and father. Her father was a renown fisherman in the village and they weren't ever financially in trouble, but being the only woman in the house did have it's disadvantages. Shirisu's father would eventually pass away due to an fatal illness. And her ungrateful older brother decided that their fathers passing was a good chance for him to travel the world. Starting with the large continent to the west. Shirisu tried to convince her brother not to leave Yarmatai but ended up tagging along unwillingly when the ship decided to take off a few days earlier then schedule due to a freak storm headed their way. She tried to convince her brother to go back once they'd reached a port in Jugdral but unfortunately for her, her brother ran off to explore the continent, leaving her sitting in the dust. Annoyed at her older brother, she's sworn to catch up to him and beat him to a pulp. But so far isn't having any luck locating him. For starters, she's decided to head to Grandbell as it seemed the most likely place her brother would visit first. renown fisherman in their village and dreamed of travelling the world one day, but was unable to see his dream come true due to falling ill and passing away. *Since I know next to nothing about Jugdral, I figured I would base myself from outside Jugdral, that way, it'd make more sense when I ask "Who's Celice?" XD
  19. (Don't know how long this'll last but it seems interesting enough, don't know left from right in Jugdral so if I do something against the lore of Jugdral let me know.) Shirisu yawned loudly as she wandered down the street, it'd been three weeks since she'd last seen her brother and she was getting impatient. Though perhaps more importantly the two lonely coins in her pouch indicated her financial situation. Shirisu snarled at a young boy as he bumped into her and ran off down the street without even glancing back. People in this country were so rude she thought to herself as she dusted her arm off. Frowning to herself she followed the path the boy had taken only moments earlier, it had only been a few weeks since she'd arrived on this cursed continent and already her brother had found some way to leave her trailing in a cloud of dust. If that wasn't bad enough the the occasional clink of the two lonely coins reminded her that she probably wouldn't be eating dinner tonight..... again. How'd she manage to get herself into this mess anyway? Why'd she bother to tag along with her reckless brother? Sacrificing the comforts and familiarity of her homeland? Sighing with irritation she stopped her feet and looked around at the crowd she'd walked into. A crowd of people standing around staring at the sky. Some wearing fear, others interest on their faces as they pointed upwards. <"Urgh stupid people, didn't they have anything better to do? What? Was the sky falling down or something?"> She hissed in her native tongue. Getting irritated she was about to shove an old man out of the way when a kid nearby tugged on his mothers skirt and pointed up into the nearby tree. Curious as to what could be so important she glanced over and noticed a girl in the tree. So these people were bored enough to gawk at some girl sleeping she thought rolling her eyes. She was about to leave the crowd of fools when she noticed something swish from side to side beneath the branch the girl was napping on. A tail? she thought for a second before shaking her head in an attempt to clear it. <"Ridiculous, probably just another branch"> she muttered to herself hoping saying it out aloud would convince her mind that she was imagining things.
  20. Surprised isn't quite the term I would have used.... unless snorting, and rolling ones eyes is a sign of being surprised. Thank you for your unintelligent response, it would be appreciated though, if you could actually enter a proper point into your comment next time. Not all this remark dodging and vague "wooo I'm mysterious, you don't know what goes in my mind" bullshit :/
  21. You're keeping the brickwall in check? XD Not sure how you're doing it, but I wouldn't believe everything he tells you. Dumb bird has a habit of saying one thing to your face, and then doing something completely different behind your back. :P Haven't seen this "odd" system in a few months, but if it resembles anything from a few months ago it's overloaded crap which would pretty well in a game, not so well in a manually calculated RP.
  22. So to summarize that post. "You don't know me! Don't judge me!" Is pretty much all you wanted to say....:/ *yawn*
  23. Hmm? Does that mean you've finally noticed what I had been saying all along (see Purgs statement), and seeing the impracticability of adding so much rubbish? Or is there some other new component which isn't listed in the list?Ah well, nice to see you're considering removing it either way. The Phoenix I was arguing with would have insisted on it being kept in some shape or form. Arguing "It "might" happen sometime in the RP and I want to have it planned out anyway, options are good! Even if they are shitty options I'll never use!" XD That's not to say it'll be started in a month does it? I mean I'd guess that LoAF will drag on for a few more months, so initial planning gets finished in a month?Considering how it's the Christmas season.... I'm estimating it won't be finished by the end of this month though XD
  24. Skill/Item(ize) it? Or even better, remove it completely XD
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