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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. "They're actually considered ill...." Shirisu shook her head, "I mean, not where I come from" she said still fascinated by the ears as they twitched. <Probably best not to tell her that my ancestors purged our homeland of Kemomi over a century ago> she thought to herself. Animal eared people were the original inhabitants of her homeland, but she'd been brought up being told that the "freakish monstrosities" brought bad luck and had to be eradicated. She stared at the ears a bit more <Freakish monstrosity that ate our babies? Her?> she thought, looking the girl up and down again. She looked stronger then Shirisu, but the match earlier had proven this supposed monster wasn't even capable of over-powering a single guard. Plus, how could something so cute be- "Oh Yeah!" Amera shouted, bringing Shiris back to the present. She'd apparently wandered into the depths of her own mind and lost track of what was happening around her. Blinking a few times before registering what as going on. "Yes, what? sorry?" she replied apologetically, just as the girl had finished asking for her name. "I mean, uhh right, my name, right, Amatsukaboshinyerenyari Shirisunoo Higa-FFFFFKKKKKKKKAAAAA!" she finished with a screech, "Shiris! It's Shiris, just Shiris" she replied hastily, hoping that drilling her name into the girl would make her forget what she'd said prior. She kicked herself mentally, why had she replied with her soul name? Only three people excluding herself should ever know her soul name, her father, mother and someone she chose to spend the rest of her life with. And this girl certainly wasn't the right choice. For starters she wasn't even male. "Uh, pleased to meet you Amera, I'm Shiris" she restated rather forcefully, and I'm heading to.... well I don't really know now, I was heading to Barhara, but considering what I did back there" she said cocking her head towards the general direction of the village. "I don't think waltzing into Barhara is a good idea anymore. Still value life enough, you know?" she finished nervously glancing away, not wanting the girl to ask any further questions. .... Shiris felt her heart skip a beat, as her eyes locked on to another pair of eyes peeking at them from the bushes nearby. "HShaaaa!" she wailed conjuring up a fireball, her face as red as the flames she'd just hurled at the man. "You're not leaving this place alive runt!" she hissed at the man as she summoned another ball of flame to her fingertips. She didn't know how long the man had been listening, but she wasn't taking any chances.
  2. Such a sad little Bullet :(
  3. @Seph I'm not much of a fan of planning things out, so if you want to try something just go ahead without asking. I mean, the RP makes more sense if there's uncertainty in a question/action. Knowing your opponent will accept your offer takes the fun out of asking the question IMO. In this case, I can agree with tagging along with Ameru. Mainly because my current idea is to flee towards the nearest border (Yied) and leave Grandbell ASAP. Tagging along with someone will kill time at the least XD Also, reading IRC logs at the moment, Rein, you're gullible to the point of it being in an illness. And I don't see how Astra pretending to be me prevents me from getting OP :/ (And I'd argue my obvious point if I actually wanted OP. Fortunately, I don't XD And Seph, don't openly admit hijacking projects XD You don't know who might be reading XD
  4. Disappointed in you Seph, when I put something in bold, and then underline it... I expect people to read it. I'm not heading to Barhara, I want to go in the opposite direction of Barhara. :P Not sure why you're trying to conjure up a reason, I thought you were going to join LL's expedition via an invitation from Celice? (or was that the ignored LL post?). I don't want to go to Yied, nothing to burn in a desert. Plus, why would Shirisu be joining the expedition? She hasn't even been on Jugdral for very long, chance she'd be picked for a nationally endorsed mission? XD
  5. Just throw together some reason to be heading to Yied I suppose, I need to get out of Grandbell anyway, if you can't think of a reason to head to Yied then you'll just have to make contact with someone who does have a reason. We do need to make a decision on when we'll start moving, at present it's mainly just Kanami/Seph, Lumi/Mew throwing dialogue/actions back and forth. Still got some time, but trying to put everything into a single plot line would be a good idea right about now.
  6. @Acacia Don't worry, Only 4 of us are supposed to get it, (plus a few randoms). To translate, your choice in name has shot you up to the top of Shirisu's most hated list :P @Astra ..... Being silent was enough to trick him? Poor boy, should have learned by now that Kanami is never silent <_< *Chalks it up as mental defect* @Seph Konami XD It was actually a name I considered years ago, but discarded it since I didn't want to name myself after the company, I'm more of a Bandai Namco fan. As for Kanami rage, well, nothings concrete yet, might just turn 180 and start bashing Ameru if the circumstances are right XD Edit @Seph :P
  7. See this is why I don't like IRC, there's no logs for me to check to see how inaccurate your impersonation is. And hence I can't laugh at him about it. Oh, so you did get the hint? Not boring per se XD Just used to having someone butt in :P *Doesn't like having one on one conversations both in RP's and RL* Everything comes out so weird sounding in one-one conversations >_< Only exception is when I'm flaming people, I gain confidence from degrading others see XD For better or worse, I've picked which characters I'll be hostile to, and Ameru isn't on the list :( Acacia is though, he would of been anyway, but his characters names concretes it. I mean, he's ruined 50% of this RP for me by naming his character "The Phallus-which-must-not-be-Named." If he calls his spear the Gay-Bulge I'm running for the hills.
  8. Shirisu snapped her neck towards the voice, her hand reaching for her dagger she kept concealed. The best she could probably do with her knife would be to fend of a few stupid obnoxious 14 year olds, but it was better then nothing. It was after all, a tool knife, not suited for combat. But her moves either went unnoticed, or the girl didn't mind and plopped down right beside her with a smile plastered on her face. As the girl started speaking Shirisu's mind flashed back to the last person who'd sat next to her, a fat balding man who tried to grope her, and the "anything I can do for you" remark reminded her of that hairy merchant who'd conned her into buying several vials of plain water. If she'd learned one thing about people on this continent, it was that thieves and con artists ran rampant, and to make matters worse, the common folk seemed to have more air in their heads then anything else. "Uh, ummm hi" she responded nervously, was it her imagination or did the girl just move closer to her? "I-umm just wanted to-" Okay, it wasn't her imagination, the girl was definitely too close for her liking. Feeling uneasy she stared at the girl ears for a few seconds. She twiddled her thumbs for a few seconds before shaking her head, unable to deal with the closeness, she jumped up and took a few steps back, taking several deep breaths to calm herself. <It's only a girl with wolf ears Shii, just tell her what you want, and you can be on your merry way> "Which way-" she started to ask, stopping abruptly as the she noticed the girl moving closer to her again. Making Shirisu take a few more steps back, followed by another deep breath. "W-want t-to ask directions t-to-" she managed, before finally giving up. As she noticed the girls tail make a swish from one side of her legs to the other. Which way Barhara was was not the most important question, there was a more pressing thought which kept running through her mind and she couldn't concentrate until she'd asked. "Are those real?" she asked pointing at the girls ears and tail.
  9. Currently pending whether I should be hurt or honored :/ Suppose Cam won't be jumping in any time soon, so might as well respond to Seph :/
  10. Banning people already? XD *Thinks things like that should be run by mature individuals, not kiddie Rein who's prone to bursts of anger* Yes I'm aware it was done in humor
  11. Hmm? Something happening Astra? :/
  12. @Lumi I find your post length fine, and the way it's spaced out makes it easier to read, no idea why you'd want to change it :/ *laughs at Kai*
  13. Shirisu closed her eyes in frustration, trying to work out the best option she had available to her, for starters going to Barhara was now out of the question. She might not be the brightest person around but she wasn't stupid enough to charge at the capital!, the capital which would be swarming with soldiers and patrols, not when she was a wanted criminal (Bolded/underlined for LoAFers, yes I'm not going to get over that.) She wasn't sure how effectively the continents nations communicated, but her chances of not being thrown behind bars would most likely increase if she left Grandbell as soon as she could. She sighed again rubbing her temples, okay, so she had an objective, now to figure out the means of accomplishing that objective. She'd checked again earlier, and she was now certain that she'd lost her map. Going back to ask for directions was out of the question. And she really didn't feel like wandering around blindly in hostile territory. Deciding there wasn't any point in staying still, she picked herself up and started walking, making sure to keep a good distance from the nearby village. Knowing the laziness of guards, it was unlikely they'd come after her after putting out the fire, but she knew a fair few which were more persistent then a nagging mother. It wasn't long before she came across the wolf girl, once again perched atop a tree. Apparently she hadn't learned her lesson the last time. Though at least she was clear of the village and prying onlookers this time. Shirisu contemplated setting the tree on fire to get revenge on the girl but shook her head quickly. It had been her decision to meddle where she shouldn't have. She contemplated waking the girl and asking for directions but decided against that too. The last thing she needed was a foul tempered doggie yapping at her. And judging by the spectacle earlier, the girl was rather vicious after awakening from her slumber. Slumping against the tree she looked up at the girl and frowned, what was a canine doing in a tree anyway? She'd seen cats in trees before, but this was the first time she'd seen a wolf sleeping in a tree.
  14. Are you really in that much of a hurry? Technically, the speed people type doesn't change whether they're on chat, IM or forums. The former two just condense it, and make it easier to read. I suppose with the former two you can also break your post up into bits, but quite frankly, it's not a good enough pro for me to bother frequenting IRC. Plus, my internet keeps dying on me today so IRC is not a good option XD
  15. *Hates IRC as it doesn't leave a log* I can't see what people are saying behind my back We're on a forum, figure we might as well use this thread? @Seph You were waiting? XD I thought we' returned to square one and were leaving it that way until something else happened. :/ Ah well, suppose I can post something.
  16. See, that classification would make it more of a region then a landmark. A village inside Barhara wouldn't be a village but a section(suburb) in Barhara. And if it's adjacent (outside Barhara) it's Village A (enter name) and not Barhara. @Astra Towns and villages are different, a small village wouldn't fill the role of castle towns. Essentially, the question is, is it "IN" or "OUT" of said landmark?
  17. Conflicting info everywhere @_@ XD How do you have a village inside a castle? <_< If you meant "in" as in the rich castles represents a general region (Sephs example) then it makes a bit more sense, though I'd contest whether you can have a separate village adjacent to a city. (Normally it'd just be part of the city) Do we really have to be that dedicated to the maps? I mean the location of cities/landmarks might be important, but place like Village A, will most likely never be seen again once I burn it down the current residing group their leave. And I see no point in being accurate in such trivial cases. On a separate note *Is impressed at how important the RP Creator is in making decisions to set things up*
  18. @Astra Okay, now I'm confused, I was using that map as a reference, and thinking of the dots as cities, but Sephs comment made no sense to me if it's a city. How are we (Village A) in Barhara? Is this some bizarre FE thing where you can find villages within cities? @_@
  19. Excuse my lack of understanding of Jugdral, but Barhara is a region right? Not a city/town/village? Objective of listing locations was so that we don't have people in Rivough walking in on the Barhara group (timewarp) I was assuming LL was near some castle, and just threw Acacia near it as well. They're in the same general region, but not close enough to communicate (walk past eachother) Or that was my understanding? EDIT -So Joe's with the Barhara group. -Lumi/Kai's positioning is wierd >_< But sure. -When Jacen makes a post :/
  20. So just to clarify where is everyone? Lightlord (Barhara) Acacia Sgt (Barhara) Joerachi (Barhara) AstraLunaSol (Chalphy) Mew (Isaac) Luminescent Blade(Isaac) Seph1212 (Village A) Kanami (Village A) Camtech086 (Village A) Corrections?
  21. Have to agree with Kai there, there's not enough room in this RP for two crazy antagonists.... XD I doubt an antagonist could be played well anyway... or I might just be mixing you up with Psych. @Rest Screw you Americans! Leave my timezone alone >_< *Lives on the Furet side of the world*
  22. I suppose I move my spamming here now? You do know that the chat/signup thread doesn't need to be separate? I mean the later seldom gets used once things get started anyway. Confirmed Rp'ers so far Lightlord Seph1212 Camtech086 Acacia Sgt AstraLunaSol Kanami Mew(Kai) Luminescent Blade Joerachi Psych Red Magister Dawww, Bullet so Lone'ry?
  23. @Seph Lmao XD Back to square one we go! XD
  24. XD I thought it was "two more days" after the post on page 2 XD Ah fooey, though why you extended the deadline, well and truly before the deadline is beyond me :/
  25. I suppose this should be closed soon? Two day extension has expired hasn't it? Or are you waiting for more entries?
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