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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Once modesty passes a certain point, you are aware it becomes an insult?
  2. Thank you for the compliment? xD Though it pales to the comment I got on another forum today, there's not much that can top being called a female dog engaged in intercourse.

  3. You're just saying that since it's based on Jugdral amirite? I wouldn't try to convince LL not to abandon it, he's already got the handicap of being new to running an Rp. (And participating as well I think). Unwillingness and hesitance aren't going to help the mixture. So if you're willing to pass power over to someone else LL, (Cam seems enthusiastic enough) XD I just think this was poorly planned initially, and it'd be easier to replan another Jugdral RP if you people want to continue this. But that's just my opinion.
  4. Despite what you've said, I still agree with Fujibayashi. :/ Though my thoughts are on the other side of the spectrum, and it's not the "pesky kids" that demand good graphics, but the industry which conditions us to demand pretty graphics. You're right in saying it's not a major factor (in jRPG's at least anyway). But it still is a significant one. And by no means is the "graphics" issue a myth. That's like saying The earth orbiting around the sun is a myth because it can't be seen at night. (In other words ignoring details like Target Audience, Gameplay, genre etc and focusing everything on the one fact that mediocre graphic games sell well too). 1: False, a lot of casual gamers do care about the graphics, I for one will willing admit to graphics being an issue for me at times. And I'm going to go as far as accusing the rest of mankind that they're the same. Since god knows how long ago, people have looked at appearances to form their initial impressions on a subject. Sure, it's not the only determining factor, but I for one probably wouldn't play the latest best seller if it was in black and white. (for no good reason). Since I like color thanks. Gaming isn't about meeting a standard though, and if 8bit graphics aren't pleasing to your sense of entertainment, it doesn't matter how great a game is/was. If it doesn't suit an individual, it just doesn't. It doesn't go any further then that. 2: Haven't played the new FF's. Last one I played was 9 (7~9) and I didn't like any of the three games. And I've done the unthinkable and blacklisted SquareEnix games from my game collection. But I honestly don't think it's just SquareEnix that is pouring too much effort into graphics. 3: Your argument failed the moment you referenced Wikipedia <_< But even if I ignored the Wiki reference, your statement only proves that graphics aren't the only defining factor of a good game. It doesn't prove that graphics aren't an integral part of judging a game. 4: *Shrug* 5: People are dumb, and they'll listen to what others tell them. (FF fandom) The opinion of ones peers is an essential part of making a decision, and the reason reviews exist (professional, or amateur). A bad game, book, anime, whatever can be sold to an audience and be popularized with the right techniques and focuses. 6: Is Half-life even a Jrpg? 7: See above 8: Okay, I obviously need to pull a quote <_< So lets just remove that statement shall we? It's a stupid request, and you can't ask people not to compare negatively when you're comparing individual games positively across genres.That said, outside the Jrpg genre there has been an intense amount of focus on graphics, most likely attributed from the "it feels real" effect. And I've found several games to sacrifice gameplay and plot for stunning graphics. (If not intentionally, unintentionally in the planning stages) 9: See Orbit comment up top, completely ignoring TAudience, cost among other factors here. Nevermind you're no longer comparing inter-genre games, but entire consoles now. 10: Same as 9
  5. Wait, wait, wait XD I leave (I suppose I took Seph with me). And you're giving up? O_o
  6. .... Uh huh, I vote for myself! ..... Oh wait, how do I vote again?
  7. Project "I quit!"? Yeah I'm probably going to go through with it :P Suppose I should reply to your PM XD *Was under the impression she already had*
  8. The activity is absolutely stunning! More importantly though... @Rein Why'd you make a IRC, and plan a baddie if you're not even going to post? (waste of IRC space, as if the internet didn't already have enough inactive dead shit)
  9. 自分もQwerty系のキーボード使ってるんですけど? .... Yup no biggie here :/ Been using a qwerty keyboard for years now.
  10. Leave my crappy splicing skills alone <_< Was actually planning to work on it properly before I posted it, plus, the eyes still need to be changed as they're just Karla's at the moment XD As for head size, I don't know what the issue is but if the heads too big, it's an anime style character, huge heads on small bodies is the genres trademark.
  11. :/ I usually turn animations off while playing anyway, only turning them ON occasionally when I want to see the move again, can't remember what the move looked like. Or occasionally during boss kills. Why the hell would I want to help a hack? (as minimal as the help is) They never get completed anyway! Not worth my time! Ahem, best I can do is show the splice of Shirisu I had in the works. But the pallete was just something I was playing with, so I'm not actually attached to the white hair XD EDIT: I was so sure Acacia would jump right in if SRW was mentioned :/ Ah pooie
  12. Custom XD Well good luck with that, interested in seeing how it turns out. Though again good luck... since I didn't give any description to her appearance in the bio XD Think I only put vague crap in there, mainly as to why she was in Jugdral. @OGs Got the disc, but never bothered to try it due to having finished the GBA ones. @Shiris Honestly, can't XD I hadn't determined anything, hair color, height, face structure. Nothing XD
  13. @OG Really? I thought there was an english version out :/ Then again I don't really pay attention to translated games. They're much better raw XD @Hack Sure, Maps, mugs, character(concept) and script is fun. Can't say the same for hackscripts though. Tried, failed, not trying again XD @Shiris I actually already had a mug done for her, (not happy with the hair yet). But if you want to splice her and turn her into a character, by all means. No skin off my back :/ (Editted out unwanted crap info.)
  14. Hacks never go anywhere anyway ... And when they do, not many people bother playing them, = aka = waste of time As for robot game, I wonder what game, but probably never heard of it XD
  15. Guilty as charged, and proud of it! :P What can I say? I used to think right (striked out part). Hmmm? So you joined up expecting it to go nowhere?.... I'd call you stupid, but I honestly can't say I expected this to be a long-lasting RP. More then half the interest in this RP comes from the setting, not an actual will to RP. And considering the starting position of the group. (All over the continent) I was thinking of pulling the suicide act sooner or later. Just didn't expect it to be this soon XD
  16. Nyargh, I was expecting just a wee bit more hostility :/ Half the fun of doing something like this is dealing with the angry people, and counter-logic/complaints that come with it <_< Screwing around with my plans to the very end Seph! >_<
  17. Laziness is not an excuse for mistakes and shortcomings!
  18. This reminds me of the Valkyrie/Valhalla RP I was in years ago where I was a waitress/servant at a great banquet and I killed all the Einherjar (Rp'ers) by poisoning the food and drink there XD
  19. .... I didn't spell it out clearly enough? Got bored of Rp'ing again. Pulling out early with a bang! XD And what better way to do it then killing off someone elses character? I didn't see your post before your "EDIT" so I'm not sure what you "scratched out" then. I was assuming you meant, "scratch out" the events of the RP back to a safe time period. Hence it would be you BS timewarp so that Amera doesn't die :P Accepting "Flames" and complaints ...... now XD
  20. Pffft, no editting >_< You had your chance to change it when I told you I didn't know what to do, and I convinced you out of it, don't pull out now >_<
  21. Shiris suddenly fell back, she'd expected her opponent to charge at her, but she hadn't expected a low blow. She moved her arm forward aiming for a clean hit, but missing completely, her ball of flame helplessly flying up into the sky and withering away into smoke. So this was it, her body would be mauled to death by this rabid dog. She felt her head connect with the ground and everything went black. ......... It didn't take long for her to come around, her world had only gone black because she'd closed her eyes bracing for the impact of her head colliding. She could taste the metallic taste of blood in her mouth. Spitting it out, she pulled herself up into a sitting position. Looking for a opening to escape.... finding none. She raised her arm to rub her temples, her head felt like it was being split open but the pain quickly transferred over to her broken arm. <Oh right, it's broken> she thought to herself as if she were observing herself in third person. In an attempt to take her mind off the pain she looked around again, any hope of escape dying with it. She could hear a voice in her head begging for help, wanting to get away, wanting to escape from this fiery hell. And she felt her leg muscles tense as she tried to stand up, only to find a sack of potatoes weighing her down. Or was that a human figure? She couldn't really tell at first glance, her vision was getting blurry. She focused her eyes on the hazel hair, thinking it looked familiar. She'd been talking to someone earlier......"Amera" she whispered in a husky voice after racking her memory for the name of the girl. Pain filled her lungs making Shiris immediately regret opening her mouth, her throat dryer the the Yied Dessert. Shiris waited a few seconds but reached out with her good hand to cover the girls mouth and nose. She felt sudden urge to suffocate the girl right then and there, if she was going to die she'd kill the wench who had put her in such a situation first. But that urge quickly died away as she noticed that the girl wasn't breathing. The soot on her face being a sign of smoke inhalation. It was a wonder that Shiris too hadn't passed out yet. "Hey, wake up!" she coughed, her voice not being much louder then a whisper now. She felt her lungs being attacked by a coughing fit, trying to get the smoke out of her system, but only succeeding in forcing out as much as it drew in. As her coughing fit receded, she smiled. She'd know she'd die in flames the day she'd taken up fire magic. Though she honestly hadn't expected her end to come so soon. She was surrounded now, fire licking at her body from all directions. Even if she were in top condition she wouldn't be getting out of this one. The smell of burning flesh filling the air around her, She could barely see the limp wolf girl now, her figure engulfed in flames. Shiris's eyes hurt from the heat and smoke but she forced them to stay open as she took in the scene around her. The last scene she'd see in this stupid world. A stupid beautiful world of yellow red and orange. Crimson flames dancing around her merrily as if celebrating her departure from this world. Shiris reached out resting her hand on the wolf-girls head, flames transferring from Amera's head to Shiris's arm. "Unlucky, would have lived a longer happier life had you not come across me" she whispered at the dead girl. Dead without a doubt, and Shiris would join her soon enough. She opened her mouth to say one last word, but whether anything came out, she didn't know.
  22. It's no trouble, Kanami's brilliant mind will think of something! XD Give me a few secs to write it up, I know what I'm doing now. Edit: Well, there goes my plans of being a villain XD Tired now, think I'll get some rest.
  23. Killing Amera = Premature end Dirk = Don't think I want to get captured just yet XD Pass out = ... Fire not bad? Where? In Freege? Fire=spread=death XD Ah well, guess I'll have to reconstruct Shiris then :/
  24. Seppphhhh >_< Now what am I supposed to do? I can either wake up and kill Amera, or I can get knocked out as well and we can both die in the flames XD What is it with you people and passing out mid lunge
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